[* I will be travelling outside the country from 14 June - 5 July. Anyone who wants to follow my travels, can add or follow my Facebook. - SJ]....
Gathering of the Globalists: Some Observations on Bilderberg 2017 and the Structure of Globalism
by Sean Jobst
8 June 2017
Recently, as the media's attention was focused on the latest terrorist attacks or the various political theater distractions, a meeting of significant importance was quietly convened in a suburb of Washington, D.C., over a period of a few days from 1-4 July 2017. This was the Bilderberg Conference, held annually in a different secret location but this year in Chantilly, Virginia. One would think given the proximity to the U.S. capital, it would at least receive some media attention.
Far more significant, however, was that this annual conference brings together many of the leading and most influential figures in governments, big banks, telecommunications corporations, private contractor or consulting agencies, elite think-tanks, and intelligence agencies. A list of the participants is leaked out annually, as it was this year, but nevertheless the discussions held therein behind closed doors are closed to both the general public or the media. Even more suspicion is the annual media blackout of the entire event.
Several facts stand out annually from observing the attendee list. One is that they run the spectrum from the "left" to the "right" - and various shades of political statism in between. Another shows the nexus between State entities with the banking system and Big Business corporate interests. And a final fact which stands out to me is the disproportionate number of global telecommunications companies and intelligence-gathering agencies (both public and private sector) represented at the Bilderberg conferences. A brief look at some of the attendees demonstrates the various convergences of interests making up the structure we know - and hence, oppose - as Globalism....
Paul Achleitner. Current Chairman of the supervisory board of Deutsche Bank and former managing director of the German branch of Goldman Sachs.
Roger Altman. American founder and senior chairman of the global investment banking advisory firm Evercore. He served in various leading positions at Lehman Brothers before and after serving as Assistant Secretary for Domestic Finance in the U.S. Treasury during the Democratic Jimmy Carter Administration. He played a leading role in the U.S. government's approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. Aside from being a member of the bipartisan, elitist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Altman is a member of the Bilderberg's Steering Committee.
José Manuel Barroso. Former Portuguese Prime Minister who then ended his stint as President of the European Commission with a now-lucrative position as Chairman of Goldman Sachs International.
John O. Brennan. As CIA Director under President Obama, he presided over the CIA's drone program. Little surprise that he is now listed as "Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc."
William J. Burns. A former American diplomat and current President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a group with long-standing links to various Globalists based on a look of its previous presidents, including open "New World Order" advocate Nicholas Murray Butler, and Communist spy and United Nations architect Alger Hiss.
David Cohen. Former Deputy Director for Operations in the CIA, after which he worked in global risk assessment for the American International Group (AIG) - a multinational banking/insurance
corporation known for its central role in the U.S. financial crisis of 2008: selling its fraudulent credit default swaps (a favorite device of banks such as Goldman Sachs) and essentially being awarded with $180 billion from the Federal government's bailout money (corporate welfare).
Tom Cotton. U.S. Republican Senator from Arkansas. He appeared before the Globalist Bilderberg despite his reputation as a "conservative" who champions the most militaristic positions in U.S. foreign policy, including advocating war against Iran. This is not surprising, given his well-documented links to pro-Israel lobbying groups and war-profiteering "defense" contractors.
Mathias Döpfner. As Chief Executive Officer of the German media group Axel Springer SE, he famously proclaimed "I am a non-Jewish Zionist" (Der Spiegel, 19 June 2006). Known for his close ties to treacherous German Chancellor Angela Merkel and that Globalist-Zionist warmongering svengali Henry Kissinger, Döpfner received the ADL International Leadership Award from the Jewish-Zionist political pressure group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for 2014.
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1999-2006, during which he led negotiations with the Bank of International Settlements (the central banking structure which connects all the "national" central banks of the world). He presided over the mysterious "Group of 30" (G30), a global study group of the leading bankers and leaders of financial institutions around the world. The G30 was founded in 1978 at the initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation and first led by the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Niall Ferguson. Scottish-born American historian and economist and a Senior Fellow at the bipartisan think-tank, the Hoover Institution. He authored a heavily-sanitized and apologetic work on the Rothschilds, and was personally entrusted by Henry Kissinger as his biographer. He supported the Neocons' Iraq War and has frequently lectured at the powerful Neocon think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). In an article from The Boston Globe in November 2016, Ferguson envisioned a "New World Order" presided over by Trump (USA), Putin (Russia), Theresa May (Britain), Marine Le Pen (France) and Xi Jinping (China), which would collectively carve up the world in neo-colonialist spheres of influence.
Kenneth M. Jacobs. Chairman and CEO of the Lazard banking institution, and a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Henry Kissinger. Need we say more? A consistent Bilderberg attendee and one with consistent influence over U.S. Administrations, both Democratic and Republican.
Henry R. Kravis. Billionaire co-founder of the private equity firm, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company. A leading donor to the U.S. Republican Party, he was ranked in September 2015 as 108th
richest man in America and 278 richest man in the world. He was a leading contender for Trump's Treasury Secretary, which ultimately went to Steven Mnuchin.
André Kudelski. Swiss Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Kudelski Group, a leading global corporation in cybersecurity. He is also a member of the board of the multinational credit agency, Credit Suisse, and a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Christine Lagarde. Successive French Minister of Commerce and Industry; Agriculture; and Finance, who succeeded the disgraced Dominique Strauss-Kahn as Managing Director of the IMF. Known for her links to the Marxist Greek Syriza Party, she demanded "austerity" measures even while herself taking a massive tax-free annual salary.
David Petraeus. Former CIA Director who was then hired by Kravis' New York investment firm, KKP, as both a partner and Chairman of its KKR Global Institute. As General, he served as the military face for the civilian Neocons' occupation policies in Iraq.
David M. Rubenstein. American "philanthropist" and co-founder and co-CEO of the multinational private equity firm, The Carlyle Group. This Group was particularly known for its ties to leading war-profiteering corporations, and whose Board included members as varied (or, infamous) as George H.W. Bush, George Soros, and Saudi Prince Alwaleed. Rubenstein simultaneously serves as Vice-Chairman of the CFR and Vice-Chairman of the Brookings Institution.
Robert Rubin. Current Chairman of the CFR. He worked for Goldman Sachs for 26 years, eventually serving as a board member and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992. As U.S. Treasury Secretary during the Clinton Administration, he encouraged collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps and other "derivative" financial instruments - contributing to the 2008 crisis. He served as Chairman of Citigroup at the height of the crisis, during which he received a total personal "compensation" to the tune of $126 million. He has served as co-chairman of the CFR board of directors since June 2007.
Leon Wieseltier. American magazine editor and Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy at the Brookings Institution. An avowed Zionist known for his frequent accusations of "anti-Semitism" against certain political opponents, as literary editor of The New Republic and member of the Editorial Board of the Jewish Review of Books, he was a leading "left-liberal" supporter of the Iraq War. He was a member of the Advisory Board for the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI), a group founded in 2002 to successfully lobby for the Iraq War whose members included the former Director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), leading members of the Neocon think-tanks the AEI and Project for the New American Century, CEO of the liberal-interventionist think-tank Progressive Policy Institute, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, and former Swedish Prime Minister and Foreign Minister (and frequent Bilderberg attendee and Board of Trustees of the war-profiteering RAND Corporation), Carl Bildt.
James Wolfensohn. Australian President of the World Bank (1995-2005), former trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Brookings Institution, and CFR member. He has attended 29 Bilderberg conferences since 1985, and was a former member of its Steering Committee. His father was a close friend and associate of James de Rothschild, for whom he was named.
Trumpists and Bilderberg
Despite his much-touted campaign rhetoric against Globalism, at odds with what he promised would be an "America First" foreign and economic policy, Donald Trump has his own Globalist links and connections. That his alleged opposition to the Globalist elites was nothing but a carefully-calculated political lie, is lost on the millions who voted for him because they took his promises seriously - and its also lost on a certain group of American self-styled "Anarchists" who allowed their opposition to liberal elites and cultural Marxist/AntiFa authoritarian street thugs, to cause them to jump on board the Trump bandwagon.
Ironically, these same self-styled "National Anarchists" (promoting their ideas under the organization called NATA) who justified their flirtation with Trumpism by the anarchic philosophy of entryism but in the process began taking on the ideology and rhetoric of that other pole of Statism, barked loudly on social media about their presence protesting outside the Bilderberg Conference. That it was more of a show than a sincere and consistent opposition to that shadowy annual conference, is proven by the fact that no less than four members of Trump's cabinet were inside the building - while these loudmouths still boast of their continued support for Trump....
Chris Liddell. New Zealand-born businessman and "philanthropist", who currently serves as Assistant to Trump and his Director of Strategic Initiatives in the White House. Liddell had previous positions over General Motors, Microsoft, and International Paper. He is also a member of the CFR.
H.R. McMaster. National Security Advisor.
Wilbur Ross. Secretary of Commerce. He is a leading billionaire who spent 25 years running Rothschild Inc.'s bankruptcy practice in the United States. Along with another of Trump's leading economic advisor, billionaire Carl Icahn, Ross helped save Trump's casinos in Atlantic City from bankruptcy in the 1980s. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, and gangster and Mossad agent Meyer Lansky were among the original investors of Resorts International, which made the original casino deal with Trump.
Nadia Schadlow. McMaster's second-in-command at the National Security Council, where she handles national security strategy. She also remains a CFR member.
Bilderberg and Globalist Elitist "Libertarians"
Another attendee this year is American venture capitalist and "philanthropist" Peter Thiel. He has a career in that financial scam called "derivatives", and presides over a global hedge fund company. Thiel is a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. A self-styled "conservative libertarian," he helped contribute to the Libertarian Party and the campaigns of Ron Paul - but during the general elections, consistently showed his true colors by contributing to warmongering, corporatist, Big State Republicans. He simultaneously donated to conservative causes, and finally in 2016 dropped his "libertarian" façade and came out openly for Trump.
Aside from Peter Thiel, a high-profile supporter of the libertarian Austrian School of Economics is the investor Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests Inc. Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund company along with Globalist banker George Soros in 1973. The Rothschilds were among the original shareholders of Quantum Fund. How Rogers could reconcile his proclaimed opposition to government intervention in the market, with the bankers' own government-guaranteed manipulation of financial markets, revealed to me something darker and more sinister at the very top of the Libertarian hierarchy.
I've been pondering on this since my transition to National-Anarchism and complete rejection of the Libertarian movement, but it seems like the Globalist elite includes a bipolar push to state socialism on one hand and pro-corporate "libertarianism" on the other hand. The reason is the same why they pit drones on the "left" and the "right" against each other, but also because each pole fails to recognize a holistic understanding of the State as the nexus of Big Government with Big Business and the Central Banks. Without a broad and holistic understanding of this nature, those who promote more of one aspect to rein in on the unfettered growth of the other, are set up for failure by the Globalists manipulating the discourse from behind the scenes.
Some Observations about Libertarianism
The Libertarian Party has disillusioned many within the American Libertarian movement, because it has a consistent record of nominating "former" Republican, johnny-come-lately "libertarians" - some of whom reveal their true nature as soon as the election is over, by going back to the Republican Party. This strategy of playing electoral politics has shown itself to be a failure, because in the process of trying to make some political gains the Party sacrifices any "Libertarian" principles they may possess. I've also learned personally from the lost potential of the two Ron Paul campaigns (2008 and 2012), and the rigged corporate duopoly of the two parties (the Debates Commission being just the most evident example), and so have since grown beyond electoral politics as a method.
Even when I was a self-professed libertarian, I found much more in common with the radical anti-statist tradition of Murray Rothbard and others often called "left-libertarians" than with the elitist, beltway "libertarians" who seem more friendly to big corporations and Globalist bankers than remaining true to a consistent libertarian critique of the State and its links to these same Big Business and Corporate interests. How these special government-guaranteed and enabled privileges to banks and corporations can be called "free-market" by any stretch of the imagination remained the leading stumbling block that finally led to my split with conventional libertarianism.
Philosophically, my staunch opposition to usury in every form could not be squared away with the dominant libertarian position which accepts usury in principle, only opposing certain "interest rates" manipulated by the State but ignoring those set by the private banks which do have a monopoly over the market. That this monopoly has been guaranteed by the State itself, is lost on such "libertarians" who are only too keen on obscuring the distinction between "Capitalism" and a true free-market (similar to their alleged ideological opposites, the Marxist State Socialists - who likewise supported central banks and usury).
Perhaps because of their obsession with "the American Dream" and excessive individualism, the Libertarians have a materialist obsession with property. As I came to reject even the "left-libertarian" position because many of them still justified usury and confused Capitalism with the free-market (a self-proclaimed school called "Anarcho"-Capitalists even arising), and so I looked deep within those schools of Anarchism not "communistic" but which upheld the idea of a true free-market against the State. I found (and continue to find) much wisdom in the Mutualist tradition of Joseph Proudhon and the American individualist anarchist tradition of Lysander Spooner, Benjamin Tucker and Kevin Carson. Tucker's idea of the "Four Monopolies", which include both the Money and the Land Monopolies, also inspired me to write some articles expressing my political awakening.
As demonstrated by the preceding article, Bilderberg reveals the nexus between governments, banks and private corporations. This is the structure of Capitalism, which is as distinct from a truly organic free-market as is Communism and other forms of State Socialism. Because of this nexus, more government is never the answer to the abuses and crimes of bankers and Big Business crooks; and yielding more unfettered activities to bankers and Big Business is never a way to rein in the abuses and encroaching powers of the State. Failure to see this nature of the State is exactly the reason that "leftists" and "rightists" of various stripes continue to be manipulated by the very same elites presiding over this entire mockery called the State. Rediscovering one's own Identity and Tradition itself, is another guarantee against the encroaching Statist-Zionist-Globalist-Bankster system called Globalism (worldwide promotion of a consumer-based, materialist, monoculture stampeding over distinct cultures and traditions) - and I've found this value inherent within National-Anarchism.
Gathering of the Globalists: Some Observations on Bilderberg 2017 and the Structure of Globalism
by Sean Jobst
8 June 2017
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Bilderberg schematic. All-seeing eye of Big Brother? |
Recently, as the media's attention was focused on the latest terrorist attacks or the various political theater distractions, a meeting of significant importance was quietly convened in a suburb of Washington, D.C., over a period of a few days from 1-4 July 2017. This was the Bilderberg Conference, held annually in a different secret location but this year in Chantilly, Virginia. One would think given the proximity to the U.S. capital, it would at least receive some media attention.
Far more significant, however, was that this annual conference brings together many of the leading and most influential figures in governments, big banks, telecommunications corporations, private contractor or consulting agencies, elite think-tanks, and intelligence agencies. A list of the participants is leaked out annually, as it was this year, but nevertheless the discussions held therein behind closed doors are closed to both the general public or the media. Even more suspicion is the annual media blackout of the entire event.
Several facts stand out annually from observing the attendee list. One is that they run the spectrum from the "left" to the "right" - and various shades of political statism in between. Another shows the nexus between State entities with the banking system and Big Business corporate interests. And a final fact which stands out to me is the disproportionate number of global telecommunications companies and intelligence-gathering agencies (both public and private sector) represented at the Bilderberg conferences. A brief look at some of the attendees demonstrates the various convergences of interests making up the structure we know - and hence, oppose - as Globalism....
Paul Achleitner. Current Chairman of the supervisory board of Deutsche Bank and former managing director of the German branch of Goldman Sachs.
Roger Altman. American founder and senior chairman of the global investment banking advisory firm Evercore. He served in various leading positions at Lehman Brothers before and after serving as Assistant Secretary for Domestic Finance in the U.S. Treasury during the Democratic Jimmy Carter Administration. He played a leading role in the U.S. government's approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. Aside from being a member of the bipartisan, elitist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Altman is a member of the Bilderberg's Steering Committee.
José Manuel Barroso. Former Portuguese Prime Minister who then ended his stint as President of the European Commission with a now-lucrative position as Chairman of Goldman Sachs International.
John O. Brennan. As CIA Director under President Obama, he presided over the CIA's drone program. Little surprise that he is now listed as "Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc."
William J. Burns. A former American diplomat and current President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a group with long-standing links to various Globalists based on a look of its previous presidents, including open "New World Order" advocate Nicholas Murray Butler, and Communist spy and United Nations architect Alger Hiss.
David Cohen. Former Deputy Director for Operations in the CIA, after which he worked in global risk assessment for the American International Group (AIG) - a multinational banking/insurance
corporation known for its central role in the U.S. financial crisis of 2008: selling its fraudulent credit default swaps (a favorite device of banks such as Goldman Sachs) and essentially being awarded with $180 billion from the Federal government's bailout money (corporate welfare).
Tom Cotton. U.S. Republican Senator from Arkansas. He appeared before the Globalist Bilderberg despite his reputation as a "conservative" who champions the most militaristic positions in U.S. foreign policy, including advocating war against Iran. This is not surprising, given his well-documented links to pro-Israel lobbying groups and war-profiteering "defense" contractors.
Mathias Döpfner. As Chief Executive Officer of the German media group Axel Springer SE, he famously proclaimed "I am a non-Jewish Zionist" (Der Spiegel, 19 June 2006). Known for his close ties to treacherous German Chancellor Angela Merkel and that Globalist-Zionist warmongering svengali Henry Kissinger, Döpfner received the ADL International Leadership Award from the Jewish-Zionist political pressure group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for 2014.
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1999-2006, during which he led negotiations with the Bank of International Settlements (the central banking structure which connects all the "national" central banks of the world). He presided over the mysterious "Group of 30" (G30), a global study group of the leading bankers and leaders of financial institutions around the world. The G30 was founded in 1978 at the initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation and first led by the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Niall Ferguson. Scottish-born American historian and economist and a Senior Fellow at the bipartisan think-tank, the Hoover Institution. He authored a heavily-sanitized and apologetic work on the Rothschilds, and was personally entrusted by Henry Kissinger as his biographer. He supported the Neocons' Iraq War and has frequently lectured at the powerful Neocon think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). In an article from The Boston Globe in November 2016, Ferguson envisioned a "New World Order" presided over by Trump (USA), Putin (Russia), Theresa May (Britain), Marine Le Pen (France) and Xi Jinping (China), which would collectively carve up the world in neo-colonialist spheres of influence.
Kenneth M. Jacobs. Chairman and CEO of the Lazard banking institution, and a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Henry Kissinger. Need we say more? A consistent Bilderberg attendee and one with consistent influence over U.S. Administrations, both Democratic and Republican.
Henry R. Kravis. Billionaire co-founder of the private equity firm, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company. A leading donor to the U.S. Republican Party, he was ranked in September 2015 as 108th
richest man in America and 278 richest man in the world. He was a leading contender for Trump's Treasury Secretary, which ultimately went to Steven Mnuchin.
André Kudelski. Swiss Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Kudelski Group, a leading global corporation in cybersecurity. He is also a member of the board of the multinational credit agency, Credit Suisse, and a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Christine Lagarde. Successive French Minister of Commerce and Industry; Agriculture; and Finance, who succeeded the disgraced Dominique Strauss-Kahn as Managing Director of the IMF. Known for her links to the Marxist Greek Syriza Party, she demanded "austerity" measures even while herself taking a massive tax-free annual salary.
David Petraeus. Former CIA Director who was then hired by Kravis' New York investment firm, KKP, as both a partner and Chairman of its KKR Global Institute. As General, he served as the military face for the civilian Neocons' occupation policies in Iraq.
David M. Rubenstein. American "philanthropist" and co-founder and co-CEO of the multinational private equity firm, The Carlyle Group. This Group was particularly known for its ties to leading war-profiteering corporations, and whose Board included members as varied (or, infamous) as George H.W. Bush, George Soros, and Saudi Prince Alwaleed. Rubenstein simultaneously serves as Vice-Chairman of the CFR and Vice-Chairman of the Brookings Institution.
Robert Rubin. Current Chairman of the CFR. He worked for Goldman Sachs for 26 years, eventually serving as a board member and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992. As U.S. Treasury Secretary during the Clinton Administration, he encouraged collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps and other "derivative" financial instruments - contributing to the 2008 crisis. He served as Chairman of Citigroup at the height of the crisis, during which he received a total personal "compensation" to the tune of $126 million. He has served as co-chairman of the CFR board of directors since June 2007.
Leon Wieseltier. American magazine editor and Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy at the Brookings Institution. An avowed Zionist known for his frequent accusations of "anti-Semitism" against certain political opponents, as literary editor of The New Republic and member of the Editorial Board of the Jewish Review of Books, he was a leading "left-liberal" supporter of the Iraq War. He was a member of the Advisory Board for the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI), a group founded in 2002 to successfully lobby for the Iraq War whose members included the former Director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), leading members of the Neocon think-tanks the AEI and Project for the New American Century, CEO of the liberal-interventionist think-tank Progressive Policy Institute, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, and former Swedish Prime Minister and Foreign Minister (and frequent Bilderberg attendee and Board of Trustees of the war-profiteering RAND Corporation), Carl Bildt.
James Wolfensohn. Australian President of the World Bank (1995-2005), former trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Brookings Institution, and CFR member. He has attended 29 Bilderberg conferences since 1985, and was a former member of its Steering Committee. His father was a close friend and associate of James de Rothschild, for whom he was named.
Trumpists and Bilderberg
Despite his much-touted campaign rhetoric against Globalism, at odds with what he promised would be an "America First" foreign and economic policy, Donald Trump has his own Globalist links and connections. That his alleged opposition to the Globalist elites was nothing but a carefully-calculated political lie, is lost on the millions who voted for him because they took his promises seriously - and its also lost on a certain group of American self-styled "Anarchists" who allowed their opposition to liberal elites and cultural Marxist/AntiFa authoritarian street thugs, to cause them to jump on board the Trump bandwagon.
Ironically, these same self-styled "National Anarchists" (promoting their ideas under the organization called NATA) who justified their flirtation with Trumpism by the anarchic philosophy of entryism but in the process began taking on the ideology and rhetoric of that other pole of Statism, barked loudly on social media about their presence protesting outside the Bilderberg Conference. That it was more of a show than a sincere and consistent opposition to that shadowy annual conference, is proven by the fact that no less than four members of Trump's cabinet were inside the building - while these loudmouths still boast of their continued support for Trump....
Chris Liddell. New Zealand-born businessman and "philanthropist", who currently serves as Assistant to Trump and his Director of Strategic Initiatives in the White House. Liddell had previous positions over General Motors, Microsoft, and International Paper. He is also a member of the CFR.
H.R. McMaster. National Security Advisor.
Wilbur Ross. Secretary of Commerce. He is a leading billionaire who spent 25 years running Rothschild Inc.'s bankruptcy practice in the United States. Along with another of Trump's leading economic advisor, billionaire Carl Icahn, Ross helped save Trump's casinos in Atlantic City from bankruptcy in the 1980s. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, and gangster and Mossad agent Meyer Lansky were among the original investors of Resorts International, which made the original casino deal with Trump.
Nadia Schadlow. McMaster's second-in-command at the National Security Council, where she handles national security strategy. She also remains a CFR member.
Bilderberg and Globalist Elitist "Libertarians"
Another attendee this year is American venture capitalist and "philanthropist" Peter Thiel. He has a career in that financial scam called "derivatives", and presides over a global hedge fund company. Thiel is a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. A self-styled "conservative libertarian," he helped contribute to the Libertarian Party and the campaigns of Ron Paul - but during the general elections, consistently showed his true colors by contributing to warmongering, corporatist, Big State Republicans. He simultaneously donated to conservative causes, and finally in 2016 dropped his "libertarian" façade and came out openly for Trump.
Aside from Peter Thiel, a high-profile supporter of the libertarian Austrian School of Economics is the investor Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests Inc. Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund company along with Globalist banker George Soros in 1973. The Rothschilds were among the original shareholders of Quantum Fund. How Rogers could reconcile his proclaimed opposition to government intervention in the market, with the bankers' own government-guaranteed manipulation of financial markets, revealed to me something darker and more sinister at the very top of the Libertarian hierarchy.
I've been pondering on this since my transition to National-Anarchism and complete rejection of the Libertarian movement, but it seems like the Globalist elite includes a bipolar push to state socialism on one hand and pro-corporate "libertarianism" on the other hand. The reason is the same why they pit drones on the "left" and the "right" against each other, but also because each pole fails to recognize a holistic understanding of the State as the nexus of Big Government with Big Business and the Central Banks. Without a broad and holistic understanding of this nature, those who promote more of one aspect to rein in on the unfettered growth of the other, are set up for failure by the Globalists manipulating the discourse from behind the scenes.
Some Observations about Libertarianism
The Libertarian Party has disillusioned many within the American Libertarian movement, because it has a consistent record of nominating "former" Republican, johnny-come-lately "libertarians" - some of whom reveal their true nature as soon as the election is over, by going back to the Republican Party. This strategy of playing electoral politics has shown itself to be a failure, because in the process of trying to make some political gains the Party sacrifices any "Libertarian" principles they may possess. I've also learned personally from the lost potential of the two Ron Paul campaigns (2008 and 2012), and the rigged corporate duopoly of the two parties (the Debates Commission being just the most evident example), and so have since grown beyond electoral politics as a method.
Even when I was a self-professed libertarian, I found much more in common with the radical anti-statist tradition of Murray Rothbard and others often called "left-libertarians" than with the elitist, beltway "libertarians" who seem more friendly to big corporations and Globalist bankers than remaining true to a consistent libertarian critique of the State and its links to these same Big Business and Corporate interests. How these special government-guaranteed and enabled privileges to banks and corporations can be called "free-market" by any stretch of the imagination remained the leading stumbling block that finally led to my split with conventional libertarianism.
These concerns made me "lapse" my membership |
Philosophically, my staunch opposition to usury in every form could not be squared away with the dominant libertarian position which accepts usury in principle, only opposing certain "interest rates" manipulated by the State but ignoring those set by the private banks which do have a monopoly over the market. That this monopoly has been guaranteed by the State itself, is lost on such "libertarians" who are only too keen on obscuring the distinction between "Capitalism" and a true free-market (similar to their alleged ideological opposites, the Marxist State Socialists - who likewise supported central banks and usury).
Perhaps because of their obsession with "the American Dream" and excessive individualism, the Libertarians have a materialist obsession with property. As I came to reject even the "left-libertarian" position because many of them still justified usury and confused Capitalism with the free-market (a self-proclaimed school called "Anarcho"-Capitalists even arising), and so I looked deep within those schools of Anarchism not "communistic" but which upheld the idea of a true free-market against the State. I found (and continue to find) much wisdom in the Mutualist tradition of Joseph Proudhon and the American individualist anarchist tradition of Lysander Spooner, Benjamin Tucker and Kevin Carson. Tucker's idea of the "Four Monopolies", which include both the Money and the Land Monopolies, also inspired me to write some articles expressing my political awakening.
As demonstrated by the preceding article, Bilderberg reveals the nexus between governments, banks and private corporations. This is the structure of Capitalism, which is as distinct from a truly organic free-market as is Communism and other forms of State Socialism. Because of this nexus, more government is never the answer to the abuses and crimes of bankers and Big Business crooks; and yielding more unfettered activities to bankers and Big Business is never a way to rein in the abuses and encroaching powers of the State. Failure to see this nature of the State is exactly the reason that "leftists" and "rightists" of various stripes continue to be manipulated by the very same elites presiding over this entire mockery called the State. Rediscovering one's own Identity and Tradition itself, is another guarantee against the encroaching Statist-Zionist-Globalist-Bankster system called Globalism (worldwide promotion of a consumer-based, materialist, monoculture stampeding over distinct cultures and traditions) - and I've found this value inherent within National-Anarchism.