by Sean Jobst
May 31, 2015
In the previous two articles, I examined the historical development of the banking crisis in Greece, as well as the economic factors behind it. We cannot look at the economic situation without looking at the current political structure of both Greece and the Eurozone. The anger of the Greek people against the bankers coalesced into their election of the Syriza government on January 26, 2015.
Greece is an example of a nation where the pressures of globalism rendered obsolete the old conventional labels of "left" and "right." Syriza could not obtain an absolute majority, so it formed a coalition government with ANEL. On the surface, the two parties appear rigidly entrenched in the old political spectrum: the "far-left" Syriza is secularist; the "far-right" ANEL is nationalistic, anti-immigration and pro-Church. However, they are united around the mandate upon which this government was elected by the Greek people. The real division is Populism vs. Globalism.
Both parties are Eurosceptic and both were founded after splits from the two traditional parties, in protest over their accepting the banking policies. Syriza was founded in 2004 as an umbrella coalition of various "far-left" groups opposed to the establishment PASOK's banking policies. The current Greek Minister of Defense, Panos Kammenos, founded ANEL in 2012 after he was ousted from the ruling New Democracy Party for refusing to vote for the memorandum signed with Greece's foreign lenders. They have openly declared most of the IMF "bailout" went to profits for Greece's creditors and did not benefit Greece at all.
Syriza, a true alternative or lesser evil?
Syriza generally advocates a Marxist-leaning ideology, envisioning an interventionist role of the State in the economy. Leaning toward a left-libertarian position, I am firmly skeptical of government's role in the economy - central State planning leads to crises and this is certainly true in the case of Greece, where the private agreement between the government with bankers was imposed on the entire nation and the economy carved up for the benefit of banking interests. The case of Greece actually underscores the true nature of the neo-liberal capitalist economic system.
The capitalist State is a service industry of the banks, with the politicians serving as the legislative face of the financial powers who underwrite the loans, whose costs are then passed on to the people who had absolutely nothing to do with the secret backdoor arrangements in the first place. This fiction that capitalism is anything but State interventionism in the economy, must be broken in people's minds if we are to attain a clear picture free from the very same ideology that destroys "free market" in the false name of "the market"!
The proposals of Syriza are certainly statist, but being at the national level and not the Global Statist level of the banksters, to me its clearly a lesser evil that is a direct response of a more sinister form of statism. "I guess for the right-wing 'free market' establishment, statism is more statist when it helps poor people instead of the rich," as Kevin Carson, from the left-libertarian Center for a Stateless Society, writes. "When one alternative is clearly a lesser evil, it's better to take it. In the end, it probably doesn't do much good or harm either way to vote."
There is no more blatant statism than the service industry run for the banksters. While profiting immensely from the deal, the bankers' statist stewards saddled Greek taxpayers with interest-bearing debt, giving it the fiction of being "public" so that the Greek people were given the responsibility of "paying off" a debt which is actually designed to exist in perpetuity. The purpose of the "bailout" was never to benefit the nation in any way, but merely to prop up the value of the bad assets. The austerity cuts and "privatization" are designed to prevent deflation from marking down these bad assets to real market value, so the owners of the assets may then loan some of it back to the public at an interest which they can never fully pay off.
Knowing banking realities means transcending politics
We have reached a stage where the activities of the global economic system are "hidden" in plain sight - shrouded in secrecy and carried out in cloak and dagger fashion between the bankers and their political servants no doubt, but still blatant enough for anyone to discern the reality. Although some hold onto the fiction of national sovereignty, the fact is that governments worldwide have become nothing but tools of the global central banking system. Their activities are at the behest of global financial institutions accountable only to themselves, and seemingly above the law!
Transcending the political limitations which continue to trap the masses into these plots, means to clearly state the fundamental flaw of both the so-called left or right parties when it comes to the central banking system. One of those who understands is a French thinker whose activities have spanned both, Alain Soral, who has spoken on the topic of virtual money and the takeover of the government by the banksters:
"No political party, extreme left or extreme right, dares to bring up this fundamental issue which is the sovereign power of the state which is to issue currency, and to borrow from itself at zero interest and make productive investments, which is the condition of the welfare state, and of an equitable social policy. Nobody questions this thing, which would be the very foundation of a turn to the real political left."
Soral then provided an analysis of France that can also be applied to Greece and other countries, certainly in the geopolitical core if not in the peripheral: "Why the end of the welfare state in France? Why the disparities and the hyper-debt in France? Only because France, as other European countries, used to borrow, for its own investments, from itself at zero interest, and it was compensated by creation of added value and economic dynamism.
"Today it is obligated by traitorous laws, that is the treason of our elite, to borrow on private markets from private banks which collect interest. And this difference which in itself is fundamental, makes it so we shift from a policy of sharing, a social policy, to a policy of impoverishment and inequality. And you'll never see the extreme left bring this up."
Soral concluded forcefully and succinctly: "It's the key to understanding exploitation and the creation of misery, and of course this gigantic worldwide scam, where people create virtual money, that we have to borrow from them. What's real is the interest you will pay back with the sweat of your brow, and just like exploitation in the ancien regime, where people said 'God gave me this land; you may work it for me if you give me this much, so I can keep doing nothing.'
"So we went from fiduciary exploitation, land-based, theologically justified, to something that's called from the power of nobility to the power of banking. It's exactly the same violence, the same scam. It's the supreme political issue, and indeed it is never brought up by anyone - not the center, not the extreme left....This seizing of power by the banks in the western world, by people who create something that didn't exist, paper money, but who have the right, a political privilege granted by themselves, to extort money from the entire world through interest."
Is Germany Really To Blame?
There is a tendency among many Greeks to blame Germany for the economic crisis which has befallen the Greek nation within the Eurozone. Such would be a crucial error which actually ignores the root of the problem and the real identity of the guilty parties who continue to profit from a crisis which was their making. The banksters have been working overtime behind the scenes, wrecking both the German and Greek economies, while encouraging the Greeks to blame the German "Nazis" for the political crisis.
Of course, the German leadership have been willing participants looting schemes. You do not understand anything about the role of Germany, if you do not know that the current Federal Government is an occupied government, installed by the Allied victors after World War II and enslaved to pressures from world Jewish groups and organizations, which milk Germany out of countless billions in "reparations" and forces the leaders to continuously apologize for being German.
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Totentanz Angela Merkel |
Meanwhile, Chancellor Angela Merkel and other Bundesrepublik leaders are too busy with their constant tirades against German history and sickening groveling which forces Germany to remain the milked cash-cow and convenient scapegoats for the plundering policies of their banker masters. Merkel's clueless rhetoric certainly does Germany's reputation no favor. "German politicians last year [2010] advocated that Greece should sell its islands, even the Acropolis. That increased the anger of the Greek people." (The Telegraph, 26 June 2011)
Their plan is working like a charm, due to Merkel's rhetorical self-sacrifice of German reputation: "The Athenian newspaper ELEFTHEROSTYPOS presented a photomontage of the victory goddess on the Brandenburg Gate holding aloft a swastika. The accompanying text reads, 'Financial Nazism is threatening Europe. We have had enough of Germany's slandering Greece.'" (Die Welt, 24 February 2010, p. 5)
But Merkel's policies are carried out for the bankers' benefit, not for the German nation. "Chancellor Merkel comes to the rescue of the banks. 'The Federal Government declares itself ready, if necessary, to enforce such a capitalization for the banks.'" (Die Welt, 5 October 2011) She sold out Deutschland to the big banks: "In case of a complete collapse of the Euro zone, it is Germany who is responsible for the various guarantees and aids." (Der Spiegel, no. 25, 2011, p. 43)
Even with the current efforts to address Greece's crisis, Merkel is faithfully serving the interests of the bankers, preparing a document for a meeting of eurozone finance officials on February 4, 2015, which "noted that the new administration must not roll back any cutbacks or reforms made by previous governments. Greek government sources immediately rejected such a prospect." ("ECB fires warning shot by refusing to accept Greek gov't bonds as collateral,", February 4, 2015)
Germany's Role in the Eurozone
Germany clearly does not profit or benefit from the Eurozone, but shoulders the burdens which are already heavy through enforced so-called "reparations" to Israel and world Jewish organizations. Despite the current crisis which has harmed Germany's reputation among many Greeks, Germany actually has many things in common with Greece. Both their governments have produced debts, which profited private banking interests while the burden of paying off the debt was forced upon the people who were never party to the secret arrangement.
The Euro was established by the Maastricht Treaty, signed by Chancellor Helmut Kohl in even more far-reaching terms of humiliation for Deutschland: "The Maastricht-Treaty threatens Germany to be deeper encumbered by reparation payments than the Versailles-Treaty that had been imposed on us after World War I. But Versailles was a dictate whilst Maastricht was voluntarily taken on by the [Kohl] government." (WirtschaftsWoche, no. 42, 9 October 1992, p. 3)
Goldman Sachs also looted the German economy, Lloyd Blankfein persuading the German state banks to back billions in so-called "investments" by third parties such as John Paulson's Paulson & Company Hedge Fund; all the while, Goldman Sachs was wagering on the collapse of these same investments! Similarly, under its Jewish head Richard Fuld, Lehman Brothers defrauded thousands of elderly and retired Germans. Rather than standing up for the people and demanding accountability and justice, the treasonous Federal government and court rejected all the claims of these defrauded Germans for compensation!
As for Germany's role within the Eurozone, it could very well be that the German government is a willing participant in the implosion of the Eurozone. Germany is forced to loan money to insolvent nations, and as Varoufakis has noted the issue of insolvency has been ignored since to address it would mean the bankers could no longer profit through the loans. Both Germany and Greece lose out, shoring up the loan process as part of the Eurozone self-maintenance apparatus. The masses - both Germans and Greeks - are enslaved through these debts which they will never be able to pay off.
Defending German history to the Greeks
To address Germany's worsening reputation among the Greeks, I believe it is necessary to be honest and unapologetic about German history. Jewish bankers have been instigating the Syriza government to demand war-time "reparations" from Germany, part of their own financial war against Germany. If there were patriotic Germans governing the nation, they would point out that yes, Germans occupied Greece during World War II - but Britain was not entirely innocent of its own designs upon Greece and certainly the Soviet Union revealed its own intrigues in Greece as soon as the war ended.
One of those who currently stands up for German historical honor and defends its reputation is the French revisionist historian and political prisoner Robert Faurisson. Citing official documents from the Nuremberg Trials (vol. X, p. 119, vol. XI, pp. 428-432), he quotes what former Reich Foreign Secretary Baron von Steengracht said before the court on March 27, 1946:
"The basic attitude towards France and all occupied territories was that under all circumstances their currency was to be preserved as far as possible, or rather should be preserved by all means. That is why we often sent gold to Greece in order to attempt to maintain the value of the currency there to some extent.
"By sending gold to Greece we lowered the rate of exchange of foreign currencies. Thus the Greek merchants who had hoarded food to a large extent, became frightened and threw the food on the market, and in this way it was made available to the Greek population again." (IMT, Vol. X, p. 119)
Testifying on 15 April 1946, Hermann Neubacher, the leading Reich foreign ministry official for the Balkans (including Greece), said: "Regarding the economic events in Greece, I can give you information based on my own observations only, starting with October 1942. At that time, when I first came to Athens, the Greek currency had already been considerably devaluated, and the circulation of banknotes had increased by something like 3,000 percent.
"Greece also suffered an economic set-back due to the fact that, in addition to a progressing inflation, an attempt had been made to introduce in Greece a planned economy with ceiling prices along German lines. The result was, of course, that the merchants selling Greek goods suffered losses when they were paid later. On the other hand, when I arrived there the importers of German goods made tremendous profits, because they paid Reichsmark at the rate of 60 on the clearing and resold the goods at a rate of about 30,000. This chaos, due to the inflation in connection with the attempt of introducing a planned economy on the German pattern, could be remedied only by transforming the black market in Greece into a completely free market. The two experts of the Axis Powers introduced this measure with considerable success at the end of October 1942. Within a few weeks all shops and markets were full of goods and foodstuffs; the prices of food dropped to one-fifth and prices of manufactured products to one-tenth. This success could be maintained for 4 months in spite of increasing inflation.... (ibid., Vol. XI, p. 430)
"Reich Minister Funk, with whom I discussed the difficulties of my task, and I both fully agreed that a maximum of goods should be transported to Greece, and certainly not only food. I secured not only 60,000 tons of food at that time but also German export goods, since it was hopeless to try to stop an inflation or the effects of an inflation on the prices, if there were no supplies. Reich Minister Funk supported exports to Greece with the view to a restoration of normal market conditions with every means at his disposal.
"In 1943, when shipping in Greek waters had completely stopped for us, because all ships had been torpedoed and the railroads had become the object of incessant acts of sabotage and dynamiting, I, with the help of the Swedish Minister, Alar, who directed the International Relief for Greece, applied for British navicerts [a form of passport permitting a neutral ship to pass through a blockade in wartime] for food transports to Greece. The British granted this application, and when our own means of transport had ceased to exist, the Swedish boat Halaren went from Trieste or Venice to the Piraeus once a month, loaded with German food supplies for Greece." (ibid., p. 431)
Svengalian George Soros intrigues in Greece
Despite being one of the world's leading bankers, barely any place on earth not touched by his political intrigues, the Hungarian-Jewish financier George Soros has poured money into Syriza, as a way of promoting secularism and weakening the Church's influence in Greece; Tsipras is openly an atheist and was the first Greek Prime Minister sworn in a civil and not religious ceremony. The traditionalist Greek Orthodox Church remains a bulwark against usury and the rule of the bankers, both theologically and socially. It is also known for their staunch position against Zionism, hence on several counts Soros and his ilk have a vested personal interest limiting the power of the Greek Church.
I corresponded via email with Professor Dimitri Kitsikis, a Greek professor of International Relations and Geopolitics at the University of Ottawa in Canada. He is the leading advocate and theorist of Hellenoturkism (Ἑλληνοτουρκισμός), which upholds the deep historical, political and cultural ties between Greece and Turkey, a perspective I generally endorse as a traveler to both countries and student of history. Kitsikis is careful to stress how Hellenoturkism transcends politics, not tied to a specific political party.
Looking from a geopolitical standpoint, Kitsikis identified Tsipras and Syriza as representing a pro-American line. This can certainly be seen in the way Tsipras was visiting the U.S. and meeting with politicians at least as early in 2013. His coalition partners, Kammenos and ANEL, on the other hand have more of a pro-Russian stance and Kammenos ran afoul of world Jewish leaders when he said the Greek Orthodox Church pays more taxes than other religious groups, when Jewish leaders were seeking special privileges under Simitis. At the time being, there seems to be an understanding for Syriza to handle the economy while ANEL has defense and foreign policy.
According to the British newspaper The Guardian, Soros offered donations to Greek institutions to buy heating oil and other services, but parents' associations across Greece refused his donations because they were suspicious of the motives behind his "philanthrophy." As noted by the German business weekly WirtschaftsWoche in a 2013 editorial, Soros arranged Tsipras' visit to the U.S., personally introducing him to many influential figures within the political establishment.
The editorial went on to suggest Soros was using Syriza to put pressure on Germany, playing upon anti-German rhetoric about World War II. The editorial then concluded: "Why is Soros funding such anti-capitalist instigators like Tsipras with his tirades against Germany? No one talks aloud about this out of fear before the powerful billionaire. But one manager confidentially supposed that 'Soros wants to revenge against Germany.'"
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