by Sean Jobst
20 October 2022
A defining delusion of our time is the collective lie that confuses authority with power; that Sovereignty allegedly comes from these authorities; and personal responsibility (living in balance with our innate Earth-given powers) is ceded to those holding the outer vestments of "authority": the State and its apparatchiks, selected "expert" micromanagers, and media echo-chambers. These are only appearances of "power" feeding off energy: "These are imitations of power and they are only ‘power’ because in our minds we allow it to be power."(1) Instead of thinking for themselves, most outsource their thinking to these authorities, whose minds become their minds; their illusions become the vision of those who cannot think (much less live coherently) for themselves. Tribal cultures around the world warned of inorganic beings who fed off the energy of human beings and infected their minds. Only their terms for these beings differed for a spiritual assault described as using the same methods.
Their ultraterrestrial energy works through human agents who love control over others - the psychopaths of the control matrix. These agents occult (make hidden) these spiritual realities to give them a mystique that only entrenches their authority. Such as in the abuse of language, with their "authority" being the archontic illusion that can only mimic and simulate reality but never manifest true reality. It can only offer a fake substitute for the real, implanting suggestibility in people to cede their own powers and responsibilities, which comes from repeating errors rather than correcting them. At odds with their illusion is the empowerment of Sovereignty, rooted from the Latin super "above, beyond, outside the boundaries of" + regum "rulership": To refuse to be a slave under any master.(2) Sovereignty manifests within the physical body and is transcendent above ourselves, as expansive as the galactic arms of the universe and yet grounded down to the most cellular level so that its truly our power:
"Power. It's very important that we understand who we are in relationship to power, because we have been tricked and lied to, almost in a way one would say, 'brainwashed', into looking at authority as power. It is very important that we make this distinction because we need to have something to pass to the next generations. Authority is not power. Authority is authority. All authority is usually based upon aggression or implied aggression or active aggression. Authority is authority. Power is something else. Power is what we come from. It is a part of the natural order of the universe -- power. Authority is something that man creates. Its limitation is that it was created by man. Power has no limitations."(3)
As expressed by Gnostic visionary John Lamb Lash: "Authority is what you get when you don't rely on your own conscience. The Gods endowed us with their essential goodness but in order to act on our goodness, we have to act out of our own conscience. Every individual has a sovereign conscience that tells them what is true, what is not true, what is right or wrong to do. And when you do not act on that conscience, you go into a default mode and in that default mode, the authorities take over and they tell you how to act. What the word 'authorities' means in the metaphysical sense, is a voice that tells you how to act that is not the voice of your own conscience. The Archons also work through this illusionary power of the authorities. The authorities really have no power - the only power they have is when you surrender your power to them. The only real power is this sovereign power of individual conscience."(4)
These powers are unseen and the most real, a birthright innate to our essence. We are beings birthed and grounded by our Mother Earth in addition to direct Ancestral lines connecting us to something deeper than our physical bodies. Yet we live in a narcissistic time (social media personas, instant gratification, virtue signaling, savior complexes masked as empathy, etc.) where most have forgotten, apparently sure of themselves but desperately masking their nihilism (lack of meaning and purpose) through various political and social trends.(5) Various neuroses and personality disorders stemming from an individual refusal to confront and integrate the Shadow (then manifested out on a collective level), seem to be explained away including the efforts to normalize psychopathy. People with legitimate mental health issues often the result of society's lack of meaning, purpose, initiation rites, or an empowering Mythology - and an obsession with labeling and medication to prop up Big Pharma.
We see promoted the unnatural delusion that one should always be "happy", so its only natural they confuse what truly leads one to be content and following our soul purpose. People hide under false selves to not align with their true selves, fed upon by these forces only too happy to distract them and harvest their energies. The incessant need for "control" which is ironically fed upon by the world's (micro-)managerial energy harvesters deliberately keeping people under mental stupor. "Inner motives spring from a deep source that is not made by consciousness and is not under its control. In the mythology of earlier times, these forces were called mana, or spirits, demons, and gods. They are as active today as ever. If they go against us, then we say that it is just bad luck, or that certain people are against us. The one thing we refuse to admit is that we are dependent upon 'powers' that are beyond our control."(6)
Most dependent upon these false authorities are people who profess their individuality the most, for example priding themselves on "The Science" while blindly following "Experts" who replaced the scientific method with Dogma. Ultimately this is rooted in the difference made in my previous post between anthropocentrism and biocentrism. Anthropocentrism apparently places value upon humans as the alleged focus of all existence, but is really a narcissistic mind-virus imposing false authorities by projecting an illusionary sense of "power" onto human beings - its false transcendence over a nature separate from us and only leads to self-destruction on their behalf. Look at the various lies politicians tell to give people illusions of "freedom" or "greater good" while undermining their sovereignty and all goodness. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."(7) Even the word "believe" contains a "lie" - its better to think and contemplate.
Biocentrism is true power of our creative role within the energetic interconnectedness of Earth-Cosmos. Its the liberating Gnosis that we are exceptional not "superior" due to our unique sacred gift of remarkable latitude to experience different outcomes based on our choices. Authentic transcendence is through Nature, from which we are inseparable. Within our world is an abundance of false individuality masking complexes and co-dependency (such as Statism in any of its ideological expressions), while true Individuation is suppressed and ridiculed. Central to the wholeness of Individuation is knowing we are connected to something above but also innate to ourselves, more timeless than the current cycle that has been a great clarity about how people relate to authoritarian appeals to conformity - the potential is within us depending on how clear and authentic our minds. Confusion and inauthenticity allows the archontic to thrive, but the power is ours to choose. Nor is it about errors that make us feel guilt and shame, but our divine capacity to correct and rise above those errors.
Sovereignty supersedes the mastery of false beliefs, by asserting oneself as a true Heretic (from the Greek hairetikós "able to choose") which means not only thinking for ourselves but the power of discernment. This is more true now as when Nikola Tesla observed in 1934: "The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane. Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."(8) Two of our guiding principles should be: Do not confuse every thought as coming from us, especially when we are inundated with a barrage of "information" designed to program our minds; and We should embrace the recognition that not everything can be quantified, indeed that Earth and Cosmos are enriched with interactive Mysteries just waiting to be experienced.
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A famous engraving by an unknown artist in an 1888 book by the French astronomer Camille Flammarion. To me its a perfect representation of our place within Earth-Cosmos. |
The Creative Gnosis of Cosmology
Gnosis is the Divine Knowing of what it means to be human. Cosmology is studying the Natural Order of the Cosmos, its role in our spiritual growth often neglected. Their relation through Animism is expressed in the universal themes of an Earth seen as sentient and alive, personified as a Mother Goddess (her energies often channeled down in the aspects of nature represented by other Goddesses), and a Father associated with the Sky and Time. We see this theme in such myths as the Greek Chronos and Gaia, or Quechua Pachamama and Pachatata. Even our modern words for the Divine stem from the Proto-Indo-European *Dyeus Pater "Sky Father". The same energies are present within Earth and Cosmos, including polarities allegorized as feminine or masculine (necessary for balance): convergence and divergence, creation and destruction, or contraction and expansion.
Everything is Energy, working through frequencies - cosmic energies spreading outward and causing differentiation. The Cosmos work through movements, with Ether "whirling" to cause matter to either form or disappear. Even particles come from energy fields around a central point. What we call mass, magnitude, and volume result from a divergent magnetic field. Space has no properties but only attributes; and time is but a measure of masses and magnitudes.(9) The Scientism cult only sees things in terms of atoms and cannot explain non-physical phenomena, such as the Ether or energy fields. Such phenomena as synchronicities challenge their perception of time as static and linear. Heretical physicists have proposed a "double causality" where our creative intentions cause effects in the future and become future causes of our present effects. The future is in transformation and influenced by our intentions. Our Consciousness generates our mind's impressions of space and time.(10)
The ancients recognized the creative role in "time", personified as feminine beings of time such as the Germanic Nornir who "weave" the threads of a Fate that is in constant flux and not fixed. What is being woven is the active intelligence that manifests life. There is a shamanic awareness with cosmic "threads" or "cords" that allows one to ascend and descend across different realms and channels communication and the vital force, as it is with the Hawaiian akka thread or Tibetan dmu cord. To the Dakota, one's nagi (soul) is connected to Sky world through the cekpa "navel/umbilical cord". Rather than being a "creation" of the world, tribal Myths described creation of every individual via deep awareness of reproductive cycles and our interconnectedness with Earth-Cosmos. A symbolic representation of this is the World Tree, a common theme across cultures that will be discussed later.
These emergence Myths encode much about how its about a constant movement. The future is but a projection of your present thoughts into the present. Emotion is energy in motion, which is why emotions such as fear are so vital to the energy harvesters. Natural Law works in time and historical epochs through polarities of ascension and descension; cultures by rise and decline. Even the "now" is already over the very moment its verbalized or even thought, underscoring our unmanifested potential every moment. Memories are the movement of past moments activated through the present act of remembrance, which is why it was stressed within the initiatory ordeals of Wodan. (I use our original continental name for Him, going back to the roots of wode, the life-force energetic breath). Science is only recently catching up to the truths known for countless thousands of years, that Memory is contained within the universe, the Earth, even within the smallest molecules of water. Everything in the cosmos is also within the human body, including memory, information, and energies.
Our measurement of time being cyclical, there are certain requirements as we move through different epochs. As noted by comparative cosmologist Laird Scranton, a change in our ability to perceive the non-material accompanying a physical change in materiality. He cites the Vedic metaphysics of Sankhya: Universes form in pairs, with a cycle of energy between them making one more material than the other. It describes seven pairs of parallel universes, with ours being the fourth. Scranton cites the teachings of the Dogon tribe of Mali, most known for their incredible awareness of Sirius B long before science "discovered" it. The Dogon express life as a movement of energy between parallel material and non-material realms. Its seen as a fluctuating cycle, dipole centers of positive and negative energies that converge or diverge. This dynamic between material and non-material manifests as unity to multiplicity.(11) As a polytheist and animist, its easy for me to recognize the harmony between one sentient Earth abounding with a multiplicity of energies and divinities.
If the Cosmos is about energies and frequencies, its only natural those would "mirror" back to us, appearing parallel to our own world. These realms mirroring ours is the divergence polarity to the convergence that brought about our cosmos. The stars and all beings are the cells of a sentient, evolving cosmos, their mitosis through planets sustained by the Sun's magnetic field. Even the same fractal patterns can be observed throughout the cosmos, nature, and within the human body. Identical symbols appear worldwide from the most ancient cave art down to being allegorized in mythology and enacted through ritual, manifesting the timeless principle: As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without. Ancient seers and sages were also the astrologers and astronomers of their tribes, for knowing how to live in balance with Earth and Her interactive powers of magic is awareness of the Cosmos. They understood that stars and constellations have direct effects upon our lives.
Myths expressed how events in the heavenly realm are reflected in this worldly realm, as in the battlefield dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita, how Ragnarök (Twilight of the Gods) in the Norse Eddas can be related to events in this worldly realm of Midgard, or battles between the three groups of supernatural beings in Gaelic mythology describing the historical cycles of Ireland. All these Myths have multiple layers of meaning, related to the Cosmos above, the Earth enveloping, or Consciousness within. Irish myths for example can also be related to our psyche: The Otherworld could relate to the Subconscious, and the Tuatha De Danaan "tribe of gods" part of the individual's tribal DNA.(12) Worldwide was the recognition of guardian spirits that exist parallel to your own life, such as the Fylgja or Fetch. The Dakota spoke of the wanagi "other soul" in the sky world, parallel to our own soul in this world. The physical body being spiritual energy transformed into matter, we have a life-soul animated by a parallel non-material free-soul that undergoes different incarnations in a cosmic cycle while our bodies are returned back to the Earth.
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Just some sights from my pilgrimage to the magical Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra, Portugal, 30 June 2017. An amazing place of Gnosis and Self-Initiation by reflecting on the Aesthetic. |
Singularity, Panspermia, and the Three Worlds
These cosmic energies worked through singularity, "a purepoint of spiritual energy" that can also be called Spirit or Consciousness as noted by Gregory Little. Energies "churning" within themselves created two opposite forces, the shamanic Upper and Lower Worlds. The Zuni of New Mexico referred to the "container of all" which thought outward, a close similarity with the Vedic teaching of the cosmos arising out of vibrations, or the Hermetic principle of Mentalism ("The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental"). This notion of three shamanic worlds was expressed by different cultures, which further divided them into other realms. The Upper World represents the energy of creation and order; the Lower World the energy of chaos and entropy - everything degrades back into its most primordial state. Our realm is the Middle World, created to balance these two Worlds that interplay with our 3D world. All energies are spirit, including rocks (solidified spirit), water (flowing spirit), fire (spiritual energy released), and crystals (purified spirit).(13) More on the Middle World later in this article.
Singularity has a deeper esoteric meaning than the one given to it by physicists obsess with quantifying. In the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts as recounted by John Lamb Lash, the Greek word Monogenes is used meaning "singularity" or "single-generating", referring to our human potential with the exceptional latitude for both error and innovation.(14) Singularity has nothing to do with its hijacking by Transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil, presuming a merger of human intelligence with AI, or any anthropocentric delusions of an ascending spiral of evolution. Rather, monogenes is our unique human contribution (Biocentrism) to the self-organizing ecosystem: "A system that has emerged from the reciprocal evolution of organisms and their environment over the eons of life on Earth."(15)
Panspermia is a theory first proposed by Swedish physicist and chemist Svante Arrhenius and embraced by English biologist Francis Crick, a co-discoverer of the helix structure of DNA. Through panspermia, the seeds of organic life floated through the universe until arriving on Earth, a favorable environment from which they could sprout. In the Gaia Hypothesis of Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock, these seeds interacted with inorganic surroundings upon Earth to form a synergistic, self-regulating system that maintains and perpetuates the conditions for life. This interplay of elements (spiritual energies) form the basis behind various origin Myths, for example, the Celtic Mother Goddess Danu "falling" from the sky and interacting with the oak Bilé ("sacred tree"): Could her fall relate to that of the Fallen Goddess and the oak's acorns recalling "seeds" that spawned our species? According to Margulis, these spores were driven by solar winds, a description reminding me of what the Incans call Inti Muju (solar seeds of Consciousness). She observes that even if life originated here on our planet, "Earth itself is suspended in space, so any way you look at it, life came from space."(16)
Panspermia explains the complementary Myths that we are both star beings and birthed from Earth. The seeding of life from the cosmos forms the point right before the process then picked up by origin Myths. There is deep wisdom in the Greek term autochthones ("self/people sprung from the soil"). Using its Latin translation indigenas (source of the word indigenous), Tacitus recounted the "antiquis" (ancient) Germanic origin myth of "a god born of the Earth, Tuisto."(17) Being offspring of the Sky Father Tiwaz and the Earth Mother, Tuisto stemmed from the Proto-Indo-European "twin founders" motif. In his later expression in the Eddas, the body of primeval giant (chthonic being) Ymir ("screamer", primordial vibrations?) underwent entropy because this spiritual energy had to materialize into the body of Earth to be perceived and experienced. Could this be a latent memory of the Goddess morphed into the Earth after Her plunge from the Galactic Center?
Just as "our bones, flesh and blood are made up of the metals, liquids and minerals of the earth," as stated by John Trudell, so too is it a fact that we are made from the same elements and minerals as the stars. This was known by ancient cultures long before modern scientists proposed that we are "stardust." Accepting there were many migrations across history, for the most part life was seeded into physical existence through this interplay of the Cosmos and Earth, so peoples have this primal connection to their various biospheres. Our connection is lived through what the Canadian anthropologist Wade Davis termed Ethnosphere, "the sum total of all thoughts, dreams, myths, ideas, inspirations, intuitions brought into being by the human imagination since the dawn of consciousness"...."The myriad cultures of the world make up a web of spiritual life and cultural life that envelopes the planet and is as important to the well being of the planet as the biosphere."(18)
Biospheres nurture our common experience as the same species across Earth. We experience Her energies through Natural phenomena, expressed through universal and eternal symbols and myth-themes that are primal and transcendent across cultures. Ethnospheres give us an intimate connection via our unbroken chain of ancestors. Our physical bodies are the vehicles for our spirit to experience, shaped by the elements from which our earliest ancestors arose. We live the unique ways of Ethnosphere through inherited symbols, myths, and customs.(19) A better appreciation of one's own Ethnosphere means a mutual respect for that of others, including willingness to learn from others while appreciating what makes them unique. The relation of Mother Earth to the Cosmos is expressed through a masculine, non-material cosmic force personified in a "shining" Sky Father. Expressing this theme in Celtic terms, we can refer to the balance between Danu and Bel, the "Shining One" also known as Belenus or Belenos. We experience His energies through cosmic phenomena interacting with our Earth.
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The true frequencies of Earth form a natural resonance, not to be confused with their false geoengineering/electrification efforts. The matter always goes back to Energy and Vibrations. |
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There are many efforts to correlate Vedic chakra systems to the World Tree and aspects of native European spirituality. Source for the image is the excellent "Norse Magic and Beliefs" channel. |
(1) John Trudell, from his "We are Power" speech on Thanksgiving 1980: <>. These are the masks or persona of authority, as I discussed in an article last November: <>.
(2) For more on these core foundations, see Mark Passio's presentations on Sovereignty and Natural Law. For more on the archons, see the work of John Lamb Lash. For how these relate to the warnings of tribal peoples about psychopathic viruses, I recommend the work of Paul Levy on wetiko, the Algonquin term for this virus that eats away at spirit and mind.
(3) From John Trudell's speech at Berkeley, 26 April 1997: <>. His work long resonated with me for my past activism, but only after awakening to my own native European spirituality four years ago have I found a deeper appreciation of what this great Santee poet and thinker was expressing. For more on how I came to realize my pro-Indigenous activism was foremost an internal process of my unconscious ancestral awakening (beyond just the external justice and human decency motives), see my article: "Reflections of a Wašíču on the Pine Ridge Rez," <>.
(4) From his talk "Direct Access to The Divine," recorded on 16 Dec. 2011, <>. The great Pagan philosophers ("lovers of wisdom") stressed the essential Goodness of the Deities while the concept of "perfection" was entirely alien to them, thus avoiding the endless debates over "evil" that obsess Abrahamic theologians and their atheist detractors alike.
(5) Another perfect example is the scheme to erase student debt: The State "forgives" those loans by passing the burden of paying to others whose resources and wealth they steal. Over 60% of student debt here in America is incurred by the wealthiest and upper-middle classes - contrary to either the State's or their "Progressive" supporters' propaganda. Those who bought into the lie of degrees that are now mostly centered around one's Social Credit and compliance to the State, a racket that churns out minds infected with Marxist doctrines and entrenches the Bankers' Debt machine. Narcissism works hand in glove with irresponsibility.
(6) Carl Jung, "Approaching the Unconscious," in Man and His Symbols, Dell Publishing, 1968, p. 71.
(7) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Die Wahlverwandtschaften (Elective Affinities), 1809; München: dtv Verlag, 1982, Book II, Chapter 5, p. 397.
(8) "Radio Power will Revolutionize the World, by Nikola Tesla as told to Alfred Albelli," Modern Mechanix and Inventions, Vol. XII, No. 3, July, 1934. Available online: <>.
(9) For these scientific observations, I am indebted to the work of Ken Wheeler (Theoria Apophasis), who challenges the presumptions of atomist-materialistic Scientism with a profound knowledge of ancient Vedic and Greek metaphysics.
(10) See the recent talks of French astronomer and paranormal researcher Jacques Vallée, who cites the work of physicist Dr. Philippe Guillemant, La route de temps (The Road of Time, 2018). Vallée broke through the extraterrestrial dogma of ufology with his pioneering research about the ultraterrestrial beings and phenomena long described by tribal cultures worldwide.
(11) See his Higherside Chat interview "Comparative Cosmology, Gobekli Tepe, & The Spirit World," <>.
(12) Thomas Sheridan and Neil McDonald, Atlantis: An Empire Lost and Found, Megalithic Publishing, 2022, pp. 96-97. For more elaboration on this theme, see Sheridan's book The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology, Street Druid, 2017.
(13) Gregory L. Little and Andrew Collins, Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences, Rochester, VT: Bear & Company, 2022.
(14) John Lamb Lash, Not In His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief, 15th Anniversary Edition, White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021, pp. 398, 404.
(15) ibid., p. 326, citing James Lovelock, Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine, Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 11.
(16) Lynn Margulis and Dorian Saga, What is Life?, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1995, pp. 59-60.
(17) Tacitus, Germania, Chapter 2: "deum terra editum".
(18) Wade Davis, "Dreams from Endangered Cultures," <>.
(19) From a Heathen view, Arfr forms "a set of universal and eternal ideas that are common to all spiritual traditions and are accessible through initiation into them." Arfr is "the higher philosophy and universal principles" behind Siðr/Sidu/Situ/*Siduz: Germanic words denoting "custom" and used synonymously with the "Old Ways" before our tribes were converted to the Abrahamic mind-virus. What survived through folk-customs and can be traced to our ancient practices, has been crucial in my Pagan path honoring the three aspects of my heritage. For more on the Arfr/Siðr distinction and how it relates to Tradition, see: Matthew Hern, "The Marriage of Heathenry and Chaos Magic: A Dagazian Paradox that Gave Birth to a Bastard Child," in Elhaz Ablaze: A Compendium of Chaos Heathenry, Elhaz Press, 2018, p. 37.
(20) Lamb Lash, op. cit., p. 184.
(21) For more research on the evidence behind and harm caused by geoengineering and the electrification of Earth, I highly recommend the work of Elana Freeland.
(22) Jeff Tollefson, "First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth," Nature, Nov. 27, 2018; Trevor Nace, "Harvard Scientists Begin Experiment To Block Out The Sun," Forbes, Dec. 5, 2018; Jason Murdock, "Fact Check: Is Bill Gates Trying to Block the Sun?," Newsweek, March 2, 2021; David Vetter, "Solar Geoengineering: Why Bill Gates Wants It, But These Experts Want To Stop It," Forbes, Jan. 20, 2022. There is a 1991 patent for "stratospheric aerosol injection", openly discussed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.