by Sean Jobst
21 November 2020
Joe Biden, the career politician the Media has crowned "President-Elect", recently warned: "We're still facing a very dark winter." He said this as he was unveiling his 13-member Coronavirus Task Force on 9 November, signaling his plan for "a coordinated national strategy". It would ostensibly be invoked to tackle the Coronavirus, but history reveals authoritarians have always used allegedly "temporary" measures to increase their powers. They have always couched their authoritarianism in "humanitarian" terms such as "public health" or "national security", knowing that once enabled these measures can be built upon long after the "temporary crisis" subsides. We can expect no different with his plans, given the stricter lockdowns now being instituted in several states and worldwide as an ominous sign.
His plans include invoking the Defense Production Act which Trump (to his great credit) was hesitant to deploy, giving powers to the states on whether to lockdown or mandate masks. Biden's "robust federal response" entails a powerful federal government using wartime powers to force its dictates upon states and local communities. He would blatantly discard this constitutional Republic's system of checks-and-balances upon the Executive Branch, signaling his desire (or perhaps those of his handlers) to assume an executive presidency. This is in keeping with his 47-year record which included draconian drug war and crime legislation, enabling expansive war powers to the Bush and Obama administrations, and writing and sponsoring the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act upon which the Patriot Act was based. He has already expressed his intention to make a series of Executive Orders within the first week. As for how he would go about dictating to the states, it would be through a mix of bribery and threats - rewarding or withholding federal funds based on compliance.

Such desires coming from a lockdown authoritarian who speaks in ominous terms of a "dark winter" have already led to some buyer's remorse from certain Biden voters, including leftist writer Naomi Wolf who wrote: "If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him." They are however consistent with what his campaign's plans were all along, including the Covid-19 section of his official website. In an October 23 speech, Biden said he would "go to every governor and urge them to mandate mask wearing in their states," despite the clear evidence masks have no actual effect on the virus' spread - many areas saw their Coronavirus numbers increase even as they instituted and enforced such mandates. An October study trying to prove that masks reduced Covid hospitalizations, was withdrawn after numbers actually rose in many of those sampled areas with mask mandates.
"As president I will mandate mask wearing in all federal buildings and all interstate transportation because masks save lives - period," Biden pontificated in the speech. "Wearing masks is not a political statement, it is a scientific imperative." Such appeals to "science" has been a favorite of lockdown authoritarians, ignoring that "science" is filled with differing opinions and hypotheses based on the scientific method. This is nothing but a selective appeal to authority that ignores how even the World Health Organization now advises against lockdowns, and over 600 American doctors signed a May letter warning against both the health and economic problems caused by lockdowns. We can't expect actual "science" from a demented Biden who gaffed about "200 million deaths" in September, but only an environment where statistics are manipulated around his authoritarian needs.

That authoritarian approach is defined by a top-down approach where the Executive Office and his 13-advisors would assume control over the entire economy. One of these is Michael Osterholm, a University of Minnesota infectious-disease specialist who like his new boss has fear-mongered about the "150,000 deaths" he projects between November and January. On Nov. 11, he told Yahoo Finance: "We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies, for cities, states, county governments, we could do all that. If we did that then we could lock down for four to six weeks, and if we did that then we could drive the numbers down like they've done in Asia, like they did in New Zealand and Australia."
Its no accident he invoked those specific examples, with their draconian lockdowns (such as in the Australian state of Victoria) and unprecedented police powers being the model he wants imposed upon America. We can expect "defund the police" advocates to support the police powers of a government that sanctions and panders to their projects, as indeed they applauded police when they cracked down on other social gatherings or anti-lockdown protests. Those measures in Melbourne which includes a massive CCTV system, installed in the name of "safety and security", fit the mass-surveillance which is the hallmark of Smart Cities. Keeping people on lockdown, with no outside income and limited interaction in the outside world, transferring wealth to electronic interactions, have been a major plan of these authoritarians whose own wealth is secure. Totalitarian systems entrusted certain people to inform on and monitor their neighbors or even relatives - a precursor to the "Karen" meme most represented now by Covidian virtue-signalers who snitch on those not compliant with this Cult.

Osterholm claimed the U.S. has "a big pool of money out there that we could borrow," citing an increased personal savings rate and "historic low interest rates by the federal government." Refusing to stay in his lane, he reveals his economic illiteracy, as is so often the case with these privileged authoritarians out of touch with how life actually works for the rest of us Proles. A lockdown would obviously affect the producers and supply chains of those products he seems to think appear out of thin air and would be easily purchased by people's savings. Not to mention those savings would quickly lose their purchasing power, as costs are driven up with an ever-growing Debt. The private bankers that would print the money his government would dole out to an enlarged-dependent class would obviously make untold profits. Other beneficiaries would be certain multinational corporations, who saw their profits rise to astronomical levels during this year that already destroyed many small businesses. He is openly speaking of individuals' personal savings as if its the State's resources, to be plundered using these lockdowns as the cover for their transfer to his privileged class.
The authoritarians are using the virus whose fears are constantly hyped by a Media controlled by those same multinational corporations, to transfer more power and wealth from the working and productive classes of this nation, into the hands of only a few who enjoy their own profits and lavish lifestyles from the crony networks that form these bureaucracies. Another member of Biden's 13-member "task force" is Zeke Emanuel, an oncologist and member of the infamous Emanuel political crime family of Chicago. He served as special adviser for health policy to the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget from 2009 to 2011. His psychopathy masquerading as imagination included a 2014 essay hoping that 75-year-olds die because "creativity, originality and productivity are pretty much gone for the vast majority of us," although no comment whether he includes the septuagenarian Biden in this category. More recently, he has said we "cannot return to normal" without a mandatory vaccine, and went even further than Osterholm, advocating for an 18-month lockdown "without schooling and income and contact with your friends and extended family."
Whether its the vague 4-6 weeks or the more blunt 18-months, the numbers are as arbitrary as their manipulation of "science". They extend the goalpost depending on whatever works for them at a time. It was an initial two weeks merely to "flatten the curve," but this later turned into second lockdowns in many places with extended rules as it goes along. That Biden named as his chief of staff Obama's Ebola Czar Ron Klain, indicates just how central the Covid will be to roll in these various projects. They want to be followed, even though Klain admitted in 2019 that the Obama/Biden administration's H1N1 response "had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck." It serves his purpose to inflame fears about the virus now, but on February 13 Klain downplayed Covid: "We don't have a #COVID-19 epidemic in the US but we are starting to see a fear epidemic. Kudos to @NYCMayor (and others) for standing against that." That he was more concerned with virtue signaling about "racism" and supporting a mayor whose policy of placing people infected with Covid in the nursing homes, says alot about his actual priorities even while using it as an excuse now.

If the virus was as dangerous as they claim, instead of being used as an excuse to roll out their own authoritarianism, than why are its staunchest advocates violating even their own policies or platitudes? Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer violated her own social distancing rules, attending a BLM rally even as she fined others. In Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker (of a wealthy business family) and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot took to the streets of Chicago, celebrating Biden's "victory" despite their strict policies against large gatherings as violating lockdowns. California Governor Gavin Newsom attended a 50th birthday party with 12 friends at a $850-meal restaurant in Napa Valley, flouting his own strict rules on masks and social distancing. Speaker of the U.S. House and California Congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi, went to a San Francisco salon that was shut down but opened for her, despite her own advocacy of lockdowns. Woke millionaire celebrities have called on people to give up their possessions during lockdowns, despite their own lavish lifestyles. CNN pundit Chris Cuomo, member of a prominent New York political family and brother of a Governor who instituted the deadly nursing homes policy, openly shames those not wearing masks but has been censored by the management of his apartment building for not wearing a mask himself. CNN activist reporter Kaitlin Collins, daughter of a wealthy mortgage banker (and unfortunately from my home-state), slammed a maskless Trump but after the press conference removed her mask when she thought the cameras were off.
Rules for thee but not for me is the modus operandi of such virtue-signaling authoritarians. Its no accident these politicians, including Biden, would adopt in unison this ritual where they would walk out to speak with a mask, removing it just as they got to the podium. Its an image that hides their hypocrisy while dictating to the masses what they want imposed on them. And could there be more behind Biden's use of this ominous phrase "Dark Winter"? He could have possibly been signaling some new Operation Dark Winter, which happened to be "the code-name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22-23, 2001. It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States." I've learned these terms they seem to use out of nowhere are not accidental. Just as the Coronavirus was preceded by simulation Event 201, could this be a new phase in an authoritarian transfer of power and wealth using the public health as their excuse? What Biden and his ilk seem to be telling the masses: "Embrace the Dark Winter. Resistance Is Futile."

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