by Sean Jobst
28 May 2022
Continuing from the previous Walpurgisnacht article, this one will give some basic definitions of Magic and personal reflections thereof. These are laying the foundations for two upcoming articles - one on the negative aspects of magic and occult knowledge used against us by certain forces (including those who ridicule or suppress its use for the masses); the other is a life-affirming, empowering reiteration that there are positive aspects we can use not only for our personal growth but as powerful tools to affirm our innate freedom and responsibility.
Dark Occultists are those who use it for negative purposes: to control and manipulate others for their own illusionary power. They publicly deny and ridicule Magic and Occult knowledge, because they do not want the competition that could resist their control. One law for themselves; another for the masses. The main problems with most online exposes of occultism is they come from an Abrahamic perspective dismissing all occult knowledge, failing to distinguish between Dark Occult and Magic or Occult knowledge in general which is Natural. People whose rejection of it comes from either their Abrahamism or a reductionist view of Scientism that denies spiritual realities, play right into the hands of these Dark Occultists through willful ignorance, as both extremes are founded upon a disenchantment of the Earth and her Mysteries.
Walpurgisnacht has been the date of many auspicious events even to the present day when many governments worldwide instituted lockdowns and mask mandates (to be understood as ritualistic) on or around that date in 2020. These relate to the "Season of Sacrifice" mentioned by Mark Passio, the forty-day period from 22nd March to 1st May, when modern sacrifice rituals like wars and false flag events are more prevalent. Whether one dismisses this as a "conspiracy theory" matters nothing because its what dark occultists believe that informs their actions - and there is nothing more dark occultist than authoritarian political ideologies, including their mind control and propaganda efforts.
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Saturn, the Roman name for the Greek god Kronos, whom they related to the planet and astrological sign of the same name. From an unknown illustration, 1550-1570. |
The Dark Occult Spells of Authoritarianism and Mind-Control
Theirs is an inversion of the positive energies and symbolisms of Spring, so it is with Walpurgisnacht which has symbolic potential for heightened awareness given its liminal time. These energies are neutral, depending on the will and intention of the individual, so can be inverted by those who seek to control others. "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws," as often attributed to Confucius (himself purveyor of a philosophy justifying a ruling elite).(1) An example is Saturn, who has his negative and positive qualities. His symbol is the sickle: its no accident that Communism, with its occult origins and symbolisms(2), charged its sigil combining the hammer and sickle. It adopted its official holiday for May 1st, when privileged "revolutionaries" (their revolutions funded by banking houses and industrialists) pretend to celebrate the very proletariat whose energies and power they exploit.
Even while their regime was on the verge of collapse, the Bolsheviks ruling Bavaria rushed to execute seven Thule Society occultists on Walpurgisnacht, 1919. The Freikorps entered Munich the next day, May 1st. With its own occult connections harnessed to a political system, National Socialism continued this occult tradition with its own rituals and sigils. Much has been written about the occult elements of that ideology, much of it exaggerations or outright disinformation, but there are some elements of truth in it.(3) It was on Walpurgisnacht, 1945 that Hitler committed suicide; that same day elsewhere in Berlin, Soviet troops raised the Hammer and Sickle over the Reichstag to replace the competing sigil of the crooked Swastika.
These were competing totalitarian occultists playing out their magical battles in the physical realm; it mattered nothing to them that millions died in the process (in a war that the Western Allies and their "democratic" ideology had as much a role in bringing about). One example we can view as dark occult is propaganda, and openly totalitarian ideologies were never the only purveyors. Indeed, some of the earliest propaganda techniques were tried and perfected in the Western "democracies". Individuals like Edward Bernays, Walter Lippmann, Harold Lasswell, émigrés from the Frankfurt School, and various advertising and public relations firms can be seen as examples of dark sorcerers who combine psychology with elements of political ideology harnessed for the ends of government and/or corporations. What are the symbols of governments and corporate logos except new sigils?
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Statue of Shiva the Destroyer's Cosmic Dance, outside the CERN building in Geneva, Switzerland |
Dark Sorcerers of the Cult of Scientism
What was regarded as Magic in the past is often considered "Science" today, especially in physics. Even the most reductionist scientific types are coming around to admit there are deeper spiritual realities. A perfect example is CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research which runs a hydrogen collider on the Swiss-French border - a modern effort to re-create the primordial cosmic events described in various mythologies, by smashing particles together. They restarted it after a three-year break in late April. The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee while he was working at CERN and released to the public on Walpurgisnacht: "On 30 April 1993, CERN put the World Wide Web software in the public domain. Later, CERN made a release available with an open license, a more sure way to maximise its dissemination. These actions allowed the web to flourish."
CERN is famously known for the Higgs Boson "God Particle", a vain attempt by Technocrats to simulate and re-create the Divine. On April 1, 2015, CERN physicists affirmed that "an invisible Force permeates the universe, binding the galaxy together," making reference to four other "forces" like electromagnetism innately known to the Ancients (who encoded it within their myths and traditions) thousands of year before being "discovered" by CERN. On October 30, 2020, CERN declared a "Dark Matter Day" to mock and invert "the historic hunt for the unseen" on the Celtic All Hollow's Eve and various Wild Hunt traditions, and manifest in physical "scientific" form the Unseen denied by these same Technocrats. Their delusions that everything can be quantified is nothing but a fool's errand to disenchant an Earth with all the beauty, creativity, and mysteries abounding within life. Where are the Extinction Rebellion and Green New Deal types to protest all the energy used by CERN? Or are Technocrats free from any carbon sin which only applies to the working and middle classes?
They will selectively take from ancient wisdom but invert the meaning and make the sacred profane. An example is how they distort the symbolism of the Vedic Lord Shiva. On 18 June 2004, CERN unveiled a 2 meter-tall statue of Shiva and his Cosmic Dance. Why it did so it explained
thusly: “In the Hindu religion, this form of the dancing Lord Shiva is known as
the Nataraj and symbolises Shakti, or life force. As a plaque alongside the
statue explains, the belief is that Lord Shiva danced the Universe into
existence, motivates it, and will eventually extinguish it. Carl Sagan drew the
metaphor between the cosmic dance of the Nataraj and the modern study of the
'cosmic dance' of subatomic particles.” CERN sees itself as “dancing” the life
force into existence, their Scientism proclaiming its transcendence along with its hubris to destroy what it “creates”.
Dissolving Self and Psyche through the Jab
Doing its faithful part offering its services for Transubstantiation of the Jab, CERN is near headquarters of the World Health Organization and Gates' GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance. All three are funded by wealth governments steal from taxpayers and workers, their policies decided in secrecy and carried out by those governments using propaganda means - Dark Sorcerers of a Medical Tyranny. Their objective is to control and alter minds, as in the meaning of pharmakeia (φαρμακεία): "the use of medicine, drugs or spells; drug-related sorcery."(4) In his "Ultimate Revolution" speech at Berkeley in 1962, Aldous Huxley famously predicted a "pharmacological method of making people love their servitude." When we see the religious fervor with which so many obediently follow every dictate by government and media for their health and bodies, trusting the dogmas of selected "experts" placed before them, lining up for the perpetual-dose jab, and virtue signaling themselves as "superior" than others for their compliance, we are seeing people pharmacologically-induced into a Cult.
On 16 Jan. 2019, WHO head (and Ethiopian Marxist activist) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus posted a picture of himself meeting with Chinese officials in front of a Shiva statue: "WHO & #China have enjoyed a long & productive partnership. WHO is proud to have supported the overseas training of more than 2000 Chinese #HealthWorkers. Grateful for China's commitment to strengthening health systems in other countries through its Belt and Road Initiative." Foundations were laid before the events of 2020 which facilitated the geopolitical interests of the Belt and Road and other power-forces of which the WHO is merely the outer "medical" authority. The inclusion of a Shiva statue at their meeting is a deliberate message of their shared will to destroy old systems, including local forms of sovereignty, and rebuild a new Globalist bureaucratic structure on top of those ruins.
Witnessing the first modern nuclear explosion at the "Trinity" site near Alamogorado, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted two passages from the Bhagavad Gita(5): "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one" (11:12), and when Vishnu told Arjuna: "I am Death (Shiva), the destroyer of worlds" (11:32). The phrase he rendered as "death" was translated as "Time I am" by a leading Hindu sage.(6) When Oppenheimer appeared before a crowd at Los Alamos on August 6th (the night of Hiroshima), he only lamented it was not completed in time to use against Germany.(7) Almost like an incantation, Oppenheimer was proclaiming himself to be "Destroyer of Worlds" through his work on the bomb. It was a dark occult ritual that was also inverting the true meaning of Shiva.
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"Saturno devorando a su hijo" by Francisco Goya, 1819- 1823. Allegory for Time devouring its "children" |
Creativity Flows From Destruction
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"Die heilige Stunde" (1911) by the great German Heathen artist and visionary, Ludwig Fahrenkrog (1867-1952) |
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Illustration of Wodan and a Seeress, by the German graphic artist Emil Doepler |
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"The Sacred Grove of the Druids", from the opera "Norma" (1831) by the Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini |
Witchcraft and Concluding Thoughts
The word and concept of Magic itself is not the property of Kabbalistic-inspired ceremonial magical schools, with their dogmas and ceremonies. Rather, its an organic and natural outgrowth from the landscape itself and each people's unique relationship with that landscape, as well as their potentials. This is why there are unique folk magic traditions down to regional differences, including even in the most-industrialized societies and the "New World". It says much about the human condition, that we have these tools within ourselves and our biospheres already to be empowered, being both and at the same time grounded to the Earth and reaching to the Stars. We can recognize this in the wonderful secrets revealed by the etymology of a closely-related word to magic: Witchcraft.
Witchcraft comes from the Old English wiccecræft, combining the two elements: wicce "female magician, sorceress" or wicca(16) "sorcerer, wizard, man who practices magic" + cræft "power, skill". These derive from Proto-Germanic *wikkjaz "necromancer" -> Proto-Indo-European *weg-yo, *weg "to be strong, be lively". There are possible connections with Gothic weihs "holy, sacred" and Proto-Germanic *weihan "consecrate". (Online Etymology Dictionary). The Grimm Brothers suggested a link to the Ingvaeones(17) via a word wikkon related to the Gothic weihs, which he proposed as coming from the PIE *weik- "to separate, to divide", pointing ultimately to Germanic divination and other magical practices reported by the Roman writer Tacitus. (Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, Deutsches Wörterbuch; and Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Vol. IV, p. 506)
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