by Sean Jobst
30 March 2022
Artificial Supplanting of Natural Immunity
At the Munich Security Conference on 18 February 2022, Bill Gates lamented the strength and reliability of people's natural immune systems over the experimental treatments he has funded and promoted: "Sadly, the virus itself - particularly the variant omicron - is a type of vaccine. That is, it creates both B cell and T cell immunity. And it's done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines."....The vaccine is not a means towards achieving their latest goal-post (i.e. two weeks to "flatten the curve", now the illusion of "zero-Covid") - its the end-goal, but why?
There has been a strange neglect of natural immunity, despite it being affirmed in no less than 150 research studies. "A strange feature of rhetoric during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that came to public notice in early 2020 was the odd silence about the immune system," as noted by the economist Jeffrey Tucker. "Whereas in the past, vaccines and natural exposure were regarded as partners in disease mitigation, this time they were set up in competition, with all respectable voices pushing vaccines and shouting down anyone who dared break the silence about natural forces." The WHO's initial definition of "herd immunity" included "immunity developed through previous infection," deleted by November 2020 although it has since been reiterated. Others who downplayed natural immunity in their insatiable lust for the jab have finally admitted natural immunity, such as the CDC and Fauci, although Fauci seems disappointed at the virus' inability to "evade immune response" from "prior infection." Tucker concludes: "Experience with Covid-19 is a textbook case of how the immune system scales naturally to take on the newest pathogens that have always and will always vex the world. The vaccine (especially one using a new innovation rather than a traditional inoculation) for this type of virus – respiratory, widespread, and mild for most – will necessarily be more hit-and-miss, simply because of the pace of mutation and the emergence of variants."
We can speak about the $36.8 billion in sales Pfizer made off the jab in 2021. Pfizer and Moderna project $51 billion in Covid vaccine sales this year. Moderna reported $7.21 billion just this last sales quarter. Recurring profits as admitted by the FDA Executive Officer: "There's a money incentive for Pfizer and the drug companies to promote additional vaccinations." The revolving door between the State and Big Pharma means the government promotes jabs even while the CDC admits it prevents neither infection or transmission. The media gatekeepers admit hospitals make money from reporting more Covid cases, so its common sense the definition of "COVID cases" will be broadened and numbers inflated in collusion with the State which grabs more control from "fighting the virus". Fear sells and is a powerful tool for social control.
Profit is not the sole or even deeper agenda. These authorities hate Nature and her cycles, because they know she is the Source of people's innate freedom and central to their health. They want their vaccine technology to supplant people's natural immune systems, to trust in that external "savior" because it views people as broken shells to be "upgraded" with the latest "booster" fix. They want people to outsource their bodies to them in perpetuity. We are being conditioned to weaken our immune systems by fearing any exposure to the bacteria and viruses that are part of Nature's cycles, our adapting to them overtime that eventually makes them harmless. Rolling out a vaccine at the height of an alleged pandemic violates basic Virology, forcing the original virus to morph into variants always a step ahead of their technology. They hate and fear the strong will and resilience of the human being, which has overcome innumerable diseases and illnesses through the power of our blood and DNA throughout history. This is why I call what they seek the Transubstantiation of the Jab.

You cannot be disconnected from these cycles and expect to be "healthy", as they deliver nothing but sickness by trying to cheat and supplant Nature. They admit the harmful effects of their jab technology (as indeed its an experimental technology, not even a conventional vaccine), hidden in plain sight within their scientific reports; as is the fact it has the built-in capacity to alter DNA. A Swedish study published by Current Issues in Molecular Biology reveals the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine carries a reverse transcriptase enzyme called LINE-1 that attaches itself onto a human liver cell to reverse transcribe the vaccine's genetic code into the DNA. Another peer-reviewed study found a spike protein that can still be detected in the jabbed's lymph nodes for up to 8 weeks, as well as in the blood after the Pfizer vaccine equal to and in some cases greater than what occurs in the blood after COVID infection. These will be long-term effects as a report in the New England Journal of Medicine refers to a "rapid decline in immunity" after six months, hence the "need" for an endless supply of Needlecraft in contrast to lasting natural immunity.
The vaccine also contains a Moderna-patented cancer gene sequence in its spike protein. Such spike proteins built into the vaccines allegedly assist the "memory cells" that help with immunity, but could it not be encoding false "memories" into our DNA? Technologies to "trick" receptors and thus alter certain elements of our DNA. Memories should be understood here on an energetic level of information accumulated from the land, other beings, or experiences, then affecting us down to the cellular level. Some are useful for our growth, for knowing our true selves and connecting to higher awareness; others can bind and be manipulated against us. That Moderna is in the genetic altering business is proven by its research partnership with the CRISPR gene editing company Metagenomi. "CRISPR is a technology that can be used to edit genes and, as such, will likely change the world," according to New Scientist. There are efforts to encode CRISPR as vaccine "enhancers".
A study done by CDC researchers found the risk of the heart inflammation myocarditis is 133 times greater in those who take the jab than in others. Far from denying this, the CDC justifies it by advising an eight-week waiting period between their Pfizer and Moderna fixes whose inefficiency is admitted by many scientific studies. Such is the religious fanaticism with which they promote this new savior, a dogmatic superstition held by exactly many of the most "rational scientific" people. It has nothing to do with "science" and everything to do with the revolving door between the State and the very industries it "regulates". Many who used to accept this common knowledge are under the cognitive dissonance of Covidianism. The State and Corporate Media are compliant despite companies like Pfizer being the source of past fraud and malpractice crimes. The FDA has a history of receiving payments from pharma companies after approving their drugs, which are rushed because those payments account for 75% of their budget for scientific reviews. Now with the current vaccine, that agency wanted 55 years "to release the safety data from those clinical trials," as noted by mRNA inventor-turned-whistleblower Dr. Robert Malone.

Gender Imbalance and Assaults Upon Nature
Anecdotes abound of women's menstrual cycles being off-balance these past two years, enough to indicate an actual trend. There is something in the world the elites are structuring to cause such chemical changes, using the virus as their excuse to roll out the latest chemical weapon. This profane Needlecraft causes changes in menstrual cycles, according to a study led by the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland which still downplayed it as a "minor side-effect" and promoted the jab. Even if its "only" temporary, the fact it disrupts the woman's normal cycles at all should illustrate just now anti-Natural (not merely un-natural) these experimental jabs are. For many decades there has been a gradual assault upon both the masculine and feminine, what it means to be a male or female, and how we complement and balance each other through our qualities and nature. Their tools are primarily chemical - what's placed into the surface and air around us, and injected through the foods and drugs they engineer.
Nearly all cultures worldwide have understood Earth to be feminine, personified as a Mother with her nurturing, intuitive, caring energy. This primal recognition is lost to modern denials of the Earth's sentience, capitalized by false authorities who deceive people into thinking Sovereignty and Power come from their own institutions or laws rather than being the innate gift humans absorb directly from Earth. Desperate yet unable to produce anything but an inverted mockery of whatever is real, the elites are envious of this birth-right and terrified that people would connect to that Source. They engineer artificial conflicts between males and females, knowing that holistic balance would automatically cause their structures to crumble upon their own inner contradictions.
"We have to invoke and create the sacred union, the holy matrimony between the Sacred Feminine principle of non-aggression and the Sacred Masculine principle of self-defense," as noted by Mark Passio. "And also the marriage within us of the sacred masculine of the logical mind, and the sacred feminine of the heart-based intelligence. Emotional thinking helps you to care about what is right and true. Logical and critical thinking helps you to figure out solutions regarding what is right and truth." These are internal values that can be manifested outward through constructive action, founded upon firm foundations of truth, justice and the sovereignty that comes from not just reacting in the ways that plays into their hands or by their system, but by the timeless and eternal Law of Nature. It grounds us to the Earth below and around while also connecting us to the Cosmos above.
Just as their jabs have disrupted menstrual cycles, their masks have polluted land and oceans. I see masks littered nearly every time I'm out and I'm sure others can attest to what they've seen. According to a study by researchers from the University of Portsmouth, face mask litter increased 9,000% from March to October 2020. Researchers from Nanjing University and the University of California-San Diego found nearly 29,000 tonnes of "COVID-19 related plastics" floating in the oceans, according to a November 2021 study. "All told, the study found that 193 countries have generated more than 8.4 million tonnes (approximately 9.3 million U.S. tons) of COVID-specific plastic waste since the pandemic began, and 25,900 tonnes (approximately 28,550 U.S. tons) of that ended up in the world's oceans," according to EcoWatch. "Interestingly, the bulk of this waste is not coming from individual use of PPE [personal protective equipment], which only accounted for 7.6 percent of the total. Instead, the bulk of the waste came from hospitals, at 87.4 percent."
The World Economic Forum admits it but uses it to shame individuals and giving an excuse for elitist institutions to propose the "solutions". To look externally instead of within is an energetic transfer of power we also see in the climate doomers, hence a close overlap between climate and virus apocalyptism. These are rooted in dual diseases of salvationism and denying a sentient Earth, as that would make it evident she is self-sustaining and has withstood far worse in her cycles than human activity could ever cause. Distracting from the actual elite polluters, who project their hypocrisy upon the "guilty" masses whose "sins" must be "atoned" by seeking external "solutions", much like the elites constantly violate their own Rona mandates and lockdowns. They place themselves as the superseders of Nature and humanity, whose own laws are designed in such a way to impose control and manipulation upon the masses while conveniently absolving themselves of responsibility.
Social Isolation and Atomization
Their "cures" are worse than actual problems, their "solutions" designed to gather more control and profit into their hands. These cover up their inner weaknesses, being disconnected from Nature and their selves hidden behind their archontic masks and personas. Instead of producing anything, they live off the labor and resources of the masses. While so many are blinded by their spell of fearing the virus, they used it as their excuse for the largest transfer of wealth in history - and this includes the occultic (hidden) tax of inflation. Their predatory economic system founded upon artificial wealth, expresses the same mind virus as their drugs that harvest real health from people and deliver its opposite: "Unlike a real economy that creates wealth, the vampire squid wetikonomy, a global, organized crime syndicate, extracts and extorts wealth from the real economy and from real people like you and me. There is an actual creature called vampyroteuthis infernalis, which literally translates as 'vampire squid from hell,' a living symbol and perfect description of wetikonomics" (Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2013, p. 235).
Being enemies of Natural Law as much as they are enemies of the human immune system, they invert everything real and organic - the State replaces the Community, Society replaces the Individual. They construct legal "personhood" for artificial corporations whose profits are protected, while every child born in this Earth have an artificial "debt" imposed upon them which follows them throughout life. Theirs is only an abuse of "power" since they don't accept responsibility but only pass it on to the people who actually can exercise it if not for being under their mind-control spell. Government: Latin guvernare "to direct, rule, guide, govern" + mente "mind" = Mind Control. One current example of wetikonomics is the fact that investors are running away from Pfizer and Moderna, as they know the profits may be immediate and will continue to flow, but playing the long-game they know complications from the needles will be felt for decades to come. They want people to yield responsibility to their own structures and institutions, rather than knowing economics is about interactions and human agency.
To disconnect people from their health and minds, cut off from the spiritual realities of life to keep them conditioned. There's an effort to artificially separate the "spiritual" and "material", with dogmatic scientism leading many people to deny there even is an energetic component. It can empower us and inspire growth; it can also be turned against us by these elites who know those realities but keep that knowledge for themselves while deceiving the masses to deny it for themselves. Under the excuse of health and safety, governments imposed lockdowns they violated themselves, responsible for the countless mass suicides and deaths from despair, not to mention cutting people off from many life-saving treatments since medical resources were so tied into the Rona. The psychological effects for decades to come and even across future generations (via ancestral traumas). A joint study this month by economists from Stanford, the University of Chicago, and the ITAM think-tank in Mexico, used survey data from 5,000 people comparing their changing attitudes over the past two years. Noting that in March 2020, 11% of people polled said they would "have no return to pre-COVID activities"; two years later, that number has risen to 13%! This led Stanford economist Nicholas Bloom to describe this phenomenon as "long social distancing": Effects of the lockdowns have become so internalized that no amount of time has wavered the mental hold it has upon millions of people.
Such people have become COVID's true believers, allowing their fears to alter their behavior, how they see the world, and even how they relate to their own families and friends. To desperately ward off the threat of virus apocalypse, they self-flagellate themselves with holy needles upon the Altar of Scientism, desperately seeking the blessings of their Cult's "expert" priesthood. Normalization has bewitched them as they consume all these measures, conform their minds to what's expected of them, and blindly obey those carrying the sacred vestments of "Authority". They have now been transubstantiated so they feel meaning and purpose can only be found through wearing muzzles, virtue signaling their "vaxxed" status to make themselves feel more "virtuous" than others (to cover up their internal void), and offering their arms up as penance for the sin of being "filthy" disease-carrying humans. Hyperbolic perhaps, but does this not describe the psychology of why so many blindly follow every dictate and trend put before them by the media and government?
Their control is facilitated by breaking people's trust in each other, seeing every other person as potential plague-carriers. Their collectivist "solutions" engineer atomization, breaking the positive bonds arising from healthy social interactions. Instead of strengthening these bonds, for many people "social" media and online "connectedness" has paradoxically intensified their feelings of despair and loss of meaning or purpose. This is a technocratic panopticon where the prisoners police their own behaviors out of fearing punishment. Finding ultimate meaning in compliance, once "converted" they then police the behavior of "heretics" as we have seen with the hordes of virtue-signaling tin-pot tyrants. This is the crowdsourced panopticon of social pressures, designed to stifle the individual because all are individuals "united" by the State exactly because they are disconnected from themselves. As Hannah Arendt observed: "The truth is that the masses grew out of the fragments of a highly atomized society whose competitive structure and concomitant loneliness of the individual had been held in check only through membership in a class." There are new social classes defined not by their functions but through their compliance to the "new normal".
Spiritual/Energetic Attacks on the Mind and Soul
A floodgate has opened these last two years of an intense spiritual and psychic attack, greater than before. It has thrived by the climate of fear, envy and hysteria certain entities have fed upon, enabled by their human agents, the self-proclaimed authorities. These authorities are psychopaths, corrupted humans to be sure yet still "inter-species predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and to satisfy their selfish needs" (Robert D. Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, 1994, p. 26). In 1967, Colin Wilson spoke of "mind parasites" lurking deep in the subconscious mind, feeding off people's energy through fears and neuroses: "I have said that, in a sense, the parasites were a 'shadow' of man's cowardice and passivity. Their strength could increase in an atmosphere of defeat and panic, for it fed on human fear. In that case, the best way to combat them was to change the atmosphere to one of strength and purpose" (Colin Wilson, The Mind Parasites, Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1967, p. 188). These entities match descriptions of the "counterfeit spirits" known as Archons in the Gnostic Nag Hammadi texts. As noted by psychotherapist Jerry Marzinsky, these parallel the "voices" heard by schizophrenics, which can also be studied for insights into how events of the past two years have been used against the psyche. Denying even the existence of such entities and mind viruses, the elites reduce it to a "chemical imbalance" that can only be "corrected" by their drugs - much like the vaccine "salvation" intended to supplant natural immunity. Various negative, low-vibrational thoughts are being implanted whether through their mind-control, drugs, or vaccines. These carry the negative energy of the "energetic parasites" who engineer them, feeding off people's energies and thoughts. Among their methods are changing people's perceptions by bombarding them with confused images and "news" to demoralize them to such an extent they give in to doom and gloom; and confuse people to assume every thought comes from themselves, even when those are negative ones clearly implanted and conditioned.
"The purpose is generating negative emotional energy for them to feed off, and it goes back to frequency and vibration," Marzinsky observes. "The voices insert negative, paranoid, destructive thoughts into the thought system of their victim. These thoughts often consist of lies. The ultimate name of the voices is to get the victim shut out from all others and isolate them so they have control of them, and there's no interference with their agenda of generating negative emotion and sucking them dry of the negative emotion energy." The counselor George Jangatic agrees: "The voices want to separate us, not only from each other but ourselves. They don't want you to talk about what they say. They want you to be isolated, they want to pull you away from people into your head so they can create a belief system of their making, not of our making. Our sanctity of the mind is gone when we buy into their belief system." (I get both quotes from some of their interviews).
Rudolf Steiner observed beings feeding off people's negative energies: "There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only. But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiate from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity. Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcome fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them." ("Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes," Berlin, Dec. 12, 1907, p. 145)
Illustration of Wetiko by Liana Buszka |
Spiritual attacks inwardly reflect what's occurring in the world around us. These entities hating others telling about them and their attacks are a mirror for the authorities' censoring all information ("disinformation") outside their gates. These "gates" are nothing but portals for this atomization, negativity, anxieties and other low-frequencies that would alienate us from our true selves and innate power. Using virtual "ghosts" as a metaphor, the Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa captured these themes in his film "Kairo" (Pulse, 2001). These "ghosts" invade the living world to make people more isolated and alienated. Much like the Archons were described, they want to suspend people into this purgatory where their mind-viruses feed upon and simulate our humanity only to have us mentally cannibalize ourselves. His words are prophetic in light of the last two years: "This unknown force that was spreading like a virus throughout the country and had that kind of ominous and menacing feel to it."
Our task is to be vigilant, reading the signs all around us and how they relate to our inner world. Not to confuse every thoughts as truly ours, much less to identify the social masks and personas with our authentic self. These mind-viruses have no independent existence except what we give to them if we cede our power to them. They are parasitic, feeding off our energy and working through our blind spots - unresolved traumas or neuroses, failure to integrate our Shadow, and unmanifested creativity. These happen to be the doors through which the government and media mind-manipulators feed off people's energies. Theirs is a dark spell using the knowledge and wisdom at our disposal, but turned against us for their own purposes.
While social interaction is healthy and essential, so is the internal work of individuation they seek to subsume into their collective psychosis. As the Scottish poet and philosopher Charles Mackay observed: "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they ony recover their senses slowly, and one by one" (Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness of Crowds, 1841). Re-center back to your true self, your true intentions and will; respect and nurture those in others, especially immediately around you. Know that the elites are miserable and to be seen with contempt (the subject of the next article); their "power" a cover for their inner weakness. They condition people to see themselves as broken, ugly, and defeated - and the elites as paragons of virtue and empathy - because those are projections of their pitiful inner conflicts.
Empower yourself with the knowledge that you are the product of millions of ancestors with all their loves, joys, passions, lessons learned, and obstacles overcome. There is a power within your blood they want to alter with their technologies. They fear you knowing yourself and the Sanguine Gnosis that connects us to our ancestors, grounds us to this beautiful Earth, and uplifts us to higher awareness of the Cosmos (nous). Rather, they compensate for their own voids by seeking control over others - that stems from unhappiness masked by illusions of their outer world. Epigenetics is the science of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes affecting how your genes work. It can and has been turned against us - but there's also a remarkable power in how we have the free will over our genetic destiny. I close with this long but comprehensive description of our epigenetics:
“We used to think that genes created disease and that we were at the mercy of our DNA. So if many people in someone’s family died of heart disease, we assumed that their chances of also developing heart disease would be pretty high. But we now know through the science of epigenetics that it’s not the gene that creates disease but the environment that programs our genes to create disease—and not just the external environment outside our body (cigarette smoke or pesticides, for example), but also the internal environment within our body: the environment outside our cells.
"What do I mean by the environment within our body? As I said previously, emotions are chemical feedback, the end products of experiences we have in our external environment. So as we react to a situation in our external environment that produces an emotion, the resulting internal chemistry can signal our genes to either turn on (up-regulating, or producing an increased expression of the gene) or to turn off (down-regulating, or producing a decreased expression of the gene). The gene itself doesn’t physically change—the expression of the gene changes, and that expression is what matters most because that is what affects our health and our lives” (Dr. Joe Dispenza, Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon, Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc., 2017, pp. 39-40).
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