Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Updates for 2024 – Looking ahead to the future

By Sean Jobst

31 July 2024

It has been over a year since my last post on this blog. Within that time, I’ve focused on developments in my personal life so could find little time to write and post here. But my path of Gnosis and study has continued every day and never relented. Readers will note that I’ve also rehauled the format and setup of this blog. During this last year I’ve had the opportunity to contribute a chapter to three more Black Front Press titles (thirteen since 2011). I’ve republished those three articles on my Substack which will complement this blog:

1 - “Initiatory Path of a Teutonic Shaman: Jungian Lessonsof Archetypes, Ancestral Memory, and Indigeny

2 - “Wilhelm Reich: Life and Work of an Orgonic Heretic

3 - “Magic Occulted by Other Names: Demystifying Magic isthe Path to Freedom

Aside from that, I republish on Substack an article I wrote for the National-Anarchist magazine Tribes (No. 1, July 2018): "Anarchism Without Adjectives: National-Anarchism and the Diversity of Communities", adding that to my work on Anarchism that goes back over a decade but has matured greatly along with my spiritual path and personal Gnosis, especially my Animism and the deepened awareness of sovereignty and Natural Law. Until then my analysis was too obsessed with economic theory and philosophy as many anarchist works are. 

I have many article ideas that have been forming in my mind, so intend to make this second half of 2024 an active one for this blog. These articles will touch on the esoteric, philosophical, political, and other subjects. They will include at least two book reviews, including of one book whose author was most kind to positively cite my own “Animism and Lessons of Earth’s Power” series.

I look forward to putting my thoughts out again, as each article in their own way opens up more avenues of research and discoveries. That’s one of the most exciting parts of writing, itself an act of gnosis and self-knowledge, with a great potential to personal freedom not to mention the sacred command to inform, inspire, and impact. Following the tradition of my previous political articles, I will start with my analysis of events in American politics in the last two months. Thank you, and as always I welcome comment and correspondence.  

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