by Sean Jobst
6 December 2020
The Great Rigging is an important step towards the Great Reset. Assuming that the AP Ministry of Truth is correct despite massive evidence of fraud, the Great Reset's demented handmaid will make his "President-Elect" anointing a reality with their full blessing. Not only has he parroted the World Economic Forum's marketing slogan of "Build Back Better", but more recently a member of his staff publicly admitted Biden's allegiance to that authoritarian Reset. Career Establishment politician and diplomat, John Kerry, was tapped as Biden's "Climate Czar," with a guaranteed seat on the National Security Council overseeing issues of "climate change". On 17 November, Kerry appeared before the WEF panel discussion on "The Great Reset: Building Future Resilience to Global Risks", hosted by WEF President Børge Brende. The resulting dialogue is worth quoting in full, given his brazen admissions:
Host Borge Brende: "Are we expecting too much too soon from the new president, or is he going to deliver first day on this [sic] topics?"
John Kerry: "The answer to your question is, no, you’re not expecting too much. And yes, it [the Great Reset] will happen. And I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine. In effect, the citizens of the United States have just done a Great Reset. We’ve done a Great Reset. And it was a record level of voting. What astounds me is that as many people still voted for the level of chaos and breach of law and order and breaking the standards.
"And I think the underlying reason for that, Borge, is something that everyone has to examine. I think Europe has to look at that, with Brexit, and the rising nationalist populism, nationalistic populism—which is really one of the priorities we all have to address. You can’t dismiss it. It has to be listened to. It has to be understood. We have just had it manifested. And Europe has it too, in various countries, to a greater or lesser degree. It’s a reflection of the inability of democratic governments in many parts of the world to deliver. And I just have to put it bluntly. We’re certainly the primary exhibit. We’re exhibit number one.
"Government just has to find a way to move faster, and to address more of the real concerns of its citizens. Or there will be an increasing backlash. What I think we’ve won is a reprieve. And I think, therefore, that the notion of a ‘reset’ is more important than ever before. I personally believe, Borge, that we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time. And if you can get away from the craziness of the politics of chaos that have consumed so many, and the politics of identity politics, I think that there’s a real opportunity here to look and see that even as all this craziness has been going on around us, there are really amazingly positive things happening. And one of them is in the private sector.
"I believe no government is fundamentally going to make the climate crisis go away. Government’s best effort is going to be to create a structure which will make it possible for certain things to happen. And the next opportunity for that structure to be fully defined is Glasgow. Now, I don’t believe—and I think Joe Biden, I know Joe Biden believes this—it’s not enough just to rejoin Paris [Climate Accords] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires.
"The best that we’ve [the signatories] done [by signing the Paris Agreement] is send a message to the marketplace that 190 countries plus are all going to move in the same direction to try to deal with the climate crisis. And that means that people who allocate capital have an opportunity to look at the largest market the world has ever had—196 countries all doing the same thing, all trying to move to change their energy policy and deal with the climate crisis. And that’s the biggest market the world has ever known, folks. And the private sector now is beginning to really see this. Borge, yours was the stage where the letter from Larry Fink of Black Rock came out, and it put squarely in front of a lot of these CEOs the issue of stakeholder versus shareholder—which is really at the bottom of what I was talking about, about the dysfunctionality of government and the reaction of citizens. It’s shareholder versus stakeholder. And the issue is whether or not we’re going to move fast enough to provide for what people need at this moment. I think the greatest opportunity we have to do that is in dealing with the climate crisis.
"Now, all the effects we’re seeing today of glaciers melting and fires raging and floods inundating and so forth … so any of you involved in risk analysis know exactly where we’re heading here. And, therefore, we have to move faster. That’s what has to happen. And the entities that can move the fastest, I believe, is the private sector. ESG [environment, social, and governance standards] is now in every discussion in every board room. Many, many more financial institutions are looking for what was fashionably called ‘impact investing,’ but everybody is now considering how do we have an impact that’s positive and meet ESGs. The global development standards, the SDGs [U.N. Sustainable Development Goals] are being talked about more."

Not merely repeating Great Reset and Agenda 2030 buzzwords, his words reveal the actual policies the Biden regime would take as part of the Great Reset - with power being centralized at this Globalist institution and the assorted corporatist, banker cronies staffing the various governments being their local Managers. Kerry boasted how this Reset "will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine." Indeed, various literature of the WEF and UN - on their own websites - successively describe climate change, Coronavirus, and "social justice" as their great opportunities for what's nothing less than the greatest transfer of wealth and power. The euphemism now used by these Globalist institutions is a "new social contract".
As if to underscore what this "social contract" would entail, Kerry shames the 74 million people he portrays as having voted for "chaos and breach of law and order and breaking the standards". Clearly they haven't been re-educated enough to deliver the effects this elitist wanted. The main threat he cited for both the American and European Managers of the Great Reset is the spectre of "rising nationalist populism", because for such crony corporatists/bankers, national sovereignty combined with trade deals that benefit workers rather than the multinational corporations is a threat to their power and profits. They want to push the trend towards Globalist institutions managed by centralized super-regions, so they want to transcend the nation-state as stated by certain "World Federalist" think-tanks and NGOs.
Government's job would be to manage and "create a structure which will make it possible for certain things to happen". This structure is the merger of bureaucracy (public) and corporate lobbyists and bankers (private) heading these agencies, as legitimized by the Great Reset's "public-private partnership". Its interesting he specifically cited the private investment firm BlackRock as the archetypal "climate conscious" business firm. Larry Fink, the billionaire CEO and chairman of BlackRock, is Biden's Treasury Secretary prospect. The Deputy Treasury Secretary would be Wally Adeyamo, a senior advisor at BlackRock and Fink's interim Chief of Staff before being appointed President of the Obama Foundation. Biden's National Economic Council director at the White House would be BlackRock executive Brian Deese.
With their trillions of dollars worth of profits, we can expect these three (probably more to come) BlackRock executives to remain committed to their power and wealth with their roles in government, alongside their cronies from various other firms and think-tanks. BlackRock's past activities reads like a policy incubation. The Chinese Communist government's regulators gave Fink special permission to start a mutual fund business in Shanghai in August 2020, while Biden was already planning to appoint Fink to an economic role. BlackRock is the largest investor in weapon manufacturers through its U.S. Aerospace and Defense ETF. We can thus expect their leading roles in a prospective Biden regime's war-profiteering and subservient trade policies towards Communist China - subservience in the sense of the U.S. economy; their profits would actually rise in partnership with CCP oligarchs.

The likes of Kerry, Fink, Adeyemo and Deese would be the architects of Biden's plan to rejoin the renamed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). As an Obama economic advisor, Adeyemo was chief negotiator of the TPP's provisions on macroeconomic policy, before taking up his revolving-door positions at the duopoly's Center for Strategic & International Studies and Obama Foundation. (Other CSIS alumni surrounding Biden include his foreign policy advisors, Blinken and Flournoy; and a Board of Trustees that includes Kissinger.) Just as interventionists are toying with the idea of climate change as an excuse for war (and thus their profits and power), so too can such Big Business firms profit through assuming a "conscious" voice. In his 2020 annual open letter, Fink announced "environmental sustainability" (the same phrase used in Agenda 2030) would be a key goal for his investment decisions, selling $500 million worth of coal-related assets, and creating funds that would avoid fossil-fuel stocks.
Elite Globalist institutions such as the WEF and Multinational firms see trendy Leftist causes as the perfect opportunity for their power and profits. BlackRock and its revolving door with the Obama and the aspiring Biden administrations is the perfect expression of this. They take advantage of the economic ignorance of Leftists who want to enlarge a government that is closely tied in with Big Business. For example, the push for raising the Corporate tax rate will only hurt smaller businesses (and thus workers and business owners) since the majority of Big Corporations already have their operations overseas, so can ship back to the U.S. for free with the trade deals favored by the Biden cronies and not have to worry about those taxes anyway. Big Corporations like monopolies so there is a natural tendency towards a Corporate Socialism. Yet another area where this ignoble alliance of Corporatists and Communists is converging in a common authoritarian vision.
Biden's policies (as seen by those surrounding him as well) would be a direct return to the wars of the Bush and Obama administrations, who combine it with their domestic policies such as the Police State. Clinton associate Neera Tanden, whom Biden wants for the important position of heading the Office of Management and Budget, is President of the Big Corporate-funded Center for American Progress think-tank. In an October 2011 email ultimately leaked to The Intercept, Tanden saw Obama and Hillary's Libya war as the perfect opportunity for an enlarged Welfare State: "We have a giant deficit. They have a lot of oil. Most Americans would choose not to engage in the world because of that deficit. If we want to continue to engage in the world, gestures like having oil rich nations partially pay us back doesn't seem crazy to me. Do we prefer cuts to Head Start? Or WIC? Or Medicaid? Because we live in deficit politics, and that's what is happening and will be happening even more." Just as they couch their wars in humanitarianism, these authoritarians couch their domestic policies as "social" programs, but one merely has to look at the bankers and corporatists in these circles to know who really benefits.
This is the reality behind the "private sector" Kerry appealed to at Davos. These "social" and "green" underpinnings are part of the "transformation" envisioned by Klaus Schwab, architect of both the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, who similarly saw certain "industries" as key to implementing those plans. Kerry earlier appeared at the WEF on 24 June to speak on "the new social contract post-COVID." He gave a clue into why the mass-media society was suddenly trying to get us conditioned to what they defined as "the new normal": "Normal was a crisis; normal wasn’t working. We must not think of it in terms of pushing a button and going back to the way things were. We’re a long way off from being able to go back to any kind of normal." He saw governments as the "great convener" on behalf of these Globalist institutions: "This is a big moment. The World Economic Forum - the CEO capacity of the Forum - is really going to have to play a front and centre role in refining the Great Reset to deal with climate change and inequity - all of which is being laid bare as a consequence of COVID-19." Normalization is actually about changing the perception of reality so that society can be conditioned to accepting this massive transfer of their wealth and power into these institutions.
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