by Sean Jobst
May 31, 2015
On the American side, there have certainly been fears about the Euro from the currency's inception. "On the other side of the Atlantic the Euro is increasingly perceived as a serious competition to the Dollar." (Die Welt, 13 July 2001, p. 8) "The systematic undermining of the European Union by America is unacceptable....This attack on Europe's foundations by the American politics of menace towards everyone, has already been imposed in a dangerous way." (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 4 October, 2002, p. 12)
This is not to say the Eurozone's woes are solely the result of foreign powers, as there were serious internal flaws which were continuously ignored and hidden until the Greek crisis forced them to the surface: "The Greek tragedy reveals a serious lack in the fundamental structure of the EU. Whitewashing these defects by continually creating new institutions jeopardizes the European peace process." (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25 June 2011, p. 1) "The Euro, which supposedly was going to unify Europe for ever has become the greatest threat of the continent's future." (Der Spiegel, no. 25, 2001, p. 41)
The calls by many international bankers for a new, vague "international financial authority" would merely be giving a new face to the same banking order of the banker dynasties. These calls betray the intersection of globalist think-tanks with private banking institutions. One advocate of reducing the Euro into "pulp" (einstampfen) is Hans Olaf Henkel, member of the elitist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and former lobbyist for Bank of America (despite its name, a private institution).
Who are the banking elites?
We should call it as we see it, and go wherever the facts lead us. And the facts in this case, are that the bankers who have been the cause of the Greek plight - not to mention all the other manipulations of the global economy - are disproportionately Jewish. Even some of the names of the companies involved in these schemes - Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, etc. - betray their unmistakably Jewish origin.
I am a Gentile, so my detractors may hurl the accusation of "anti-Semite" at me for merely stating the FACT that there's an abundance of Jewish names and personalities within the global banking elite. So to forestall such accusations, I cite a very informative article written by a Jewish-American writer named Larry Derfner, in which he observed the rising tide of populist governments in South America and what it means for Jews:
"World Jewry has changed, in Israel and everywhere else. Today its voice is the voice of wealth and power. The strongest Jewish reaction to what's happening in South America - to the extent that influential Jews know what's happening there - is alarm. Fear. Fear that this poor people's movement could spread to other parts of the world, and endanger the wealth and power of all the Jews whose attitude toward the poor is more or less the same as the Bush administration's....
"This week, with the city's subway workers going on strike, the dominant voice of New York Jewry seems to be that of Republican billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg. 'This selfish strike is illegal,' he warned. 'We live in a country of laws where there can be severe consequences for those who break them. Union members are no different.' And in South America, the only Jews who might gain the sympathy of world Jewry are the prosperous, those who would stand to lose some of their wealth, even if only by higher taxes, in the new economic order....
"Today Diaspora Jews and Israelis are of like minds, all going for the gelt, all looking out for No. 1, all agreed that the poor will always be with us, so let's maybe throw them a bone (and put up a plaque). Most important, we are all agreed that the world is divided into the haves and have-nots, and we - Jews of the Diaspora and Israel together - have become the natural allies of the haves, and the natural enemies of the mobilized have-nots.
"And it's not just the Palestinian issue or radical Islam that divides world Jewry from the Third World. It's also the assimilation of American Jewry into the conservative economic and political establishment of their country, and Israeli Jewry's identification and connection with it. You can add the Russian Jewish oligarchs to the mix. You can also throw in the leadership of Jewish organizations across the Diaspora, which are basically plutocracies - societies ruled by the rich. Together, we are the voice of world Jewry. And as the saying goes, where you stand depends on where you sit. We're grown alienated from desperate poor people and striking workers everywhere - in South America, in New York City, and, of course, in Israel." (Larry Derfner, "Rattling the Cage: Decline of Jewish social conscience," The Jerusalem Post, December 22, 2005)
Tel Aviv, Global Money-Laundering Center
As we have already seen, Germany was not primarily to blame for the Greek crisis, as even their economic system was dominated by non-German elements. One of the main financial groups there is Hypo Real Estate (HRE), headed by Bernd Knobloch, son of Charlotte Knobloch, chairwoman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland) - notice the title "Jews in Germany" and not "German Jews", admitting they constitute a foreign element - who then served as Vice President of the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress.
While the German Federal Government was backing HRE to the tune of 120 billion Euros, Knobloch was transferring the main business office of HRE to Tel Aviv! He was able to do so with the banking welfare tribute given to him by the German government, while pocketing money and running off to Israel. On June 25, 2011, German journalist Lars Schall interviewed American financial observer Max Keiser on Global Plutonomy. As Keiser observed: "Tel Aviv has become the biggest money laundering center in the world now, after Switzerland got shut down by the FEDS. So, that all has moved to Tel Aviv. You see, the Shekel is doing quite well as a result of it."
Zionist links
Aside from its mostly Jewish leadership, Goldman Sachs developed close links with Israel - joining the Israeli venture capital fund Jerusalem Venture Capital in injecting $40 million into the Israeli Cyber Ark Software. With all of these links, it should be little wonder that "In Greece there are an increasingly large number, on both sides of the political divide, who lay the blame for the economic crisis at the feet of 'Israel' and the 'Jewish lobby,' or even 'World Jewry.' 'Hitler had stopped them. I admire his strength,' said a man of about 60 years of age, who would not give his name. Some still find Hitler good, while for 80 percent of Greeks, Mrs. Merkel has meanwhile become appalling, according to the polls." (Die Welt, 21 June 2011, p. 4)
One of the other figures involved in the Greek bailout that was dictated by the German government and forced upon German taxpayers, was then head of Deutsche Bank Joseph Ackermann, a member of the Steering Committee of Bilderberg and exercised control over the EU through the International Institute of Finance (IIF) lobbying group.
A press review of the German Embassy in Tel Aviv said about Ackermann on October 28, 2008: "This is how e.g., Deutsche Bank Chief Joseph Ackermann, one of the most outstanding Jews in the German financial sector, including the entire management of the bank announced they will relinquish their bonus for the year 2000."
Greece and the NWO?
In 2010, Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou predicted a cashless economy, where Greece served as the staging ground: "Greece is an experimental laboratory. As the Americans say, the present crisis is too good to be allowed to go to waste, and the statutes of the European Central Bank are not adequate for the task before it." (Die Welt, 22 February 2010, p. 6)
The banking elites have made the nature of money artificial. Contrary to Aristotle and countless other philosophers and indeed faith traditions, they have perpetuated this fraud called usury upon humanity; it certainly has crippled Greece. At first, currency has been paper not backed by any real commodities but solely based on the manipulation by those who control the money supply. We have now reached the next stage of their plan, which is a new cashless electronic currency.
With the abolition of currency, the bankers not only seek to forestall the inflationary collapse, but also as Orwellian Big Brother achieve total control over the population. They will collect the EU's obligations to the banksters through emergency taxes. The speculative operations have been merely numerical deceptions created out of thin air to crush the whole world through the financial elite's gigantic political interest machine. Many thinkers from various nations have had the foresight to see what is actually going on, and some Greek sages have also warned their nation (and, by default, humanity) of the looming plans.
Warnings of Elder Paisios
Elder Paisios was one of the leading Greek Orthodox monks on Mount Athos. In 1992, he gave a series of lengthy warnings to visitors, about what he saw as the coming rise of the Antichrist system and its role within the EU. He referred to the Mark of the Beast as the supercomputer, a new global electronic currency, and the disproportionate role of Jewish bankers behind this system:
"The mark will be an image which will first be placed on all products, and then people will be compelled to wear it on their hand or forehead. Little by little, after the introduction of ID cards with the three sixes, after the creation of a personal dossier, they'll use cunning to introduce the mark. In Brussels a whole palace with three sixes has been built to house a central computer. This computer can keep track of billions of people. The Jews today are planning to control the world economy. They will have the ability to do this with the Brussels super-computer. They will be able to monitor each one of us, monitoring all our information and all our finances. The world economy will eventually be in the Jews' hands."
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Elder Paisios |
After his death in 1994, Elder Paisios' warning that Greece would experience "great disruption and confusion," followed by hunger and political turmoil, took on new significance during the economic crisis. This translated into more pilgrimages to his grave, books about his life and predictions, his image adorning devotional banners and cards, and newspapers carrying his words.
"Figures like Paisios represent the shaman, the magician of the tribe. They are the incarnation of a transcendental, invisible power," observes Alexandra Koronaiou, sociologist at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens. (Gordon Fairclough, "Greeks Seek Strength in the Powers of a Revered Monk to Predict Events," The Wall Street Journal, December 3, 2012)
Greek resilience uncovers new politics of collective and individual responsibility
Steeped in a rich tradition of anarchism, Greek culture is well-suited for the interesting combination of a non-statist individual responsibility with a collective mutualism. Austerity meant the services were no longer being provided to people, so the gap was filled by individuals stepping up to provide these services on their own in a concerted effort for their fellow Greeks.
"The only real way out of this crisis is people doing it for themselves," says Theano Fotiou, member of Syriza's central committee. "If people don't participate, we will be lost as a country. This is practice, not theory, a new social ideology, a new paradigm - the opposite of the old passive, dependent, consumerist, individualist model. And the solidarity projects we have now are its incubators."
Among the measures has been medical doctors providing healthcare pro bono, food solidarity centers, social kitchens, cooperatives, "without middlemen" distribution networks for fresh produce, and legal aid hubs. Lawyers have also been giving their legal services to families being foreclosed. So if there is any good that has come from what has befallen Greece, it is this - a redefinition of what politics actually is, beyond the rhetoric that doesn't match the reality.
Adversity has a way of making people turn inwardly, finding out things about themselves that they don't know. This is more than true of Hellenic resilience. "This whole thing," notes lawyer and Syriza member Katerina Knitou, "has made a lot of people very aware, not just of what they face, but also of what they can - and must - do....It's up to us, all of us, to change things. And honestly? This feels like a good start."
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