Interpreting the Astrological Weather, Needlecraft, and Revelation of the Method
by Sean Jobst
20 August 2021
Illustration of "Ragnarok and the Psyche" from a Jungian Reddit thread |
We can live a more lively, enriching experience when we learn to see the world in myth and allegories. Doing so we can also pick up on certain auguries, making sense of trends, people, and events in a way the brain alone cannot. Just as we can often effect changes in reality through our individual will, auguries can be seen as the will of Nature projecting itself upon the present and future. Its upon us to read and reflect upon these signs; natural and cosmic phenomena mirror the human psyche and events. Seeing Nature and the Cosmos as cyclical, applying these lessons to our psyche, and then seeing it work its way through social changes. This is certainly true of the global events this past year, being an education of a lifetime with clarity and opportunities even amidst the tyrannies.
One powerful idea proposed by two leading Irish Pagans, the writer and magician Thomas Sheridan and astrologer Fiona Aedgar, is that there is arising now a Wotanic energy from the Arctic North, which they identify with the Wild Hunt. This is something many of us tapped into without even being conscious, and perhaps explains why I found myself drawn to write a series about the Wild Hunt beginning last December. This coincided with a chain of events in my own life as I entered this year with time appearing to speed up. I found a strengthened immunity after getting over the virus. I'm sure others can say the same about their own lives around that time. These realities have a psychological, mythological, and scientific dimension at one and the same time.
"Wotan or Wodan is a multifaceted god we can relate to and emulate in many different ways as varied as individuals," as I wrote on Jung and the Wotan Archetype. "His ordeal on the World Tree was truly about 'killing' himself to himself so as to discover the enlightenment within, the immortal command to 'Know Thyself'. The Runes are not only letters and symbols but each laden with deep esoteric meanings about the psyche, cosmos, nature and memories - thus related to the Unconscious. His great 'shamanic' abilities offer general ways to sense there is more than just one physical reality; his leadership over the Wild Hunt in some folklore showing the 'veils' between life and death, physical and spirit worlds, can be thin and obscure within the overall cycle of life, death and rebirth. Like the Unconscious, Wotan represents the repository of ancestral memories across lifetimes of both an individual and people - and similar Archetypes of other peoples convey that same principle in other names and realities."

A scientific basis behind this phenomenon
Rejection of the appeal-to-(selective) authority Cult of Scientism, elevated to both a religion (with its various dogmas, sacred vestments, and denunciations of "heretics") and a medical tyranny financed by the deep pockets of billionaire technocrats, should not be confused with a rejection of science itself, despite the false dichotomy placed before the people. Science has proven events such as magnetic pole flips linked to solar flares, so there could be a link with this changing polar energy. They noticed erratic motions of the north magnetic pole in 2019. In January 2021, scientists and meteorologists noted what they termed a "sudden stratospheric warming event": Cold air is coming forth from the North, caused by a dramatic spike in temperatures occurring at high altitudes above the North Pole. There is thus a scientific basis behind the Wotanic Energy thesis, as explained by the relevant article from The Washington Post:
"While occurring about 18 miles high in the sky and disconnected from the weather on the ground, stratospheric warming events can affect the polar vortex, which is a circulation of air around low pressure that acts as a repository for some of the coldest air on the planet. If the polar vortex is strong and stable, as it was last winter, that cold air will stay bottled up over the Arctic, and snow chances may be few and far between for regions such as the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. But when the polar vortex weakens and wobbles off the pole, pieces of it can split off and swirl southward, affecting the United States, Europe and Asia. And that's exactly what's begun to happen, due in large part to this stratospheric temperature spike." (Andrew Freedman, "The polar vortex is splitting in two, which may lead to weeks of wild winter weather," The Washington Post, Jan. 5, 2021)
"The Wild Hunt of Odin" (1872) by Norwegian painter Peter Nicolai Arbo (1831-1892) |
How the Wild Hunt allegory relates to our current realities
The Wild Hunt is a European-wide motif that is generally a symbolic "army" of the dead, to be understood as sweeping up anyone who dares stand in its way. You can either step aside to live or stand in its way and die - i.e., a metaphor for going against historic cycles. This is about your own choices, not being tied to one static fate in life. Its an opportunity given to people in real time, to either follow the mass media-manufactured herd, or think and act for themselves as free human beings. Its an energy unleashed when people become too weak and cowardly, ultimately due to their own volition. It may be known as "Wotanic" in a Germanic context, but there are parallels with different names in other cultures, just as the Wild Hunt has its parallels in various mythologies. The point is to see our world as consisting of various energies.
An insightful discussion of this reality was held between Sheridan and the occult teacher Sethikus Boza, entitled "The Ace of Blades - Star Fire from the North" (May 16, 2021). They described this time as the release of all the ancestral energies the elites are trying to keep locked away from the people so we may remain tied to their own false reality. The fear they instilled in the masses is a projection of their own internal fears: The fear of the descendants of all tribes and bloodlines coming to truly remember and know themselves. They have distorted and turned the Masculine and Feminine energies against each other, knowing this is the balance that would truly heal societies. The lockdowns were meant to keep us from being social, much less knowing our purposes in the world.
Mask mandates were a dark occult ritual imposed to disconnect people from the non-verbal expressions that form most human communication. A whole generation growing in this era will be less sensitive to these expressions, and indeed even mainstream media sources admit the "psychological scars" of this increased inability to relate to others and themselves. Its no accident even the term "mask" has long been synonymous with persona - the outer image people project outwardly "to conceal the true nature of the individual" in the words of Jung. We can also meditate on the effects of cutting off people from their throat chakras and the basic understanding of breath as one's life-force energy, as well as the effects of a weakened immune system from people breathing their own oxygen. An October 2020 study attempting to prove masks decreased hospitalization, was withdrawn after the number of Rona cases increased in many areas with mask mandates.
We can see the institutions behind this tyranny as an archetypal "demon" or false "god" who demands compliance, harvesting people's energies who give in to manufactured fears and illusions. This is about basic energy described through allegory - it doesn't need to be dismissed as "supernatural". Their agenda is complete control and micromanaging. They have used the Rona with all its accompanied fears and hysterias towards this end with their proposed "solutions" that have only increased their powers and transferred trillions of people's tangible resources into the hands and pockets of a financial elite, whose collection agency are the various governments. Two weeks to "flatten the curve" turned into extended government-imposed lockdowns and other "solutions" milked for all their worth. The Rona then morphed into various "variants" as the new plagues, turning the "unvaccinated" into The Bogeyman Other who bring the "pestilence" upon the "saved" ones' doorsteps by their stubborn insistence of control over their own bodies. More on the implications of the "sacred" needlecraft jabs later.

Revelation of the Method
The archetypal energies of the Wild Hunt have been striking down the self-styled authorities most associated with the false pestilence (not to be confused with the reality of the virus itself). Examples abound: The politicians caught violating their own lockdown orders, such as a recent example in Washington, D.C.. The disclosures from Anthony Fauci's emails, his personal statements versus his public persona. The private jet-setting elites who revel in lecturing the public about vaccine and mask mandates, attending Obama's birthday party at the peak of fear-mongering for the masses to shut-in and shut-up. The scandals of Bill Gates and his links to Epstein (no need to rely on the QAnon psy-op). The hypocritical sexual escapades of Neill Ferguson and Matt Hancock, two leading architects of the UK's lockdown. Big Tech financial links to scientists tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. A Mumbai doctor treating Rona patients exposed using his work as a cover for his pedophilia. Internal emails revealing this year that the World Health Organization covered up rape and sex abuse right under its auspices in the Congo.
All of these point to those imposing their own false system built upon fear and hysteria, now being trampled under Sleipnir's hooves, because they have gone against the historical cycles and indeed Natural Law itself. Their reactions to the virus and rolling out a vaccination campaign at the height of a presumed pandemic, go against all historical precedence for how far-deadlier viruses were handled in the past. The vaccine passports are being sold as "freedom", whereas it's only the "freedom" allowed to those who obediently comply. These revelations are a recognition they allow some information to leak out so they can spin and control the narrative, willing to apparently sacrifice some of their elite to serve the broader agenda. It also has a deeper psychological element, where they are mocking the masses:
"The alchemical principle of the Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner, accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape." (Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Dresden, NY: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1992, p. 89)
Every witch-hunt needs its witches, its compliant witch-hunters, and a hysteria backed up by power
Natural Law and the Sacred Needlecraft
The "needlecraft" of the (rushed and untested) vaccine by which they want to skewer the masses, is being met by their own "skewing" through them overplaying their hands, revealing the limitations of their own power. They only have the power that others feed to them, which is why they have to resort to propaganda means since their "truths" aren't so self-evident. The handlers of asterisk president Biden lectured people to receive the jab so they can "live without fear". They are openly evoking a carrot-and-stick method: "But without a better carrot or a bigger stick, many Americans won't get vaccinated and we will suffer more death and dislocation." Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, openly funded by bankers and billionaire technocrats, advocated "building vaccine confidence" through propaganda. They invented terms like "vaccine hesitancy", which the elitist Global Citizens NGO declares as the bogeyman to "fight", and the Merriam Webster entry for "anti-vaxxer" has been expanded to those opposing laws compulsing such vaccination: "a person who opposes vaccination or laws that mandate vaccination."
There is a scrambling of the class system to justify the apartheid under this medical tyranny. What was the "essentials" vs. "non-essentials" is now morphed into the "unvaccinated" as the new "profane, unwashed masses" who must be viewed as carriers of filth and disease. This is seen with mandates and legislation in various places, giving special privileges to the vaccinated over the unvaccinated people. Yet, the unvaccinated are needed by the elites to exist so they can blame The Other as the bogeyman to be feared by the compliant. Even from a scientific view, the "herd immunity" they allegedly want with this sacred needlework needs at least 20-30% non-vaccination rates to work:
"Once a population reaches a point of collective immunity where the disease is no longer likely to spread, it reaches the herd immunity threshold. The estimate for COVID-19 is that roughly 70% to 85% of the population will need to be vaccinated to reach the herd immunity threshold, although this will likely be a moving target as we move into different stages of the pandemic. (In contrast, the flu needs between 33% and 44% vaccinated to reach the herd immunity threshold.)" (Serpil Erzurum, "How Much of the Population Will Need to Be Vaccinated Until the Pandemic Is Over?," Cleveland Health Clinic, May 5, 2021)
This specific figure appears theoretical, laid out in a July 2015 article by Our World In Data that just happened to be revised in December 2019, when all signs point to when the Rona currently appeared in the world. Aside from their need for an unvaccinated bogeyman, they know there is no magical charge from compulsion but that there is when they manufacture people's consent willingly, who then give away energy through the ritual itself. The amount of skepticism means they have to increase the percentage of people submitting to the jab, but nevertheless such manufactured consent is important to the elites: "It is an ancient rule of both the moral and common law that silence connotes consent - silence and a lack of meaningful action constitute consent in the face of these crimes. They brag to us about what they've gotten away with and we're thrilled by it. That's our only significant response, that and the anticipation of the next thrill" (Hoffman, op. cit., p. 90).

Occulting the Rona's Origins and Harmful Jabbing
The word "occult" used throughout this article needs to be demystified. It simply means that which is "hidden", most often through rituals. We saw this with the massive propaganda campaign against the Wuhab lab origin thesis solely for political reasons, whereas those same outlets are now coming around to concede its at least plausible. Scientific studies have recently proven the Rona could not have originated from the Wuhan wet markets since no bats were traded there at the time. Whatever its origins, the fear of a mass-destructive pandemic was incanted as a means of control and manipulation on a global scale. Harvesting viruses of the mind and psyche for all their worth, as they have always done for their power agenda.
Such rituals often have neither a purpose nor an end-goal, so it is with the vaccine about which scientists have warned doesn't stop or prevent the Delta "variant" anymore than among those who refuse the jab. Both the National Institutes of Health and Cleveland Clinic admitted the lasting immunity from a natural recovery from the Rona. That's how viruses have always worked, but they have been deliberately occulted and mystified in the public imagination. Not merely a litmus test, one's vaccine status is turned into an "internet personality test" with its own branding and corporate idolization. The magical numbers of "cases" are arbitrary (and kept vague on what that entails), with the CDC admitting it inflated thousands of cases, to promote their agenda that places with less restrictions and lower vaccine rates were somehow more deadly.
One of these occulted facts is the nature of vaccines. Most vaccines are produced using weakened forms of a virus. The Moderna and Pfizer C-19 vaccines use mRNA technology, which is injected into the body where it enters cells and tells them to create antigens recognizable to the immune system. Even the inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, has warned about the harmful effects from the spike protein incorporated by the vaccines. Dr. Peter McCullough, a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, explains how this spike protein ramps up risks of blood clotting and deplete immune response. Such uncomfortable realities embarrass the power agenda of the governments and the profit margins of the Big Pharma companies converging together in the massive media psycho-propaganda campaign. The goal-post has been extended where not only a third jab but also boosters is expected - a boon for Big Pharma's projected profits in years to come. Pfizer Chief Financial Officer, Frank D'Amelio, boasted of a "significant opportunity" for profits once the "need" for annual boosters to the vaccines is manufactured in the (un-free) market. The CDC admits the inefficacy of the vaccines, creating the "need" for the next fix.
I respect people's free-will and individual sovereignty. Those who take the jab have chosen to cross the metaphoric threshold of all that entails, for whatever reasons they make their decision. We do not celebrate deaths even though the "other side" loves to gloat about deaths that fit in with their political narrative (for they love the collective and hate the individual). In February, Italian researchers submitted a case-study of a newly-vaccinated 30-year-old, showing that myocarditis - a serious inflammation of the heart muscle - resulted after the vaccine. In June, 19-year-old Northwestern University student Simone Scott died after receiving her second Moderna shot. She needed an emergency heart transplant, based on what an epidemiologist who reviewed her case called a "vaccine-induced myocarditis". Italy banned the AstraZeneca vaccine in June after 18-year-old Camilla Canepa died from blood clotting, despite no known health problems before taking the vaccine.

In their presentation on June 23rd, the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Work Group concluded a "likely link" between the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and nearly 500 cases of myocarditis in vaccinated adults under age 30. Even the CDC and its media lackeys were forced to report on the connection, although they put their usual spin on it - when confronted with truth that can no longer be hidden, control the narrative until such a time the story can be "killed". A CDC presentation on June 10 revealed that although they accounted for only 9% of administered mRNA vaccines, people within the 12-24 age range who received a second dose represented 53% of all myocarditis and pericarditis reports through May 31st, three times the high end of the "expected" report rate.
Epidemiologists Martin Kulldorff of Harvard Medical School and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford wrote an op-ed demonstrating more risks than benefits for children and younger adults to take the vaccine. As we have seen, scientists are clear that the vaccine does not safeguard against the Delta and other "variants" than being unvaccinated. Even a CDC study admitted the vaccinated can transmit this variant just as easily. I will be even more blunt: The lockdowns and needlecraft campaigns not only weakened many people's immune systems in the short-term, but nurtured the rise of "escape mutants" now being used to impose more draconian measures. According to Scientific Reports, vaccine-resistant mutants like Delta spread through a population faster when a greater number of people are vaccinated.
Many noted virologists and doctors have publicly warned about how the vaccines "feed the virus" by creating stronger, more transmittable, mutant variants of the virus. Among these voices are Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who received the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the HIV; Joseph Mercola, best-selling author and natural health physician; Rob Verkerk, founder and scientific director of the Alliance for Natural Health International; and Geert Vanden Bossche, a vaccinologist who has previously worked with various Big Pharma companies and Globalist institutions, but now warns of an "uncontrollable monster" that could be unleashed by these campaigns. This basic reality was explained in a 2018 article: "Just as antibiotics breed resistance in bacteria, vaccines can incite changes that enable diseases to escape their control."
Astrology 2021: As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without
Astrology is the recognition that stars and other celestial bodies have some impact on human events and the psyche, represented by various symbols and archetypes with qualities mirroring human qualities. This is through the relation between various energies of the Cosmos and the Individual. As I am not an astrologer, I will defer to what certain trained astrologers have been observing about our current world. Throughout 2020, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn were within Capricorn (my astrological sign). Pluto was briefly in Sagittarius from June 2020 until returning to Capricorn in December 2020. Whereas Sagittarius symbolizes subjective reality, Capricorn represents objective reality - viewed as an unveiling of more clarity and discernment. From April 27th, 2021 to October 6th, 2021, Pluto is 24 degrees retrograde Capricorn, to remain in that sign until January 21st, 2024.
Meanwhile, from 15th August to 18th October, Aries and Pluto are in an almost exact square - Jung referred to symbols that "represented the combining of the four elements into the wholeness at the centre of the four quadrants, or paths, at the focal point of their meeting" (Thomas Sheridan, The Druid Code, 2017, p. 44). Could this not represent things coming full circle through a convergence of energies? At the end of 2021, Jupiter will enter Pisces. According to Fiona Aedgar, this era coincides with the Age of Pisces, whose negative qualities include illusion and deception.
Many people lost sense of themselves, their routines, and worldviews. But its only a time of panic for those who willingly give in to those illusions - much like those who do not step aside from the Wild Hunt. Jupiter will enter Aries on 11th May 2022, becoming more harmonized with its fellow fire sign. In Greek Mythology, Jupiter related to the fire of the "Divine Mind" (Nous) - an allegory pre-dating the discovery that Jupiter contains deposits of phosphorus, the alchemical "fire" energy that fires our DNA. This will follow a Jupiter and Pluto square around the liminal auspicious time of Walpurgisnacht or Bealtaine.
In several lectures between 2017 and 2019, astrologer David Palmer aka "The Leo King", predicted based on the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction, that 2020 would be a year of control by "hexing" people into not being their true selves. The beginning was to be a period of "revealing", but develop afterwards into a test to either go with the cyclical flow, or lose oneself and succumb to illusions (like what we've connected with the Wild Hunt). He saw the end-result as more technological control through Big Tech censorship and the move towards Artificial Intelligence. Psychically, people would project their own beliefs upon others on a greater scale than before. Palmer drew parallels with the same occult elements combined with resulting authoritarian controls present with 9/11. Indeed the esoteric writer Richard Smoley predicted such results based on Mars being so prevalent earlier in 2001 (Smoley, The Truth About Magic, 2021). All of this indeed has come to past as we are living with the results now.

History repeats itself through cycles. Prior to 2020, the last time the three planets were in conjunction in Capricorn coincided with the Black Plague, with its same elements of a control system dominating information combined with a plague. Palmer noted how many of the deaths from the Plague were from people living inside confined out of fear, breathing in the soot and weakened their immune systems. I am reminded of the H.P. Lovecraft quote: "Fear is our deepest and strongest emotion, and the one which best lends itself to the creation of nature-defying illusions" (Notes on Writing Weird Fiction, 1934).
Palmer compared such deaths to the increased suicides, depression, relapses, denial of life-saving medical treatments, and other deaths caused by the government-imposed lockdowns worldwide using the Rona as their excuse. Saturn in Capricorn represented a "dark secret, an illusion" and "plague to control people", harnessing fear and paranoia for the most deadly results. What you fear is most often worse for you than the object or illusion you fear. This is because you suppress your ability to be happy and grateful, directly affecting your immune system and ability to think clearly. The trend of this era is a scientism which denies spirituality or deeper metaphysical realities, designed to squash individuality. Palmer warned: "People who don't follow their destinies are going to be the ones who fall victim to their plague."
I suggest we can now say the same with the needlecraft. Its a negative energy where those who follow such illusions will only double-down on their assumptions, allowing themselves to be taken backwards into the same divisive trends and paradigms. Others have noted the similarities these trends have to a new religion, with its own rituals for "purification", its own sacred vestments (the mask, etc.), and castigating the "heretics" and "disbelievers". The needlecraft is taken as the new "salvation". The control system knows it can exploit the modern lack of a true myth and initiation ritual by inverting the human psyche with their own illusions, filling this instinctual need with their own manipulation.
Some esotericists identify our times with the Age of Hermes, identified with illusions of the mind, with Hermes being regarded as both a god of the mind and a trickster archetype. The discovery of his bust in the Athens sewage line last November could be a synchronicity reminding us of these negative energies. What we can be certain of is that the elites will continue to overplay their hands, just as Saturn or Chronos was ultimately defeated in the Greek Myths. We are seeing this now with the fall of many of their leading figures through a revelation of the method backfiring. Balance is needed and will always surface. In the meantime, what this time calls for the rest of us is re-evaluate our own bad habits and qualities; confront and integrate those lower aspects of us called the Shadow; and foremost it requires abandoning any notion of evangelism - people have the dignity to come to their own decisions and individual sovereignty should be respected.

Applying the Symbolisms of Tarot
If we apply the Tarot to this Wotanic energy, then we can look at the Ace of Swords. This is the "sword" of determination pointing down from the symbolic North, which can also lead to some distortion if not used correctly. This card represents dynamic actions and moving forward, so it requires a cold calculation that gives the best opportunities the more its not weighed down by emotions. This "coldness" is symbolic of current polar weather cycles, just as Wotan was associated with the wind energy swept up by the Wild Hunt. Taking a longer view of the situation; observing and not obsessing over these passing trends; and not giving in to merely reacting, but thinking and acting outside its paradigm on your own terms.
A second card we can look at is The Tower, which employs many archetypes from Mythology. As eloquently expressed by Sheridan, the lightning bolt striking the Tower is Donar's Hammer smashing through the illusions represented by the giants, and that of Indra smashing the clouds and bringing rains down to wash away the filth of falsehoods. Its also the phosphorus subjecting the darkness of falsehood and deception into the blinding light of pure Truth - indeed, the occult Revelation of the Method. Its a card to be prepared for what will naturally follow after the Tower falls - i.e., after the trends and illusions of this era fall along with the figures who promote this control system. Rebirth naturally follows death, so there is no need to fear and see the situation as "hopeless". Internal flaws will be exposed to the light.
Cathar Prophecy to be Fulfilled 21st August 2021?
Moments before his burning on 21st August 1321 at 8 am, the Occitan mystic and last perfect of the Gnostic sect of the Cathars, Guilhem Belibasta - known to his French persecutors as Guillaume Belibaste - uttered these cryptic words: "In 700 years the laurel will become green again. The good people shall return." This would make their fulfillment....21st August 2021! The laurel being worn by the god Apollo, was taken by the Greeks as symbolic of eternal youth and immortality. It became a symbol for poets and musicians well into the medieval world, such as the Troubadours whom some scholars have seen as secret carriers of the wisdom of ancient Gaullic Druids through allegories of song. There are theories linking the Cathars to descendants of the Goths and other tribes who left their mark in Occitania and the Pyrenees, combining their indigenous streams into a spirituality "heretical" to the Roman Church.
The "greening" predicted by Belibasta could be symbolic of a return to nature and respecting its cycles; a "greening of the spirit" or renewal of values such as Love and Wisdom. Could it also not relate to potential ecological changes from the pole shifts? One of the unintended consequences of Kontrol-19 is that the lockdowns reversed some ecological damage. Examples included air quality improving worldwide, Venice's canals clearing, and megaliths going back to their pristine energetic properties free from the harms of tourism and New Age rituals. Unintended because the same elites promoting a climate change psy-op ignorant of Nature's cycles and self-healing are the biggest violators of the environment. Balance means their inversion had to be met by Nature being restored, timeless while their illusions are passing.
The "good people" was the term used by the Cathars for themselves, upholders of those timeless values. Several Gnostics have said that this current time is transitioning into the Age of Sophia. Not merely the feminine embodiment of Wisdom, Sophia also represented the same type of energy as the various archetypes present with The Tower card. For she "strikes down" the lies and illusions of the era with the blinding, illuminating light of pure Gnosis. She is the archetype whom mirrors human beings in all their descents and ascensions, "falling" into the world to experience and know herself. This Gnosis has been conveyed in many modern terms - Jung would call it Individuation, Joseph Campbell the Monomyth or Hero's Journey. Its the life-long goal of The Fool going on his journey through the Tarot.
Its the ultimate instinct of the human soul to know itself. Its fulfilling one's unique destiny or purpose, what the Vedic tradition would call Dharma. Belibasta's prediction also fits the parallel reality breaking down the false hierarchies of the control system, not from confronting it but merely by setting up its own Truth alongside the House of Cards built upon illusions. Just as the Cathars set up their own spirituality alongside the official Church and attracted converts not by evangelism but through its values. One modern Church prelate observes the mockery and imitation the Rona religion makes of the Roman Church, so its no surprise that cult has its own crusades and heretics. The prediction means a return to more esoteric and decentralized forms of spirituality, as indeed occurred with many who underwent introspection during these times. Local languages such as the Cathars' Occitan thrived throughout 2020. Even if the prediction is apocryphal, its relevance is symbolic. Its wording is not one event but marks the start of an ongoing process.
Krishna advising the despondent Arjuna, in a story of the Bhagavad- Gita with psychological allegories |
Significance of 2025 and End of the Kali Yuga?
This is a time of Consciousness shining over the darkness of the control system's dogmas and illusions. Astrologers observe the change in how institutions and the ways of society are viewed by people, specifically naming Pluto within Capricorn until the year 2025. The energy of Capricorn is one that discerns what souls do not want to truly follow and live their purpose, while the energy of Pluto discerns those who truly do want to follow their inner authority and purpose. The two combined represent a massive clarity and discernment as was present with 2020. There are certain Hindu sages and Vedic astrologers who believe that the Kali Yuga cycle will occur until 2025, coinciding with our current astrological cycles. There is no final "end", just the ending of one cycle and beginning of another cycle, much like The Tower card represents building anew upon the crumbled tower.
Indian independent researcher Bibhu Dev Misra wrote an interesting article in 2012: "The End of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Yuga Cycle". He pointed out how modern astronomical simulations determined the previously-accepted dating of Kali Yuga from the year 3102 BCE is erroneous, since the necessary conjunction of the five visible planets with Aries did not occur then. Plus the Surya Siddhanta identified this as a sign of the ending Golden Age (Satya/Krita Yuga), not the Kali Yuga. A complete yuga cycle takes 24,000 years, divided into an ascending and descending cycle of 12,000 years each. The Saptarshi calendar has a cycle of 2,700 years, followed by a transitional period of 300 years. Misra applied these calculations as follows: The Mahabharata describes events in the Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age), whose beginning in 6676 BCE + 2,700 years = ending 3976 BCE. Adding the 300-year transition, the beginning of Kali Yuga was 3676 BCE. So its descent ended 976 BCE + 300-year transition = ascent beginning 676 BCE, to end in 2025 CE.
Whatever meaning we read into this information and how we interpret it is up to the individual, but its a fact that certain elite institutions view 2025 with some significance. For example, this year is invoked in a report by the Center for Global Development: "Horizon 2025 - End of the Beginning: Development Cooperation in the Pandemic Age". After openly stating its funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, it states: "The focus of our analysis is on the 'intelligent reconstruction' phase of 2022-2030, once the immediate stabilization of economies and the health pandemic have taken place." It labels 2020-2022 the "COVID-19 transition world", and 2022-2030 the "intelligent reconstruction phase". This admits its intent to structurally destroy so as to move into the next, more draconian phase of control. The report announces its context within Agenda 2030 and the SDG "Sustainable Development Goals".  |
The Flammarion engraving by an unknown artist, from Camille Flammarion's 1888 work "L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire" |
The preceding speaks for itself. Its strands of astrology, psychology and mythology weave into it effortlessly, creating the rich tapestry of our reality. What masquerades as "reality" is not what it appears to be. Neither are its proponents the omnipotent and omniscient power-brokers either themselves or some who give in to doom and gloom feed into their illusions. We are all subject to the same cycles; going against those are ultimately doomed to failure. Could the sudden trend of billionaires wanting to travel to space like a temporary escape relate to this? Or generally the transhumanism of technocrats who want to transcend those aspects of them that remain human. They should be pitied as the miserable beings they are, more than feared by we who celebrate our individual humanity.
Many of the elites' plans are made up as they go, exactly because it has limitations. For example, Agenda 21 was re-named Agenda 2030 because their projected goals with 2021 never panned out. Their moving the goal-post with the Rona also illustrates they are dealing with a force they may have unleashed but cannot fully control themselves. They are overplaying their hands out of desperation. We have to still know about their plans and remain vigilant, but ultimately we are psychically strong whereas they project "power" from their inner weaknesses. "We have to understand who we are and where we fit in the natural order of the world because our oppressor deals in illusions," observed the Native American poet and activist John Trudell, who stressed how everyone is descended from tribes and the same "civilizing" process. "They tell us that it is power, but it is not power. These are imitations of power and they are only 'power' because in our minds we allow it to be power."
As I have expressed it, the occult merely means "hidden" knowledge; what one does with it depends on the intention and will invested into it. Demonizing occult knowledge as "evil" is exactly what the elites want, because they can continue to hoard it for themselves and apply it towards dark ends, i.e. to control and manipulate others rather than develop themselves and grow. Accepting the classic definition of Magic as to cause changes in consciousness in accordance with will, reveals just how much exactly that can apply to governments, media, corporations, advertising, and the banking system. As the novelist Tom Robbins put it bluntly: "Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business" (Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, 1976). Either use it yourself or it will be used against you.
One of the basic Natural Laws is that of Correspondence: what happens above mirrors below; what happens within mirrors without. Cultivating a strong psyche is the ultimate answer to their efforts at virus manipulation, as Sheridan presciently observed in 2019: "You have to decontaminate, isolate, and quarantine your psyche, in the same way if there was a serious virus outside in the street you stay indoors." At the height of a plague in Rome, the Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius observed: "An infected mind is a far more dangerous pestilence than any plague - one only threatens your life, the other destroys your character." The truest form of "vaccine" is the internal inoculation against stress, as psychologists refer to the brain's ability to learn and grow from difficult experiences. There can be no ascent without descent; no growth without failures.
We should avoid reacting to what we cannot control, and acting in ways that only feeds our energy to them. They have always invoked the specter of bogeymen as providing the excuse for starting wars and increasing authoritarian controls. We merely have to continue setting up the parallel reality and refuse to play their game. Some examples I would recommend is the Counter-Economics approach of the late Canadian political theorist Samuel Konkin III; and a return to tribes and communities as local controls over their centralized power structures that seek to bind our bodies and minds and kill our souls. Tribes need not only be genetic, but are the natural, instinctive state of human beings. The approaches are as multi-faceted as we are as individuals. To know ourselves and our place in the world we just have to know and appreciate our energies and potentials. May it be so!