by Sean Jobst
25 April 2022
Mass Formation Psychosis Admitted by its Deniers
In my previous article, I focused on the intensified spiritual and psychological attacks working through the political agenda these past two years. These have coalesced into what has been termed mass formation psychosis which the Establishment gatekeepers dismiss as "a new far right buzzword" - their orbit centered more around ad hominem dismissals than any free debate. Its not a mere invention of Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology excommunicated by the Cult of Scientism for daring to speak against their dogmas. Hiding their admissions in plain sight, one of the "experts" cited in their "fact check" (Newspeak for censorship) is Jay Van Bavel, a New York University assistant professor of psychology and neural science who directs a Social Identity and Morality Lab that openly states its objective to "examine how collective concerns - group identities, moral values, and political beliefs - shape the mind, brain, and behavior."
Their tyranny disguises itself through the manipulation of language, changing words and their meaning; calling mind-control by other names while rejecting other terms if they come from outside their "acceptable" lexicon. Van Bavel dismisses the latter as "conspiracy theorists" while projecting with his own conspiracy theory about "a massive collective effort to bolster false beliefs." He obviously admits collective behaviors - its just his ilk want to steer and direct that collective think. He advocated that governments and medical establishments use COVID for "managing collective behavior". Just as Freud's nephew Edward Bernays put psychology at the disposal of advertising and public relations, Van Bavel is one of the Dark Psychologists harnessing his collectivist theories for "public health", as defined by the State and Medical Establishment. Gate's GAVI Vaccine Alliance has boasted of COVID as a new excuse for governments to use "nudges to change social behavior".
If there is no other lesson to take out of this, its that tyrants mask their pure will to control others under claims of "public health" or the "common good", as defined by them. In May 2020, Van Bavel co-authored an article on "using social and behavioural science" to mold people using COVID as their excuse. "People's behaviour is influenced by social norms" but "changing behaviours by correcting such misperceptions can be achieved by public messages reinforcing positive (for example, health-promoting) norms." Norms being behavior based on conformity to their dictates and policies, through fear-mongering: "A meta-analysis found that targeting fears can be useful in some situations, but not others: appealing to fear leads people to change their behaviour if they feel capable of dealing with the threat, but leads to defensive reactions when they feel helpless to act. The results suggest that strong fear appeals produce the greatest behaviour change only when people feel a sense of efficacy, whereas strong fear appeals with low-efficacy messages produce the greatest levels of defensive responses."
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Cognitive dissonance: Among the images used by the Wash. Post and CBC, respectively, to "prove" that Canadian protests against jab mandates are "white supremacist" - a visibly non-white family and a sign on the side by "Anishinabee Warriors" standing for freedom
Official Stenographers Openly Hate Freedom
A sign of their failing agenda - for they are far from omnipresent, the image they want to project so more people comply with this "new normal" - is their desperation, making more rushed moves and showing their hands with more mistakes. In occult terms this is revelation of their method, such that they are now openly proclaiming themselves against the very concept of Freedom. Despite its use among the diverse Canadian truckers and others who protested Trudeau's jab mandates, even the word "freedom" became associated with "far-right groups" by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. I previously observed how leaders on this side of the border admire Trudeau's policies and wish they could institute them en masse (rather than in the slow gradual manner they're doing now) if not for the Bill of Rights restraining them. So its not surprising American media corporations repeated the same tropes against freedom as their Canadian counterparts. Hatched in the eggheads of privileged Marxist academics, the media promoted the trope that the very concept of freedom is "white supremacist". A column in the Toronto Star slandered anti-vax mandate protestors as heirs of racism and colonialism, projecting blame away from the same government that is an actual outgrowth of this colonial past and on whose behalf these same media hypocrites lie. "The notion of 'freedom' was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued," writes Taylor Dysart in the Washington Post. "The belief that one's entitlement to freedom is a key component of White supremacy." Stovall was a Berkeley history professor who wrote a book published by academia promoting the trope. Another is Olúfemi O. Táíwò, a Georgetown philosophy professor who openly writes on Marxist law theories and reviewed Stovall's book for The Nation. These talking-heads screaming "white privilege" inhabit a privileged orbit of Ivory Towers, academic publishing houses, and Corporate media elites, masking their projections under the "revolutionary" poshness of champagne Marxism. The vast majority of people from all races lack their privileges.
Another anti-freedom advocate is the Israeli writer Yuval Noah Harari, a leading advisor to World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab. He is most known for promoting the biophobia of Transhumanism in his various books and lectures, idolized as a trailblazing "philosopher" by automaton academic and media elites who lack the creativity for actual critical thought. Such dribble is beyond the scope of this article, but what most concerns us here are his denials of freedom and free will, for obvious reasons since he openly defines humanity as "hackable animals" to be molded by governments and corporations. Harari said at the University of California on Feb. 27, 2017: "Freedom has absolutely no meaning from a physical or biological perspective. It's just another myth, another empty term humans have invented. Humans have invented God, and humans have invented Heaven and Hell, and humans have invented free will, but there is no more truth to free will than there is to Heaven and Hell."

The Empowerment of Freedom
They deny anything that connects the human being to something higher, whether it be the soul, consciousness, free will and imagination, their connection to the Cosmos and Earth alike, because all of these things are a threat to their power and control over others which can only come about by reducing the innate power of the human being. Or making people no longer mindful of that power. I'll expand on this in some upcoming articles, but suffice it to say that freedom is not some abstract concept specific to one race or culture - its inherent to all tribal cultures being the natural state of being all over the world before the rise of abstract ideologies and authoritarian institutions disconnected people from Natural Law. Nor is myth false, despite the limited brains of Harari and his ilk. Myth was always understood as deeper truths told through allegory and metaphor, far more true than what these authoritarians have inverted as "truth". Lacking the true imagination and connectedness from knowing their true humanity, these elites can only mimic and invert what is real and true - what they make in their limited minds can never measure up to the natural.
Their version of "freedom" is compliance, what they "give" or can "take" based on one's compliance to their masks of authority. A modern expression of the mind-virus of salvationism that has wrecked this world for thousands of years. This worship of "authorities" is one of the lies of humanity defining events of the last two years. Compliance seeps into the culture to become the norms, what is normalized through various levels of coercion and social pressure. The prisoners become the ones policing each other for the elites, as validation and meaning is sought through one's level conformity. People are made less "valuable" by being labelled as "anti-vaxxer" or "anti-maskers" (both of which imply there are vax and mask cults); new social classes centered around norms rather than functions or trades. And because people are more compliant, freedom is less valued and seen as abnormal. Many great creative, imaginative minds have identified how creeping authoritarianism has become culturally normal to the vast majority of people, who are conditioned to see nothing different exactly because they are disconnected from themselves:
"Authoritarianism in religion and science, let alone politics, is becoming increasingly accepted, not particularly because so many people explicitly believe in it but because they feel themselves individually powerless and anxious. So what else can one do…except follow the mass political leader…or follow the authority of customs, public opinion, and social expectations?" (Rollo May, Man’s Search for Himself, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1953; 2009 edition, p. 37)
"Our particular problem in the present day is an overwhelming tendency toward conformity. In such times ethics tend more and more to be identified with obedience. One is 'good' to the extent that one obeys the dictates of societ. It is as though the more unquestioning obedience the better. But what really is ethical about obedience? If one’s goal were simple obedience, one could train a dog to fulfill the requirements very well." (ibid., p. 140)
The modus operandi of tyrants and aspiring tyrants |
"Freedom is valued not only for its intrinsic worth, but what it costs. And a people to whom liberty is given will never prize it as highly, defend it bravely, or wear it as proudly as a nation that wrenched it from the hand of tyranny." (Frederick Douglas, 1868) "If freedom is regressing today throughout such a large part of the world, this is probably because the devices for enslavement have never been so cynically chosen or so effective, but also because her real defenders, through fatigue, through despair, or through a false idea of strategy and efficiency, have turned away from her.…Man’s greatness lies in his decision to be greater than his condition. And if his condition is unjust, he has only one way of overcoming it, which is to be just himself.” (Albert Camus, "Create Dangerously," in his anthology of essays: Resistance, Rebellion, and Death, 1960)
“A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days…Should one point out that from ancient times declining courage has been considered the beginning of the end?” (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, "A World Split Apart," Harvard Commencement Address, 8 June 1978)
"To what extent are modern technologies of surveillance, advertising, and control creating a new, modern slavery taken for granted because of its invisibility? It is arguable that those controlled and deceived by modern technology are being transformed into the 'slaves by nature' that Aristotle described and accepted as normal....[as our] modern subservience to technology shares many traits with ancient slavery by creating and resting up on an easily manipulated population." (Oswald Sobrino, Technology and Human Existence: José Ortega y Gasset's Meditation on Technology, 2019)
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"Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" (1818), German painter Caspar David Friedrich |
Responsibility, Respect, and Remembrance What are we to do with this inherent freedom? It carries responsibilities towards one's self and others. Responsibility gives challenges and opportunities to every individual who reclaims his or her innate power. As noted by Mark Passio, responsibility, remembrance and respect are "the ultimate solution" to what's facing us. Respect comes from the Latin re "again" + spectare "to look at", so is inseparable from internal dialogue, that Shadow Work of going deep down inside yourself even though it forces you to confront hard truths, as this is the only path to growth. The archetypal Hermit must always goes back into the world after a period of withdrawal and reflection, better equipped with the tools to face the external without shedding his true self. One can only truly respect others by respecting one's self which means accepting responsibility for yourself, your actions, words, and thoughts (while also being able to distinguish what's actually your thoughts versus those implanted by social factors). Finally, coming to remember who you are, all that entails of the blood gnosis of your ancestry and how it grounds you to the Earth and connects you to the Stars.
"You alone make choices. You alone are answerable to the consequences of your behavior," as Passio brilliantly phrases it. "The people who think that they are in control have no right to usurp the Natural Law of sovereign human beings on this planet, and it is not going to be allowed to continue for much longer. And the simple reason for that is: Authority is not truth. It is a fiction that exists only as a construct in the diseased human mind and human spirit, the diseased human spirit." In another presentation, he explains three steps to this awakening process. Repentance ("I was wrong") means taking responsibility for one's own wrong-doing and wrong thoughts. The next is Refusal ("No!"), to not comply with these false Authorities (knowing their true nature as Archons) by reclaiming your own rights and not externalizing your power to others. The final is Rebellion ("I Will"), to abandon "all the false and dogmatic beliefs holding back the progress of Consciousness by impeding the reception of Truth and Natural Law." To project your own will to affect changes within and around you (definition of magic). These are guiding principles for a Parallel Society as I'll discuss in upcoming articles.
Loss of Meaning and the True Nature of Happiness
Those who have bought into these archontic fictions of "authority" and the doomsday virus have a pathological fear of death, an emptiness masking itself as altruistic concern for others (even while deriding we who don't comply and take the experimental jab). Its a virtue signal to make them feel better about themselves, by presenting themselves as "superior" for caring for the "greater good" unlike we who affirm the inviolable power and rights of the Individual. They ignore how it is they who have enabled the authoritarianism that has grown using this virus as the excuse, with all that entails of the social, economic, and psychological effects of lockdown policies upon people, including the actual deaths that have occurred from despair and lack of medical treatment since the narrative was maintained at all costs.

I am referring not to people who may comply for personal reasons - that is their choice and their free will should be respected no matter how misguided. I am referring to those who elevate it to a new Cult with its dogmas, salvation, and witch-hunts of heretics, who gloat at the deaths of people who don't get jabbed or are skeptical of the narrative, tying it to the virus while hypocritically ignoring the obvious epidemic of deaths (both high-profile and common) after Needlecraft doses despite no underlying conditions. These are people who lecture and police others who don't comply like they do, seeking to impose their own will upon others because they do not respect their own will and responsibility; they have ceded whatever may be left of their souls to the State and its Corporate experimental needles. "Outsourcing our own agency and autonomy," as noted by writer and podcast host Luke Dodson, in a conversation last February with Legalise Freedom host Greg Moffitt. They observed that what's been going on with the suicides and deaths from despair with the Rona, as well as apocalyptic trends and movements such as Extinction Rebellion, is the existential search for meaning in a modern world that cannot provide it. Its futile since its still trying to think within a collective for "solutions", further moving the individual away from true meaning which must come from within. I tie this in with the collective psychosis and neuroses arising from the collective lies people allow society to internalize within their minds. We can link this with the reductionist mentality most people approach the world (and themselves) with, rather than living in an active mythic and magical engagement with a dynamic reality over which they have alot of potential power.
Socially, the virus and other apocalyptic fantasies are attempts by the elite to stem the inevitable tide because their entire system is founded on lies of "endless progress and increasing prosperity" as noted by the prolific writer John Michael Greer, who calls it the Long Descent. "The roots of the crisis lie in the cultural stories that shape the way we understand the world" (Greer, The Long Descent, 2008). Such fictions have become normalized in society, affecting people down to their thoughts and mind, which is why I've connected it on a spiritual level to mind viruses like wetiko and archontic infection. We can see the policies especially these past two years as desperate attempts to cling to these fictions, using various slights of hand to deceive a public by slowly conditioning them to accept more authoritarianism.
"The few freedoms and rights temporarily handed back to us simply serve to reduce expectations and make us content with less," as Moffitt writes concerning the Long Descent. "In addition, the general breakdown of social bonds and institutions undermine mutual support and militate against any form of collective action. Those in control wish to remain in control, and if they are to do so during an era of decline, draconian measures will be required. Some see this agenda encapsulated in the World Economic Forum's doctrine The Great Reset. In reality, this is nothing more than the globalist elite attempting to soothe their own conscience while maintaining their positions, and it will ultimately fail. The Long Descent is a great leveler and it will trump the technocratic fantasies of The Great Reset."
Happiness and meaning through mask psychosis? |
Realizing this means there is no need for doom and gloom about our current situations, especially since our ancestors withstood much more - their struggles, resilience, hope and inspiration is within our blood and psyche. It also means seeing the authorities neither as the paragons of virtue or the omnipresent beings they want to project. Theirs is a constant story of covering up failures and improvising whenever their plans don't pan out or they inevitably come up against the human will. None of this means to let down our guard and be anything less than vigilance, but that the ultimate resistance is through those values expressing our soul, the song within our hearts, and our creativities whatever that may be from person to person.
They hide their tyranny under phony altruism, the false front of all authoritarians whether in positions of control or those with that mentality in daily life. An example is the World Economic Forum's infamous "You will own nothing and be happy". Not only will someone own what the people give away, but this notion of perpetual "happiness" is a cruel fiction. I completely agree with this observation by Thomas Sheridan: "There's nothing more against Natural Law than the concept of being constantly happy. You should aim for contentment. And you only get contentment when you had highs that made you appreciate the joys of life and lows that made you appreciate your ability to survive them." A people unaware of this cyclic reality, which also includes a remarkable power to overcome and create, are easier to control. A false "happiness" brought by the most unhappy authoritarians is part of their constant efforts against the natural, disconnected from it as they are themselves. Their "happiness" only relies on a state of constant fear and anxiety to control others.
Misery and Contempt of Authorities
They have overplayed their hands as more people have awakened to their true nature. Just as people under their spell find meaning in being micromanaged from thinking and acting for themselves, the authorities being the narcissists and psychopaths they are, can only find meaning in controlling others because they lack a truly content soul. They propose external "solutions" because lacking an internal dialogue, they only find themselves in relation to external control. This explains all their denials of the soul and consciousness, why they are so obsessed with proposing un-natural "solutions" to transcend humanity; this is why they have their mindless slogans and mantras, lacking true creativity as seen in what they promote as "art" and "talent". Its also why they act the same way, seeming to follow the same playbook, because they can only think within their collective hive minds rather than for themselves. And this is what they want to desperately project upon humanity. All the hype and propaganda is nothing but a false persona of strength to hide their weaknesses.
In his "Five Skull Crown" message, John Lamb Lash observes how the main expression coming from the authorities is one of envy, much like the Gnostic texts describe the Archons' envy of human beings. They are envious of what we have as "free and sovereign agents of life". They hate our human values that express our innate soul; our abilities to be content, to find happiness and security in the blessings life has given us; our work and acquiring through the honest, genuine way rather than their ill-gotten gains many of them inherit. Converse to us, they always cheat and steal from others; their "powers" are illusionary and their financial system based on what is fake; their knowledge of human psychology is superficial and a projection of their own misery. Our attitude towards them should be one of contempt at all levels. We should have no desire to negotiate or argue with them, which is nothing but being under the spell of their "power" and playing on their terms, but to instead mock them, reclaiming our will and intention, so "we will feel free in the face of someone who is not free."
When you look at these authorities, how the physical strain shows even on their faces whereas many of us have never been as strong and vibrant as now (despite all their efforts these past two years), their immune systems literally failing right in front of our eyes; their desire to transcend humanity because they don't appreciate life, have no gratitude for what the Earth Mother (and all other powers of divinity within and without) has given all of us; they isolate themselves in mansions and shelters, when they travel it's on private jets and never to admire and experience the beauty in the world; their ill-gotten gains means they have no innate pride that comes from knowing you achieve what you have through your hard work. Their inability to be authentic and creative, unlike ourselves. Once we have this contempt and see them as miserable beings who act out of desperation, we cast off the spell they have upon others and pull the mystique right from under them. And that's the path towards liberation and living our sovereignty.
Hiding in plain sight? The cartoon figure used by the CDC website to advocate for the jab looks similar to the famous NPC meme. |
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