by Sean Jobst
1 July 2020
Welcome to Rona 2.0. The ongoing protests and outright riots, defacing and tearing down of statues, and triggered cancel culture are all a direct continuation of the Wuhan flu hype. The same media, political, and entertainment elites that promoted strict enforcement of lockdowns (and "social distancing") suddenly finding enthusiasm for the open air when it comes to their next power grab attempts. The mobs may have one agenda but those goading them from behind various layers of power have another agenda beyond the latest spate of monotone mantras ("systemic racism", etc.). Anyone with 20/20 vision can see that 2020 continues to be a year of education and clarity like perhaps none other in our current lifetime.
These elites want to create their own Year Zero (à la Pol Pot) riding the coat-tails of "social justice" mantras, but their actions only reveal the cycles of history subsuming their hypocrisy. Just like The Rona coincided with hundred-year pestilence cycles, so too are there very close historical parallels with the current events (and opportunities for growth). In 2010, researcher Peter Turchin, who teaches cultural evolution at the University of Connecticut, wrote a paper entitled "Political instability may be a contributor in the coming decade" for the journal Nature. The article's extract makes for a remarkable description of 2020:
"In the United States, we have stagnating or declining real wages, a growing gap between rich and poor, overproduction of young graduates with advanced degrees, and exploding public debt. These seemingly disparate social indicators are actually related to each other dynamically. They all experienced turning points during the 1970s. Historically, such developments have served as leading indicators of looming political instability. Very long 'secular cycles' interact with shorter-term processes. In the United States, 50-year instability spikes occurred around 1870, 1920 and 1970, so another could be due around 2020. We are also entering a dip in the so-called Kondratiev wave, which traces 40-60-year economic-growth cycles. This could mean that future recessions will be severe. In addition, the next decade will see a rapid growth in the number of people in their twenties, like the youth bulge that accompanied the turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s. All these cycles look set to peak in the years around 2020."
I won't mince words. George Floyd was murdered by the specific Minneapolis cops who have since been prosecuted. Other high-profile cases of Blacks murdered by cops also exist. But the fact that there are also cases of those from other races, including Whites, being killed by cops points to a deeper problem than the purely racial motive promoted by elitist crocodile tears who handpick which cases to focus on to push their "systemic racism" virtue signalling. Police killings that extend into a few hundred are zeroed in as the "systemic" problem, while the same media dismisses the countless thousands of killings within communities as mere statistics. Anything that won't further their dogmatic narrative is simply ignored, as they continue to latch more trends upon the original issue they promoted. Such it is that many protests descended into "peaceful" riots; the initial pulling down of Confederate statues quickly turned into all statues regardless of any historic relevance; and online cancel culture mobs jump from one insane SJW crusade or jihad to another.
Like all Statists no matter where on the political dialectic their chains are bolted, the elite-driven mobs have no trouble with enabling the police powers of the State when it comes to their own pet projects, such as enforcement of lockdowns to guarantee "public safety" or to enforce taxation upon everyone to fund their own "universal" social programs (including the empty campaign promises repeated by their favorite champagne Socialists). Placing their faith in or outright promoting the very same politicians who endorsed the Patriot Act/NDAA structures that militarized the police in the first place; the very social and economic policies that breeded the same problems they now virtue signal against (never intending to address the root causes). This cares little for the mob, whose social media-induced attention spans place far more importance on empty words or symbolic professions of "guilt" like bended knees repeated by opportunistic agents of the State than their real-life actions.
Any notion the protests actually have to do with police brutality has quickly been proven wrong; for some it may be so, but the abundance of upper-class agitators (including in the leadership positions), as well as what appears to be a majority of self-hating paternalistic Whites in so many of these protests, reveals a deeper agenda. Riots the media elites still promoted as "peaceful", that involved high-quality bricks that would've had to be collected, transported and distributed in a well-funded, sophisticated effort. The leaders of "Black Lives Matter" revealed to be Marxist agitators (clenched fists and all) merely using some legitimate discontent as an excuse to push their ideology which has far more to do with the ideas of certain ideologues of disproportionate "Levantine" persuasion than stemming from Black communities. Latching upon the BLM movement especially as it descended into riots and destroying statues are the upper-class terrorists of Antifa posing as "revolutionaries" in between trendy courses at their ivory tower safe spaces.
The tier above these useful idiots are the media and entertainment elites, who compensate for the lack of personality with jumping on the latest "equality" and "justice" trendy slogans; safely knowing the real-life effects of their agitation will remain within working-class neighborhoods (including further twisting the knife in small businesses they initially stabbed with State-mandated lockdowns) and not their own gated communities or six-figure apartments. Even further behind these absurd automatons are various Oligarchs, the same financial interests who have always funded "revolutions" that never do anything but eat up the common "revolutionaries" who fought for them and enslave workers under the tight control of a bureaucratic vanguard. These upper tiers benefit from pushing some narratives over others, but the mobs manipulated by either indoctrination or raw emotion will fail to see they're being played as fools. The role of Soros behind these "social" movements is well known (in between his gigs profiting from wars and crashing economies), but there are many others besides him.
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Behind the Marxist's clenched fist is the Oligarch's greedy hand |
This is the merger of Big Government with Big Business. What started as a Corporate hashtag "#BLM" led by admitted Marxist ideologues, has now come full circle with Corporate interests and "edgy" tech companies bending their knees to "Woke" cancel culture. Their push to "defund the police" is a fraud to redirect the same resources towards a new police force - that is, armed wing of the State and its directives - that will enforce their favored pet projects rather than those favored by the Right-wing Conservative dialectic. The very same State power will be legitimized under the terms "social" and "community" in a Woke-induced slumber. These political groups may fight over how to allocate money and resources, but the root system will remain the same and what these ideologues propose will be far more expansive than now. Because only the Woke know that tearing down statues, renaming streets or buildings, smashing small businesses, and railing against "the Western nuclear family" is related to "police reform" and will prevent brutality.
The Global spread of the protests reveals the Globalist structures promoting and financing these efforts that are far from spontaneous or grassroots. The 2010 article advised: "We need to find ways to ameliorate the negative effects of globalization on people's well-being." After mentioning the "burgeoning public debt," it advised: "And we should not expand our system of higher education beyond the ability of the economy to absorb university graduates. An excess of young people with advanced degrees has been one of the chief causes of instability in the past." There is a direct connection here with the current protests, when we consider the same instigators who reduced universities into Marxist indoctrination centers; drilled it into people's heads from an early age that validation is to be sought from such universities and neither trade schools or actual life experiences; advocate the very same Statist policies that have driven up the ridiculous costs of such (re-)education; and champagne Socialists' promises of "free education" that can only be funded by taxation across the board (not only the "top 1%" of which they aren't far removed) and driving up a Debt to be shouldered by successive generations (the selfish whims of instant gratification gimmies legitimized as "social"). The indoctrination centers thus churn out rotted minds and lucrative profits for the Debt machine.
These are agitators seeking power for themselves, wanting positions over which they can dictate over others, rather than merely reacting to the ills of that system. One high-profile figure who has latched upon their Global Network has said: "We will burn down this system and replace it". Because the BLM Global Network is structured as a coalition upon which independent groups can latch themselves under the umbrella, those at the top are shielded from direct accountability over the immediate results of what they promote - much as the riots and lootings use the protests as a shield. When Antifa and Marxist fellow-travelers formed their Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle, it quickly devolved into a new State, with barricaded borders, an armed police force carrying out the dictates of their self-appointed leaders, and the initiation of aggression within their mini-State. All the while they were instigated by their favored Socialist councilwoman from the comfort of her six-figure home. We see this also in the protestors thinking little of substance beyond "orange man bad" and voting him out will usher in their utopia, ignoring the police brutality in predominately Democratic-run cities and seeking to replace him with someone whose abysmal record they ignore. The would-be Orwellians want useful idiots squandering their energy on scraps from the system, so they can ultimately rule over them instead.
A thousand mostly-affluent cult members
repeating their public professions of faith
It is a new religion, because it feels like it is on a crusade or jihad, seeking to evangelize and convert to its cause. It seeks salvation in the elusive trust that the State will give them "reform" so long as its their own favored Statists. Giving in to their "demands" and bending the knee are signs of submission; the faithful chanting of mantras and professions of faith at their events ensuring compliance to the public cult. The pressures for companies and individuals to publicly adopt the Dogma, even retroactively, owe more to a time when church and state were one and those not accepting the dogma were heretics. The firing of people in different public or even private positions for their opinions that run contrary to the Dogma, are a modern version of medieval witch-hunts. The wanton destruction of historical monuments, is no different than the iconoclasts who rampaged across Europe and later the other continents destroying symbols of indigenous cultures, or the ISIS fanatics who eradicated traces of the previous timeline; no longer just Confederate statues, but now in the vein of the iconoclasts any "graven images" will do as a sacrificial appeasement.
In the weeks to come, I will publish more articles looking at various other aspects - the psychological motives of various leaders and instigators; the Marxist ideology and connections of this movement; why its a new religion; and both the hypocrisy and agenda of certain other forces taking advantage of these efforts for their own agenda.
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