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by Sean Jobst
19 July 2017
One of the most rewarding parts of travelling is making the history of a place "come alive". Stories and accounts read about the past are made all the more relevant, and so too the historical personalities associated with a specific area. As mentioned in a previous blog entry, I recently visited Spain. A leading interest of mine was to trace the footsteps of the great Castilian novelist and writer, Miguel de Cervantes, whose influence upon the Spanish language is such that its often been termed la lengua de Cervantes. I visited several important places associated with this great writer, so that his personality, works and legacy were made alive to me as an expression of la alma castellana.
This is the modest house in Alcalá de Henares where Miguel de Cervantes was born on 29 September 1547. However, he spent much of his childhood moving from town to town, given his father's work as a barber-surgeon. Nevertheless, this house was an important site for me to visit, on 18 June 2017. I even made some notable "friends" right outside this Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes, whom I met a year previously in Madrid....
Barely more than a week old, Cervantes was baptized in the Church of Santa María la Mayor, on 9 October 1547. The church is today at one end of the Plaza Cervantes in Alcalá de Henares, whose skyline is dominated by a statue of the great writer within sight of the church.
Alcalá de Henares continues to celebrate its renown as Cervantes birthplace, with many murals and street art featuring the novelist and my two "friends," the hidalgo Don Quixote and squire Sancho Panza from Castilla-La Mancha.
Venturing through some alleyways pass Plaza Mayor in Madrid, on 16 June 2017 I came across a yellow-brick building on Calle de la Villa, near the Plaza de la Cruz Verde. The current building dates back only to 1870, but the site was originally the Estudio de la Villa as was uncovered by the Spanish prose and travel writer, Ramón de Mesonero (1803-1882), whose explorations around his beloved city reinvigorated a madrileño public with a new passion for their history and literature.
This is where a young Cervantes studied the craft of creative writing under the inspiration of his teacher, the great poet Juan López de Hoyos (1511–1583). This teacher made it his mission to instruct a new generation of budding writers in the humanities. Madrid was relatively new at this point, so the Estudio de la Villa was closely bound up with the cultural foundations of this great city. It also harkens back to my mind the great Guild structures of medieval Europa, with Hoyos being the "master" who instructed a whole generation of "apprentices" such as Cervantes, whose works would become "immortalized" even after their mortal deaths. Is it not fitting that a writer such as myself "found" this site by coincidence, much like Mesonero?
Although a prolific writer, Cervantes' most renown work came within the last decade of his life: Don Quixote. The first edition was published in 1605 by the printer Juan de la Cuesta. His shop still stands on Calle Atocha (87), now the headquarters of the Sociedad Cervantina. The neighborhood that grew around the print shop came to be known as Barrio de las Letras, due to the role of Cervantes and his contemporary, the great playwright and dramatist Lope de Vega. The Sociedad Cervantina building was under renovation during my venture into the Barrio on 20 June 2017.
On the aptly-named Calle Cervantes (2), I found the house Cervantes lived in prior to the nearby one where he died. In 1833, the proprietor wished to demolish the house to make room for a new one. Thus alerted, the vigilant literary-cultural hero Mesonero wrote a passionate article in Madrid's literary newspaper warning about the impending destruction. This attracted the attention of el Rey Fernando III, who acted after the demolition by ensuring that an alternative entrance was constructed on the side-street (Calle Francos) now named Cervantes.
Now, throughout this article it should be clear I'm not a biographer. But some mention should be made of another important aspect of his life. He joined the Spanish Navy, serving with great distinction in Lepanto and other battles against the Ottomans from 1571 to 1574. He refused to abandon the battle even when taken with fever, and kept fighting even after he lost the movement of his left hand. In this and other aspects, he embodied the later character of Don Quixote whom we may suspect was at least partly modeled on the author himself. This was indeed a common practice of the Renaissance works of Chivalry; he had pursued his own "quest" in the warm waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean, just as his characters pursued their "quest" on the plains of La Mancha. And in both cases, it was from the inner desire to make a mark upon history and an outer desire to serve the higher ideal of Castilla y España.
A most traumatic yet defining period of Cervantes' life occurred after his capture by Barbary pirates in 1575, which began his five-year sojourn as a slave in Algiers. This is a very dark period in history which has largely been covered up due to European self-guilt and Political Correctness, but over a million white Europeans - including a very large number of Spaniards, such that large areas of the Spanish coast remained depopulated over the next few centuries - were simply snatched up in coastal raids or at sea (like Cervantes), and taken as slaves by the Barbary states of North Africa. Ever possessive of the will to survive, Cervantes attempted escape four times. He remained resilient throughout his enslavement, until he was finally ransomed by his parents and the clerical order of the Trinitarians. This experience inspired his two plays and the "Captive's tale" in Don Quixote.
Ever the hidalgo, with that deep Castilian self-pride and chivalrous upholding of higher, more noble values, Cervantes used the experience not to feel like the victim but rather to compel him to new heights in his writings - and its indeed no accident nearly all his works came afterwards. These values are not indicative of rank, for he was and remained a man of humble means. As is common with many writers, he struggled with the ability to make a living from his words, so that he often had to take various jobs in accounting.
Although best known for his fictional characters upon whom he projected his own wit, Cervantes was a philosopher with many thoughts on life, love and ethics. Some have even pointed out his observations about government that could be viewed as proto-Anarchic. He had a certain detachment from the elites, both due to his own humble background and his concern with certain higher ideals that he viewed as quickly in decline during his time. His aphorisms and observations are straightforward, indicative of a man who was unwilling to degrade himself by flattering the elites for cheap favors. Those would never appeal to his humility and detachment, in any case.
Cervantes knew how to appreciate life and those who had enriched or impacted it in some way. Under his own advice that "La ingratitud es la hija de la soberbia" (Ingratitude is the daughter of pride), Cervantes was so grateful to the Trinitarian order that had rescued him from slavery that he issued express wishes that upon his death, he lay to rest in their convent. So it was that upon his death on 22 April 1616, he was buried in the Convento de las Monjas Trintarias (Calle Lope de Vega, 18). Unfortunately, when I visited this Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians, on 20 June 2017, it was closed for repair work. Reburied elsewhere in 1673, his remains could have been lost to history if not for the advances of forensic archaeology, so that they were rediscovered in 2015 and thereafter re-buried in the Convent. How fitting that even after his death, interesting stories still abound around his life, his character - even his remains.
Nice, thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou may be aware that the Barbary wars were the first the USA fought after its independence war.
For helping in the independence war most probably monetarily, sgaint the common ennemy the King of Spain was then named something like "Grand Protector of the Realm".
"No good deed will go unpunished".
USAs captive mediterranean merchant sailors were on the hundreds.
France & England were too messed fighting each other, Spain's remnant fleet had been destroyed helping France early.
USA were the first envolved in the "Barbary wars", against Barbary pirates' over 300 years "Razzia" Terror Raids. The term entered Portuguese language and remains as "ruthless wipe-out").
The war ended and finally put an end to the "Razzias", through Napoleon III occupation of Algeria.
Funny, this is now used as an excuse / pretext for the Mass-Immigration, Mercenary-Proxy-Invasion in France.
I wonder how many non-military colonial Europeans were allowed to stay when France (DeGaule) granted independence ?!
You may find interesting a character named Cremieux.
He was chairman of jewish "Consistoire" of France, created by Napoleon I when he "set them free".
This fellow, befriended the restored King's (Philip ?) Mother-in-law ? as a lawyer.
He then advised the King to abdicate (suposedly for his son), when some aJewTation happened.
Next thing he got in government and dissolved / suppressed Monarchy.
Some years later, when Napoleon's nephew (grand nephew ?) went through France Presidency and later Emperor, and when his co-"Sham-Mites" managed together w/ their (social) masons lackeys (Bismark was himself a mason) the war (for among other things, pull big Bavaria from Catholic Austria-Hungary realm of influence under its own):
When Napoleon got at some point, due to war isolated from most of France, Cremieux, formed w / others "National Salvation Government" (lasting some 2 months), in which, he, in less than 1 or 2 weeks managed to pass and aprove the "Decret Cremieux" granting Algerian Jews, automatic, instant Metropolitan French Citizenship.How we now have BHL & friends. Obviously,not to Muslim Jews.
Later he managed to suppress "Judeo Mores??" Last remaining "infamous, injjust, humiliation" upon the "Idoneous" Chosenites.
It had been instituted around the 13th Century, after the exposure of the (until then tottaly ignored) Thalmud, by an ex-Rabbi, and subsequent "Proces du Thalmud" under french king, future Saint Louis. And specially due to the wide knowledge from Eastern Europe of the "Koll Nidrey", ("All Oaths"), only Jewish (yearly) Prayer, better defined as PREYER.
Napoleon was deposed little after the overmengly military defeat.
Among successors in the "Consistoire Juif de Franche" was a Rothzchild before their WWII, which he abandon before German occupation, abdicating upon a successor (succard) sent to the "concentration camps.
Same thing in the "Consistoire Juif de Paris", another Rothschild, another Successor / Succard, --> Concentration Camp.
Angel Ruiz
Chief of Consistoire de Paris (and later of France) was as well the Pimp, father of 24 y old Elcan, who mannaged to impregnate "l'avoccato" FIAT's Agneli's, 17 y old daughter.
ReplyDeleteThey married in Marroco, probably w/ an inconvenient bailey and w/ some paralell "Macumba".
They had 2 sons (creepy & crepyer) and a daughter, before splitting.
After his young and promissory heir, - a nephew also heir of the Piaggio (VESPA) big industrial conglomerate - dyiing of speed-light cancer, Agneli's son Cohenvenient "suicide" (spells JewIcide) and soon dying himself from probably disgust and sorow, Agnwli's wife was well directed to name Main Heir the @st of Elkan's sons (which appears in photos w/ Kissinger.
Thus greatly disinheriting their own remaining daughter and the 5 children of her 2nd marriage.
Agnelli already had as sister-in-law a Rothchild (which probably invited young Elkan around) and one of his nephews (on sisters' side) "Furstemberg", married (and later divorced) Media famous fashion stylist Diana "von Furstemberg.
You see, Sniff, Sneak, Undermine, Usurp & Mine applies to all fields of wealths & power, not just entire nations.
BTW, Elcan from the "Consistoire" was nephew himself of an early Jewish banker of Mussolini's Italy.
When the Duce opened the eyes, (he connented to hiz famous lover "these SOB Jews", the backstabing bankster was "obliterated" (uzing Killary's aims for Iran). I guess this branch of the family had profuselly planned their PROFFITABLE Pay-Back through Infiltration, Defilement, Intrusion of this Family Empire so successfull before, duding and after (Rothschild planned fascim.
Finally, "Consistoire de France" Elcan which not caring about "personal religiosity" demands French Jews to have Orthodox (Thalmudo/Kabbalistic Rabbis), in order to have their Chosenite pedigree. He criticized an American Revisioned (Softcore) Judaism leader "I may not respect the Law, but you break it".
I am convinced Mohamed (a rwjected Jewish wannabe) was their panderd and groom anti-christianism asset, in spite he opened ((too late& too little the eyes). Long before "free" mason lackeys.
And I am curious to know when did the Barbary and Turkish Raids begin (rregarding 1492).
Martin Luther's later repentance for dividing Christianity and regretz for having helped into higher immorality, as well as its Cohenvinience for and Cohencidence w/ Turkizh invasions, as well as his later grudge and c espise for Jews, I thinck are worth analysis.
Could he have been pandered, groomed and instrumentalized too ?
"Cria Cuervos y te Coeran los Ojos".
"De Fuera Vendran que de tu casa te Hecharan".
Angel Ruiz
Wow, I never knew that information about the connections of those industrial families. They do come from the aristocratic Borromeo family, and we know the Jewish banking families traditionally intermarry with the aristocratic bloodlines, which helped facilitate their own ascendency. Especially in England, but also the role of Frankist crypto-Jews who infiltrated in Austrian nobility.
DeleteI think the Barbary raids began around the same time as the expulsion. The pirate Sale Republic was founded by expelled Moriscos from Extremadura, who were later joined by others. Just like the Dutch pirates were financed by Marrano crypto-Jews. The Mendes family (who later produced Pierre Mendes-France) joined the court of the Ottoman sultan in 1560s and 1570s as physicians and bankers, and promoted revenge against Spain. This Joseph Nasi was also an early proto-Zionist who financed an edition of the Talmud for his fellow Sephardim.
I never knew Martin Luther repented. I agree with E. Michael Jones' view that Martin Luther was a monk who wanted to enjoy what was denied to him by his vows, so it started as a carnal-based rebellion. I don't know if he was controlled and co-opted, but I know that aside from the limited criticism he gave in "On the Jews and their Lies", he reserved nearly all his anger towards the Catholic Church.
De nada. And thank you for yet more treasure trove of information....Spain does not get enough credit as it should for helping the U.S. gain independence. Yet Spain offered much help both on the seas and also from Florida, to the American independentistas.
ReplyDeleteI think all of the European "pied noirs" had to flee Algeria after the war, including many of the Jews who were then helped into leading positions by their brother Jews in France, especially in politics and finance.
Cremieux had a lot of influence in Masonic lodges and also in the Alliance Israelite Universelle, which helped set the stage for Zionism and funded the earliest Zionist colonies in Palestine with the help of the Rothschilds. ..