by Sean Jobst
13 February 2021
All are expected to wave the white flag of surrender before the Biden/Harris National Security State |
It has barely been three weeks since his inauguration and Biden has already signed a record number of Executive Orders, benefiting from a precedence set by his predecessors while setting the tone for a regime of even-greater executive powers. Its an authoritarianism not solely of his own making, but those of his Wall Street/Corporatist puppet-masters only too willing to exploit his dementia. This absurdist tragicomedy was on full display the very day of his anointing, when he said over a stack of imperial decrees sitting on the Oval Office desk: "I don't know what I'm signing", with Kamala commanding him: "Sign it anyway." This career politician has a decades-long ambition to extend his power and profits through office, which remains despite his cognitive decline and no matter how much the media covers for him. Meanwhile, all the typical Deep State talking-heads made the rounds on the newspeak shows, including former CIA director John Brennan who told MSNBC: "The members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion, to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we've seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists - so authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians."
How these disparate groups - and the inclusion of "religious extremists" is especially ironic given the religious fervor with which these same elites have venerated Biden and Harris - are somehow related he failed to explain. What is happening here is the establishment setting up its latest bogeyman so the government can keep extending its powers and infringe more on basic liberties. Whether its done by setting up monsters to slay abroad, or a shadowy enemy lurking domestically, it serves the same purpose: Expansion of the State in the name of "national security". Patriot Act/NDAA 2.0 updated to modern technology, to squash emergent network societies (as opposed to the technocratic mass-society they want to rigidly maintain) and ensure all submit to the Imperial Cult.
Biden and Brennan: Manufacturing Consent |
Brennan's mention of "authoritarians" is projection, given his own role as "principal architect" of the Obama/Biden administration's drone terrorism - the changing face of war through "counterinsurgency", pioneered by such swamp creatures around Biden as Blinken and Flournoy; his support for the Bush/Cheney administration's warrantless wiretapping of Americans' conversations; abusing his powers by lying about having spied on Senate staffers probing the CIA's torture program; his past support for the Communist Party alongside his assorted Corporatist ties; and his 1980 graduate thesis calling for government gatekeeping of thought: "Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship. Inflamatory [sic] articles can provoke mass opposition and possible violence, especially in developing political systems."
The Fourth Estate of Corporate Media has been a revolving door for assorted CIA spooks and other "national security" apparatchiks, because the same interests stand behind both. This media has consistently served as their propaganda wing, manipulating and lying to the public to serve as the conveyor belt delivering up blood and treasure to the Empire. Propaganda for more wars, meddling in other countries' affairs while demonizing "isolationist" America First and populist policies at odds with the establishment, waging false flag and disinformation operations by oligarchs who see themselves as anointed gatekeepers protecting the "profane" masses from themselves. Behind the Fourth Estate and the National Security Apparatus are the myriad of military-industrial-complex, warmongering elite think tanks, and Globalist NGOs that simultaneously served as underlings and puppet masters for the Asterisk President, as I will document throughout future articles.
These "experts" openly flout ideas of using the same tactics the Empire used against its foreign enemies, against the "domestic terrorist" bogeyman. One of Brennan's colleagues is Robert Grenier, who served as the CIA's station chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001, then its Iraq mission manager, and finally director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center from 2004 to 2006. In an approving interview by NPR on February 2nd, Grenier fear-mongered about "the dawn of a sustained wave of violent insurgency within our own country perpetrated by our own countrymen." He advocated using the "counterinsurgency" measures he presided over in Iraq and Afghanistan, against domestic "extremists who seek a social apocalypse".

Who these vague "extremists" are were bluntly defined in a nationwide "terror" alert the Department of Homeland Security released on January 27th, to be in effect at least until the auspicious date of April 30th. Entitled "National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin", it warned of potential terrorist attacks from "ideologically motivated" Americans who have "objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives." No evidence of any plans, the means or even the intent to carry out such an attack, but declaring them terrorists for the "crime" of peacefully thinking that this regime and its directives are built on illegitimate grounds. Have not millions of people disputed the legitimacy of a president they didn't vote for in past elections?
This was certainly the norm after the 2016 election, as anyone familiar with the 24/7 news-derangement cycle and conspiracy claims by the political establishment can attest. But those who dispute the 2020 election - even after such stunning admissions as those by Time about a "shadow campaign" of Big Business and Leftist activists - are shamed as pariahs, beyond the pale of the Oligarchs' presumed "Democracy". Although a small number of principled leftists have spoken against Biden's National Security State, the vast majority have lauded it with their own calls for blacklists and witch-hunts, the media to be overseen by "trusted gatekeepers" prohibiting all thought ("disinformation") going against Dogma, and Capitol Hill "insurrectionists" to "be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law" while simultaneously calling for abolishing police. They love to enlarge the State and enable its powers so long as it champions their favored causes and agenda.
The DHS bulletin was greeted by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace's suggestion of killing "domestic terrorists" with drones, drawing direct parallels between them and Anwar al-Awlaki, the Yemeni-American killed by drone in 2011. As noted by the Brookings Institute, Awlaki's was "the first extra-judicial killing by the United States government against a U.S. citizen." Without her or anyone on the panel batting an eyelid, Wallace defined the crime that would warrant such a punishment to be "the ideology and around this belief that the election was fraudulent". This followed a similar call by MSNBC contributor and former FBI agent Clint Watts on her show two weeks earlier, evoking "a drone strike overseas" as a punishment worthy of those who dared challenge Biden's anointing. This is despite his own vocal career denying the legitimacy of the 2016 election.

All would be rewarded or punished based on the dictates of this Biden Ministry of Truth. On February 2nd, the New York Times - notorious stenographer of the establishment's dictates and war propaganda - published an opinion piece by its technology columnist, Kevin Roose. He advocated for a federal "reality czar" who would determine truth with sweeping powers to censor and suppress information: "Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a 'reality czar.' It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant. But let's hear them out." One of these "experts" he cited is the Harvard academic Joan Donovan, who called for a "truth commission" whereby the federal government "audits" Big Tech algorithms to ensure "accountability" against all those spreading "disinformation."
Not merely the ravings of champagne elitists from their isolated newspeak offices or Ivory Towers, Biden has proposed an internet "extremist task force" managed by the government. In a Q&A event on November 16, 2020, Obama called the Internet "the single biggest threat to our democracy". Never have Big Tech Oligarchs enjoyed such a level of collusion from the State as now. Biden received more than twice the support from billionaires than Trump, especially from Silicon Valley and other centers of Big Tech. He received the vast majority of the "dark money" from anonymous wealthy donors this last election. Aside from the various Wall Street hedge fund managers, warmonger think-tank fellows, and other Corporatists staffing his agencies, Biden appointed four Facebook or Google high-level employees to his Transition Team. A Facebook insider revealed how the company hired six Chinese citizens for its "hate speech engineering team", using techniques they learned as censors on behalf of the Chinese Communist regime.
Their common tendency is towards centralism - the drive to enlarge their power is both institutional and instinctive to their very nature. They do not want free debate, but to criminalize free speech that goes against the acceptable bounds of discourse as defined by their deep pockets. I remember in the early 2000s, there was a trend towards building one's own online platforms and websites. This effectively died for the most part with the rise of social media, herding online presences into central units for which they can be more easily monitored and censored, their trends and opinions manufactured. They hate competition from upstarts outside their exclusive club, which was also on full display with how Wall Street and their political prostitutes reacted to the GameStop rebellion. Not surprisingly, the MSM has pushed the line that the latter were also "extremists" lurking in the shadows, to be demonized for having dared shook up the safe, secure profits of Oligarchs whom they ensure us have the best interests of society in mind.
This oligarchic system of Woke Capitalism + Corporate Socialism is openly blessed in the Statist Cathedral, surrounded now with barricades and other symbols of militarization. I have previously written about political infiltration of the military and its recent "loyalty tests", which coalesced with the Pentagon's recent order for the military to be purged of "racists and extremists" - the definition of those terms to be at the whim of the government. Far from being merely there for "security" at the Inauguration, the Pentagon - presided over by Raytheon board member and partner of private equity firm Pine Island Capital, General Lloyd Austin - announced that 5,000 National Guard troops would remain in Washington "indefinitely" past March. We can expect no different from a Pentagon long defined by its connections with war-profiteer firms and Wall Street bankers. Yet the same activists and talking-heads who fear-mongered about Trump's "fascism" are mum with Biden's militaristic over-reaches.
None of this should be surprising given Biden's consistent boasts of being primary architect of the Patriot Act, via his authoring the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act in 1994-1995. As he recounted to the New Republic in 2001: "I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill." He said in a Senate hearing on June 6, 2002: "Civil libertarians were opposed to it. Right after 1994, and you can ask the Attorney General [John Ashcroft] this, because I got a call when he introduced the Patriot Act. He said, 'Joe, I'm introducing the Act basically as you wrote it in 1994.' It was defeated then not by any liberals. It was defeated then by the folks who were worried we'd have the Minutemen, would get in trouble. By the Mr. Barrs of the world, who were worried about the right-wing, not anything else. That has nothing to do with you all, but just to set the record straight. Almost the same thing that got passed, the Patriot Act, was introduced by me in 1994, and it was the right-wing that defeated it. You guys tried to help get it passed, including the wiretap changes and the rest."
Voices have already compared the Capitol Hill "insurrection" to 9/11, leading one to wonder about the Police State legislation that will be rolled out. This includes many calls for a 9/11-style commission to "investigate" the Capitol Hill event, and the most absurd comparisons with 9/11 uttered by various politicians and media lemmings. University of Texas-Austin Global Affairs professor Jeremi Suri termed the Capitol Hill event "another 9/11 attack on the U.S. government by terrorists". The Statist Cathedral was attacked in an embarrassing breach of its sanctity. Never mind that Capitol Hill has constantly been staffed by innumerable political terrorists who have attacked Americans by their endless wars sacrificing the people's blood and treasure, policies robbing the people while benefiting Wall Street and Big Business, enlarging their own powers while infringing on the people's liberties. The Empire has come full circle, turning the same tactics it used abroad in search of monsters to destroy, into the latest "domestic terrorist" bogeyman in this age of Fourth-Generational Warfare.
I previously touched upon the Capitol Hill event as a psyop but its worth expanding. I am convinced it was a mix of QAnon dupes and Federal agent provocateurs, including certain Leftist agitators posing as Trump supporters. The QAnon dupes were fooled by their own delusions into "trusting in the plan" and with Capitol Hill police reportedly opening the doors to them, it appeared to be the eleventh hour they kept hoping for despite previous let-downs. Aside from this entrapment, the events have been used as a witch-hunt to go after anyone who was merely at the rally that day and not only those who entered Capitol Hill. From this they extrapolate it to those "guilty" by association, then cancelling all "election deniers", and generally all who won't bend the knee or close their mind to whatever dictates the current regime in Washington sends out. They hate that there is an organic transition to a network society which is more natural and autonomous, so they want to bind people even more tightly to their artificial mass-society. Even a month later the MSM and political establishment is fear-mongering ad nauseum about an event they never truly saw as an "insurrection" but such is the nature of psyops and false flags - its about public perception more than truth.