by Sean Jobst
6 November 2021
This is an addendum to my previous article: "Rise of Wotanic Energy and Fall of the Empire of False Pestilence: Interpreting the Astrological Weather, Needlecraft, and Revelation of the Method" .... with many thoughts and musings that add to this conversation. Perhaps seemingly random at times, but I've learned that there are ultimately no "coincidences" in life. A denial or derision of the unknown naturally lends itself to a miserable worldview founded on fear and envy - and such is with that false "reality" instituted by the elites and imposed only through force and propaganda.
As I am writing these words, people have recently put away the masks and costumes they had donned to celebrate a holiday (Halloween) based upon Samhain, the ancient Celtic commemoration of the dead and remembrance of our own mortality. We have simultaneously passed Dia de los Muertos, with its own remnants of Mesoamerican meditations upon death. Overshadowing all of this is a physical and mental regime worldwide founded upon a pathological fear of death, exploiting an ignorance of how viruses have operated historically and scientifically, but also in what is actually projection of their own Biophobia - hatred of life and its cycles, which include a balanced awareness of death. All the fears of life stem ultimately from unbalanced pathologies about death.
The end goal unfolding before us I have documented in several articles - increased mass-surveillance, massive transfer of wealth and power into even fewer hands, Transhumanism, and various planks of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. These actually exist and we cannot ignore them. As with the previous article, I think there are deeper meanings of a more "spiritual" nature - accepting that the "material" cannot be easily separated from that nature, either. That the Rona has been treated like a new religion, with its sacred vestments, rituals, priesthoods, and witch-hunts of heretics, is obvious to the discerning mind and many figures have elaborated on the elements which make it a religion. The Vaccine is a new transubstantiation ritual meant to alter people's DNA and personality into a new persona, and cut off one's ancestral memories (the importance of which we shall see).
I have recently delved into the works of John Lamb Lash, who has provided a ground-breaking revival of the Sophianic narrative and true Gnosis distinguished from the insidious dualistic and Christianized aberrations that others have built upon it. I endorse his view that true Gnostic origins are in the Pagan Mystery Schools and their shamanic practices, and that claims about their anti-world dualism are Patristic strawman invented by its Christian detractors. He has two other observations very pertinent to this current article. First, that its not about "rights" which are an illusion - but the innate Freedom we already have and the action in accordance with that freedom. The authorities (literal meaning of Archons) - indeed Statism in general - want to get us into this mindset of "rights" that come from them, either to be given or taken away by their whims.
An example of this is with their openly evoking a "carrot-and-stick" method to the Needlecraft. (I use terms discernable to any organic, free-thinking human individual, but beyond the abilities of the A.I. algorithms we are led to believe is "superior" to our limitless consciousness). These authorities like to speak in such coded words as "building back better" and invent new terms such as "vaccine hesitancy" whilst proclaiming a "new normal", so its time we de-mystify language. Its not always what words tell us but often what those words are designed to hide based on the intention of the one using such words. As well as their inherent power in establishing new social classes (including the latest heretics and pariahs) and paradigms.

Second, Lash makes the point that what invests these authorities with the illusion of "power" are their masks and costumes. This is the Persona - the image a person projects to the outer world instead of their true identity. It originated with the masks worn in the Greek Mystery plays, so were forms of initiation. In his account of a coming-of-age ritual in Papua New Guinea, the great mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote: "The mask represents the power that is shaping the society, and has shaped you, and now you are a representative of that power." He observed the mystique and fear intended by those masks, where the adult men wearing them discipline an unruly kid and, when coming of age, are allowed to "fight" and "win" symbolically over such men whom, it is led them to believe, are "gods".
So it is with the mystique of the virus masks - we are dealing with the deeper meanings behind these symbols rather than just the symbol itself. The Papuan ritual was designed to give the child his own power so he may be equipped for the next stage of his life. While that ritual is a coming-of-age ritual, the one that has been imposed worldwide by the Authorities is darker and intended to bind rather than protect. This is a Dark Occult ritual, simply meaning using what's hidden to manipulate. These Authorities demonize the Occult for the masses since the same knowledge they use to control can also be used to empower and enlighten within the "right" hands; all those who simplistically dismiss everything Occult are useful idiots to these elites. True Occult silence is wisdom, whereas the Dark Occult inverts this into secrecy which is deceptive.
As expressed by Mark Passio, the Occult is simply "a body of science which is not widely known to the general population, consisting of human knowledge about the Human Psyche and the Laws of Nature, both seen and unseen." Its an obscuring of the individual from even knowing about their own selves, whereas government, advertisers, and other financial interests perfect techniques in using people's own psyche against them. At the same time they make magic seem ridiculous and childish; the Occult is regarded as either superstitious, used by larpers for profane and selfish ends, or evil. "Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business," as Tom Robbins mused in his 1976 novel, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.
We return again to the "occult" nature of words and their multiple meanings. Proto-Germanic *grimo "mask" originated the Old English grima "mask, helmet" and Old Norse gríma "mask, helmet" and grímr "person wearing a mask, helmet". Through Gothic derived Spanish grima "disgust, uneasiness", Gallego grimo "fear, creeps, uneasiness", and Portuguese grima "aversion, disgust, antipathy". The English grim "fierce, cruel, savage, severe, dire, painful" and French grimace "grotesque face, ugly mug" are other derivatives of this word for "mask". All stem from Proto-Indo-European *ghrey "to paint, streak, smear" and *gher "to rub, stroke", with their ritualistic connotations of anointing; and *ghremno "angry", with social masks used to manipulate through fear and hysteria.

Ultimately, their own actions are founded upon fear of human potential and their own human nature which they want to "transcend", hence anger mixed with fear. They invert it for the masses where they suppress people's natural rage that might be turned against them in constructive forms - for the impulse to destroy the bad ideas and negative institutions of thought, is also the impulse to create anew - and just condition them to fear. Death is just another form of Consciousness, and is different from the state of being "dead". As noted by Passio in a recent interview by Sethikus Boza, Dark Occultists refer to the masses as being "the dead", part of their own Transhumanist inversion of life, viewing only their own select few as having consciousness. The reality is they are the unconscious ones who deny their own humanness and are foolish to think they can escape the cycles of life that bound us all.
The standard surgical mask looks very similar to the masks worn by Zoroastrian priests because of their belief that the magical flame would be contaminated by human breath. What we have been seeing is an attack upon the energy associated with speech, communication, and free flow of the human breath. That the Zoroastrian view saw an imbalance between the elements of Air and Fire, demonizing that which is innate and divine within humans much like the current mentality, is not surprising given its influence upon Abrahamism. The Jewish Kabbalah identifies each sephirah (emanation) on their Tree of Life as representing a different "face" of their Archontic desert demon-masquerading-as-a-god, Yahweh. Kether or the "Crown" (literal meaning of "Corona"), which the Kabbalists regard as "reunion with the source," represents "the mask that keeps hidden from view all that exists behind it."
This deceptive element of secrecy can be seen in the Greek khristos "the anointed", connoting the hidden as can be expected with a mythologized figure made not only into a "messiah" but a "savior" for all humanity. Lash makes the compelling case that the Archons are a primary source of such mind-viruses, making several associations with a shadowy Biblical figure named Melchizedek: "Declared by Saint Paul to be the anointer of the anointed, the Christ; hence the hidden power behind the Redeemer" (John Lamb Lash. Not In His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief, 15th Anniversary Edition. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021, p. 397). I made a comment on one of his videos about this mind-virus of salvationism that can easily apply to the Covidiot Cult:
"Their salvationism and deification of sacrifice, coming from this scapegoat ritual, is a desperate attempt to replace the void filled by their desacralization of the world, demonizing its beauty, and loss of a meaningful Initiation and Myth from modern society. So replacing the Gods and Goddesses with a deification of sacrificed saviors (whether 'Christ', 'martyrs', or those of Abrahamism's modern 'secular' political offshoot ideologies), a Cult of Victimology where one is considered more sacred based on the level of oppression. But it also requires a witch-hunt of others who are to be the negative sacrifices so as to bind the rest of society to salvation. What is the social media culture, obsession about celebrities and the royals, virtue-signaling, and Cancel Culture but examples of this same salvationist, sacrificial perversion? Its an inversion of actual Pagan sacrifice, which had this element of gratitude combined with an exchange of energies with the Deities, not always a literal, physical 'sacrifice' of blood and body as falsely presented as. The Archontic effort to replace Animism with this resolves itself in removing divinity from this world in some ritualistic sacrifice so that the savior/martyr/victim can then 'ascend' off this planet. They replace the healthy, balanced awareness and reflection upon death, with a disjointed deification of death itself which still maintains it as a taboo. So its about the 'sacrifice' element of it rather than natural part of the cycles of life."
"The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun", William Blake's allegory of tyranny seeking to devour life itself |
By my non-compliance with this Cult and its Dogmas, I assert my own Sovereignty and proudly proclaim my heresy - a word derived from the Greek hairesis "choice, system of principles" and haireomai "to take for oneself, to choose". What is decried by this Cult are exactly those things that imply freedom, free choice, and critical thinking. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is most about how words are used, changing language at the most fundamental level. That Ronaspeak is merely the latest phase of Newspeak, was made abundantly clear when Merriam-Webster officially altered the definition of those heretics called "anti-vaxxers": "a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination." So not merely those who oppose the practice of vaccines, but even those who reject any movement to coerce and pressure.
Perfected by totalitarian ideologies and funded by the Authorities, the rise of various mind-control institutes and think-tanks devised new techniques to control both language and thought. We can see their esoteric implications by a passage from the Grímnismál, wherein Óðinn/Wotan/Wodan says he fears that his ravens, Hugin ("Thought") and Munin ("Memory"), may not return - but especially that Memory will not return....Our thoughts are constant and we should not trust every thought, especially since so many are implanted there by the barrage of propaganda (and indeed as ancient Gnostic texts say about the Archons "implanting" deceptive thoughts). We could be guided and grounded by the Memory deep within us, which could see us through this barrage with great clarity.
The imposition of this regime with its Globalist monoculture response to such "crises" is partly designed to prevent people from awakening to their ancestral memories and connection to their landscape that would provide freedom and guidance in a time when they want people confused with their own implanted thoughts. These are the primary tactics of Fourth Generational Warfare meant to demoralize the enemy which to them are an awakened people. The Vedic traditions speak of everything containing memory, down to the smallest atom within the body upwards to the vast workings of the Cosmos. They refer to happenings or "roarings", so called because of vibrations within an ever-expansive universe. There have been 84 such "roarings" and there will be 28 more for a total of 112, after which the cycle will start again. This is part of the cyclical worldview of every tribal, earth-based tradition (including our own ancestral), which spoke in allegory and myth about an expanding universe and the role of vibrations and sounds within the cosmos only recently "discovered" by science.
Our cosmologies also speak of creation not as an event but as an unfolding process, held in conventional wisdom by those who speak of history "repeating" itself and that past events shape and reflect current happenings. Each of these processes carry their own memory, which is information and an accumulated past. Memory can inspire us and give a sense of belonging, but turned negatively it can also be used to bind us and keep us from growth. The hold of physical memories within the body can be cleansed through the elements, perhaps why the Covidiot regime and Carbon-demonizers alike want to cut people off from the element of Air. They use this knowledge against the people, ultimately to keep them from awakening to themselves. We look at the political agendas of the Authorities, but these mirror simultaneous happenings in the spiritual, "occulted" realm which constantly merges with our own perceivable world. What is reality is not what these Authorities want to define and impose as the "reality", but they only succeed insofar as people's minds and memories continue to be under their spell.
Unknown artist. "bestdesigns/Getty Images" |