by Sean Jobst
27 November 2020
"COVID 19 cases have shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21st century, it has laid bare a fundamental lack of social cohesion, fairness, inclusion and equality. Now is the historical moment of time not only to fight the virus but to shape the system for the post-corona era....But, we have another choice. We can build a new social contract. In short, we need a great reset. We have to mobilize all constituents of our global society to work together. We must not miss this unique window of opportunity." - World Economic Forum founder and chairman Klaus Schwab, "Now is the time for a 'great reset'", 3 June 2020
With no end in sight to how the #Kontrol19 virus is being used by authoritarians, and indeed their efforts seem to be accelerating even as 2020 comes to an end, I continue the series I published back at its height. To recap, those four parts - with slightly-different titles but all connected to the bigger picture - can be summarized thusly:
Part 1 - NSO Group tracking apps, Carbyne911, Frontier Resource Group, crypto-currency and the blockchain, Chinese Belt and Road colonialism, role of Eurasianist/Chabad-linked oligarchs.
Part 2 - Front Services Group, Smart Cities and Communitarianism, DarkMatter, role of other Unit 8200-linked firms.
Part 3 - Bill Gates and Microsoft links to Unit 8200, Carbyne tracking apps, links to Jeffrey Epstein and the Mega network, technocratic elites' link to the World Health Organization.
Part 4 - Event 201 simulation, Charles Lieber, Nanosys links to Unit 8200, Israeli/Chinese espionage at American laboratories, Rockefeller Foundation predictive programming.
With a strange logo that appears to be a mash-up of the cross and the star of david, converging at the center, it assumes to be a new universalist religion. |
Two "civil society" groups, Democracy Without Borders and CIVICUS, have used the Rona as an excuse to scheme for global government. Underneath their propaganda about "democracy" and empowering "world citizens", the way such organizations are staffed, operated, and funded shows they are nothing but oligarchic power-grabs for a bureaucratic elite that sees it as their right to micro-manage the world and all its people. Democracy Without Borders describes itself as an organization that "runs global campaigns and programs for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, a United Nations World Citizens' Initiative and a Global Voting Platform." Such organizations are obsessed about top-down structures rather than anything real and truly organic.
On 17 June 2020, it published an article entitled "More than 200 civil society groups want citizens to be heard at the UN", revealing what it termed a campaign launched seven months previous, dating it back to around October 2019 which was around the time of the Event 201 "simulation" held by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins University. Instead of lamenting the virus it frames as such an apocalypse that we would need their global micromanaging, the article is optimistic in how it can be used for their "campaign":
"More than 200 civil society groups from over 50 countries, among them 60 that operate internationally, called on the United Nations and its member governments to establish the instrument of a World Citizens' Initiative that would allow citizens to put items on the United Nations agenda. Support of this proposal has thus doubled since an international campaign was launched seven months ago. The campaign going under the slogan of 'We the Peoples' was jointly initiated by Democracy Without Borders, Democracy International and CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation. 'The coronavirus pandemic, climate change and many other challenges underline the fact that all people on this planet are connected to each other but they have no say at the United Nations', said Caroline Vernaillen, Program Manager at Democracy International."

CIVICUS is a "civil society" group with "representation at the UN Headquarters in New York (Home of the UN General Assembly and governance body for the Sustainable Development Goals) and the United Nations office in Geneva (Home of the UN Human Rights Council)." It touts "Our ability to amplify civil society voices and enable activists and organisations to speak truth to power." In the name of "inclusion", it promotes a Marxist redistribution scheme to make all equally impoverished except the privileged bureaucratic-corporatist class who staff and fund their networks. Their paternalistic call for "putting the most excluded first" is a euphemism for controlling a dependency class. While shaming violators of Kontrol19 lockdowns, it encourages BLM and Extinction Rebellion gatherings. Its Secretary-General, Kumi Naidoo, attended the World Economic Forum in 2013. Among the elitist institutions funding CIVICUS are the Ford Foundation, European Commission, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
On 29 June 2020, one Kenichi Suzuki (not to be confused with the anime film director or many others with this name), a member of the Japanese Commission on Global Governance of the Japanese Parliamentary Association for World Federation, wrote an article entitled "After COVID, time to consider a UN parliament and a world federation". It was originally published by the Academic Council on the United Nations System, which defines itself as "a global professional association of educational and research institutions, individual scholars, and practitioners active in the work and study of the United Nations, multilateral relations, global governance, and international cooperation." Suzuki's article openly advocates using Covid-19 as the excuse to break-down national boundaries and transfer their resources to centralized world federations:
"As Covid-19 rages around the globe, there is a limit to the response that can be achieved by individual countries in isolation and it is only natural to believe countries should work together to formulate a response....As countries around the globe struggle to combat the new coronavirus pandemic, there is an urgent need for nation states to work together in handling this issue. Over 70 years ago, Albert Einstein and others developed the concept of a world federation as a remedy for dealing with such problems. In the midst of our fight against the evil of the new coronavirus, we have an opportunity to look to the future and deepen discussions toward forming a UN Parliamentary Assembly, then after that a world parliament and ultimately a world federation. Such a structure will transcend the Westphalian system of government to foster unity and cooperation between countries."

Towards this end, politicians worldwide are using even the same slogans, such as "Build Back Better" where we have to wonder if they're reading from the same script. They hobnob at such global institutions as the World Economic Forum and Bilderberg. Their governments are filled with lobbyists and corporatists associated with multinational firms. Such people transcend that Westphalian structure (of nation-states with specified borders and limits) by their very nature, so it matters not to them on whose behalf they're the managerial elite over a specific country - so long as they can continue to exercise that power and wealth. One of the projects these governments are signing up for is the UN's Agenda 2030, giving them an opportunity to give a more "moral" and "just" sloganeering behind their authoritarian measures, rechristened "sustainable development". This strange project brings together various Corporatists and Communists in a joint effort to manage the rest of us in their infinite wisdom.
At the height of the global "pandemic", the UN found it critical enough to hold its Conference on Trade and Development on 15 June 2020. It openly alluded to Agenda 2030 in its document, "Decade of digitization needed to drive development for all": "The UN's Decade of Action calls for the acceleration of sustainable solutions to the world's biggest challenges. They range from fighting pandemics, poverty and the gender divide to combating climate change, inequality and closing the finance gap. Heeding this call will require a more digital world." This effort involves 30 global agencies dedicated to exploiting the "opportunities and challenges to reaching the sustainable development goals (SDGs)." Together they would form an "effective collaboration and coordination around digitalization within the UN system" and ultimately "promote inclusive development outcomes through digitization."
Underneath these "humanitarian" buzzwords is viewing the world's peoples and their personal wealth as the property of these elites, to use and dispose of as they wish. Even more bluntly in connecting this Agenda to the Rona is the article "Supercharging sustainable development with a new policy priority tool from the Turing backed by UNDP", written by one Beth Wood for the Alan Turing Institute, a UK-based data science and AI institute founded in 2015: "All over the world, countries are striving to meet the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 - an ambitious agenda by any measure. These SDGs address the myriad global challenges faced by humanity, such as inequality, access to healthcare and education, climate change, and of course the COVID-19 global pandemic which has changed our world in ways previously unimagined." It quoted Turing Fellow Omar Guerrero from University College London: "Recently, governments around the world have had to destine substantial resources in order to fight the COVID-19 pandemic; preventing them from achieving their original goals. This is extremely important for the 2030 Agenda of the SDGs, to which all UN Member States have committed."

That the world is more digitized is an undeniable fact, neutral depending on its extent and scope. But the major problem is that these Globalist institutions are using that technology to monitor people and consolidate power for themselves. The Rona has been used to accelerate their efforts this year. To compete with this emerging Network Society with its truly decentralized potential for parallel institutions outside their management, global banking institutions are rushing in to consolidate blockchain technologies using the virus as their excuse. "Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDs) have been a key topic for blockchain technology enthusiasts, futurists, governments, and policymakers recently," according to Pawel Kuskowski in his article, "Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): A Crisis Recovery Tool For Governments". "In today's world, they are evolving from a topic of interest to a high-potential tool for economies around the world to better address the massive economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Policymakers, including central banks and governments, are uncertain where, how, and what tools to use to save their economies as they grapple with the crisis and prepare for the next. As a result, it has increased the interest in digital currency innovation for the decade to come."
The constant evoking of "decade" in these various articles and policy papers clearly refers to Agenda 2030. Indeed, the article cites three of Guerrero's colleagues: "A new report written by University College London researchers and industry experts Dr. Geoffrey Goodell, Dr. Paolo Tasca, and Hazem Danny Al-Nakib seeks to equip governments and central banks with a mechanism to help ensure the continuity and sustainability of their economies, along with both speed ad transparency of payments with their National Digital Value Container (NDVC)." Not only are they using this loaded term "sustainability" but their report makes clear they have no intention to see that wealth except in the hands of a few who of course manager it for people's own "good": "The UCL report lays out a 'gatekeeper' type structure where the central bank or government manages the issuance of a new national digital currency through a new category of supervised businesses named Money Service Businesses (MSBs)."
These MSBs and self-proclaimed "gatekeepers" are the same nexus of Big Government and Big Business we see now, but shedding any illusion of national loyalties as they openly yield power and wealth to these Globalist institutions in the name of fighting Rona. Kuskowski continues: "Here's why this proposal fits the realities imposed by the pandemic, according to Tasca: 'This crisis is a crisis of the real economy and not the financial economy. It is heightened by low interest rates, heightened levels of public and private debt, and of course, the impact of the pandemic, the pressure on healthcare systems, and employment. Policymakers need creative tools in their monetary and fiscal policy in order to fend off a future recession.'" That Tasca also serves on a EU task force, on behalf of the strictest lockdown authoritarians, should expose that such individuals care nothing about "fending off a future recession" which is caused exactly by the same policies they champion. We already see such privileged MSB-type businesses with those big box chain stores or online retailers able to weather the government-imposed storm that has demolished so many small businesses. For there can be no "reset" with first a demolition. Likewise people's personal savings and income has been destroyed and looted by such authoritarians who lecture us in the name of Covid while their own wealth remains secure (and "essential").

The World Economic Forum has argued that a centralized blockchain is needed to "solve" the local and national boundaries it sees as hindering their own efforts at Kontrol19. Indeed, its own official website places it as the cornerstone of what it terms The Great Reset Initiative: "There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset Initiative." These "global stakeholders" would apparently be the deep-pocket oligarchs who bankroll the WEF's projects and organize their meetings. They have some infinite right to "manage" the world, controlling the "direct consequences" which means they would use it whatever way suits their control. Just like Covid itself is blamed for anything resulting from the lockdowns instituted by specific State bureaucrats, the WEF article portray its "disruptions" as justifying the most extensive theft of wealth and liberties in history:
"The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems - from health and financial to energy and education - are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term measures against medium- and long-term uncertainties. As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum's communities, the Great Reset Initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being."
It then speaks of "building purpose-driven communities in service of the extraordinary challenge and opportunity the world faces for a 'Great Reset'," advertising a virtue series called "The Great Reset Dialogue", "a joint initiative of the World Economic Forum and HRH The Prince of Wales." Yet we're supposed to believe the utopian delusions of authoritarian bureaucrats, funded by oligarchs and consulting with aristocrats, really has anything to do with "human dignity"? Another WEF article ties together Covid and "sustainability" with the Marxist "intersectionality" cult: "And so, in looking to reshape the world with COVID-19 as the wake-up call, it is imperative that businesses understand why business sustainability and equity initiatives need to be viewed through this same lens: intersectionality." A second article envisions Big Corporations, now falling over themselves in SJW platitudes combined with Covid virtue-signaling, as saviors of "capitalism and the planet" through their "corporate social responsibility" and "social governance." The free-thinking among us can see that those two mantras, along with "social distancing", are nothing but weak dog-whistles for Social Engineering.