by Sean Jobst
19 September 2020

Back in July, I called out the actual agenda behind this trendy Leftist push towards "defunding the police", a slogan that seems to have come out of nowhere: "Their push to 'defund the police' is a fraud to redirect the same resources towards a new police force - that is, armed wing of the State and its directives - that will enforce their favored pet projects rather than those favored by the Right-wing Conservative dialectic. The very same State power will be legitimized under the terms 'social' and 'community' in a Woke-induced slumber. These political groups may fight over how to allocate money and resources, but the root system will remain the same and what these ideologues propose will be far more expansive than now." Research has recently shown me just how deep that expansion goes. The slogans that are chosen are no accident, so its no coincidence the BLM movement has adopted such terms as "new model of policing" and "sustainable transformation" that happen to appear within the official United Nations Agenda 2030.
The Globalist elites at the United Nations have been courting the Marxist founders of the "Black Lives Matter" movement as far back as that movement's inception, which isn't surprising given the Socialist and even outright Communist politicians who staff the UN's leading positions - Globalism is the merger of Corporatism and Communism = Amitai Etzioni's Communitarianism. This courting seems to be through Opal Tometi, who has masterminded BLM's social media activities, ensuring its transition from a Corporate-backed hashtag to a well-financed organization. In 2015, Tometi spoke at the Aspen Institute's Ideas Summit, an elite think-tank funded by the Carnegie Corporation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the Lumina Foundation, associated with SallieMae, the Big Bank profiting from student loans. (A vested financial interest in the political push for "free education" - inevitably funded by taxpayers - at their Critical Theory-infected universities).

The next year, the Ford Foundation announced it would donate $100 million over six years to Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF), an umbrella group of the
14 organizations collectively called BLM, overseen by a shadowy "social justice" firm called Borealis Philanthropy. In the Ford Foundation's
official announcement from the time, we see origins of the current spate of Corporations endorsing and funding the BLM movement, even down to slogans ("philanthropic allies" a precursor to "white allies"), attesting to a well-financed social engineering "experiment" by the elites rather than a grassroots effort: "We also seek to complement the important work of philanthropic allies such as the Hill-Snowden Foundation, Solidaire, the NoVo Foundation, the Association of Black Foundation Executives, the Neighborhood Funders Group–Funders for Justice, Anonymous Donors, and many more. As we continue to engage with and learn from the movement, we’re eager to deepen and expand this community of social justice funders. We want to nurture bold experiments and help the movement build the solid infrastructure that will enable it to flourish."
On 12 July 2016, Tometi
addressed the UN General Assembly: "The timeliness of the United Nations High Level Dialogue on Inequality and Discrimination could not be overstated. There is an urgent need to engage the international community about the most pressing human rights crises of our day." She referred to "racialized systems that are reinforced over decades through institutional practices and violence," thinking within terms of hierarchies as is common for such "social justice" authoritarians. Her only problem with an expansive Police State is that she wants to see the resources allocated differently: "Government investment into programs for health, education and housing is waning in favor of expanding efforts to survey, capture and control." And finally using the word "transform": "Reform of the current system will not suffice. We must transform it."

Someone actually "oppressed" isn't courted by elitist institutions and given a platform to speak at their highest levels, nor is it the act of someone fighting for actual justice and equality. Her call to "transform" the system is deliberately kept vague, because tying it down to concrete policies is contrary to the ever-changing dictates of Globalist think-tanks and gatherings who want to always push the goal-post of their authoritarianism further with the latest trendy slogans and pre-packaged causes. In a posting dated 22 June 2020, the BLM's official website
proclaimed: "Now, We Transform." It outlined "our fight for liberty, justice, and freedom", without any actual policy proposals - only the will to "transform" through "the revolution". This is not surprising since their proposals owe more to the Frankfurt School's "critical theories" than actual efforts to stop police brutality - the latter was just the excuse used to give them a moral cover. And to top it all off was a picture showing a crowd making the same gesture in unison, drowning out any individuality and critical thinking so all may melt into the automaton collective.
On its
official website, Agenda 2030 is described as "Transforming our world", using the broad term "transform" no less than seven times. It calls for "transformative steps", "universal and transformative Goals and targets", to ensure "our world will be transformed" and "structural transformation" (perhaps the reason why the word "systemic" suddenly entered trendy parlance). The hierarchy behind the Agenda proclaimed "we are setting out a supremely ambitious and transformative vision" before concluding: "We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to achieving this Agenda and utilizing it to the full to transform our world for the better by 2030." Of course "the better" will simply mean more expansive and invasive authoritarian controls over the world's population by those elites whose financial interests and technocratic ideology allegedly gives them the right to "transform" the world however they see fit.

Their foot-soldiers, whether it be the
privileged Marxists currently rioting across America's cities, the trendy apocalyptic hypocrites of
Extinction Rebellion, or whatever latest social media monotone is promoted by the blue checkmark elitists, are useful idiots carrying out the proposals of these Globalist networks. The basic objective of Agenda 2030 is the surveillance and control over every aspect of individual and social life, using a
new digitalized system involving Big Data, A.I., the Internet of Things, and blockchain technology. To create their new system - and such technology isn't bad in and of itself, but its about how they use it and whom controls it - means subverting the old. The
"great reset" proclaimed by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab as part of his "Fourth Industrial Revolution", are accelerated by these defining events of 2020 - the massive economic shutdowns and invasive lockdowns imposed in the name of Coronavirus, and well-orchestrated and funded "social justice" movements. I wish this was mere conspiracy theory.
noted by Rosa Koire of the Post-Sustainability Institute, who has been a leading researcher and whistleblower about Agenda 2030, another slogan used in their documents is "a transformative new model of public safety". Not only has BLM's Washington, D.C. chapter adopted the proposal for "a new model of policing" as mentioned earlier, but Agenda 2030's very term was used for a
new policing agency created by the Minneapolis city council after defunding its original police structure as
confirmed by city politician Lisa Bender. This has more to do with community organizing by certain privileged elites than a grassroots effort to redress inequalities. Its no accident that BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors has admitted she was
"trained" as an agitator by
Eric Mann, who has a long record with such Communist organizations as Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground. Openly touting his
"urban experiment", its no accident common ground would be found with architects of communitarian "Smart Cities". Mann was
involved with the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, "where he was elected as an NGO delegate to address the UN governments to challenge the theory of 'partnerships' and 'voluntary compliance.'" This Summit build upon the work of the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 that formulated Agenda 21 (since renamed Agenda 2030).
There are admitted problems with nation-states that could be remedied by more local freedom, but the sort of "community" structures envisioned by Agenda 2030 means more centralized, unequal concentrations of wealth and power into Global structures - less sovereignty, freedom, and transparency for the communities they claim to empower. It just so happens that racial issues are the excuse they decided to use this year, as they can easily be used to divide and manipulate. June seemed to be an important month they used to roll out these latest efforts, culminating in BLM's demand to "Transform" on the 22nd. In a compliant appeal to hierarchy, the lawyer for George Floyd's family
sent a letter to the United Nations on 3rd June, calling on it to "intervene" in a blatant disregard for American sovereignty. (Not that the Establishment that has long controlled both parties in our country has constantly violated the sovereignty of other nations.)

On that same day, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (an Orwellian term if there ever was one), former Socialist President of Chile Michelle Bachelet, issued a
statement meant to link to the Rona via "endemic and structural racism": "The anger we have seen in the US, erupting as COVID-19 exposes glaring inequalities in society, shows why far-reaching reforms and inclusive dialogue are needed there." The
indigenous Mapuche of southern Chile certainly
remember this paragon of "human rights" differently. This was followed by a
statement issued by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the 12th, which "urges the Government of the United States of America, State and local authorities to take immediate and appropriate reforms aimed at eliminating racially disparate impacts or structural discrimination in the police and the criminal justice system, taking into account the rights of victims of racially motivated crime." We can only expect silence though when it comes to any "reforms" into the various corruption and other scandals involving the United Nations itself. The World Economic Forum also
promoted the slogan on 19th June, regurgitating the same narrative and slogans as the mainstream media, which isn't surprising since leading media figures are consistent attendees at such elitist gatherings.
Global policing agency Interpol has
openly adopted Agenda 2030's "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs). In carrying out its policing initiatives, the UN has relied on Global Initiative, a Geneva-based NGO which has blamed the Coronavirus itself for
rising crime rates while proposing more authoritarian controls as the "solution". Global Initiative senior advisors, Ugljesa Ugi Zvekic and John Sellar, authored "Policing for Sustainable Development Goals" in February 2019, to formulate Agenda 2030 objectives for policing. Central to this is the imperative to meet the expanding definition of "crime", as its
official review concluded: "This experience in developing evidence-based policing strategies and practice is of paramount importance for the development of capacity to police the ever-changing forms of crime coupled with the ever-changing modes of criminal governance in the markets and in cyberspace, and to embrace the 2030 SDGs."

A final exhibit to consider is an article published by the elite-connected RAND Corporation in April 2020,
"The Great Reset: Policing in 2030". Is it any accident that its sequence of events set off by the Rona are part of a "great reset" and happen to culminate in 2030? The premise is that the inevitable economic and technological changes will change the very nature of policing, even its definition: "Policing saw staffing cuts that would never come back, and a redefinition of what policing should do to protect their populace. While no one knew what the next normal would be, agencies that formed 'plan-ahead' teams to support planning and crisis management and red teamed the future found themselves primed to seize opportunities no matter what was thrown their way."
Is this the new normalization (one of Yuri Bezmenov's four stages of subversion), the "need to transform", with the "new normal" which is the Rona and the riots? Underneath all the "social justice" buzzwords is simply a new phase where the "new model of policing" will be increasingly technocratic, with less transparency and accountability for people and communities - despite all the very reasons given against the current structure. There will be an expanding definition of "crime" as per the Agenda 2030, which has incrementally been implemented through various policies on the national, state/provincial, and local/municipal levels. Behind such masks as "ending systemic racism" and "fighting climate change" is nothing but a massive concentration of power into fewer hands, more infringement of personal liberties, and an ever-invasive surveillance.
It is for this reason we can conclude that the current push to "defund the police" was spawned from Globalist institutions, and their faithful propaganda outlets masquerading as media ensured it became the rallying cry for the latest social engineering effort. There is hope though, as more and more people have woken to their schemes. There is growing skepticism about all their claims. The fact that Agenda 2030 was originally called "Agenda 21" is proof-positive: Unable to roll out what they wanted by 2021, they extended the goal-post to 2030. This year of 2020 has been one of acceleration, where they are working overtime, but it has also been defined by their exposing themselves with their own mistakes and hypocritical sloppiness. Their monotone mantras can never drown out the songs enlivened and carried within the hearts of the free and conscious. But it still takes our awareness and vigilance to what their plans are at the very least.

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