by Sean Jobst
28 January 2020
Delegations of world leaders from 47 countries converged upon Jerusalem's Yad Vashem for the World Holocaust Forum on 23 January 2020. Among the delegations attending the two-day event, billed as "Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism", was Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emanuel Macron, US Vice-President Mike Pence, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and British Prince Charles. Far from being a mere "remembrance", the gathering reveals many aspects about the Global Order - its emerging alliances, Orwellian thought crime laws, and messianic delusions.
The central figure lurking behind the scenes, bankrolling the entire operation clearly aimed at elites, was the Russian-Jewish oligarch, Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor. He told the Jerusalem Post how he wanted to send a "clear" message "that antisemitism has no place in our global society". Local sovereignties, concerns of free speech and free discourse, and why one type of "hatred" is elevated over all others, is lost in this well-funded elitist choir that sang to Kantor's tune.
Deep pockets and connections of oligarch Kantor
With a personal net worth of $4.2 billion, Kantor's Acron Group is one of the world's leading fertilizer company. As if this stench was not enough, Kantor is also a "philanthropist" who pursues an ideological agenda through such organizations as the World Jewish Congress and Russian Jewish Congress. Going directly to the heads of state beyond any mere "congress", as president of the European Jewish Congress he praised Putin as a "friend of the Jews". He includes any opposition to Zionism in his definition of "anti-Semitism".
As one of Putin's "army of Jewish billionaires", Kantor naturally gave Putin a platform the "former" KGB spook used to sanitize the Soviet role in World War II vis-a-vis "collaborater" Poland. This is a favorite trope of Putin, which he echoes from such figures as the oligarch Boris Spiegel, his Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar, and the Duginist/Kahanist Avigdor Eskin who routinely accuse Ukraine, Poland, and Baltic nations of "anti-Semitism". His government has generally "whitewashed" Stalin's crimes, used FSB agents to beat Russian citizens who criticize Soviet crimes, imprisoned a Russian who mentioned historical facts about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and railroaded through various trumped-up charges a historian who documented the Gulags.
Was the Polish President snubbed?
The warm welcome of Putin was an apparent snub of Polish President Andrzej Duda, who told the Polish media he would not attend since the organizers turned down his request to speak while allowing for Putin. In a move of damage control, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin then rushed to Poland to meet with Duda. The Polish Foreign Minister reiterated Israel's privilege as "very important to us as a Jewish state". This lavish praise of Israel's own Jewish nationalism comes from the cabinet of a President who condemned his own country's nationalists as having "no place" within Poland - contrary to the apparent "nationalism" of Visegrad countries.
Indeed, it would be a mistake to read into disagreements about Poland's role in World War II and the holocaust some kind of "conflict" between Israel and the Polish government, much less proof of its "anti-semitism". Duda has a Jewish wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, and his own ruling Law and Justice Party is closely associated with Jonny Daniels, a Polish-Jewish businessman who heads the "remembrance" group From the Depths while dividing his time between Poland and Israel. "It’s the politicization of the Holocaust that is the most dangerous aspect of what he’s doing - and the politicization of history," says Michael Schudrich, the chief rabbi of Poland and a critic of both Daniels and the government.
Not to be deterred, Daniels works directly with Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders, as well as with a parallel Jewish organization in the form of Chabad. He has cultivated some links to the milieu around Trump, and indeed Daniels produced Trump's well-known video endorsement of Netanyahu's 2013 re-election campaign. While living in Israel, Daniels was a senior adviser to Likud Party member Danny Danon, who as Israel's Ambassador to the UN has publicly called for "punishment" of "those who engage in anti-Semitism" after a New York Times cartoon merely criticizing Trump's servile position towards Netanyahu.
There are also deep links between Law and Justice and the international Jewish supremacist Chabad movement. In August 2017, Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski met with two local Chabad representatives in a meeting publicized by Polish state media. One of these was Rabbi Dov Ber Stambler, who boasted of how Kaczynski "made it clear that he definitely supported Jewish life in Poland. And he certainly supports the State of Israel". Stambler presented Duda with a menorah engraved with "Jerusalem" when the Polish President hosted a Hanukkah celebration in December 2017. The two Chabad rabbis were also guests at Duda's 2018 Hanukkah celebrations. There might be feuds between the Kremlin and the Polish government, but behind both are Chabad and holocaust-peddling oligarchs such as Kantor, Spiegel and Daniels.
Self-hating German grovels before the Temple altar
Despite this division over whether Poland can also be considered "guilty", both dialectics remain united behind their Germanophobia - holding to the orthodoxy of the collective "guilt" of the German nation whom many religious Zionists have labelled "Amalek". Even not going into the findings of Revisionist historians or the war-time and post-war Soviet atrocities and various Allied crimes against German civilians, all decent people can agree the idea of an "Erbschuld" (inherited guilt) or any other notion of a collective guilt, is nothing but an artificial construct that has been milked for all its worth for monetary and political purposes. It has been especially perpetuated by the German state and its elites.
In his speech, Steinmeier "bowed in deepest sorrow" in reference to "the worst crime in the history of humanity", for which "Germany's responsibility does not expire. We want to live up to our responsibility. By this, you should measure us". The self-hating Steinmeier chose to speak in English and not German so as to not "upset" the audience, while beginning and ending it with the Talmudic "Shehecheyanu" blessing in Hebrew. This delighted Israeli correspondent Amit Segal, who gloated about how the arrival of foreign leaders to Jerusalem "unintentionally fulfilled the words of the ancient prophecy", quoting Isaiah's words about non-Jews "bowing before you....prostrate at the soles of your feet" (Isaiah 60:14). None characterized this sick messianic delusion as much as Steinmeier.
A joint Jewish-Muslim pilgrimage
A majority of the gathered leaders were professed Christians, but the other branch of the Abrahamic religions was not neglected. On the same day as the gathering, a joint delegation of American Jewish Committee (AJC) officials and a Muslim delegation led by the Saudi Muslim World League (MWL) secretary-general Mohammed al-Issa made a "groundbreaking" pilgrimage to Auschwitz. This hajj was a calculated move planned since 30 April 2019, when the AJC and MWL signed a "memorandum of understanding". The AJC CEO David Harris called it "the most senior delegation of Muslim religious leaders to visit Auschwitz ever".
As early as January 2018, I saw signs of what seemed to me an "intersectional alliance" of Jewish and Muslim groups around the holocaust, based on the Frankfurt School's notions of an "intersectionality" and resulting political alliances around such issues as mass immigration into Europe. Since assuming leadership over the MWL in 2016, Al-Issa has purged any signs of "anti-semitism" and intensified interfaith outreach with Jews. The bargain seems to me two-fold: Acceptance of a Jewish state in their midst, in exchange for organized Jewish support of Muslim communities within Europe and North America, including their "dawa" efforts.
Beneath these efforts, there has been a political current beyond simple "remembrance". A former Saudi justice minister and ally of Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Al-Issa visited the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. in May 2018, accompanied by none other than Robert Satloff, executive-director of the AIPAC-linked Washington Institute for Near East Policy. To the delight of these groups which demand a global holocaust "education" accompanied to mantras of "Never Forget", Al-Issa wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post innovating a sixth pillar of faith: "I urge all Muslims to learn the history of the Holocaust".
In addition to the MWL, Al-Issa is president of the International Organization of Muslim Scholars based in Mecca - part of what I see as the emerging institutionalization of Islam under the auspices of a Saudi Arabia allied with Israel. He certainly speaks authoritatively on behalf of "senior Muslim scholars from different sects" to establish "our religion's stance toward that crime", as he addressed Friday prayers at the Tatarska St. Mosque in Warsaw. After visiting the mosque, the joint Jewish-Muslim delegation attended Shabbat services and a meal at the city's Nozyk Synagogue - certainly no "day of rest" for these deeply-connected activists.
Saudi-Israeli alliance unveiled in....Warsaw?
Perhaps one of the most noteworthy things about this pilgrimage was one of the most hidden. Joel Rosenberg is a US/Israeli dual citizen who is both an Evangelical Christian and "Jewish believer in Christ" - ironically, Issa is the Arabic name for "Jesus" - as well as being a former advisor to Netanyahu. He advocates an apocalyptic war against Iran and was hosted by the Saudi Crown Prince in November 2018. Speaking on the authority as one who personally met twice with Al-Issa in Saudi Arabia, Rosenberg told the Times of Israel: "He definitely would not be making this visit if the crown prince did not want him to do so".
That such a "groundbreaking" pilgrimage would converge in Warsaw, while other leaders did so in Jerusalem, is perhaps no accident since successive meetings between Israeli and Gulf Arab leaders have taken place in Warsaw within the last couple of years. This was the city where Netanyahu achieved his "greatest diplomatic coup", boasting of developing links with Saudi Arabia "to advance the common interest of war with Iran" after one such meeting in February 2019. Is the AJC-MWL pilgrimage related to these meetings?
I have demonstrated throughout this article that behind the "remembrance" campaign lurks a deeper, more sinister political agenda, laden with intrigue and double-think. That this campaign is used to suppress and even criminalize dissent to this political agenda, was mentioned by Shulamit Aloni, a former Israeli education minister, Meretz Party leader, and human rights activist. In an interview by "Democracy Now" journalist Amy Goodman on 14 August 2002, Aloni said:
"Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is okay. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is 'Israel, my country right or wrong,' identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians."
28 January 2020
Delegations of world leaders from 47 countries converged upon Jerusalem's Yad Vashem for the World Holocaust Forum on 23 January 2020. Among the delegations attending the two-day event, billed as "Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism", was Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emanuel Macron, US Vice-President Mike Pence, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and British Prince Charles. Far from being a mere "remembrance", the gathering reveals many aspects about the Global Order - its emerging alliances, Orwellian thought crime laws, and messianic delusions.
The central figure lurking behind the scenes, bankrolling the entire operation clearly aimed at elites, was the Russian-Jewish oligarch, Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor. He told the Jerusalem Post how he wanted to send a "clear" message "that antisemitism has no place in our global society". Local sovereignties, concerns of free speech and free discourse, and why one type of "hatred" is elevated over all others, is lost in this well-funded elitist choir that sang to Kantor's tune.
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Putin confers with Kantor |
Deep pockets and connections of oligarch Kantor
With a personal net worth of $4.2 billion, Kantor's Acron Group is one of the world's leading fertilizer company. As if this stench was not enough, Kantor is also a "philanthropist" who pursues an ideological agenda through such organizations as the World Jewish Congress and Russian Jewish Congress. Going directly to the heads of state beyond any mere "congress", as president of the European Jewish Congress he praised Putin as a "friend of the Jews". He includes any opposition to Zionism in his definition of "anti-Semitism".
As one of Putin's "army of Jewish billionaires", Kantor naturally gave Putin a platform the "former" KGB spook used to sanitize the Soviet role in World War II vis-a-vis "collaborater" Poland. This is a favorite trope of Putin, which he echoes from such figures as the oligarch Boris Spiegel, his Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar, and the Duginist/Kahanist Avigdor Eskin who routinely accuse Ukraine, Poland, and Baltic nations of "anti-Semitism". His government has generally "whitewashed" Stalin's crimes, used FSB agents to beat Russian citizens who criticize Soviet crimes, imprisoned a Russian who mentioned historical facts about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and railroaded through various trumped-up charges a historian who documented the Gulags.
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Duda confers with Netanyahu |
Was the Polish President snubbed?
The warm welcome of Putin was an apparent snub of Polish President Andrzej Duda, who told the Polish media he would not attend since the organizers turned down his request to speak while allowing for Putin. In a move of damage control, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin then rushed to Poland to meet with Duda. The Polish Foreign Minister reiterated Israel's privilege as "very important to us as a Jewish state". This lavish praise of Israel's own Jewish nationalism comes from the cabinet of a President who condemned his own country's nationalists as having "no place" within Poland - contrary to the apparent "nationalism" of Visegrad countries.
Indeed, it would be a mistake to read into disagreements about Poland's role in World War II and the holocaust some kind of "conflict" between Israel and the Polish government, much less proof of its "anti-semitism". Duda has a Jewish wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, and his own ruling Law and Justice Party is closely associated with Jonny Daniels, a Polish-Jewish businessman who heads the "remembrance" group From the Depths while dividing his time between Poland and Israel. "It’s the politicization of the Holocaust that is the most dangerous aspect of what he’s doing - and the politicization of history," says Michael Schudrich, the chief rabbi of Poland and a critic of both Daniels and the government.
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Duda with Rabbis Dov Ber Stambler and Eliezer Gurary, Chabad's representatives in Poland |
Not to be deterred, Daniels works directly with Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders, as well as with a parallel Jewish organization in the form of Chabad. He has cultivated some links to the milieu around Trump, and indeed Daniels produced Trump's well-known video endorsement of Netanyahu's 2013 re-election campaign. While living in Israel, Daniels was a senior adviser to Likud Party member Danny Danon, who as Israel's Ambassador to the UN has publicly called for "punishment" of "those who engage in anti-Semitism" after a New York Times cartoon merely criticizing Trump's servile position towards Netanyahu.
There are also deep links between Law and Justice and the international Jewish supremacist Chabad movement. In August 2017, Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski met with two local Chabad representatives in a meeting publicized by Polish state media. One of these was Rabbi Dov Ber Stambler, who boasted of how Kaczynski "made it clear that he definitely supported Jewish life in Poland. And he certainly supports the State of Israel". Stambler presented Duda with a menorah engraved with "Jerusalem" when the Polish President hosted a Hanukkah celebration in December 2017. The two Chabad rabbis were also guests at Duda's 2018 Hanukkah celebrations. There might be feuds between the Kremlin and the Polish government, but behind both are Chabad and holocaust-peddling oligarchs such as Kantor, Spiegel and Daniels.
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Left to right: Stembler, Jewish leader Artur Hofman, Kaczynski, Daniels, and Gurary, at a meeting in Warsaw, 16 Aug. 2017 |
Self-hating German grovels before the Temple altar
Despite this division over whether Poland can also be considered "guilty", both dialectics remain united behind their Germanophobia - holding to the orthodoxy of the collective "guilt" of the German nation whom many religious Zionists have labelled "Amalek". Even not going into the findings of Revisionist historians or the war-time and post-war Soviet atrocities and various Allied crimes against German civilians, all decent people can agree the idea of an "Erbschuld" (inherited guilt) or any other notion of a collective guilt, is nothing but an artificial construct that has been milked for all its worth for monetary and political purposes. It has been especially perpetuated by the German state and its elites.
In his speech, Steinmeier "bowed in deepest sorrow" in reference to "the worst crime in the history of humanity", for which "Germany's responsibility does not expire. We want to live up to our responsibility. By this, you should measure us". The self-hating Steinmeier chose to speak in English and not German so as to not "upset" the audience, while beginning and ending it with the Talmudic "Shehecheyanu" blessing in Hebrew. This delighted Israeli correspondent Amit Segal, who gloated about how the arrival of foreign leaders to Jerusalem "unintentionally fulfilled the words of the ancient prophecy", quoting Isaiah's words about non-Jews "bowing before you....prostrate at the soles of your feet" (Isaiah 60:14). None characterized this sick messianic delusion as much as Steinmeier.
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Steinmeier "bowing in deepest sorrow" |
A joint Jewish-Muslim pilgrimage
A majority of the gathered leaders were professed Christians, but the other branch of the Abrahamic religions was not neglected. On the same day as the gathering, a joint delegation of American Jewish Committee (AJC) officials and a Muslim delegation led by the Saudi Muslim World League (MWL) secretary-general Mohammed al-Issa made a "groundbreaking" pilgrimage to Auschwitz. This hajj was a calculated move planned since 30 April 2019, when the AJC and MWL signed a "memorandum of understanding". The AJC CEO David Harris called it "the most senior delegation of Muslim religious leaders to visit Auschwitz ever".
As early as January 2018, I saw signs of what seemed to me an "intersectional alliance" of Jewish and Muslim groups around the holocaust, based on the Frankfurt School's notions of an "intersectionality" and resulting political alliances around such issues as mass immigration into Europe. Since assuming leadership over the MWL in 2016, Al-Issa has purged any signs of "anti-semitism" and intensified interfaith outreach with Jews. The bargain seems to me two-fold: Acceptance of a Jewish state in their midst, in exchange for organized Jewish support of Muslim communities within Europe and North America, including their "dawa" efforts.
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David Harris and Mohammed al-Issa |
Beneath these efforts, there has been a political current beyond simple "remembrance". A former Saudi justice minister and ally of Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Al-Issa visited the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. in May 2018, accompanied by none other than Robert Satloff, executive-director of the AIPAC-linked Washington Institute for Near East Policy. To the delight of these groups which demand a global holocaust "education" accompanied to mantras of "Never Forget", Al-Issa wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post innovating a sixth pillar of faith: "I urge all Muslims to learn the history of the Holocaust".
In addition to the MWL, Al-Issa is president of the International Organization of Muslim Scholars based in Mecca - part of what I see as the emerging institutionalization of Islam under the auspices of a Saudi Arabia allied with Israel. He certainly speaks authoritatively on behalf of "senior Muslim scholars from different sects" to establish "our religion's stance toward that crime", as he addressed Friday prayers at the Tatarska St. Mosque in Warsaw. After visiting the mosque, the joint Jewish-Muslim delegation attended Shabbat services and a meal at the city's Nozyk Synagogue - certainly no "day of rest" for these deeply-connected activists.
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Al-Issa's new platform at the AIPAC think-tank |
Saudi-Israeli alliance unveiled in....Warsaw?
Perhaps one of the most noteworthy things about this pilgrimage was one of the most hidden. Joel Rosenberg is a US/Israeli dual citizen who is both an Evangelical Christian and "Jewish believer in Christ" - ironically, Issa is the Arabic name for "Jesus" - as well as being a former advisor to Netanyahu. He advocates an apocalyptic war against Iran and was hosted by the Saudi Crown Prince in November 2018. Speaking on the authority as one who personally met twice with Al-Issa in Saudi Arabia, Rosenberg told the Times of Israel: "He definitely would not be making this visit if the crown prince did not want him to do so".
That such a "groundbreaking" pilgrimage would converge in Warsaw, while other leaders did so in Jerusalem, is perhaps no accident since successive meetings between Israeli and Gulf Arab leaders have taken place in Warsaw within the last couple of years. This was the city where Netanyahu achieved his "greatest diplomatic coup", boasting of developing links with Saudi Arabia "to advance the common interest of war with Iran" after one such meeting in February 2019. Is the AJC-MWL pilgrimage related to these meetings?
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Rosenberg with Mohammed bin Salman |
I have demonstrated throughout this article that behind the "remembrance" campaign lurks a deeper, more sinister political agenda, laden with intrigue and double-think. That this campaign is used to suppress and even criminalize dissent to this political agenda, was mentioned by Shulamit Aloni, a former Israeli education minister, Meretz Party leader, and human rights activist. In an interview by "Democracy Now" journalist Amy Goodman on 14 August 2002, Aloni said:
"Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is okay. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is 'Israel, my country right or wrong,' identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians."
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