Clearly, those of us who know the role of Israeli military intelligence's Unit 8200 at the heart of this technocracy, and its close alliance with Communist China's Belt and Road, can see these policies of the WEF financial elites as also benefiting them at the expense of the rest of the world. On September 15, 2020, ISRAEL21C published the article, "
Israeli tech will help reshape world after pandemic". It cited analysts of Israel's tech power: "Start-Up Nation Central report predicts Israel will be a world leader in digital solutions transforming health, education and welfare". The report's authors said Israel's "longstanding expertise in software, data, sensors and cybersecurity provides an excellent starting point" for reshaping the post-Covid world. Using its five leading sectors of cybersecurity, digital health, fintech, Industry 4.0, and agri/food tech makes Israel "very well positioned to see an increase in demand in the new digital age" which will allow it both to establish "the new normal" and seek nothing less than its own digital superpower:
"Israel's tech ecosystem is well positioned to help establish the 'new normal' and drive its evolution. Its ecosystem's ability to quickly adapt is evident in both the generation of hundreds of innovative new tech startups each year, and the rapid pivoting of existing companies, all with an eye toward new market challenges. In the dawn of the post-pandemic new digital age, Israel can transcend its 'Start-Up Nation' status and become the leading nation in providing its citizens - and ultimately the world - with cutting-edge digital solutions in health, education, and welfare."
At the heart of Israel's 5G debate is navigating the rivalry between the United States and China, respectively whose Qualcomm and Huawei are the world's two main 5G networks. On April 5, 2020, Yaakov Katz asked in
The Jerusalem Post: "
What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?" While there are the close ties with the US: "On the other hand though, Israeli-Chinese relations have also flourished in recent years and Beijing is today Israel's biggest infrastructure partner, building roads, tunnels, ports, railroads and more in deals valued at tens of billions of shekels." Moshe Koppel, chairman of the Kohelet Policy Forum in Jerusalem, "has been working behind the scenes trying to bring Israeli and American officials together to jointly develop some of the components and hardware needed for 5G networks." In other words, more Israeli takeover of the American hi-tech sector. It finally quotes Koppel as envisioning a partnership between Israel and "big international consortiums" towards this end: "A lot of the cutting edge hi-tech stuff that is related to security and to big data collection cannot be done alone by a small country like Israel and needs to be done by big international consortiums."

Just as governments worldwide have used the Coronavirus as the excuse to institute various measures to extend their own controls over people, the Communist Chinese regime has used it as an excuse to greatly
expand social controls, such as enabling certain neighbors and Party representatives to monitor and inform on people (a feature shared with various other draconian systems, such as the Communist regime in Cuba). Not even on the radar of Western leftists' selective "social justice" concerns, the regime has used the virus to intensify draconian efforts against foreigners and minorities. Most known for its role in 5G infrastructure around the world, Huawei has
tested AI software to recognize and track ethnic Uighurs, whose concentration camps were built with help from the infamous
Blackwater with its own ties to the UN Smart Cities program. From the virus' inception in Wuhan, the regime
suppressed and censored information about the outbreak, including holding local Wuhan
citizen journalists in state detention for their videos exposing the scope of the outbreak, as well as a prominent scholar who
called Xi Jinping "clueless" over his response. A recent pro-CCP puff piece in the New York Times highlighted how Chinese citizens lack basic freedoms, but assures us "
In a Topsy-Turvy Pandemic World, China Offers Its Version of Freedom": "But they have the freedom to move around and lead a normal day-to-day life." Whatever constitutes a "normal" life without basic freedoms is perhaps what's envisioned as the "new normal".
China has used the Rona to vastly expand its neo-mercantilist "soft power" of the Belt and Road, including Latin America where its
ownership of companies and assets include ports and infrastructure, telecom, and financial institutions. Many Africans have
warned of China's colonialism over their continent. China has used the virus to
mass infiltrate CCP members into several UK defence firms, banks, and pharmaceutical giants. Among the Globalist institutions in the CCP's pockets is the World Health Organization, which has been complicit in
blacklisting Taiwan on its behalf. The WHO has
constantly praised the regime for its response, including its Ethiopian Marxist director-general Tedros Adhanom calling China the "
new standard for outbreak control", with an obvious emphasis on control. His predecessor, former Hong Kong health director Margaret Chan, gave a
slavish pro-regime speech at the Chinese Academy of Government on 18 Nov. 2016: "In the eyes of the world, China is increasingly seen as a model for development at many levels." She praised how China lifted "millions of its people out of poverty" and "China is extremely fortunate to have a President who has made health the centre of all government policies". Not content with merely letting Globalist admirers sing his praises, Xi Jinping has used their institutions to lobby the world to model itself after his regime. In his address to the 15th G20 Leaders' Summit on Nov. 21, 2020, Jinping pushed the world to
accept a global Covid tracking system using QR codes to access its users' data. Globalists envision Communist China as their model to institute worldwide - expansive surveillance powers over its people, using technology to monitor and control people to an unprecedented level, a powerful bureaucracy closely linked to multinational oligarchs.
As we will examine in future articles, there is a large segment of
Wall Street and Big Corporate interests, as well as powerful individuals such as
Henry Kissinger, who have long been closely tied to Communist China. These are the people in ascendency right now, surrounding the incoming Asterisk President*. Jake Sullivan, Biden's National Security Adviser who had earlier worked for Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State, gave a
speech at the Lowy Institute in Sydney on June 13, 2017: "We need to strike a middle course - one that encourages China's rise in a manner consistent with an open, fair, rules-based, regional order." He envisioned American "ties to the region that create an environment more conducive to a peaceful and positive sum Chinese rise." These people are Globalist interventionists tied to Wall Street firms such as
BlackRock and
Pine Island Capital, whose policies benefit those Establishment forces who
profit from war, but their approach towards Communist China and the soft power of the Belt and Road will be one of compliance. Meanwhile, they consent to a weakened American economy for the masses using a response to the Rona as their excuse - the redistribution of wealth into their hands requires it.

Aside from proclaiming the "
Dark Winter" as his excuse for ever-more authoritarian powers, Biden has used the Rona to virtue signal to the Leftist activist sing of his alliance. On May 13, 2020, he appeared from his basement on "Good Luck America", Snapchat's daily political show hosted by Peter Hamby. Biden said that
Covid means "We have a chance to institutionally change the way this economy functions." Already coopted by Big Business and Wall Street, we can expect the intersectional, authoritarian Left to sign off on this increased redistribution of wealth to the oligarchs so long as their favored social programs are ensured. Biden followed this up with an online commencement address to Columbia University Law School on May 20th, when he advocated using COVID to "
rewrite the social contract": "From this pandemic, you can remake the world as it should be. To see COVID-19 as a force majeure, that compels us to rewrite the social contract that's been scrambled by nature's fury and human failures." The Marxists and Corporatists are united in a "social contract" that sees human beings in stark economic and statistical terms, no matter all their "humanitarian" disguises.
Enshrined within his 110-page "Unity Task Force" document in consultation with Bernie Sanders and the Leftist activist wing, Biden developed a plan for an
Equity Credit Scoring System which takes identity factors into account even though the industry already prohibits discrimination. The real purpose is controlling and monitoring people through gathering data about them, much like Communist China's Social Credit System except in this case it would be based on compliance to intersectional "Wokeness" and his authoritarian measures couched under fighting the Covid. In a homage to such a leveling process, a "credit scoring system" would be about an equality of outcome not opportunity. On Nov. 1, 2020, Kamala Harris
posted a cartoon on Twitter with her voice over: "Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place." The ominous reality behind the platitude is more debt to Wall Street combined with an intensified dependency upon the State, reducing all to a level where they can be easily controlled and manipulated. Such terms are predictive programming for the Great Reset, as Klaus Schwab called for a "
stakeholder economy" overseen by centralized governments using an "equality of outcomes" as their mask. "The Great Reset agenda would have three main components. The first would steer the market toward fairer outcomes," Schwab writes. "Governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes."
Anyone who thinks such rhetoric is anything but a mask for expanding their own power and wealth, is a useful idiot of social engineering. Yet such are the real objectives behind these various "public health" measures, exploiting the virus for what's nothing less than the largest transfer of wealth and power in history - on an unprecedented scale. This is what they actually mean about a "new social contract" behind Covid as their convenient mask. More layers of control, surveillance, and compliance added to society.
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