by Sean Jobst
16 January 2020
Each new year seems to start with an event that soon subsides but actually sets the stage for the rest of the year. And its no different with 2020, with the same State and non-State actors playing out their rehearsed roles in this political theater. Two events - the U.S. government's assassination of Iran's elite Quds Force commander Major-General Qasem Soleimani, and the subsequent Iranian missile downing of Ukrainian flight PS752 - establish what is shaping up to be a new dialectic of "bad America" vs. "bad Iran", with some unlikely beneficiaries.
The MSM narratives are now mistrusted by a growing skeptical public, but so too should we be suspicious of what passes for most of the "alternative" media. On the one hand, there are the "woke" anti-Trump crowd whose opposition is purely partisan and therefore hypocritical. Their apocalyptic concerns about a new war instigated by Trump are off-the-mark, while the actual wars of his predecessor was never even a blip on their radar. It will not escalate into a war - and its my contention that it was never designed to achieve anything but destabilization.
On the other hand, are a segment of the pro-Trump media who see Trump as an innocent victim of certain people surrounding him. They see his motives as truly "America First", but that for some reason he keeps certain figures around him - the likes of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, fanatical Neocons like Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, and assorted Israel Firsters - while allegedly trying to counteract each other. These people know that Trump is basically a reality TV star, but neglect to realize its them and not his close circle who are being played. Then there is the pro-Kremlin media - spanning both "left" and "right" - that hypocritically bashes America using the Duginist playbook while giving a free pass to the Russian Empire.
What - and Who - is behind the Soleimani assassination?
It now seems that Soleimani was lured to the Baghdad International Airport for some kind of meeting to discuss a de-escalation of tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia, moderated by the Iraqi Prime Minister. US Defense Secretary Mark Esper - a former lobbyist with Raytheon - has discounted initial White House claims that even Trump now seems to be downplaying, of Soleimani allegedly being in Baghdad to plan attacks on four U.S. embassies.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke more vaguely about "a broad, large-scale attack", which was "imminent" even while admitting he knew nothing about "when or where". This is not surprising for a religious fanatic like Pompeo, who needs no proof for his apocalyptic vision which includes agreeing with a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) question that "Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from an Iranian menace". So clearly there is an Israeli dimension central to the entire stage-play.
On two separate occasions in late 2019, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and Mossad chief Yossi Cohen publicly called for Soleimani's assassination. Even the MSM has churned out the typical "expert" talking heads to control the discourse about these events and Iran generally, without disclosing their ties to various military-industrial companies and pro-Israel think-tanks. This current administration's "hawkish" policies towards Iran is largely shaped by National Security Council official Richard Goldberg, who the entire time he was at the White House was receiving a salary from the Sheldon Adelson-funded pro-Israel think-tank, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.
One leading anti-Iran voice in US bipartisan government circles is Patrick Clawson, former senior economist with both the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, who as Research Director for the AIPAC-linked Washington Institute for Near East Policy, delivered a 21 Sept. 2012 speech entitled "How to Build U.S.-Israeli Coordination on Preventing an Iranian Nuclear Breakout", calling for "covert means" to "increase the pressure" against Iran.
There are no innocent actors in geopolitical theater
Anyone who is not awoke to the deep connections between Putin and Netanyahu, or more broadly the burgeoning Israeli-Russian alliance, is either willfully ignorant or disinformation agents at this point. The links are there for anyone who cares to think outside the dialectic and venture outside their spoon-feeding limited hangouts, so its not for me to detail the literally hundreds of sources documenting all aspects of that alliance. Just as knowledge is power, so too will an awareness about this unravel the events' real meaning. We should also know that there is no such thing as "saviors" or "innocent victims" in politics, aside from the common people who may be caught up in the crossfire. All have an agenda which could just as well align as easily as they seem to conflict.
Such is the case with the Iranian-Israeli conflict. Their war charade - only "fighting" through a proxy which itself was founded with Israeli connections, according to Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan - has not prevented both countries from joining the Kremlin's Eurasian Economic Union, and Iran being a hub or Israel a member of China's Belt Road Initiative.
Australian researcher Brendon O'Connell has been doing excellent work detailing the charade and he has also theorized that Soleimani was an Iranian nationalist, often criticizing political elites in Iran and was a rival of leading figures with Globalist connections, like President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. The ways that the Iranian government reacts in ways that on one hand are bombastic on the rhetorical level but on the other hand seems to be more concerned with "saving face" than actual meaningful actions, seems to indicate their role within the geopolitical theater.
Iranian lawmakers making their predictable chants of anti-American slogans and burning flags, and Trump's hawkish vocal support for protestors in Iran, so blatantly embolden the most hardline segments in both countries that we have to wonder if this is all by design. I agree with O'Connell that Russia and China, which have close relations with both Iran and Israel, will exploit these events to be the "good guys" in the Mideast as they continue to corral the region into their own respective geopolitical blocs. Indeed, Putin followed up the assassination with trips to Syria and Turkey and capitalized on growing calls to expel U.S. troops by the potential sale of S-400 air defense systems to Iraq.
Unit 8200 Kill Switch Subversion?
When we look at the involvement of Israel-First subversives in the White House and Russia's close military technological control over Iran (while simultaneously working together as equals with Israel's military), we have to ponder if perhaps the Mossad through some of its back-channels could have fed Iran false signals about a detente with Saudi Arabia to lure Soleimani to Baghdad, while feeding the White House faulty claims that he was there to "plot attacks" against American targets. Especially since no American intelligence source ever made such a claim, and we know that Kushner often has Trump's ears on intelligence matters over the actual American intelligence agencies, it would lend credence to an environment breeding such subversion. This is my working hypothesis.
This leads us to the Israeli military intelligence's Unit 8200, which one expert has called "the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA in everything except scale". Graduates of its programs have gone on to assume leading positions at Silicon Valley tech firms and Israeli start-up firms now increasingly being entrusted with an unprecedented level of the American technological sectors.
Science and technology writer Sally Adee has written an informative article documenting the hidden "backdoors" through certain chip technology built into microprocessors in military equipment that can be accessed remotely. This isn't just theory, as even the MSM in 2010 was blaming Israeli hackers behind the Stuxnet malware for attacking Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant.
Who brought down Ukrainian flight PS752?
This now leads us to the recent events, with American activist, producer and "The Antedote" researcher Jeremy Rothe-Kushel raising the hypothesis that this could be what happened with the Iranian missile shooting down Ukrainian flight PS752. As he writes,
"This was an Israeli cyber terrorist attack that triggered Russian-made Iranian anti-aircraft missile system to misfire against a friendly civilian target by a Unit 8200 backdoor into the 'Friend or Foe' ID code, conduited to Israel via Russian technology relations. The Iranians accused Russia years ago of 'selling' the 'codes' to Iran's Russian-supplied anti-aircraft tech to Israel. And it was said that the compromise of the supplied 'codes' would allow 'Foe' Israeli fighters to confuse Iranian anti-aircraft 'Friend or Foe' ID systems to slip through Iranian airspace as 'Friends.' But, of course, the penetrated 'Friend or Foe' ID system could be flipped the other way, turning a 'Friendly' Ukrainian passenger airliner that just took off into a 'Foe' to be shot down, and the system would automate its cyber false-flagged response before human intervention would be feasible, and it could all be tagged to 'human error'."
The missiles seem to have been Russian-made TorM1 missiles and, as I documented in relation to Syria in a 2017 article, there are close military technology links between Israel and Russia. So it would not be out of the realm of possibility for some connection. An email by a Stratfor employee named Reva, dated 26 Feb. 2012 and revealed by Wikileaks, said in relation to the Israeli-made UAVs that had been given to Georgia and later used in its war against Russia (incidentally showing Israel double-crossed Georgia in favor of Russia): "I inquired more about the compromised Israeli UAVs. What he explained was that Israel and Russia made a swap -- Israel gave Russia the 'data link' code for those specific UAVs; in return, Russia gave Israel the codes for Iran's Tor-M1s."
The email went on to say: "I asked about the S-300 (source tracks a lot of defense deals for Jane's). He doesn't think the Russians will give it to the Iranians. Besides, he said... Israel and Turkey have been collaborating very closely on the S-300s. He explain how about 8 years ago when Russia sold S-300s to Greece to base in Crete (which were supposed to protect Cyprus), Russia delivered those with a carrier so that Turkey wouldn't try to sink them. (things got a bit noisy so i may have misheard some of this). The gist of what he said is that Turkey has been cracking the S-300 since the Crete sale and has been sharing intel on the S-300 with the Israelis to ensure that they retain an advantage over Iran should Iran get them from the Russians."
If we remember, Russia has offered to sell Iraq the S-400 system which is a direct upgrade over the S-300, and its not unlikely that Israel knows the codes for the new system too, so that Putin could be setting the Iraqis up for Israeli infiltration. Whether there are American or Russian bases in Iraq, that country will still be reduced to vassal status. One other tenable aspect of the downing of PS752 is that it could similarly harm Iranian-Ukrainian relations - further keeping Iran within the Kremlin's subservient orbit while undermining its own enemy, Ukraine. Such an event would directly benefit a certain "Eurasianist" subversive who already has ties with Iranian hardliners.
The downing also revealed tensions within the Iranian government, specifically between Globalist politicians and a Nationalist military. Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh revealed at a January 11 press conference that the IRGC had requested a no-fly zone due to the heightened tensions and thus the risk that civilian airliners might get caught in the cross-fire, but "it was not approved for certain considerations" by the government. Despite this, Rouhani - with his suspicious links to Jack Straw and thus Lord Levy and the Rothschilds during his time as a PhD candidate in Scotland - has "turned on the Iranian military" by blaming the Revolutionary Guards in a set-up to increase his power vis-a-vis theirs.
My contention is that America and Iran are being set up for a proxy war that will benefit neither country; that certain political elites in both countries are benefiting from it however for their own subversive interests; and that ultimately only three leaders are directly benefiting from this America vs. Iran charade: Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Xi Jinping. Incidentally, its only those three countries - Russia, Israel and China - which seem to be able to escape direct involvement while their various proxies expend their own blood and treasure.
The only reason Iran is an "enemy" of America is because of the power of the Israel lobby and think-tanks. Contrary to the dialectic, I am not a fan of the Iranian government either and see it as inundated with corrupted Globalist elites as surely as my own country. Its a repeat of the old Arab-Israeli wars: America is bled dry to the tune of countless billions and consistent military and technological espionage, ensuring that Israel has the "edge". Meanwhile, just like the Soviets gave substandard equipment to its Arab "allies", Russian military aid to Iran is designed to keep Iran in subservience while its "ally" Putin deals with Netanyahu on an equal footing.
War is not inevitable. Rather, US withdrawal is what will be imminent and, while I have been a lifelong non-interventionist and anti-empire, I also see the stage being set for an unprincipled replacement of one empire with another, notwithstanding the obvious legitimate anger against American exceptionalism. One need only look at the Russian Eurasian Economic Union and Chinese Belt and Road Initiative to see who is waiting in the wake of an American withdrawal. Intimate Israeli involvement with both empires and Israeli firms' takeover of global cyber-security, will ensure that Israel remains the regional power in alliance with China and Russia. No other regional power will enjoy any but client status.
A "unipolar" and a "multipolar" world are still parallel poles to the same Globalist dialectic. And, as surely as the trade networks of the ancient and medieval worlds, so too are the modern high-tech trade networks a Globalist interplay of political with mercantile elites. US withdrawal from the region will be balanced by an illusionary economic growth that will grow jobs to placate the public but at the price of outsourced control by oligarchs and firms based in Tel Aviv, Moscow and Beijing....behind which will remain the same banking system but with minor tweaks and new centers of operations.
16 January 2020
Each new year seems to start with an event that soon subsides but actually sets the stage for the rest of the year. And its no different with 2020, with the same State and non-State actors playing out their rehearsed roles in this political theater. Two events - the U.S. government's assassination of Iran's elite Quds Force commander Major-General Qasem Soleimani, and the subsequent Iranian missile downing of Ukrainian flight PS752 - establish what is shaping up to be a new dialectic of "bad America" vs. "bad Iran", with some unlikely beneficiaries.
The MSM narratives are now mistrusted by a growing skeptical public, but so too should we be suspicious of what passes for most of the "alternative" media. On the one hand, there are the "woke" anti-Trump crowd whose opposition is purely partisan and therefore hypocritical. Their apocalyptic concerns about a new war instigated by Trump are off-the-mark, while the actual wars of his predecessor was never even a blip on their radar. It will not escalate into a war - and its my contention that it was never designed to achieve anything but destabilization.
On the other hand, are a segment of the pro-Trump media who see Trump as an innocent victim of certain people surrounding him. They see his motives as truly "America First", but that for some reason he keeps certain figures around him - the likes of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, fanatical Neocons like Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, and assorted Israel Firsters - while allegedly trying to counteract each other. These people know that Trump is basically a reality TV star, but neglect to realize its them and not his close circle who are being played. Then there is the pro-Kremlin media - spanning both "left" and "right" - that hypocritically bashes America using the Duginist playbook while giving a free pass to the Russian Empire.
What - and Who - is behind the Soleimani assassination?
It now seems that Soleimani was lured to the Baghdad International Airport for some kind of meeting to discuss a de-escalation of tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia, moderated by the Iraqi Prime Minister. US Defense Secretary Mark Esper - a former lobbyist with Raytheon - has discounted initial White House claims that even Trump now seems to be downplaying, of Soleimani allegedly being in Baghdad to plan attacks on four U.S. embassies.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke more vaguely about "a broad, large-scale attack", which was "imminent" even while admitting he knew nothing about "when or where". This is not surprising for a religious fanatic like Pompeo, who needs no proof for his apocalyptic vision which includes agreeing with a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) question that "Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from an Iranian menace". So clearly there is an Israeli dimension central to the entire stage-play.
On two separate occasions in late 2019, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and Mossad chief Yossi Cohen publicly called for Soleimani's assassination. Even the MSM has churned out the typical "expert" talking heads to control the discourse about these events and Iran generally, without disclosing their ties to various military-industrial companies and pro-Israel think-tanks. This current administration's "hawkish" policies towards Iran is largely shaped by National Security Council official Richard Goldberg, who the entire time he was at the White House was receiving a salary from the Sheldon Adelson-funded pro-Israel think-tank, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.
One leading anti-Iran voice in US bipartisan government circles is Patrick Clawson, former senior economist with both the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, who as Research Director for the AIPAC-linked Washington Institute for Near East Policy, delivered a 21 Sept. 2012 speech entitled "How to Build U.S.-Israeli Coordination on Preventing an Iranian Nuclear Breakout", calling for "covert means" to "increase the pressure" against Iran.
There are no innocent actors in geopolitical theater
Anyone who is not awoke to the deep connections between Putin and Netanyahu, or more broadly the burgeoning Israeli-Russian alliance, is either willfully ignorant or disinformation agents at this point. The links are there for anyone who cares to think outside the dialectic and venture outside their spoon-feeding limited hangouts, so its not for me to detail the literally hundreds of sources documenting all aspects of that alliance. Just as knowledge is power, so too will an awareness about this unravel the events' real meaning. We should also know that there is no such thing as "saviors" or "innocent victims" in politics, aside from the common people who may be caught up in the crossfire. All have an agenda which could just as well align as easily as they seem to conflict.
Such is the case with the Iranian-Israeli conflict. Their war charade - only "fighting" through a proxy which itself was founded with Israeli connections, according to Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan - has not prevented both countries from joining the Kremlin's Eurasian Economic Union, and Iran being a hub or Israel a member of China's Belt Road Initiative.
Australian researcher Brendon O'Connell has been doing excellent work detailing the charade and he has also theorized that Soleimani was an Iranian nationalist, often criticizing political elites in Iran and was a rival of leading figures with Globalist connections, like President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. The ways that the Iranian government reacts in ways that on one hand are bombastic on the rhetorical level but on the other hand seems to be more concerned with "saving face" than actual meaningful actions, seems to indicate their role within the geopolitical theater.
Iranian lawmakers making their predictable chants of anti-American slogans and burning flags, and Trump's hawkish vocal support for protestors in Iran, so blatantly embolden the most hardline segments in both countries that we have to wonder if this is all by design. I agree with O'Connell that Russia and China, which have close relations with both Iran and Israel, will exploit these events to be the "good guys" in the Mideast as they continue to corral the region into their own respective geopolitical blocs. Indeed, Putin followed up the assassination with trips to Syria and Turkey and capitalized on growing calls to expel U.S. troops by the potential sale of S-400 air defense systems to Iraq.
Unit 8200 Kill Switch Subversion?
When we look at the involvement of Israel-First subversives in the White House and Russia's close military technological control over Iran (while simultaneously working together as equals with Israel's military), we have to ponder if perhaps the Mossad through some of its back-channels could have fed Iran false signals about a detente with Saudi Arabia to lure Soleimani to Baghdad, while feeding the White House faulty claims that he was there to "plot attacks" against American targets. Especially since no American intelligence source ever made such a claim, and we know that Kushner often has Trump's ears on intelligence matters over the actual American intelligence agencies, it would lend credence to an environment breeding such subversion. This is my working hypothesis.
This leads us to the Israeli military intelligence's Unit 8200, which one expert has called "the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA in everything except scale". Graduates of its programs have gone on to assume leading positions at Silicon Valley tech firms and Israeli start-up firms now increasingly being entrusted with an unprecedented level of the American technological sectors.
Science and technology writer Sally Adee has written an informative article documenting the hidden "backdoors" through certain chip technology built into microprocessors in military equipment that can be accessed remotely. This isn't just theory, as even the MSM in 2010 was blaming Israeli hackers behind the Stuxnet malware for attacking Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant.
Who brought down Ukrainian flight PS752?
This now leads us to the recent events, with American activist, producer and "The Antedote" researcher Jeremy Rothe-Kushel raising the hypothesis that this could be what happened with the Iranian missile shooting down Ukrainian flight PS752. As he writes,
"This was an Israeli cyber terrorist attack that triggered Russian-made Iranian anti-aircraft missile system to misfire against a friendly civilian target by a Unit 8200 backdoor into the 'Friend or Foe' ID code, conduited to Israel via Russian technology relations. The Iranians accused Russia years ago of 'selling' the 'codes' to Iran's Russian-supplied anti-aircraft tech to Israel. And it was said that the compromise of the supplied 'codes' would allow 'Foe' Israeli fighters to confuse Iranian anti-aircraft 'Friend or Foe' ID systems to slip through Iranian airspace as 'Friends.' But, of course, the penetrated 'Friend or Foe' ID system could be flipped the other way, turning a 'Friendly' Ukrainian passenger airliner that just took off into a 'Foe' to be shot down, and the system would automate its cyber false-flagged response before human intervention would be feasible, and it could all be tagged to 'human error'."
The missiles seem to have been Russian-made TorM1 missiles and, as I documented in relation to Syria in a 2017 article, there are close military technology links between Israel and Russia. So it would not be out of the realm of possibility for some connection. An email by a Stratfor employee named Reva, dated 26 Feb. 2012 and revealed by Wikileaks, said in relation to the Israeli-made UAVs that had been given to Georgia and later used in its war against Russia (incidentally showing Israel double-crossed Georgia in favor of Russia): "I inquired more about the compromised Israeli UAVs. What he explained was that Israel and Russia made a swap -- Israel gave Russia the 'data link' code for those specific UAVs; in return, Russia gave Israel the codes for Iran's Tor-M1s."
The email went on to say: "I asked about the S-300 (source tracks a lot of defense deals for Jane's). He doesn't think the Russians will give it to the Iranians. Besides, he said... Israel and Turkey have been collaborating very closely on the S-300s. He explain how about 8 years ago when Russia sold S-300s to Greece to base in Crete (which were supposed to protect Cyprus), Russia delivered those with a carrier so that Turkey wouldn't try to sink them. (things got a bit noisy so i may have misheard some of this). The gist of what he said is that Turkey has been cracking the S-300 since the Crete sale and has been sharing intel on the S-300 with the Israelis to ensure that they retain an advantage over Iran should Iran get them from the Russians."
If we remember, Russia has offered to sell Iraq the S-400 system which is a direct upgrade over the S-300, and its not unlikely that Israel knows the codes for the new system too, so that Putin could be setting the Iraqis up for Israeli infiltration. Whether there are American or Russian bases in Iraq, that country will still be reduced to vassal status. One other tenable aspect of the downing of PS752 is that it could similarly harm Iranian-Ukrainian relations - further keeping Iran within the Kremlin's subservient orbit while undermining its own enemy, Ukraine. Such an event would directly benefit a certain "Eurasianist" subversive who already has ties with Iranian hardliners.
The downing also revealed tensions within the Iranian government, specifically between Globalist politicians and a Nationalist military. Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh revealed at a January 11 press conference that the IRGC had requested a no-fly zone due to the heightened tensions and thus the risk that civilian airliners might get caught in the cross-fire, but "it was not approved for certain considerations" by the government. Despite this, Rouhani - with his suspicious links to Jack Straw and thus Lord Levy and the Rothschilds during his time as a PhD candidate in Scotland - has "turned on the Iranian military" by blaming the Revolutionary Guards in a set-up to increase his power vis-a-vis theirs.
My contention is that America and Iran are being set up for a proxy war that will benefit neither country; that certain political elites in both countries are benefiting from it however for their own subversive interests; and that ultimately only three leaders are directly benefiting from this America vs. Iran charade: Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Xi Jinping. Incidentally, its only those three countries - Russia, Israel and China - which seem to be able to escape direct involvement while their various proxies expend their own blood and treasure.
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All Eurasian trade routes lead to....Jerusalem? The Bünting Map is official property of the National Library of Israel and a replica appears outside the Jerusalem City Hall |
The only reason Iran is an "enemy" of America is because of the power of the Israel lobby and think-tanks. Contrary to the dialectic, I am not a fan of the Iranian government either and see it as inundated with corrupted Globalist elites as surely as my own country. Its a repeat of the old Arab-Israeli wars: America is bled dry to the tune of countless billions and consistent military and technological espionage, ensuring that Israel has the "edge". Meanwhile, just like the Soviets gave substandard equipment to its Arab "allies", Russian military aid to Iran is designed to keep Iran in subservience while its "ally" Putin deals with Netanyahu on an equal footing.
War is not inevitable. Rather, US withdrawal is what will be imminent and, while I have been a lifelong non-interventionist and anti-empire, I also see the stage being set for an unprincipled replacement of one empire with another, notwithstanding the obvious legitimate anger against American exceptionalism. One need only look at the Russian Eurasian Economic Union and Chinese Belt and Road Initiative to see who is waiting in the wake of an American withdrawal. Intimate Israeli involvement with both empires and Israeli firms' takeover of global cyber-security, will ensure that Israel remains the regional power in alliance with China and Russia. No other regional power will enjoy any but client status.
A "unipolar" and a "multipolar" world are still parallel poles to the same Globalist dialectic. And, as surely as the trade networks of the ancient and medieval worlds, so too are the modern high-tech trade networks a Globalist interplay of political with mercantile elites. US withdrawal from the region will be balanced by an illusionary economic growth that will grow jobs to placate the public but at the price of outsourced control by oligarchs and firms based in Tel Aviv, Moscow and Beijing....behind which will remain the same banking system but with minor tweaks and new centers of operations.
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