Friday, November 13, 2020

Spoiled Bureaucrats Plot 'Coup' on Leaked Zoom Call

 by Sean Jobst

13 November 2020

"We also are often saying that: 'Call it a coup. It's a coup. Don't let anyone tell you it's not.'"

   Those were the stunning words of someone identified by the Orwellian name "Facilitator - RG" on a Zoom call leaked earlier this month by the watchdog group Sunrise Exposed. The call was part of a "training session" hosted by the leftist activist group ShutDown DC for federal employees on how to use their capacity as civil servants within various government agencies, to "slow down" and "shut down" the Trump Administration to aid outside Leftist groups and causes. It was held under the auspices of the Sunrise Movement, an umbrella movement of 400 affinity groups centered around climate change and linked to Extinction Rebellion's activities within America. ShutDown DC published a "Disruption Guide" that planned "mass, sustained disruptive movements all over the country", in what appears similar to the mass organized and well-funded NGO efforts that destabilized other countries. Its not a stretch to suggest some of those same forces involved at various levels here too.  

   The exact time and date of the Zoom call is unclear, but is possibly the "Democracy Is In Our Hands" event dated Oct. 27th 8pm ET, associated with a document by leftist activist Jeremy Brecher. An early proponent of the man-made climate change alarmism, Brecher was a visiting fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a D.C.-based elitist think-tank founded with Wall Street money and accused of having been a KGB front by a Soviet defector; it has connections to the BLM leaders. Brecher's work there included working with Bernie Sanders on "Sustainable Development" before it was adopted as part of the United Nations' Agenda 21 (now 2030). The document warned of a "Trump coup", but this is a clear sign of projection - a Presidential candidate using the judicial process to challenge the results of an election that was very narrow in several crucial states and defined by mounting evidence of improprieties is less of a "coup" than select government bureaucrats openly talking about using their positions to shut down the Administration in collusion with outside groups.

   The Zoom session started with the various participants touting their credentials and titles: "management programs analyst"; "I work in the National Security community"; "I spent three-and-a-half years as a contractor at DHS HQ". Its alarming that such ideological zealots are highly placed within such agencies as the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security apparatus. Yet its not surprising, given what a whistleblower exposed about indoctrination at the Sandia National Laboratories. This mixture of a dogmatic ideology, rejection of all those outside that ideology, and an apocalyptic vision of the world if one fails to act in a certain way, held by an untold number of bureaucrats is certainly problematic. We can expect such indoctrination within government agencies to intensify with a Biden/Harris Administration.

   One zealot identifying himself as "Komrade Lokh" boasted of collusion with media: "Leak everything you can. The journalists I've dealt with have been super ethical in ways to shield me, to be the source of the leaks." One of the few using her actual full name on the call was Maria Stephan, an academic who serves as Director of the program on nonviolent action at the federal United States Institute of Peace - funded by such agencies as the Defense and State Departments, USAID, and Congress. In a blatant Orwellian inversion, the "Institute for Peace" is staffed with various interventionist Democratic and Republican past officials and academics (including the recently-ousted Secretary of Defense Mike Esper). Stephan was lead foreign affairs officer at the Department of Defense's Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations and NATO headquarters. 

   In appreciation for her work on "regime change" through "civil resistance", Stephan was awarded the inaugural Henry J. Leir Human Security Award by the Carnegie Foundation-funded Institute for Human Security at Tufts University in Bedford, MA in 2015. Stephan - whose profile page at the Institute cryptically says "On sabbatical to focus on domestic democracy work" - boasted of collusion between these civil servants and outside activists: "Groups on the outside, being able to show solidarity with federal works." Quoting Harry S. Truman - "I thought I was the president, but when it comes to these bureaucrats, I can't do a damn thing" - Stephan boasted of bureaucrats' power over government:

   "The bottom line is that we all—as ordinary people, um, and as federal workers—have power. If masses of people engage in noncooperation, no ruler can stay in power. Bureaucracy is a really powerful pillar, and, you know, federal workers have unparalleled familiarity with the bureaucratic process: They know how to speed things up; they know how to slow them down; they have access to critical information about policies that are being considered or implemented; they can participate in an internal decision-making; they can provide or deny knowledge or expertise that those at the top of the bureaucratic totem pole need."

   Stephan continued: "We are talking about the range of different tactics. We talk about acts of commission and acts of omission." One of the former is "creating parallel structures and organizing units." After naming three of four groups "preparing people for the possibility that red lines may be crossed, um, that, you know, there - that the election goes sideways", she spoke in revolutionary terms: "They are in the vanguard of helping people think about how to interpret red lines and think about different actions that can be taken well beyond street protests and demonstrations." One "Facilitator - Nadine" cited the BLM movement as one such "vanguard" organization.

They produced a map of the areas of D.C.
where they planned certain actions to
shut down or "take over" key buildings

   Among the others listed are We Count On Us and Hold the Line, a leftist evangelical "political activist movement to engage the church and millennials who have been inactive in the past elections." The fourth group is Choose Democracy, which defines its mission in relation to an alleged "coup" - yet another example of projection, accusing one's opponent for something you're actually guilty of: "Our work involves psychological preparation, lessons from history, and strategic sensibility." The Big Lie repetition about a "coup" that was repeated months leading up to the election, is a "psychological preparation" meant to condition people for what would follow. The myriad of media elites and think-tanks these "revolutionaries" are colluding with are now setting the tone of the discourse, knowing that unfortunately a large number of people will be programmed by their talking-points. This contributed to the many emotional low-information voters who thought they were fighting for "democracy" by enabling a candidacy of  two career politicians who created, sponsored, and presided over among the most atrocious Police State, mass surveillance, crime bills, warmongering, and Wall Street bailout legislation ever conceived within these United States.

   Projection is on full display with the climate change alarmism, as it has nothing to do with the environment but everything to do with authoritarianism. One need only look at the various elite connections and social status of these leading advocates. The group affiliated with the Zoom call, Sunrise Movement, arose from a predecessor called the Sunrise Movement Education Fund, incorporated in January 2014 with a $30,000 grant plus free office space provided by the Sierra Club. Its founder was Dartmouth College and Wesleyan University visiting professor, Michael K. Dorsey, and two former Wesleyan students: Evan Weber and Matthew Lichtash. Dorsey was an NGO representative on the U.S. State Department delegation to the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, which formulated the "sustainable development" authoritarian touted by these elite bureaucratic organizations using ecology as the excuse. In 1993, he served on the task force for Bill Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development. Dorsey is affiliated with the elitist Club of Rome - the profile has been scrubbed but that the URL exists demonstrates it existed at some point. He was an environmental advisor for the Obama campaign and served as a member of the Advisory Committee of the EPA during his Administration. 

Logo of the Sunrise Movement

This doomsday cult wants their dogma to be the
basis of government - and Biden they see as the
candidate most willing to implement their vision.

   The key thing to note about these phony "environmentalists" is they advocate a top-down approach, dictating to the masses one rule while holding to a different rule themselves. Founded in April 2017, the Sunrise Movement is a 501(c)(4) political action organization linked to Extinction Rebellion - a group with its own elitist connections. It works closely with Democratic Socialist politicians like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, to lobby for the coercive Green New Deal. Its about selectively manipulating "science" much like the Covid lockdowns pushed by these same authoritarians. At the lower levels of both are people who treat it like a cult, with all the same characteristics of an organized religion and the stark, apocalyptic vision of a doomsday cult. 

   They are detached from the environment, disconnected as they are within their crowded tightly-managed cities and Ivory Tower bubbles. That same environment they want to manage because they see it as fully dependent upon human action. Yet I know as a Pagan that it has a consciousness of its own, that the climate is cyclical (as even a reading of history attests) and the Earth sustains and heals itself; it is much stronger than such "climate change" cultists imagine. Real ecological abuse is ignored by such cultists, because it would not lend itself to an authoritarian control over people and resources as much as some apocalyptic myth about an "extinction". They are out of balance with Nature, which is why they're obsessed with top-down managerial structures that have to step in with the "solutions". That imbalance is also seen with their projection, a tactic on one hand but looking at the sad husks in the video, we can also say its a sad substitute for an identity that gives meaning to their hollowed lives.  

   Perhaps these bureaucrats (with their bloated paychecks and privileged lives) are just waxing fantasies about "revolution" and a "coup", yet their positions combined with their coordination with well-funded activist groups shows some kind of subversion. That they were working within various government agencies, its not outside the realm of strong possibility that some may also be placed in positions to oversee the handling and counting of ballots, especially with the growing number of various whistleblowers coming forward with signed affidavits that they witnessed individuals who committed various improprieties. Regardless of elections, there is a bureaucracy that has long been entrenched - its just that now, there is a dogmatic ideology animating some of them, so that every measure they take to undermine the "democratic" will of people (perversely in the name of "democracy"), to enlarge and expand the scope of government, they justify under that ideology. Astute men within our country's history have warned about the power of this bureaucracy.

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