By Sean Jobst
31 July 2024
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I recommend the work of political cartoonist George Alexopoulos |
Three events in this past month reveals the persona of a Managerial class that will remain entrenched no matter the Shadow they project upon the masses every four years. I’m inclined to see these events as rituals – knowing that the world is ruled by myth and symbols, even if disguised in Postmodernist terms that dismiss the mythic and symbolic as antiques of a dark age before the last few hundred years or so of linear “Progress”.
They know much has been lost by the disenchantment and loss of myth, yet the primal instinct of mythology remain deeply embedded in the individual and collective who seek to fill that void, if not by writing their own Myth and following their own Hero's Journey, searching for that in the external - in political messiahs and scapegoats. So it is with these ritual psyops, designed to harvest the energy of the populace - whether it be their emotions, passions, and actions - and create the latest iteration of a ruling mythology to ensure the status quo. These rituals and psyops are centered around a constant repetition of their intended message, to craft individual energies and collective reactions.
Viewing these events as psyops is not to deny their authenticity, straying down rabbit-holes of seeing a conspiracy everywhere which can often go down dead-end obsessions about details. Nor is it to deny a conspiracy, which simply comes from the Latin con- “with” + spire “to breathe”, so any gathering of two or more people that excludes others from their confidence can be termed a conspiracy. The term “Conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA to discredit those who questioned the official narrative of the Kennedy assassination and afterwards State crimes generally.
These psyops are very real events designed to forge a new ruling mythology. The State relies on psyops to demoralize the public (by inundating them with such a barrage of information they don't know what to truly believe), entrench their own authority, and curry sympathy for the rulers. We experienced that in the most visceral manner with 9/11, but more recently the 6 January psyop. Just as with the triple cycles of life, death, and rebirth within Natural Law, or the three-fold deaths of mythic Hero-Gods, the Managerial mediocres invert a three-fold dialectic of Thesis (Problem) -> Antithesis (Reaction) -> Synthesis (Solution), to expand and entrench their control structures.
Just as with the triple cycles of life, death, and rebirth within Natural Law, or the three-fold deaths of mythic Hero-Gods, the Managerial overseers create a three-part Hegelian dialectic to maintain their control structure, inverting the natural law of threes. The Thesis of an enfeebled King Biden required an Antithesis of a heroic, invincible King Trump surviving an assassination attempt to replace the humiliated scapegoat. Then will be forged a Synthesis where the ruling mythos will assume some changed features and pick up new adherents in the process, but the same classes will remain entrenched in authority (yet the choice is always ours to give them our powers).
Humiliation Ritual of the Enfeebled King
First was introduced the Thesis of Biden’s cognitive decline
making him unfit for re-election. This was put on full display at the debate on
27 June, which can be seen as a ritual humiliation of The Fool. Obviously,
Biden has declined and become enfeebled – one need only watch
clips of him speaking in recent years and going back decades to recognize this
reality. Yet it wasn’t sudden, as the same media stenographers of Biden
Politburo directives who were constantly covering for him reported on an AP poll from March where growing numbers of Americans saw him as mentally incapable.
What is the psyop is the ease with which the same media that has fawned over Biden and covered for him all years, now joins the scripted chorus for his retirement on grounds of his “sudden” cognitive decline they were denying before. The calls for his quiet retirement, so he can “pass the torch” – itself a phrase steeped in myth and ritual, on the eve of the Paris Olympics – so he can “save his legacy”. This psyop is calculated to distract from his policies – a murderous, lying, scandalous legacy extending back to the 1970s as I documented in a comprehensive expose before the 2020 election.
Court historians and stenographers, who spent years giving the senile Jester King excuse after excuse, admit that all talk of his “legacy” is about “rewriting the narrative”. They built him up only to knock him down, with the liberal-Democratic magazine The Atlantic now decrying “the destructive power of a stubborn old narcissist with something to prove” who is “acting like one of history’s most negligent and pigheaded leaders at a crucial moment.” That they would endorse, enable and defend a “narcissist” up to recently says a lot about that screed itself, but of course must step aside since “we are all pedestrians”. Its telling that Pedestrian originally derives from one of the meanings of Plebeian: “man in the street”. The Plebs are now invited to collectively witness the humiliation ritual of the enfeebled King.
The spectacle was designed to “Sacrifice Biden to save American democracy.” Indeed, Biden’s withdrawal from the race on 21 July was greeted with religious terms of “salvation” by the media and Democratic Party leaders. He was identified with America itself, so that his actions were ritualized for all and he “saved” them with his “selfless” decision. A leading New York Times columnist wrote of how Biden completely “reshaped America”. His Washington Post counterpart waxed messianically of Biden’s decision “to save the soul of America – again”. Using the same occultic language cited earlier, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called on Kamala Harris “to take up the torch”.
Speaking even more to the ritual, a “palace coup” by Democrat apparatchiks replaced the enfeebled King with a Hillary 2.0 astroturfed over a personal story constructed over fraud and fables. One insider report even says the elites of his Party "set him up to fail" at the debate. It took no time at all for the media to combine their memorials of Biden’s “legacy” with new messianic platitudes of Kamala Harris. They repeated the mindless, collectivist drivel of Identity Politics to anoint her as the paragon of history. What she actually personifies is the archetype of the dumbed-down, compliant, “brat” automaton who is superficial and follows the "Current Thing" outside consistent principles because the State and its mass-culture dictates it to their vapid minds.
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As I documented in my 2020 article, their influence in expanding the Police State cannot be denied. |
The Anointing of Coup-Mala Harris
The reality is that Kamala Harris was born and raised in privilege. In the manner of one who lacks a true personality beyond the pure opportunistic impulse for power over others, she has adopted the persona of Hillary Clinton down to her psychopathic cackles and duping delight. She has always been a favorite of billionaires – including billionaire investor/war profiteer/”philanthropist” Soros and his spawn - who has promoted the same economic and foreign policy interventions that continuously serve their interests. Her cultists were forced to admit their projections did not match her reality as Vice President. I reiterate my 2020 article documenting her record as Police State psychopath in California:
"As San Francisco prosecutor from 2004 to 2011, Harris built a reputation implementing the same type of draconian crime laws Biden was sponsoring in the U.S. Senate. In 2004, she opposed a state initiative to ease minimum mandatory sentencing laws, further opposing sentence reform measures in 2012 and 2014. She began prosecuting parents of habitually truant students, even sending public school parents threatening letters, including a $2,000 fine or prison sentence. (Truancy in California includes "having three unexcused absences or being late to school by 30 minutes three times in one school year.") In 2010, Harris opposed Proposition 19 that would have legalized marijuana in California (it wasn't legalized until 2016).
"She oversaw the city's crime lab which violated defendants' rights by hiding evidence that technician Deborah Madden purposely sabotaged the drug results of multiple cases, skimming cocaine for herself and mishandling evidence. Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo ruled that Harris' office purposely hid Madden's recent conviction from defense lawyers, calling into question the convictions of nearly forty defendants; it has since led to more than 600 drug-related cases getting tossed out. Harris also challenged the release of Daniel Larsen, even after it was revealed he was innocent and nine witnesses were not called to testify for him. She admitted his innocence but worked to keep him imprisoned on the grounds he failed to present proof quick enough; his conviction was overturned only by the help of the Innocence Project in 2009.
There’s never accountability in American politics, whether its hallowed calls to “Lock Her Up” in 2016/2017, or excusing Rona authoritarians in a profane “amnesty” paid for with their ritual sacrifices of the blood, lives (including the Died Suddenlys), and treasure of millions. So will it be as the new regime takes his place harvesting the anger and discontent that will easily fade into the Status Quo. The pathological impulse for a savior remains entrenched within a compliant public lulled to slumber with the predictable lullabies of "Hope and Change" and "Drain the Swamp", all so they can project either their imagery of evil or messianic delusions upon the latest political Shadow.
Rise of the Managerial Class
Social classes are a fact that have nothing to do with its hijacking and perversion by Marxist rhetoric, nor is it the collectivist trinity of “Victim”, “Oppressor,” and “Rescuer” as within the mind-virus of Critical Theory. The tribes of today are structured around a multitude of shared interests and experiences, including but not limited to how they make their money. At the same time, the importance of economic classes should not be denied as it is by many Conservatives. Old ideologues of the Right and Left are unable to even understand the growth of Populism because they have failed to keep up with how the old social classes they still base their analyses upon, rapidly morphed with the rise of an ascendent Managerial Class.
As noted by prolific writer and scholar John Michael Greer, there are basically four economic classes in the postmodern United States, named after the way they make their money: The Investment, Salaried, Wage, and Welfare Classes. Aside from how they earn their money, these classes share values and experiences manifesting down to the political culture. Groupthink and the symbols of authority are dictated top-down by entrenched sectors of the Investment and Upper-Salaried classes who have a fanatical disdain toward the Wage and lower-Salaried classes, to such an extent one wonders if there is some envy at play there - the impulse to destroy what those classes have and level all to a mindless conformity that respects no true meaning and joy to life beyond mechanization.
These four classes correspond to the “Managerial Revolution” described by political philosopher James Burnham in 1941. Disillusioned with Communism, he broadly moved to the Right but proposed many independent ideas outside both orthodoxies. Burnham’s ideas were so influential that Orwell named him a major inspiration for the managerial Big Brother in 1984. Burnham pointed to a crisis within Capitalism to suggest a Managerial Revolution marked by the conflict between two classes: The old Capitalist entrepreneurial, bourgeois elite who generally wanted to lessen the State’s control (while still enjoying their privileges); and the ascendent Managerial elite, whose goal is to eliminate any lingering distinction between the State and Economy.
The Managerial Revolution propelled
selected corporate managers, scientists, and government bureaucrats to the
levers of State. While the old bourgeois were largely guided by self-discipline
and delayed gratification, more prone to save their money across generations,
the new Managers were for consumerism and instant gratification. Its little
surprise then their rise meant America’s transition from a manufacturing to consumerist
society, which has further morphed into a service and information-based
economy. The State has swelled
exponentially with every administration - regardless of Democrat or Republican - incurring a debt they borrow from Big Banks but pass off to the masses via the
fiction of “national” debt and hidden tax of inflation, with
the purchasing power of the dollar plummeting with each year.
Managerialism has entrenched itself through both parties, affecting the culture itself similar to how the Austrian economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek warned of Scientism infiltrating economics and all other sectors of society. That is, not a spirit of honest inquiry and critical thought but statistical dogmatism dictated from top-down by select credentialed “experts”. These are “centralized, technically skilled elites that specialize in the usurpation of previously autonomous social functions.” Our post-2020 reality of authoritarian dictates masking themselves in the name of "public health" and paid for by fear-inducing bogeymen, are taken for the new "normal" by a public lulled by fear-cultivations of "trust the experts".
Burnham predicted the rise of technocracy, envisioning it based on the Managers' robotic behavior. It has been used to expand the Managerial State but, as I expressed in a recent article about how the State and its various institutions have an inverted magic built into their structures to spellbound people and harvest their energy for its own control system, we can use technology itself as a tool of freedom and sovereignty against them. That energy comes in the form of not only the blood and treasure, but emotions and fears cultivated from a visceral reaction from people inundated by such a barrage of constant information and stimuli that its designed to gaslight, obfuscate truth, and elevate falsehood. Just as Scientism has infiltrated all sectors reducing them to quantifiable, with Managerialism its no longer that politics is downstream from culture, but that Culture itself has become completely politicized.
Managerial State Created Woke and Critical Theory to Kill the Occupy
America has been in decline ever since it ironically embraced the delusion of “Progress”. Its no accident the Managerial rise coincided with journalist Garet Garrett’s prediction that America “crossed the boundary that lies between Republic and Empire.” While sharing many features with Rome – many of which will be discussed about Caesarism in Part 2 – one difference is the American Empire arose alongside an abstract “Democracy” never mentioned in America's founding documents and political philosophy, which were unanimous it was founded as a Republic. Much can be said about Natural Law as noted by such great minds of the anti-statist American tradition as the great Lysander Spooner, but certainly even those who make the case for "limited" government can attest the Managerial State is a Leviathan repudiating those foundations aside from empty lip-service while mocking it by their policies.
The rising Plutocrats and their Managerial successors realized it was easier to rule by giving people the illusion of political choices. Caught up in their own mediocre procedures while also driven by their own authority and profits, beholden to various special interests, and being rootless in their worldview – feeling themselves part of a transnational “elite” exhibited by its institutions and blinded by their hatred of the Wage and lower-Salaried classes – the Managerial State has overseen various economic policies that have wrecked the nation. Just to give some examples, I will cite some analyses of these policies made in John Michael Greer’s excellent book, The King in Orange: The Magical and Occult Roots of Political Power (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2021):
“In the early 1980s, a set of economic policies – among them, free-trade agreements, tacit encouragement of unlimited illegal immigration, and ever-expanding government regulations that benefited big corporations at the expense of small businesses – got assigned the role of the fixed direction that economic progress would thereafter follow. About a decade later, the Rescue Game, with its allotment of the roles of ‘victim’ and ‘persecutor’ by gender and ethnicity and its systematic erasure of the realities of class interest and class prejudice, got assigned the same status in terms of social and cultural progress.” (p. 156)
“Outside the bicoastal echo chamber of the affluent, the
U.S. economy has spent decades in something close to freefall. The much-vaunted
‘recovery’ of the Obama years benefited only the upper 20 percent or so by
income of the population; the rest were left to get by on declining real wages,
while having to face skyrocketing rents driven by federal policies that propped
up the real estate market, and stunning increases in medical costs driven by
the Affordable Care Act. It’s no accident that death rates from suicide, drug
overdose, and alcohol poisoning soared among working-class people. They were
being driven to despair and destitution by a bipartisan policy consensus from
which only Donald Trump was willing to dissent.” (p. 30)
Another bipartisan policy consensus was bailing out failed big banks and corporations from the stolen resources of the Wage and Lower-Salaried classes. This alongside opposition to their endless wars, led to a grassroots outrage that swelled into the Ron Paul Revolution and the Occupy and Tea Party movements that transcended old categories of “right” and “left”. I come from this political heritage, awakening broadly as an anti-war, anti-corporate Nader progressive during my teenaged years and early twenties, then whose research into economics and the root causes of war led him to actively support the Ron Paul movement while also involved in a small local branch of Occupy. After a decade of protest votes for Libertarian and Green candidates, I rejected electoral politics with a more awakened, principled Anarchism.
This spontaneous uprising against how the Investment and Upper-Salaried classes were raking in profits at the expense of the others, sent seismic political shockwaves. Already caught up on Narcissistic perceptions of their own moral superiority, Managerial Technocrats used their Ivy Towers to introduce Critical Race Theory and Woke to kill off Occupy. I saw this personally with Occupy movements misdirected away from banking and corporate welfare – there is a direct correlation to when those theories really took off in the culture, and the neutering of Occupy. Meanwhile, the Tea Party was co-opted from its libertarian roots by the Neocon wing of the bipartisan consensus.
One of the main purposes of these distractions was divide
and conquer: the Wage and Lower-Salaried classes segmented into other
categories attacking each other around “identity”; those classes directed their
ire against the Welfare class, while the latter saw those two classes as their
“enemies” while dependent upon (and thus reliably supporting) the Managerial
State. Not only profiting from the divided energies of the others, but the Managers
also benefit from anointing themselves the “Rescuers” who must “protect” the
declared “Victims” and punish the “Persecutors”. It’s a perverse ritual where
the Wage and Lower-Salaried classes can be tarred as “privileged” while
the Managers elevate their own moral “superiority” beyond reproach, but dictate
the terms of the game:
“Ritual works by setting up a microcosm of the world and,
within that microcosm, enacting whatever it is that you want yourself or others
to experience in the world as a whole. In the ritual theater of the Rescue
Game, the privileged enact a repetitive drama in which they get assigned the
permanent role of sympathizers with the wronged and punishers of the bad. This
allows them to defend themselves against the unwelcome recognition that their
own behavior toward working people will not necessarily bear scrutiny in moral
terms.” (Greer, op. cit., p. 75)
Another more insidious reason behind Woke and “Current Thing” virtue-signaling is a test of loyalty to see just how far people will comply. Those ideas were floated around social media, where mob mentality joined with the dopamine hacks of “likes”, the symbolic “slacktivist” profile pic trend, were a test run that arose just after the time of Occupy – this is no accident. From Corporate Socialism there is but a natural mutation into Woke Capitalism as the latest synthesis that entrenches the Managerial State across the Left/Right dialectic. Its a set of behaviors and beliefs to condition people into the absurd so they will accept more and more of whatever they’re told to do, while carefully managed distractions give people the illusion of "democracy". The conditioning reared its ugliest head with all the compliance rolled-out (and rolled-up) after 2020. Just as politics is downstream from culture and culture is politicized, so too is it all a Shadow projection from the psychological.
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The TDS Dialectic and Trump as America's Shadow
Most popularized and expressed by the famed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, The Shadow was reduced to a pop-psychology by media mediocres whose analysis was tied to an “Orange Man Bad” dogma. They invoked The Shadow in the most superficial ways to represent all the negativities they ascribed to the deep underbelly of “privileged” working America to guilt-trip them into internalizing whatever the real privileged classes dictated top-down through their echo chambers. Such dribble revealed far more about their own circles than anything about the common, working-class Americans – or even about the figure of Trump himself.
"The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself and yet is always thrusting itself upon him directly or indirectly for instance, inferior traits of character and other incompatible tendencies." (Carl Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, p. 284)
“The shadow is projected outward, onto others. There's
nothing wrong with me—it's them.” (Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Child and the
Shadow,” The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, April 1975, Vol. 32, No.
2, pp. 139-148)
The mediocres (“elites”)-that-were are so bound to the
Narcissistic image of their own infinite “wisdom” and Psychopathic mandate to direct
groupthink, so rigid in their technical functions and statistical projections,
their own aloof sense of the real world outside their moral glass towers….unprepared
them for realizing that decades of economic and social policies designed for
their own profit and control at the expense of the others, would finally lead
to some populist backlash against the Establishment. They sink deeper into
Shadow repression, ascribing it to others since it couldn’t
possibly apply to such moral paragons as themselves. Their
politicized pop-psychology has done to the Shadow the same pop-“spirituality” did to karma: Twisted it into a wholly negative thing that applies to
others but never to oneself.
They assign to the Trumpian Shadow all the traits they refuse to face (and integrate) about themselves. Worse, through Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) their psychosis festered into a collective cognitive dissonance that presumes that career politicians with all their wars, bank and corporate lackeying, consistently playing with the lives and livelihood of millions for their own authority and profit, etc. are “virtuous” and apparently no evil existed in politics until Trump appeared. Their favored politicians often pursued the same policies – and, often even worse (since they were in government much longer). For example, what are we to make of the slogan we heard in 2016 ("Love Trumps Hate") created by a woman who sadistically laughed when she received news of the brutal murder of Qadhafi five years before? “We came, we saw, he died.” I suspect more cognitive dissonance drowned out now by the hysterical cackles of the latest anointed sociopath.
It goes without saying that anyone familiar with my work going back to 2015 will see my consistency upon principles and not jumping on the Trump bandwagon – I criticized him also during his presidency, but not for the hysterical symptoms often invented by TDS hypochondriacs. Trump is the Shadow projection of people’s angers and delusions of evil; or hopes and messianic fantasies. He polarizes exactly because he is the unwitting figure whose mere presence brings to the surface class divides and conflicting visions of American identity and destiny, that were for so long repressed within the unconscious. These Shadow projections festered for so long because they were drowned by a bipartisan consensus that suppressed voices and issues outside the corporate duopoly.
Projections often feed upon each other, so that Trump
benefited as a “victim” from the media that obnoxiously went hysterical about
him while lionizing and excusing worse politicians. TDS is most often ascribed
to such hypocrisy, but we shouldn’t forget another expression of TDS is a
delusional Trumpian messianism that played right into the hands of the Deep
State via the January 6th psyop, wasting their energies on the dead
end QAnon, and delusions about “White Hats” secretly working within but against
the system. Especially since my own spiritual journey and growing awareness,
I’ve become even more an opponent of any kind of messianism and savior
complexes. So while stating my obvious issues with Trump – to be expressed more
in Part 2 – I will just say the two expressions of TDS are complementary and
need each other to fester and project as the egregores they have become.
Jung made many observations about the collective shadow of America and other nations. Having been politically active back to my
teenaged years during Bush and the Neocons (now rehabilitated by the
Left/”Liberal” establishment), then seeing many others who opposed those wars
quietly fold when Obama and the Neoliberals continued the War Machine, then how
the Occupy movement was neutered from the economic/banking question by the
State’s latest culture war distractions….demonstrates that Obama himself was
the Shadow of the American Empire: People projecting their “hope and change” to
put a “liberal” spin on the same Imperial structure, to make themselves feel
good. Thus was invented the concept of liberal interventionism which differed
from the Neocon only by the rhetoric used to bomb and kill others. I have to be
cynical and ask if perhaps those who jumped on this bandwagon were only angry
because the spoils of war remained with Corporate elites and not shared with
“Our empire gave the 5 percent of humanity that lived in the
United States access to a quarter of the planet’s natural resources and a third
of its manufactured products, and of course those were by no means equally
distributed among Americans.” (Greer, op. cit., p. 190)
Under his administration the same economic decline occurred
because it was institutional and a bipartisan consensus. For example, a September
2014 Cambridge study by two political science professors concluded that “economic elites and
organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent
impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average
citizens have little or no independent influence.” It has certainly continued
under the current Biden/Harris administration, where we see such things as the
nexus between Big Tech and the State, the crushing of small businesses by the
State which used the Rona as an excuse and sanctioned privileged Marxist riots,
Black Rock buying up foreclosed properties thanks to the declining (by design)
economy, and Bill Gates buying up vast amounts of farmland helped by the
government’s policies.
Part 2 will discuss Mimetics and the Scapegoat ritual,
American Caesarism, Trump’s reproachment with Big Tech, MAGA as a grift that
maintains the status quo on American subservience to Israel and simply
rehabilitates many Swamp creatures, and certain Republican Leftward lurches
that seem to indicate a new ruling synthesis. But first related to The Shadow,
a good discussion on how Kamala Harris’ psychological baggage and false
life-story constructed around fraud and lies determine her craving for the
attention and sense of vengeance she thinks is owed to her. Its by an author
whose Leftist/Marxist ideology and Duginist geopolitics I don’t agree with, but
whose criticisms of the New Left and Democrat Party establishment I believe is
pertinent and invaluable – especially as the media will continue to inundate us
with a constant barrage of Kamala veneration and puff piece lies. I cannot
stress enough the amount of Psychopaths, Narcissists, and Sociopaths
proliferating within the Managerial State….
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