by Sean Jobst
29 October 2020
This is not an endorsement. My perspective is cultural, that true changes occur within the thinking and social actions of people, not in fleeting political charades. Its a recognition that change must occur within ourselves first and then extend outward. The most lasting politics are at the local and community level, although this has been greatly complicated by an expansive federal government. One has to wonder why every four years, the oligarchs whose deep pockets direct American political discourse get the masses to drain their energy into Presidential elections, voting for their pre-selected choices. To see what's at stake with this 2020 election requires a broader 20/20 vision and not the rose-colored glasses of emotions and selective partisan outrage that are prone to ignorance and easily manipulated.
No matter whatever metric we use, one side is blatantly more authoritarian than the other side in its policy proposals, encroachment, and the actual record of its two leading figureheads - and that is the Democratic campaign of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Both are Establishment politicians with the decades-long taint of Police State legislation, Neoliberal economic policies, and giddy warmongering. The blood that is on their hands, the lives and livelihood their policies destroyed, the families torn apart as a direct result of their policies - nothing will ever hide the shame, no matter how much the elites are united in running cover for them. The effects their records have enabled within the culture itself are the most insidious, their current policy proposals being outer dressing for those cultural changes (as guided and manufactured by the elites) but also an augury of things to come if elected.
The talented art of George Alexopoulos

The alliance Harris/Biden (the actual order) represent is a tenuous one of Liberal elites, rehabilitated Neocons and old Republican elites, and Leftist activists, united around a fanatical Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) of "orange man bad" that has been their defining obsession these past four years. By its very nature its a negative alliance defined by what it opposes than positive policies, which makes it a magnet for the unprincipled, opportunists, and manipulated alike. Whatever we can say about Donald Trump - and I have my issues with him as I will discuss later - anyone with principles and common-sense, who has done their diligent research, is forced to absolutely admit that he is no worse than so many of those forces obsessed about him. Trump is certainly no savior, but for them he is merely an archetype where they can direct all their ire while lulling yet more people away from remembering their own records (often the very policies such people allegedly oppose). Even more than they did with Obama and Hillary Clinton, the mainstream Corporate Media, Big Tech, and the Entertainment industry (far more emphasis on industry than "entertainment" these days) have been fawning sycophants, carrying water for Biden/Harris and covering for them at every turn, even outright censoring criticism - hiding stories and their own records that cast them in an unfavorable light, such as the ongoing Hunter Biden saga, profiting from his office, and countless other scandals tossed down the Memory Hole. Perhaps its because Biden lacks the charisma or polished gaffe-free demeanors of those cold, calculated politicians - he cannot stand on his own feet, so these elites go out of their way help the basement hero. Its no surprise because Biden reveals just how unhinged he is at the slightest criticism or challenge, as he has reacted time and time again against people from all walks of life. Kamala Harris is a favorite of billionaires, delivering the people Biden cares about even while he assumes the "normal man" charade.

Principles over Willful Ignorance. My political awakening occurred as a teenager, during the Bush administration when I opposed the wars and the expansive Patriot Act surveillance state. I was broadly a leftist of the old Ralph Nader variety, as prone to call out the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party elites as Bush and the Neocons. I saw those same elites and trendy activists lulled to sleep as Obama came to power with even more wars and the NDAA (Patriot Act 2.0). I awoke to the economic factors behind these wars and the surveillance state, indeed the very nature of the State itself, as I was newly energized as a Ron Paul libertarian. I became aware of the banking system so I saw these same activists and elites who talked a good game about the working- and middle- classes, idolize Obama who bailed out Wall Street bankers and Big Corporations.
The last election rolled on and I opposed all the mainstream political forces and campaigns, as my writings from throughout 2015 and 2016 attest. My libertarian grounding in a basic understanding of economics, as well as a historical and familial opposition to Communism, kept me from the silly Bernie Sanders bandwagon so many other Millennials were jumping onto. I never forgot the Democratic Party elites and Big Media who supported the wars and surveillance policies of Bush and the Neocons, or lulled to sleep by Obama who continued and even expanded those same policies but was simply more charismatic about it. Their number included Biden and Harris, and the untold number of elites and activists now cheerleading them on as the "solution" for the problems of their own making. Many sold out any semblance of principles, as quickly as their anointed Socialist continuously sold out to the oligarchs when he himself joined the millionaire class.

Moral Bankruptcy of Orange Man Bad. This mind virus reduces all political discourse to hating one man and defeating him at all costs, even if it obviously means electing two career politicians with a destructive legislative trail behind them. Principles are easily cast aside and opportunism rules the day, as the ends come to justify the means. The last four years have seen political forces re-aligning and shifting as with no other time before. I have seen the Bush dynasty and assorted Neocon critters rehabilitated by Corporate media and circle-jerks masquerading as "Entertainment". I have seen Marxist hypocrites who fall in line obediently behind Biden/Harris 2020 (united as they are in their love for the State so long as they're the ones in power). I have seen various war-profiteers and war-mongers idolized by the media. In simple terms, there is a moral bankruptcy in defining one's decision on such a hollowed basis and aligning with any of these corrupt forces that should be cast beyond the pale rather than given positions to influence.
Riots and Marxist subversion. I have already documented the Globalist-Marxist connections of BLM and Antifa in several articles, exposing the agenda behind the riots despite media narratives that legitimize all as "peaceful protests". The level to which Big Media, Big Tech, and Hollywood elites have covered for and often bailed out rioters as eagerly as their political backers bailed out Wall Street bankers; the deep pockets of billionaires funding their causes out of a deep love for social justice (sarcasm intended); should be enough to expose these mobs as manipulated pawns. Repeated sting operations uncovered several Sanders Socialist operatives (such as Kyle Jurek, Martin Weissgerber, and Kris Jacks) admitting on camera their desire to "burn it all down" in a violent revolution and supporting Biden/Harris as the candidates they can manipulate towards these ends. The riots are a bargaining tool to impose their demands, and indeed they have been successful in many cities (using their dubious measures of success), so we can only imagine how much Biden/Harris would give in to these unelected fanatics. They are among the true powers behind that campaign as we see with the Green New Deal - and behind them are the deep pockets of oligarchs and billionaires.

Rona Lockdown 2.0. Biden has admitted he would impose another Coronavirus lockdown if elected, indicating how authoritarian his thinking is that the federal government could dictate state and local matters. Just as with the devastating effects his war and crime legislation have wrought over so many lives, behind his masked virtue-signaling is a cold embrace of all the personal and social problems that would inevitably come with a second lockdown. Its not about "flattening the curve" or any of the other fleeting excuses they come up with as time goes by - its purely about control and social engineering for such elites. In a dialectic inversion, the "cure" would clearly be far worse than the virus. For all their claims to "the science", theirs is nothing but an appeal to their own selected authorities because they conveniently ignore dissenting doctors who have warned of the real health problems stemming from the shutdowns. Lost on such people is Fauci's constant flip-flopping or that even the World Health Organization recently backtracked on lockdowns after advocating them the last seven months. One of the Biden emails has named Harris as one of its "domestic contacts" for their business ventures. It also names New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, which sheds some light on the broader agenda of Rona lockdowns championed by each while presiding over the policies that exacerbated that state's high death toll in the first place. Biden has even floated the idea of Cuomo as U.S. Attorney General.
Green (Red) New Deal. Endorsed on Biden's own website, the Green New Deal is one such area of authoritarian overreach - Globalist bureaucrats combined with Marxist ideologues as nothing but an excuse to impose their authoritarian socialism and social-engineer towards the "Great Reset". Its not about "clean energy", fighting "climate change", or achieving "net-zero emissions" - all are loaded buzzwords deliberately kept vague so as to attach any policy proposals they want to it. Its the direct path to a more militarized and authoritarian society, hidden underneath fears about an apocalyptic slippery-slope if society doesn't yield such controls to these elites. As with other policies, its one law for them and another for the masses - the latter are the ones shamed for their "carbon footprint" and their "emissions", whereas these hypocrites emit far more energy than the rest of us ever have or will. Carbon is the building block of life, so no matter how much they hide behind "the science" - ignoring all the dissenting scientists and scientific evidence - the self-anointed ones look down upon us lesser people for our "sin" of living and breathing on an Earth that has sustained us. Big Bankers would profit immensely from Biden's $1.7 trillion "climate plan", so perhaps there's another meaning behind green.

The Trump 'Racist' Narrative. Because it has been such a defining narrative used to garner support for Biden/Harris, I will spend some attention on the MSM's "white supremacist" narrative they attach to Trump. While BLM and Antifa are burning American cities and smashing windows, and Leftist political violence is actually most prevalent now, the MSM constructs a bogeyman by conflating such cultural/civic nationalist groups as the Proud Boys (led by a man of Black Cuban descent and whose membership includes all races) with ethno- or racial nationalists, making all of them into some nebulous "far right" label they can never define. Its merely part of their "intersectional" Critical Race Theory that wants to shame all white people (except the very ones lecturing to us) as "racist" and paternalistically direct black people's thinking so these elites can control all of us through divide and conquer. Such people demand absolute allegiance to their dogmas, as I experienced personally when I wrote a 2017 Facebook post that criticized both the Alt-Right and Antifa/BLM at Charlottesville. Even the much-repeated "fine people on both sides" narrative attached to Trump was taken out of context while he has declared both Antifa and the KKK as terrorist organizations. Meanwhile, the elites idolizing Biden ignore his own praise of such organizations as "made up of many fine people".
Biden's Racist Record. Career politician Biden began his 47-year career with the blessings of Dixiecrat Segregationists, including his mentor James Eastland, the Mississippi Senator who openly called blacks "an inferior race". When pressed about this relationship in 2019, Biden responded: "We got things done" - an attitude we should take to heart as we look at the assorted people surrounding him now. Another Mississippi segregationist senator, John Stennis, was praised by Biden as a "hero" and "legend" who gifted him the table upon which the "Southern Manifesto" was signed in 1956. Eastland and Stennis were reliable allies as Biden was making a name for himself as the "anti-busing crusader" in 1977, during which the anointed "anti-racist" candidate openly feared "a racial jungle". In 2010, Biden eulogized West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd, a long-time KKK member and recruiter. Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer publicly endorsed Biden on 24 August 2020, doubling-down on his reasons the next day. This is not surprising given that Spencer, as a National-Bolshevik subversive who has praised the Soviet Union, would be aligned with the Far-Left in their common collectivist, race-obsessed worldview and praise for Communism.
Those who scream "fascist" at every turn are lost for words in explaining their alignment with him, or their endorsing a man with such an ignoble record. But not much can be expected from people who are (selectively) more triggered about words taken out of context than someone's actual record. I firmly maintain my position that the most insidious people in this election are the Far-Left because they absolutely prefer Biden over Trump at all costs, many of them knowing full well Biden's record that created many of the same problems and bred the very "systemic racism" and other social "inequalities" they speak a good game about. That they would still support him in their TDS shows that all that hollowed rhetoric is nothing but an excuse used for their actual agenda which is authoritarian and Marxist. These unprincipled opportunists know a weak and demented Biden and an ambitious and psychopathic Harris would rubber-stamp their demands.

Biden and the Police State. If there is one defining achievement of Biden's 47-years in politics, it's his legislation that expanded and enabled the Police State at all levels. He is demented now but throughout his career waxed sadistically on his love for incarceration of non-violent "crime" offenders. Authoritarians have always expanded their control through an expanding definition of "crime", much like the wars supported by his ilk also enlarged the State. Although he is far from perfect in this regard, its the "racist/fascist" Trump who undid at least some of Biden's criminal bills with his own First Step Act in 2019, as well as presiding over a black and Hispanic incarceration rate that has been at its lowest in 31 years according to a report by the Justice Department. Quite simply, the candidates who are the harshest on issues of non-violent "criminals" (in stark contrast to "peaceful" rioters), incarceration, and the prison-industrial-complex, with a sordid track record spanning decades, its Biden and Harris.
Their Police State legislation was about authoritarian controls and not truly about fighting "crime", picking up steam when actual crime trends were decreasing - hence his need for an expanded definition of crimes. In 1977, Biden worked to remove judicial discretion from those who "don't meet the middle-class criteria of susceptibility to rehabilitation." He entered the 1980s as a leading Drug Warrior, working alongside rehabilitated segregationist Strom Thurmond in establishing mandatory minimum sentences for all drug offenses, raising maximum sentences, and creating the modern system of civil asset forfeiture that enables the government to seize the money and property of accused without charging them with a crime. He co-sponsored the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, which meted out the same mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years with no probation and parole, to someone possessing as little as five grams of crack as one possessing 500 grams of powder cocaine - legislation that somehow exempted his son Hunter. Even as the CIA spook President George H.W. Bush was ramping up the Drug War in 1989, Biden criticized this as not enough: "Quite frankly, the President's plans are not tough enough, bold enough, or imaginative enough to meet the crisis at hand."

Biden lamented that only four people on average were given the death penalty for drug offenses, and bragged about passing the "first federal death penalty" in 1972. Biden introduced the National Drug Control Strategy Act in 1990, which would have created "military-style boot camp prisons" for people arrested for drug-related offenses. This prepared for the Biden-Thurmond Violent Crime Control Act of 1991, which would have increased the maximum sentence for 44 offenses to include the death penalty. In the debate about the bill, Biden called for increasing the number to 51. Introducing his namesake crime bill to the Senate on 18 November 1993, Biden boasted: "Every major crime bill since 1976; every minor crime bill; has had the name of the Democratic Senator from the State of Delaware, Joe Biden." He warned of "predators on our streets" who were "beyond the pale": "Many of those people literally have not been socialized. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society."
The ominous meaning of "socialized" received its full expression in his co-sponsoring the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995, combining his "tough on crime" crusade with an aggressive push towards the surveillance state. The Patriot Act was an amended version of Biden's bill and he took credit for having passed "almost the same thing". After a Senate meeting on terrorism in 1996, Biden told C-SPAN: "Hell, we've got crime bills coming out our ears." Speaking about rave club owners in 2001, Biden demanded: "Increase penalties. Put the son of a gun in jail!" Even though he is now slyly backtracking for political expediency - which doesn't matter since its effects have already been long-felt and normalized in the culture - Biden admitted during his 2008 presidential campaign: "I knew more people would be locked up across the board." Across the board clearly means many who were non-violent and even innocent; his record has been a consistent one of dismissing people to statistics and "means" that justify his Police State ends. In a stunning 2016 interview, Biden boasted about his crime bills - "We had enormous success" - and blamed "institutional racism" instead for all the social effects. Such abstract narratives enable the legislation actually responsible.

Cop-mala Harris and the Police State. As San Francisco prosecutor from 2004 to 2011, Harris built a reputation implementing the same type of draconian crime laws Biden was sponsoring in the U.S. Senate. In 2004, she opposed a state initiative to ease minimum mandatory sentencing laws, further opposing sentence reform measures in 2012 and 2014. She began prosecuting parents of habitually truant students, even sending public school parents threatening letters, including a $2,000 fine or prison sentence. (Truancy in California includes "having three unexcused absences or being late to school by 30 minutes three times in one school year.") In 2010, Harris opposed Proposition 19 that would have legalized marijuana in California (it wasn't legalized until 2016). She oversaw the city's crime lab which violated defendants' rights by hiding evidence that technician Deborah Madden purposely sabotaged the drug results of multiple cases, skimming cocaine for herself and mishandling evidence. Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo ruled that Harris' office purposely hid Madden's recent conviction from defense lawyers, calling into question the convictions of nearly forty defendants; it has since led to more than 600 drug-related cases getting tossed out. Harris also challenged the release of Daniel Larsen, even after it was revealed he was innocent and nine witnesses were not called to testify for him. She admitted his innocence but worked to keep him imprisoned on the grounds he failed to present proof quick enough; his conviction was overturned only by the help of the Innocence Project in 2009.
She continued her appalling judicial overreach throughout her career as California Attorney General from 2011 to 2017. During her tenure, at least 1,560 people were thrown in prison for marijuana-related offenses, according to data from the Washington Free Beacon. She laughed when confronted about them, even being condemned as a "disgrace" for a marijuana joke against her Jamaican heritage. Harris aggressively ensured that non-violent second-strike offenders were not paroled, arguing that California would lose "an important labor pool" and wanted to use them to fight forest fires. In January 2015, Harris appeared before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for her role in using a lying jail informant and covering for a prosecutor who perjured in a trial against Johnny Baca. She fought to keep him convicted even after the misconduct was uncovered, and the prosecutor revealed to hide evidence from the defense. Two months later, she protected Kern County prosecutor Robert Murray, who was caught falsifying a confession transcript to secure a life-term conviction. As with the Baca case, the conviction was overturned only against Harris' draconian efforts. Like Biden, she backed civil asset forfeiture - the State's blatant theft of property without a conviction. She refused to endorse a 2015 bill calling for a special prosecutor to investigate deadly police shootings, contrary to her BLM pandering.
This reveals a consistent pattern of Kamala Harris being an authoritarian, a draconian Police State crusader no matter how much she claims to be a "criminal justice reform" candidate. She railroaded at least five innocent people during her career, refusing a DNA test that could potentially release a man on death row. The MSM and "Entertainment" elites have idolized her, leaving it for Tulsi Gabbard to call her out. All who support Biden/Harris are endorsing their records, whether one knows it or not. The Conservatives miss half the story when they take Harris at her face value as a "radical", as she is a Police State psychopath who supports the rioters as weaponized pawns whose proposals will merely enlarge that State's scope in some directions rather than others. The broader picture can be seen in the fact that gun control was also enshrined in Biden's bipartisan 1994 crime bill. Biden and Harris have infringed on individual gun rights, even while maintaining their private security and pursuing policies arming the law boys to implement their own favored projects, such as anyone violating their proposed national mask mandate. The central problem is their authoritarianism and the expanding definition of "crime" itself; what is needed will be to think outside the dialectic.

A Lifetime of Lies and Cronyism. Biden has built his career upon a sandstorm of lies, held up only by the Establishment's running cover for him. This is even though he admitted plagiarizing in law school and has continuously been caught plagiarizing speeches. His embellishments included his claims to have "ended genocide" in Bosnia. The ongoing Hunter Biden emails are uncovering a pattern of Joe Biden using his position as Obama's Vice President to benefit his family's business dealings in such places as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and China. Just one incident includes activities on behalf of a firm with close ties to Chinese intelligence. Its no coincidence the same Big Tech that has suppressed those who bring up those incriminating emails, has been exposed hiring Chinese government-linked censors as part of their Orwellian "Hate-Speech Engineering" team. The hypocrite Biden can cry crocodile tears about "kids in cages" even while those cages were built under the Obama Administration. This is a consistent pattern of speaking with a forked tongue while doing entirely different things; and a record of cronyism that would form the hallmark of his foreign policy.
True Forces Behind a Biden Foreign Policy. Even after praising Biden, Robert Gates, the former Defense Secretary under Obama, issued a scathing critique of his foreign policy: "I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." We may accept or reject the view of a former CIA director, but one thing is very apparent: Biden being such a foreign policy novice, with his record of rubber-stamping all wars and adventures put before him, would make him very susceptible to certain domestic and foreign forces directing his policies. Harris is also an admitted interventionist with a "global vision". Some things are inevitable - the Overton Window has certainly shifted on Afghanistan whether Trump or Biden will be re-elected. But other potential trade deals and foreign adventures warrant a closer scrutiny at his foreign policy team.

"Many of the people who work closely with Biden are enmeshed in the opaque world of strategic consultancies and by extension a network of the world’s biggest businesses," writes Jonathan Guyer for The American Prospect. We can certainly expect business as usual when it comes to Israel, Biden having signed off on the wars fought for AIPAC and the Neocons. He had proposed the break-up of Iraq into three states, as per the Oded Yinon Plan that wants to scramble the Middle East map. Biden's likely defense secretary, Michèle Flournoy, defines her purpose as "building bridges between Silicon Valley and the U.S. government." Her vision seems eerily similar to the merger of private and public as proposed by the Communitarian Agenda 2030, with the Biden/Big Tech links documented throughout. Flournoy is founding partner of a consulting firm called WestExec Advisors with former Biden speechwriter Tony Blinken, who "never cashed in on his international connections, years of face time with Saudi, Israeli, and Chinese leaders."
That opportunity would likely come with a Biden/Harris Administration, which would clearly give favored status to WestExec Advisors' various clients: "The Prospect can confirm that one of those clients is the Israeli artificial-intelligence company Windward. With surveillance software that tracks ships in real time, two former Israeli naval intelligence officers established the company in 2010. Gabi Ashkenazi, former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces, serves on its board. Windward also claims former CIA director David Petraeus as an investor, as well as a Hong Kong billionaire (most U.S. military-tech companies avoid money from China, experts told me, so they turn to investing in Israel)." Thus, we see the same link-up of Israeli military intelligence, former CIA spooks, and Chinese Communist oligarchs that I documented in my "Covid and the Global Surveillance State" series. This makes one ponder about the true intent behind Biden's aggressive use of the Rona for his campaign.

My Problems with Trump. While the above information has been more than enough for me to reject and actively oppose a Biden/Harris election victory, I have serious issues with Trump that prevent me from becoming a MAGA red-hat wearing partisan. That includes the treacherous circle that surrounds him and has his ears. His advisor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, with his links to Chabad - a fanatical religious cult with deep oligarch pockets and political links around the world. Biden has also pandered to Chabad, so I can expect business as usual either way - but certainly I won't hold my breath that a second Trump term would either rein in Kushner or prosecute the Biden Crime Family, just as he never "locked up" Hillary or truly gone against the deep pockets of the Clinton Foundation. While Trump may rein in on Communist China, he has rehabilitated that longtime svengali Henry Kissinger who, like WestExec, represents his own Big Business links and he is the man who presided over both the rapprochement to Communist China and the treacherous Israel-United States Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation. On the other hand, Biden and Harris would be more directly linked to the Chinese government. The joint Israeli-Chinese theft of American technology and infiltration of hi-tech firms will continue whether the White House deals directly with China or indirectly through Israel.

Nor is Trump a savior against Globalist Big Pharma. As documented by Derrick Broze, his Administration's defunding of the World Health Organization (WHO) simply means that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will overtake the U.S. government as its main funder. There will be even less oversight over that corrupt organization. In February 2020, the Trump Administration through the CIA-linked USAID pledged $1.16 billion between 2020 and 2023 to Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, founded and funded by the Gates Foundation. This was confirmed by both Gavi and the US State Department. That Gavi is another leading funder of the WHO simply means the government's aid that was going directly to the WHO, would simply be funneled through it. In May, US Ambassador to the UN, Kelly Craft, who has identified "fighting anti-Israel bias" as her primary effort at the UN, participated in an event funded by Gates, Soros and assorted other Globalists, pledging yet more millions of tax-payer dollars to Gavi. On 4 June, Trump himself issued a video endorsement of Gavi at its virtual Global Vaccine Summit in the UK. It no longer matters if the public is privatized or the private is nationalized - the objective will be the same under communitarian Globalism.
It allows some trappings of national sovereignty here and there, but the underlying system will be the same. Trump has done some positive things, such as reversing the TPP and many other trade deals; reining in on the intersectional cult that was subverting federal agencies; and foremost, the most non-interventionist president in recent history. Make America Great Again should be as much about not enforcing peace deals for Israel as it is about not fighting wars for it either - Israel can make its own deals, and America should finally put its own interests first which should start with cutting off the aid spigot and ending their subversion of American institutions. Nor should an American withdrawal simply enable the three "multipolar" powers waiting to replace it with their own imperialism. I will remain vigilant and continue to expose the agenda that remains the same, no matter whom makes it into the White House. And finally, the "Libertarian" Party is a joke of a third-party. Just as they curried favor with disaffected Republicans in the 2012 and 2016 elections, so too is it now currying favor with authoritarian Leftists as seen in Jo Jorgenson's endorsement of a Marxist movement. It is both ignorant and anti-libertarian, an ill-fated alignment with authoritarians who demand absolute allegiance to their Statism at all levels. I will proudly close this election cycle upon principles.
Great analysis...except the line about rapproachment with China being bad. Unipolarist nation statism is utopian. China is the future. So what.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I appreciate it....I support peaceful relations between all cultures and countries, but I am foremost a decentralist who opposes any move towards Empire or Global States alike. Rapprochement between a non-interventionist America and an inward-looking China would be great, but with the neoliberal Western elites and the imperialist Chinese Communist Party at the helm, people like me will call out the expansionist qualities of both and their harmful effects upon peoples and communities worldwide.