by Sean Jobst
31 July 2022
We are facing events with a deeper spiritual and metaphysical dimension. Money and power alone cannot explain their motives. Their policies are consistently anti-Natural, borne from an apocalyptic delusion with no appreciation for the cyclical beauties and mysteries of life. Transhumanism arises from Biophobia, a hatred and fear of what it means to be human. One reason why they control through fear is to offset effects of their own fear of life and death.(1) The energy they harvest is solely through compliance and consent given freely by people whom, for one reason or another, choose to live their lives in willful bliss to what is hidden within plain sight.(2) The lack of personal responsibility through complicity freely given allows their policies and mandates to free them from any accountability, while lower-level elites may be symbolically "sacrificed" whenever needed to safeguard the broader agenda.
I've previously given examples of their Biophobia, so will now suffice with a celebration of Animism as the ultimate remedy to all their efforts to control. Not so much a philosophical essay as a recognition that we can experience the richness and beauty of life - including even the sorrows through which we can learn, grow, and cultivate gratitude for the happiness we experience. A blueprint inspiring the Parallel Society of various tribes (no matter on what basis these are formed); knowing the multiplicities within life underscores how anti-Natural their centralized structures and "solutions" truly are. As with other words and concepts, we can better appreciate Animism by looking at its etymology.
Animism comes from Latin anima "life, breath, soul", itself deriving from the Proto-Indo-European root *ane- "to breathe", surviving in various Indo-European words meaning soul, spirit, breath, and life. Spirit comes from the Proto-Indo-European *speis "to breathe", reflecting the intuition that breath conduits our life-force energy: We clearly breathe the same air as the trees and our breath is part of the same processes as the atmosphere. There is no sharp distinction between the physical and ethereal: Proto-Germanic *deuza "animal, beast" and *deuzaz "wild, fierce, bold" both derive from the Proto-Indo-European *dʰews- "to breathe, spirit, soul, creature". Carl Jung was tapping into this animistic worldview when he described the complementary elements of anima and animus existing in varying degrees within every individual. Mysteries abound within language, reflecting what is most instinctive even if we have generally strayed from their proper understanding.
Everything is full of Divinities. This basic understanding is as true now as when Thales of Miletus(3) expressed it despite 2,500 years of further disconnect. This understanding is not pantheistic, as it acknowledges a spiritual essence or consciousness at all levels. These multitude of entities are imbued with "spirit" (with no sharp distinction with the "physical" here implied), unified in the totality by their uniqueness, individual by common participation in existence. These are interconnected at various levels of existence. "All forms are universal life force energy expressing itself in infinite ways," as Logan Hart of The Wizard Factory expressed in a Natural Law presentation. Animism is "a lens that you view everything through, which recognizes that all energy is sourced from the universal life force of consciousness, experiencing itself through infinite subjective experiences. That we are connected to it, a part of it, inseparable from it."(4)
Animism is not the theory of a sentient and living Earth, but is inseparable from direct perception and experience of that intuition. It's to transcend whatever can be conceptualized in the mind, as noted by the visionary teacher John Lamb Lash, who has brilliantly placed Gnosis and the story of Sophia back within its proper animistic and Pagan context, as well as re-introducing awareness of the Archons and their infection.(5) Those men and women who were the most self-aware and self-knowing of their tribes, whether they were called shamans, telestai, sorcerers, Druids, or whatever specific cultural name, discovered by their various experiences and heightened perception that "the earth in its totality can be regarded as a living being available for interactivity." Animism is thus the innate state of being for all peoples, waiting to be re-discovered by anyone willing to realize they are descendant of tribes and inseparable from the sentient Earth whom all peoples worldwide knew as our shared Mother.
"Animism is not the belief that the natural world is alive and animated, but it is the direct perception. Animism is the norm for the human animal. Animism is the natural innate condition of human awareness. So all ancient and indigenous societies, insofar as they represent the true potential of our species and reflect the true nature of this experiment, were animistic." - John Lamb Lash
Deconstructing the dialectic |
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It's about the redistribution of wealth |
Technocratic Oligarchs Behind the Green New Deal Scam
Awakening to the innate power (not to be confused with "authority") accessible to us within Nature means also to challenge the ruling dogmas these authorities project upon humanity. Unfortunately efforts to live in balance with Nature, firmly rooted within Animism, is confused with the psyop of "environmentalist" movements and initiatives meant to misdirect it towards the salvationist mind-virus. A hallmark of Agenda 2030 and its Great Reset is centralizing all resources in the name of "saving" Earth from a "climate change" apocalypse. Just as the greatest transfer of wealth in history occurred using Rona as the excuse and their slogan "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy" masks that someone will own those resources, these institutions merely want to steal all land and resources for themselves under the claims of "conservation" and "sustainable" development. Their own documents call for "the political implementation of a global governing structure to control all land, water, and air."(6)
Behind their masked language is real ecological abuse by technocratic oligarchs to sustain their "Fourth Industrial Revolution". Rather than being accountable for such real abuse, caused directly by their policies including mass production of masks and the jabs tying up the supply and production chains, "climate change" is a way to transfer blame upon the masses to accept their own "solutions". These are designed to further separate people from Nature and direct access to sources of wealth, health, and food; instead herded into crowded megacities to be closely monitored and micromanaged upon a technocratic Smart Cities grid. Freedom of travel and trade are restricted (greatly facilitated since 2020) as penance for the sin of "carbon emissions", while these oligarchs and their lackeys enjoy unfettered travel on private jets to exclusive "climate" conferences where they can lecture the rest of us about our guilt/sin/blame for being carbon-based lifeforms while they steal the commons in a process of domestication that began centuries ago.
As the global pandemic narrative winds down, they will again ramp up threats of climate apocalypse to harvest fear and energy from the masses; to tax carbon and other measures laid out in the Green New Deal, "the trojan horse for the financialization of nature" as exposed by Canadian investigative journalist Cory Morningstar. Others have documented the financial interests behind Extinction Rebellion. Rather than being the grassroots effort claimed by its Marxist stooges, a "Global Green New Deal" was first proclaimed by elite Globalist institutions in a 2019 report that mentioned the word "growth" no less than 392 times "to help reboot the global economy." These are desperate attempts to stem the Long Descent of decline caused by the inner contradictions of their own financial system and Malthusian central planning. Their "sustainability" slogan is as much a marketing trick as "build back better": To centralize wealth and authority in their own hands while claiming its for the "greater good".
Their schemes are designed to grow their own power and wealth while lecturing the masses about the "limits to growth", as expressed by Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei (who repeated it at Davos).(7) This stems from their obsession in forecasting the future (thus the central planning, their desperate measures to cheat death or delay cyclical decline, etc.), contrary to the natural animist worldview of "borrowing today from the past and the future".(8) Theirs is a mechanistic view of humanity to be saved from themselves, while these elites are beyond any reproach for their actions. The Club of Rome proclaimed such in one of their reports hidden in plain sight, always couched in nebulous "global" terms:
"It would seem that men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom they can organize themselves and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose. New enemies therefore have to be identified. New strategies imagined, new weapons devised. The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."(9)
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Its beyond my scope to personally verify each information, but interesting to ponder |
What Is Behind the Demonization of Carbon?
Although couched in atheistic and "scientific" terms, their demonization of carbon originates as the latest iteration of the same archontic mind-virus (or wetiko) that gave rise to Abrahamism. In scientific terms, Carbon contains 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons - with "666" being considered the evil number in Biblical eschatology. Within numerology, six is "the number of man, the number of imperfection in man's work. It is a human number. It implies man's existence sans God, sans Christ." Their thinking comes from the Kabbalistic concept of "divine sparks" (qlippoth) trapped in a "lower" world of matter (carbon), waiting to be "corrected" (tikkun olam) on behalf of one off-planet "father" god.(10) The "corrections" are to be defined by these elites, their agenda for the world being nothing but a technocratic neo-feudalism with them as the overlords.
A logical conclusion of this mind-virus is separation between spirit and material, founded on the Religious Perception of Reality whereby anything "spiritual" inevitably seeks to transcend the physical body; or its dialectic that reduces humans to only the material body without anything deeper, since the soul, consciousness, and ether are denied because these cannot be measured. The two polar opposites are borne from the same imbalance, as noted by Druidic philosopher John Michael Greer: "Desacralization of the universe opens the way to the materialist vision of a dead cosmos governed by chance and blind force."(11) Thus arose the mental separation between Culture and Nature, as observed by French anthropologist Bruno Latour: "The difficulty lies in the very expression 'relation to the world,' which presupposes two sorts of domains, that of nature and that of culture, domains that are at once distinct and impossible to separate completely."(12)
This mental separation can be seen in the urge to "save the world", coming from seeing oneself as higher than Nature, rather than affirming one's interconnectedness within a sentient and conscious Earth. Their "apocalyptic narratives" are founded in theological concepts of "salvation, redemption, and spiritual progress".(13) Such a missionary attitude can be seen in the urge to "save" a distant rainforest while completely oblivious to their immediate environment. In his characteristic bardic satire, the late George Carlin observed their motives as "just one more arrogant attempt by humans to control nature." These elites are simply "worried that someday in the future, they might be personally inconvenienced." I also see as fitting the famous maxim by H.L. Mencken: "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts."(14)
John Trudell (1946-2015), the great Santee Dakota poet and thinker whose insights have influenced mine and will be expressed throughout this article.
Animism empowers free individuals in their sovereignty, while these doomsday narratives bind people as domesticated co-dependents of the State. They see us as resources to be mined the same way they mined the earth for her resources. As John Trudell observed: "Our bones, flesh and blood are made up of the metals, liquids and minerals of the earth." They mine our minds and being to fuel their machine, because its all about energy which we have and is innate within Nature. It's the exact same mind-virus that saw people as separate from Nature and now proclaims itself Transhumanist, because it covets the same resources and energy that it cannot create and control on its own.
To reduce what is sentient and transcendent to such a delusion as thinking its in "crisis" due to human action, is to express the will to change it according to one's own image rather than affirming our interconnectedness to it. Mother Earth has withstood far more than human beings ever could, and has the omnipresent ability to cleanse and heal herself. This is not to deny our responsibility or place within these cycles, for we should live in a more balanced way. Its a recognition that change is constant within Nature, which shows historical cycles of warming and cooling periods balancing out through Earth's infinite abilities. There were historical periods with more carbon emissions than now. An Animist knows we breathe the same air that the trees breathe in a profound act of exchange, which also occurs with the atmosphere. So carbon being the building block of life is not to be demonized.
Their neofeudal industrial technocratic delusion is to shape the world and humanity in their image, yet all they can create is a simulation of what is real. Artificial Intelligence is a cheap imitation of human intelligence which is grounded in Earth and expands to the Cosmos. The Metaverse is a virtual simulation masquerading as "reality". When Bill Gates boasts "We're changing the world with technology," or when he calls for a "digital nervous system" and a future belonging to "symbol logicians"(15), this is nothing but a Dark Occult inversion of technology into a simulation of all that is real and living. Its no accident the Gnostic texts referred to the modus operandi of the archons as "simulation" (hal)....With this proper discernment thus established, we will discuss Animism in relation to Indigeny, theological roots of the "separation" of humanity and nature, and the empowering Sophianic Narrative of animistic Gnosis in Part 2....
"Gaia Sacred System" painting by Cristina McAllister that perfectly expresses the conscious, living Earth.
Footnotes and Sources:
(1) As in their obsessions with A.I., space travel, doomsday seed vaults, and underground bunkers. For evidence their will to cheat death stems from a Dark Occult ritual, see the work of Peter Mark Adams on the Sola-Busca Tarot: Elite bloodlines seek to maintain authority across generations while suppressing knowledge about reincarnation from the masses. We can also cite archontic mythologies justifying authority by "sacred" bloodlines: Judaic "chosen people" supremacism; how the dynastic families that Christianized Europe like the Carolingians invented genealogies from the Hebrews or Troy giving them a "divine right" to subjugate the Heathens; perversion of the Celtic initiatory Grail Mythos into a fictional Christ/Magdalene "sang real" of the Merovingians; up to modern Statist justifications.
(2) For more about compliance and Revelation of the Method, see my article: "Rise of Wotanic Energy and Fall of the Empire of False Pestilence," <>.
(3) Thales of Miletus (circa 624-545BCE) is a pre-Socratic philosopher and one of the Seven Sages of the Hellenic world. He is considered the first recorded philosopher, being one who used "scientific" methods to observe and analyze Nature. Such distinctions between branches of knowledge is a modern invention, as scientific methods were intertwined with animism and polytheism.
(5) Despite early Christian sects that did incorporate Gnosticism, and modern voices who misdirect it towards a dualism of "Christ consciousness" alongside Sophia. True Gnosis rejected all iterations of the Abrahamic mind-virus. Its cosmology affirmed the world as the Sophia's living dream rather than identifying it as a "lower" material creation of the Demiurge. In reality, the Nag Hammadi texts did not identify Yaldabaoth as the "creator" of this world but condemned his delusion in thinking he did so. There are two dialectics between those who will not even mention the Archons, or misuse this supernatural element by separating it from the central narrative of Sophia's plunge transformation into the Earth Mother.
(6) Search out their open documents and notice the slogans being slipped into public policies by authorities down to the municipal level. For more about Agenda 21/2030, I recommend the work of Marc Malone - <> - and the late Rosa Koire, Behind The Green Mask. For how it ties into geopolitics and technocratic transfer, see the work of Brendon O'Connell. The late Nikki Raapana documented how the ideological theory behind these elites can be found within the Communitarianism of Amitai Etzioni.
(9) Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider. The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome. New York: Pantheon Books, 1991, pp. 70-75.
(11) John Michael Greer. A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism. Tucson, AZ: ADF Publishing, 2005, p. 192.
(12) Bruno Latour. Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climactic Regime, trans. Catherine Porter. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2017.
(13) See the works of Evan Berry, an Arizona State University academic who specializes in the history and ideology behind environmentalist movements.
(14) Minority Report: H.L. Mencken's Notebooks. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 247.
(15) Bill Gates, Business @ the Speed of Thought, 1999.
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