Wednesday, December 18, 2024

My (Belated) Analysis of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

by Sean Jobst

18 December 2024

It has been over a month since elections here in the United States. Beyond distractions of surface-level politics, my guidance here is that politics is downstream from culture (as observed by others) – to which I add, also from the spirit and psyche. Thus, I am more focused on the how and why of the election as it mirrors internal vibe shifts within culture. 

The economy, mass-immigration, genocide in Gaza, and wokeness – these were the decisive factors in deciding the election; in no particular order, but everything is connected and traces of each affect us all in one way or another.

The election was a statement of anger and punishing the Democratic establishment and the current administration presiding over a worsened economy (all by design, I’d argue). This establishment is caught-up in their own affluent echo-chambers, assuming that the glimmer of celebrity and billions of donor boodle would sway the masses where everyday living couldn’t; and their sociopathic dismissal of people’s basic concerns.

Not that people should even look to politicians or the political process for solutions when its they who created these conditions in the first place. One political force being humiliated is a cause for celebration, but only with the realization that the victorious side represents a continuity of the same agenda with just some minor tweaks here and there not altering the overall agenda. The corporate duopoly, the Managerial State, will continue to march on as the dialectic assumes its next stage. 

Defeat for the State’s Institutions?

Neoliberalism is catching up with its own inner contradictions, revealing itself as blatantly illiberal at all levels, foreign and domestic. This became more blatant as Democrat leaders – Hillary Clinton, Obama, Kerry, Harris – were openly calling free speech a “threat” in the months leading up to the election, arguing for the State to be full-spectrum weaponized against even the remnants that haven’t been eroded. As journalist Michael Shellenberger observes, “Democrats are the party of mass censorship, the weaponization of the CIA, FBI, and DHS, and the politicization of everything.” I agree with this assessment by political analyst and Modern Age editor Daniel McCarthy, whose analysis was (interestingly) published in the New York Times despite his own libertarian convictions:

“This was no ordinary contest between two candidates from rival parties: The real choice before voters was between Mr. Trump and everyone else — not only the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, and her party, but also Republicans like Liz Cheney, top military officers like Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. John Kelly (also a former chief of staff), outspoken members of the intelligence community and Nobel Prize-winning economists.

“Framed this way, the presidential contest became an example of what’s known in economics as ‘creative destruction.’ His opponents certainly fear that Mr. Trump will destroy American democracy itself.

“To his supporters, however, a vote for Mr. Trump meant a vote to evict a failed leadership class from power and recreate the nation’s institutions under a new set of standards that would better serve American citizens.

“Mr. Trump’s victory amounts to a public vote of no confidence in the leaders and institutions that have shaped American life since the end of the Cold War 35 years ago. The names themselves are symbolic: In 2016 Mr. Trump ran against a Bush in the Republican primaries and a Clinton in the general election. This time, in a looser sense, he beat a coalition that included Liz Cheney and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney.

“Those who see in Mr. Trump a profound rejection of Washington's present conventions are correct. He is like an atheist defying the teachings of a church. The challenge he presents lies not so much in what he does, but in the fact that he calls into question the beliefs on which authority rests. Mr. Trump has shown that the nation's political orthodoxies are bankrupt and the leaders in all our institutions, private as well as public, who stake their claim to authority on their fealty to such orthodoxies, are now vulnerable.

“This may be exactly what voters want and by allying herself with so many troubled and unpopular elites and institutions, Ms. Harris doomed herself. Do Americans think it's healthy that generals who have overseen prolonged and ultimately disastrous wars, are treated with such respect by Mr. Trump's critics? A similar question could be asked about the officials in charge of the intelligence community.” (Daniel McCarthy, “This Is Why Trump Won,” New York Times, Nov. 6, 2024. Excerpts also available beyond the NY Times paywall).

Its not so much an election for Trump as much as against the Democratic establishment, a hope for “change” in the same category as Obama’s victory in 2008 (and with the same inevitable disillusionment by supporters of the elected president, while the other side enable the same things with their preferred puppet – rinse and repeat every cycle). Yet in the immediate, it’s a strong symbol of rejecting the political orthodoxies and dogma, insofar as those were most apparently championed by the Democratic Party while Trump is a different archetype. Neither the populist savior who will "drain" the same swamp he hires much less infringe upon the Deep State, nor the "fascist" aspiring dictator posing a "existential threat" to a "democracy" championed by corporate sock puppets and apologists of oligarchy. 

Corporate Media Gatekeepers, Celebrity Pontificates, and “Consultant” Grifters Rendered Irrelevant

One of the best sights to behold is the Corporate media gatekeepers’ meltdown that more people are accessing information from outside their stenographies of authority, rendering them (and their millions in personal profits) irrelevant and untenable for the future. They look down on people so lowly that they assumed touting “celebrities” from their gated communities to lecture the Plebs about groupthink was enough to sway them into the “everything is good” yarn. That Harris picked up more support from billionaires than even Trump – even picking up more of the wealthier voting districts while losing many of their own presumed “marginalized” groups – is lost on such people whose cognitive dissonance remains stuck within the narratives they have been telling themselves their entire lives.

Rather than seizing the opportunity for insight and retrospection, for the Shadow work of integrating into consciousness what they hide behind their unconscious masks, they have merely doubled-down on their delusions. We see this fantastical refusal to even acknowledge mistakes much as those same gatekeepers were bludgeoning a rosy spin upon the economy these past four years. This was epitomized by MSNBC’s Joy Reid claim that Harris ran an’ “historic, flawlessly run campaign” since she “had every prominent celebrity voice”. Or when DNC finance chair Chris Korge wrote a letter praising this regime’s “successful accomplishments, specifically on the economy and inflation”, calling Harris “a strong and flawless candidate who gave voters a vision that would address their most important concerns.” And more recently Harris’ own smug viral rant boasting about wasting over $1.4 billion in donors while talking-down to those naïve and duplicitous enough to have fallen for her propaganda.

We are witnessing their Party imploding from within. The DNC laid off  two-thirds of their staffers without any severance pay, so that the DNC Staff Union set up a GoFundMe to get private donations to these laid-off staffers. This is how the Democratic Establishment views their staffers and workers (never mind its voters), while ensuring their consultant class continues to profit from the political machine. Corporate Democrats are openly blaming the Party’s left: Pompous Bill Clinton pointing fingers at “the left” while lamenting those who “demonize” the Establishment who “have a good education.” Other Corporatists seeking leadership over the DNC lest it become “the freak show party.” Unwilling to even look within themselves, they blame the packaging and messaging rather than their policies. Their pointing fingers at others is no surprise, as there is no honor among thieves.

While on the left-side of the Party, the phony outsider Bernie Sanders rightly blames the Democrats’ policies that harm the working-class. Yet he was quick to signal he would safely remain on his Dem-plantation by ruling out he would even consider forming a third-party. Indeed, the Dems used Progressives such as Sanders and AOC as attack dogs (no offense to all decent canines) against Jill Stein/Butch Ware of the Green Party during the election. Cuck Sanders carried water for Biden and Harris after his two betrayals by the DNC, reliably aligning with that same Establishment and thus fully complicit in the anti-worker and war agendas of the Empire. Various left grifters who aligned with Harris scrambling for wherever opportunism takes them next.

Repudiation of Liberalism - and "the Elites"?

None less than Francis Fukuyama, the poster-boy of Neoliberalism (and its synthesis with Neocon foreign policy) who famously declared the “end of history” marked by the “victory” of liberalism, saw this election as representing “a decisive rejection by American voters of liberalism and the particular way that the understanding of a ‘free society’ has evolved since the 1980s,” as he wrote in the Financial Times, with excerpts available elsewhere. “Donald Trump not only wants to roll back neoliberalism and woke liberalism, but is a major threat to classical liberalism itself.”

Fukuyama saw this as ushering in a “new era in US politics and perhaps for the world as a whole,” although his own previous “end of history” shows how enervated are his analyses. I would argue that its hyperbolic, as we need only look at the foreign policy establishment already proliferating into the incoming Trump administration; look at his picks, some of his own recent assaults against free speech to build on the Surveillance State work enabled for him by Obama and Biden, not to mention an emboldened Woke Right that wants to continue their work in criminalizing free speech and dissent against a specific foreign nation. The cult of Woke apparently defeated on one front – but simply shifted and emboldened on another front.

Nonetheless, Fukuyama is correct in observing that the Democratic Party replaced even a rhetorical concern for the working class with (what I would call, paternalistic control over) a “narrower set of marginalised groups.” Fukuyama identified Trump’s rhetorical capturing of the public’s distrust in “free markets” (Corporatism masquerading as such) and the government, with promises of extensive tariffs and overhauling the Managerial State. “The breadth of the Republican victory will be interpreted as a strong political mandate confirming these ideas and allowing Trump to act as he pleases.” I would change his last analysis to: Allowing Trump to carry out the wishes and pet projects of his billionaire donors - just as a victorious Harris would’ve carried out those of her billionaire donors.

Yet the simple reality is bare: The Democratic Party is a Neoliberal party that still clings to its fraudulent persona for “the workers”, that it’s the Party of “defending democracy” even while completely dependent on corporate dollars and relying on coronation (not even rigged primaries anymore) to crown its figurehead. The Party encases itself within the tone-deaf cocoon of Identity Politics and Woke that was deliberated engineered by State/War Machine think-tanks, and then churned out from their Corporate-funded academic cloisters, to divide et vince the working- and middle-classes, distract from the bread-and-butter issues actually affecting people’s daily lives. More than that, it lays bare the hallowed contradictions of the “postwar consensus” that cannot accept anything outside the proclaimed "international economic order".

When the “elites” from different countries speak the same, regurgitating the very same slogans and mantras churned out for them by Globalist think-tanks like Club of Rome and World Economic Forum, embracing shared economic dogmas benefiting the financiers, and acting in lockstep as with 2020, then clearly that has been such a consensus. And yet contrary to those who seek a savior, it’s a grave mistake to just say “the elites” have been defeated. Its not a defeat of “the elites” but an apparent defeat of some elites so the Managerial State can shift its focus on other areas while walking back whatever does not serve their overall agenda.

I am reluctant to ascribe to them the term “elite” with all it connotes of higher values and qualities. Rather, they have revealed themselves to be the most mediocre, unwilling to truly create or think originally, masking their miseries. Witness their parasitic financial system, indeed the nature of government itself which monopolizes the resources of those actually productive within society. As noted by economist Michael Hudson, a parasite first numbs the host and convinces the host to identify with it, or "the economy" in this case. This synchronizes with what Paul Levy has explained about Wetiko, a self-cannibalizing mind-virus that feeds off a host's blind spots. 

I see the Gnostic understanding of the Archons as a counterfeit ruling spirit (but not actual creators or divine powers) as particularly useful here. Yet insofar as they are an “elite”, then the insights of the Italian philosopher Gaetano Mosca are pertinent: That there is always an organized minority that rules over a society, with their replacement only when enough people of that society embrace one elite’s political formulas over those of another elite. Mosca’s compatriot, Vilfredo Pareto, termed this process the “circulation of elites, how a continuity exists between two basic types: “foxes” (ruling through deceit, cunning, manipulation, and co-optation) and “lions” (ruling through unity, homogeneity, established faith and mores). Using the metaphor of a river, he described how it will absorb some of the “residue” of others grafted into that elite, but the general flow remains. We can see how this has now metastasized where membership in the elite doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than the most willing to bend the knee and most slavishly serve the agenda, no matter how mediocre they are in all respects.

Continuous March of the Managerial State – The Corporate vs. Oligarchy Show

Writer and journalist Chris Hedges observed this election as a contest between corporate and oligarchic power, the only difference being their methods. Although disagreeing with his socialist arguments contingent upon seeking solutions from the very State that has been the tool of corporatism/oligarchy, I agree fully with his description of an economic civil war within the establishment “played out on the political stage”. The face of corporate power was Harris, “the vacuous, empty suit the technocrats adore”, while figurehead Trump is “the buffoonish mascot of the oligarchs”. “They have each bought up the political class, the academy and the press. Both are forms of exploitation that impoverish and disempower the public. Both funnel money upwards into the hands of the billionaire class.”

Also known as “housebroken capitalism”, corporate power calls for “constant government policies and fixed trade agreements because they have made investments that take time, sometimes years, to mature.” This is why Wall Street is generally tied to the Democratic Party (although some of their ilk such as Paul Singer and Bill Ackman have accommodated themselves to Trumpism). They personify the Managerial State and paved the way for the other dialectic to enlarge their own authority: “The unchecked greed of the corporatists, the housebroken capitalists, created a small number of billionaires who became their nemesis, the warlord capitalists.” For purposes of their own stability, corporate power requires a technocratic government.

Corporate power “pushed through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the greatest betrayal of the American working class since the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, which placed crippling restrictions on union organizing. It revoked the Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall) which separated commercial banking from investment banking. Tearing down the firewall between commercial and investment banks led to the global financial meltdown in 2007 and 2008, including the collapse of nearly 500 banks. It pushed through the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine by the Federal Communications Commission under Ronald Reagan as well as the Telecommunications Act under Bill Clinton’s presidency, allowing a handful of corporations to consolidate control of media outlets….Meanwhile, it piled up massive deficits — the federal budget deficit rose to $1.8 trillion in 2024, with total national debt approaching $36 trillion — and neglected our basic infrastructure, including electrical grids, roads, bridges and public transportation, while spending more on our military than all the other major powers on Earth combined.”

Also known as “warlord capitalism”, oligarchic power thrives on chaos and “seeks the total eradication of all impediments to the accumulation of profits including regulations, laws and taxes. It makes its money by charging rent, by erecting toll booths to every service we need to survive and collecting exorbitant fees.” I would point out the fact that agencies are regulated by the very corporations involved in their respective industries, while taxation is theft – but I agree about the hypocrisy of cutting taxes for them while perpetuating taxation for the masses (including through the hidden taxes such as inflation etc.). They call for “deconstruction of the administrative state,” but as we can see with Agenda 2025 and the incoming “DOGE” of welfare-queen Elon Musk (who has been profiting from government contracts since the Obama regime), they would merely redirect those Managerial powers into other directions, bolstering the standard bipartisan consensus on foreign policy and the “Intel Community.” 

Indeed, Trump said he will increase the Pentagon’s profits and has always boosted the Military-Industrial-Complex despite all rhetoric to the contrary. Its given cover as rebuilding a stronger military decimated by woke policies, but the control of the Pentagon by Big Corporations will be empowered as will be the outsourcing of its cybersecurity to Israel, as continued in his first regime via the blowhard who presided over the World Trade Center attacks. I agree with Butch Ware's analysis that Trump's wars serve different functions than those of the Democrats. While the corporate interests of the technocratic-minded Democrats and conventional Republicans call for the "stable" predictability and mechanical nature of war profits, Trump's oligarchic interests is more of a "personal patronage network" where he rewards those sycophants able to most massage his ego in return for favors. 

This is not to deny his willing agency but to underscore his shameless opportunism to sell out to whoever funds (and runs) him, showing his buffoonery is easier to manipulate. I previously discussed this point where sycophants know they can easily manipulate the narcissist who revels in his symbolic role as the one who can reward with favors or hire – but its they who get whatever they want. For example, the same Big Tech oligarchs who previously aligned themselves with the Democrats in 2016 and 2020, with all their censorship efforts (“misinformation” the new threat to groupthink) at the disposal of the State, gets the complete nod from Trump whose narcissism means those currying favors from him as mutual yes-men are now his “friends”. As he recently told a gathering of tech CEOs at his Mar-a-Lago resort: “The first term, everybody was fighting me. In this term, everybody wants to be my friend.” He will intensify what we saw his first time around, where such policies as moving the embassy to Jerusalem or recognizing Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights were examples of his patronage network. Otherwise, he is devoid of ideas or ideology. 

Gaza Genocide and the War Factor

Despite the horrible state of the domestic economy, the establishment always finds a way to fund wars in Gaza and Ukraine to the tune of countless billions – and the Republicans, even the leaders of MAGA, eagerly join with the Democrats as it relates to funding Israel no matter how much it bankrupts America (and Trump reliably handing more favors to Miriam Adelson and nominating several fanatical Zio-cucks). Even more, Biden doubled-down on war: Shutting down a reporter’s question on Gaza with the aggressive sarcasm of a senile; giving Zelenskyy the green-light to long-rang missiles; and seeking an extra $24 billion to his government and even forgiving their debt – while presiding over America’s own “national” debt as reliable bankers’ figurehead until his successor takes his role on January 20th. The Corporate media covered for Harris by lying that the Biden administration was allegedly not directly complicit in Gaza and was working “tirelessly” for a cease-fire even while giving Netanyahu everything he wanted.

Harris being tied (not only as Vice President, but having the very same national security advisors) to Biden’s funding and arming of the Israeli war-machine in Gaza cannot be denied an important factor in her defeat. Polling data of Muslim voters in the swing states of Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania proves this, as does the 34 polls as late as October showed Harris would’ve likely received a 5% boost in those states if she had changed her position on Gaza. The most symbolic sign of this was majority-Arab Dearborn’s “historic” shift away from the Democrats. I agree fully with the assessment by Tunisian-British analyst and geopolitical risk consultant Sami Hamdi, from his interview on “The Thinking Muslim” podcast – a more accurate assessment of the elections than the “professional” class of American pollsters and consultants:

"It's not that Gaza was the main issue of the election. It's that Gaza swung the election. If the economy was the main pillar of the election, if the issue of immigration was one of the main pillars of the election, they resulted in a stalemate between Kamala Harris and between Donald Trump, and Gaza is what swung it the other way. Gaza is what decided it with these very fine margins that are in each of the swing states, barring two of them. Each of those swing states the margin of difference is 2% or less.”

I have previously documented the alliance between Harris and the Neocons, epitomized by her appearance alongside Liz Cheney. Devoid of ideology and with an uncanny ability to read the room (and respond accordingly by rhetoric), Trump played this fact up by rightly calling Cheney a “Muslim-hating warmonger”, and positioned himself as “the candidate of peace.” Harris doubling-down on her support for Cheney, the Democratic Establishment and Corporate Media rushing to defend Liz Cheney, further tipped the electoral scales not so much for Trump but against Harris.

Their attitude was epitomized by Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman’s post-electoral rant: “I refuse to pander on that. So, Dearborn delivered for Trump? Okay, congratulations. You’re going to love the next Muslim ban.” Apparently in Democrat sharia its halal (even recommended) to bomb Muslims but only haram if Trump rhetorically wants to ban immigrants. Their meltdowns since the election have shown that in many ways, TDS acts like a truth serum where Liberals reveal themselves to be the most guilty of the vileness they project upon others – the result of a Shadow repressed under layers of virtue signaling and smug paternalism. As noted by Palestinian researcher Raja Abdulhaq:

“As soon as early election results pointed to a clear victory for former President Donald Trump, liberals took to social media to criticise American Muslims, Arabs and Latinos for not fully supporting Vice President Kamala Harris. Social media posts ranged from calls to deport Muslims and Latinos to wishing for Trump to unleash more destruction on Gaza. This backlash tactlessly showed the dynamics of how white liberals view the role of minorities, especially Muslims and Arabs, in American politics. In a classic display of the white saviour complex, these communities were blamed for ‘not knowing what's best for them’, as though Harris was running altruistically to protect them from the dangers of a second Trump presidency.”

Does Trump represent a rejection of the Neocons? In my previous article, I touched upon his appointment of many Israel-First fanatics, people who promise to green light American support for any move toward Eretz Israel and using the State’s institutions to crack down on free-speech when it relates to Israel. His picks are indistinguishable from Neocons in both their records and rhetoric, one notably a self-professed "recovering Neoconwhile championing the same warmongering policies against the enemies of Israel. Much is made of the Cheneys aligning with Harris, or Trump’s refusal to give Haley and Pompeo a position (a simple game to placate the MAGA base, not because he “opposes” those Neocons on principle). We can actually speak of an emergent class of Neo-Neocons, who can shift their focus and rhetoric as chameleons rather than a distinct divergence (their main difference being on Russia and not the Middle East). I fully agree with this assessment by investigative journalist Michael Tracey:   

"The time has come to retire the term ‘neocon.’ While this ignoble moniker may have once described an identifiable ideological tendency, and even a tangible, elite-driven political movement, ‘neocon’ has come to be used almost exclusively as a nebulous slur — always a tell-tale sign of a term’s diminishing utility. To label someone a ‘neocon’ now most commonly functions as a sort of political pump-fake, with a phantom blob of ‘neocons’ always allegedly conniving to undermine Donald Trump — or whom Trump always finds himself accidentally empowering, despite his best instincts. This self-serving formulation presents Trump as having divergent interests with the reviled ‘neocons,’ even as Trump consistently installs them to prominent government positions and pursues their preferred policy objectives." 

Continuity of the Decaying Empire

The Deep State is most applicable to the foreign policy establishment that remains entrenched no matter who heads the regime, as documented by Aaron Good in his book, American Exception. This is increasingly aware even to the most slumbered, such that polls from May 2024 referred to “a dying empire led by bad people.” Comparisons between Imperial Rome and America are so obvious they have become cliches people repeat while being detached from what it means in their personal lives. Yet this has long been the case, hidden under the surface gaze of those still blind to conceive of the United States as still a Republic, much less the “democracy” sham peddled by political mouthpieces of oligarchy to give the Plebs the illusion of choice in this rigged system. We can point to the prescient words of Garet Garrett from 1952:

“We have crossed the boundary that lies between Republic and Empire. If you ask when, the answer is that you cannot make a single stroke between day and night: the precise moment does not matter. There was no painted sign to say: 'You are now entering Imperium.' Yet it was a very old road and the voice of history was saying: 'Whether you know it or not, the act of crossing may be irreversible.' And now, not far ahead, is a sign that reads: 'No U-turns.'”

Empire is internal decay and authority projected outward. Oswald Spengler identified it with Civilization – itself a decline away from the higher cycles, which is Culture – where creative energies are shifted to maintain authority through ever-more authoritarian means. There is more talk of battling other civilizations, more domestic censorship even while claiming to fight for “democracy” abroad, and innumerable other symptoms that are clearly part and parcel of our state today. Gore Vidal marked the US becoming a debtor nation as the signpost of the Empire’s decline. “Empires are restless organisms. They must constantly renew themselves; should an empire start leaking energy, it will die,” as he wrote in 1986. “Like most modern empires, ours rested not so much on military prowess as on economic primacy.”

Its not even that American Empire truly acts in the interests of the United States, but completely contrary to it as a parasitic entity upon the body politic, mining our minds to feed its Machine as surely as it mines the world’s resources for its own full spectrum dominance. Nay, it has always been the project of an oligarchic elite using this country as the personal vehicle for their specific interests. Both Parties enable a decaying Empire to desperately kick the can down of its own demise, projecting this “power” abroad while increasing rapid domestic decay – all to protect the profits of their donors at all costs. Even more than that, to this oligarchic elite was grafted a Zionist elite that ultimately rose in prominence such that the number one foreign policy priority of the American Empire seems to be fighting Israel’s wars and bleeding its own treasury, infringing even the vestiges of its sovereignty, harming its own reputation abroad, and declining itself for the authority of their lobby.

I remember as one who came of political age with 9/11 and the “War on Terror”, just how non-interventionism was associated with heretics confined to the “fringes”. Yet the undercurrent has been existent within this country, long before my own ancestors came to these shores in the early and mid 20th century. We can point to the great intellectual minds like Thoreau and the Transcendentalists who opposed Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War, the insights of Lysander Spooner who saw the government’s overreach through the Civil War, the luminaries associated with the American Anti-Imperialist League that opposed waging war against another decaying empire, onwards and onwards, including those who declared themselves America First – long before that term was hijacked, or hysterical Globalists went into hissy fits about even the phrase itself. I have seen the Overton Window being moved within my own lifetime, thanks in no small part to the tireless work of Ron Paul and others. 

This push-and-pull towards and against Empire has existed within America and will continue to do so, with greater skepticism towards endless wars or even being so focused outward. We just need to be vigilant in calling out the MIGA grift as one seeking to make Empire and Israel great again at America’s expense. In April 2024, Trump gave his blessing to the passage of the National Security Supplemental which included the largest disbursement of money to Ukraine and $26 billion to Israel. A Harris victory would've empowered the liberal interventionists and selected Neocons, but the Empire can safely hedge its bets with a Trump who rewards favors to his oligarchic patrons, at the front of whom are the Israel-Firsters, ensuring they can continue to bleed American lives and treasures at the expense of their insane expansionist fantasies, and the Techno-Optimists who merely want to move the War Machine to its next phase of AI killing systems rather than the past overt regime change wars. 

Woke Decadence, Death Culture, and Self-Hexing Hysterics

When I say that Woke was also a factor in the election, its not Wokeness on its own as much as the insistent focus on clinging to it by the Democratic Party and much of the Establishment no matter the economic issues faced by the population. The Woke mind-virus peaked but then imploded based on its own insanities, while the vapidness of Identity Politics were used to blunt bread-and-butter issues. Culture Wars were engineered to create divisions easily exploited by the ruling class. This is because they know most issues facing people are what can be called 70%-30% or 80%-20% on which there is general agreement. However, these other issues can and do polarize people into two poles of a dialectic that respects nothing but rigid binaries and absolute dogmas. Elites are created within the elites to then speak for their dialectic to ensure that all remain herded safely within acceptable groupthink.

So the academic laboratories created by the Frankfurt School, and the cultural power of CIA front institutions, turned the United States into a laboratory for their own decadence masquerading as “culture”. They created divisions where there were fewer – many already existing, but not necessarily to the point of culture wars since there is an innate live and let live ethos held by most people. They want us to believe rather than think. They don't want coherence, but demoralization so that people are conditioned on what to believe rather than going deep within themselves on what to think. Their objective is to change the perception of reality, using a barrage of conflicting information often created out of the very same think-tanks and funded by the same oligarchs, so people no longer know what to think, taking them even further from their innate capacity to think.

As war is always the health of the State, the Empire then projected this decadence outward through institutions such as National Endowment for Democracies and USAID, where recovering Trotskyites still nostalgic about “international revolution” and Neoliberals obsessed about managing all aspects of society within their own image, could export their ideas through Empire. Couple this with the National Security State’s impulse to perpetual growth – not of peace and prosperity, but always war and authoritarianism. Through Woke, the Empire has also been focused on projecting the cultural power of its elite, over a crumbling infrastructure in the core. It has hastened the United States’ descent into a “developing country” even by the standards of its own political formulas like “democracy” and “equity”. 

One value that Woke and the Culture Wars had on this election is in allowing us to see with discernment, people revealing their true nature in the process. There have been many self-hexing rituals founded on outright insanity. Trump’s victory was met with the hysteria of some who declared the “death” of all joy since that was all personified into the vapid empty suit of Kamala Harris. Failure to integrate their Shadows made so many of them rear their ugly heads with many liberal and leftist pundits showing open contempt for the same demographics they had long declared themselves paternal “protectors” over. Even though abortion is not truly at risk in this country, there has been such an obsessive focus on it as the central issue that one has to wonder if there isn’t a fetishization of abortion for its own sake – especially by people it doesn’t even affect.

Generally, there has been an embrace of a death culture – itself a symbol of decline, away from the life-affirming ethos of a healthy culture. How women’s rights are reduced to “reproductive freedom”, not caring that all are losing their other freedoms through an authoritarian State. Their eagerness to rehabilitate and make common cause with warmongers, so that hypothetical life is considered more valuable than thousands of lives reduced to nameless “collateral” statistics. This political culture of death is also manifested in the apocalyptic hysteria where perceived “ordeals” pale in comparison to the real wars, genocide, and problems facing people around the world. 

Yet as I’ve previously written, TDS is a safe refuge for the worst warmongers and war criminals, Wall Street robber-barons, and crook politicians to recast themselves as paragons of virtue and "democracy" in the public consciousness. It’s a symptom of the powerlessness, wanting to be lulled back into the slumber of politics being “out of sight, out of mind”. While such people will only double-down on their delusions, watch for even the elites who pushed much of this to shift focus. The Managerial State is always willing to walk back and drop some things to safeguard the ultimate agenda.


Conclusion – The Simulacra of Representation

In 1991, the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard wrote a book with the provocative title, The Gulf War Did Not Take Place. He criticized the media and intellectual classes for their passive roles as bystanders, as they watched this war that was the first one truly broadcast on a mass-scale. Baudrillard noted the sheer scale of bombs dropped on Iraq vis a vis the convoys of fleeing Iraqi troops, as if the elites wanted to prove to themselves they were fighting a real enemy. The media eagerly played its role in this, and indeed CNN owed much of its start to this time. Yet the outcome was much the same as before the war started. Baudrillard thus argued that, whereas before this time war was governed by Clausewitz’s observation of “the continuation of politics by other means,” the Gulf War marked the beginning of “the continuation of the absence of politics by other means.” More insidiously, he noted how the public was unable to distinguish simulacra from the real world where such death and destruction becomes “unreal”. One can only imagine how Baudrillard would regard the emergence of AI bombs and drone warfare.

Extending this from warfare into all aspects of the State, simulacra clearly manifests itself within the electoral process – especially the presidential elections, where each one is touted as the “most important” election ever upon which can hang all the hopes and fears their mined minds can manifest. “People are so content with having exchanged political participation for political representation that there will inevitably come a time when there will be no more need for pretense,” as noted by Troy Southgate. Taking it back to Gnosis and the nature of the Archons, the elites give us simulations to interact with, a model of reality, so that we don’t interact with the reality itself. 

Such is the nature of the simulation we are living in, where the Archons can only manufacture simulations that mimic reality but can never be reality. We remain on the outside of their club which is safeguarded despite its apparent split between two sides. The political theater is staged continuously where the audience watches in silence as the actors on stage play the roles made for them by those behind the scenes. Compliance is manufactured by people who project their innate power away from themselves and onto “the” authorities. Its simply been obscured from people by "representation" - even as silent bystanders - in this political theater. 

"While you're being all upset that Trump has power, 'oh no, Trump has power,' 'it's going to be a 'dictatorship,' why did you vote to have anyone have such power? And did it not occur to you that sooner or later when you support widespread unlimited authoritarian control in the name of 'goodness', that power might fall into the hands of somebody you don't like and somebody you don't agree with? Because here's the thing: You want Republicans robbed by way of taxation to fund the things that you think are important - free health care, free college, universal basic income, whatever it might be. And the Republicans want you robbed by way of taxation to fund the things that they want, whether its a gigantic military or more Police State garbage. That's not a fundamental different, you both agree to the premise of having a gigantic powerful ruling class that's robbing the hell out of all of us and passing all manner of authoritarian controls. You differ with the 'horrible Trumpites' only in the specifics of who you want robbed and what you want the stolen loot spent on." (Larken Rose, "Liberals: 'Why? Why? Why?'," , Nov. 9, 2024)

The presidency "squanders the national wealth and starts unjust wars against foreign peoples that have never done us any harm. It wrecks our families, tramples on our rights, invades our communities, and spies on our bank accounts. It skews the culture toward decadence and trash. It tells lie after lie. Teachers used to tell school kids that anyone can be president. This is like saying anyone can go to hell. It’s not an inspiration; it’s a threat. The presidency—by which I mean the executive state—is the sum total of American tyranny. The other branches of government, including the presidentially appointed Supreme Court, are mere adjuncts. The presidency insists on complete devotion and humble submission to its dictates, even while it steals the products of our labor and drives us into economic ruin. It centralizes all power in itself and crowds out all competing centers of power in society, including the church, the family, the business, the charity, and the community." (Lew Rockwell, "The Presidency is the Greatest Threat," Aug. 30, 2024)

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Neocon/Democratic Alliance; Liberal Interventionists and the Soros War-Machine; Grifting Wall Street Generals; Palantir's War-Technocracy and the Dialectic; Sneak Peak of Trump's Swamp Picks

by Sean Jobst

19 November 2024

The previous article described ritual elements in this unfolding political theater, looking at both Trump and Harris in psychological terms of the Shadow and Personas; subservience of those marionettes to Israel, stressing just how far removed both are from truly American interests; and introduced Political formulas – any ideas and beliefs used by the rulers to legitimize their rule, and internalized by the domesticated to justify their own support of these politicians who fulfill some kind of “need” for them. Now, I will examine a major political realignment that is part of a Synthesis of ruling ideologies converging into a shared Political formula: The alliance between Neocons and the Democratic Party, a broad coalition of interventionists coalescing around Kamala Harris.

Such an alliance symbolizes the greater threat –more tangible than a “greater evil” that both poles of the uniparty evoke to fear-herd their proles safely into their corrals – represented by Harris. While Trump epitomizes a personality cult that will ultimately die with him(1), Harris is the opportunist bureaucrat par excellence (as far as “excellence” can even be applied to her vapidness): Cold, calculating, devoid of ideas but ready to mold herself into whatever empty suit her donors want her to dress into. Her psychopathic cackles (and record as California top cop) showing she has no capacity for empathy aside from being drunk on her own sense of authority, much like Hillary Clinton’s infamous laugh when she heard about Qadhafi’s brutal murder. Even no personality, as seen from her fake accents to pander to whatever audience she appears before, and sharply changing her positions in an unnatural way as if simultaneously denying she held other positions before. Kamala Harris personifies the Managerial State that entrenches itself more insidiously, with the outer figurehead irrelevant to its operations.

On 21 October, Harris appeared alongside her endorser Liz Cheney, anointed successor of her infamous father at the dynastic helm of the Neocons(2), as part of a campaign tour with a stop in Royal Oak, Michigan. Their remarks were published  by the White House, alongside Harris’ other campaign speeches, only days after she claimed her presidency wouldn’t be “a continuation of Joe Biden’s”. Not only with her cozying up to Neocons but all her speeches indicate nothing but continuity – ramping up the War Machine, keeping US foreign policy at the disposal of the Military-Industrial Complex and AIPAC, and imperialist orthodoxy of America’s role in the world. Case in point are these words regurgitated in her typical brilliant [sarcasm intended] word salad: 

"Let’s remember recent history. Europe remembers it well. We — then when we got attacked, Pearl Harbor, we jumped in, and it is because America jumped in that we were ultimately able to win that war, and it should be a constant reminder to us — we have to remember history — that isolationism, which is exactly what Donald Trump is pushing — pull out of NATO, abandon our friends — isolationism is not insulation. It is not insulation.  It will not insulate us from harm in terms of our national security."

Aside from the vapid deduction that a country could only win a war that they’re actually involved in, was her repetition of what led to America’s involvement in that or other wars divorced from actual history – unfortunately only too common within this country. In this case, the dogma that Pearl Harbor “was” a spontaneous attack of which the Roosevelt regime merely reacted without either prior knowledge or intention of entering the war. Yet to even evoke that is no accident – its certainly not her own words, but concepts given to her by advisors steering her behind the scenes. Indeed, her Neocon friends famously called for “a new Pearl Harbor”(3) only a year before 9/11, by which time its authors and signatories held positions within the government.

She evoked “one of the great, great American heroes, a prisoner of war, John McCain.” That Neocon who sadistically beat the war-drums everywhere the opportunity presented itself up until his dying breath, whose close advisors included two of that PNAC report’s authors (Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan). He has been idolized to such an extent that to even criticize him is considered tantamount to blasphemy, as his life and reputation is clearly seen as more worthy than those of the millions who died in the wars he championed. McCain’s son endorsed Harris, evoking his father’s legacy as most synergistic with her agenda. A week before, Harris warmly remembered how John McCain once told her: "You're gonna make a great senator." 

Harris previously said the mantra “Isolation is not insulation” at a NATO conference on 16 February, where she was “making forceful case for America’s continued global leadership” according to the White House’s official release.(4) At the Royal Oak event, a local Egyptian Muslim leader was thrown out and barred for no other reason than his prominent role in Palestine activism. That she would unceremoniously do so at an event with the anointed Neocon darling is resurrecting not only in spirit but also in deed the environment that so many of her Party did in full complicity with the Neocons in the “War on Terror” and Patriot Act/NDAA Police State.

Just the day before, Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff also appeared at a campaign event in Michigan to stress how “she has prioritized Israel her whole career.” On 30 Oct., Bill Clinton spoke at a Harris campaign event at a church in Muskegon Heights, where he wove a Zionist narrative filled with Biblical themes that would’ve been at home among the most fanatical. “When I read that people in Michigan are thinking about not voting, because they’re mad at the Biden administration for honoring its historic obligation to try to keep Israel from being destroyed, I think that’s a mistake, because Donald Trump has shown what he wants.” He asserted the Palestinians “wanted to kill Israelis and make Israel uninhabitable. Well, I got news for them. They were there first before there was - their faith existed. They were there in the time of King David in the southernmost tribes had Judea and Samaria.” What else is needed to demonstrate that Harris is first and foremost running to be AIPAC’s empty suit – the true authority behind the throne, as I also examined regarding Trump and the Woke Right in my previous article? Yet there will reliably be "vote blue no matter what" lemmings marching into the polling station to comply with the evil they claim to oppose.

Liz Cheney’s resurrection from disgraced Wyoming Congresswoman to darling of the media and establishment is complete. This includes being proposed as potential appointee in a Harris regime, and rebranded as a “moderate” solely because she opposes Trump. Progressive magazine The Nation, which endorsed Harris, published an article praising Liz Cheney as a “no-bullshit Republican who can create a permission structure for other Republicans to make this choice” of joining the Harris coalition. Bernie Sanders, who built a career as a phony outsider before openly cucking to the Democratic establishment, applauded Cheney’s “courage in defending democracy.” 

This is a reference to the psyop of January 6th, engineered to ramp up the National Security State, as if this Managerial State with its constant stream of regime change wars and overthrowing elected governments is some paragon of “democracy”. Liz Cheney followed through the circuit of the Democrat echo-chamber “talk” shows, including the TDS-obsessives at “The View. Witness the sympathy given her by the corporate media, after the contrived “controversy that Trump allegedly called for a firing squad. The truth is he was calling her “a radical war hawk” who “always wanted to go to war with people”. This alludes to the chicken hawk theme I only know too well personally(5), of Neocons who never served in any wars, beating the drums of war knowing full-well others would die for what they champion.

She is being groomed to lead a post-Trump Republican wing of the Corporate uniparty that uproots any traces of “isolationism”. Harris was also “honored” by an endorsement from Dick Cheney himself, perhaps in reverence for the one who was a more “popular” Vice President than her even after he shot a guy in the face. Harris memorialized the war-father/daughter team as “putting country above party” with their endorsements. What we are seeing is not some principled flowering of defense of “American democracy” (never mind that this country is a constitutional Republic), but a realignment that is part of shared ideas and an ongoing synthesis of ruling formulas. “This union is far more than a marriage of convenience to stop Trump; it reflects broad-based agreement on U.S. hawkishness toward Russia and beyond,” as noted by independent journalist Glenn Greenwald in 2017.

There has been complete rehabilitation of the Neocons, rewriting history and throwing past political showmanship down the memory hole. Figures such as Cheney, Bush, and McCain have been entirely sanitized the wars they championed – alongside the Democrats – reduced to mere “honest mistakes” never to be spoken about again, to be forgotten as if the untold costs in blood and treasure we continue to face today doesn’t matter. Bush is an honored guess at social events with Hollywood celebrities and Obama. No memories from that time are allowed to seep into the consciousness lest it disturb the bipartisan consensus’ ability to join hands and sing “kumbaya” to defeat the “cruel fascist” Orange Man Bad. The Biden/Harris administration’s support for Israel in Gaza is itself a mainstreaming of George Bush. The Neocons and Left’s own history of inciting mobs are thrown down the memory hold in the face of what Harris calls “the worst attack on democracy”. Their ability to promote militarism at home and abroad while putting a “kinder” Woke and Globalist face to Empire(6) must be left unhindered from any embarrassing heresies. 

National "Security" State Endorses Kamala

If it was just members of those three dynasties, we could say it was a personal dispute with Trump that led them to endorse Harris. But there is a pattern involving hundreds of Neocon and War Machine staffers, agents, and advisors lining up behind Kamala Harris to be their chosen president. These endorsements occur not because they’ve changed their views or renounced their previous actions; their words are crystal clear – they are as committed as ever and view Harris as the best vehicle for continuing their War Machine as illustrated by her political record and reiterated in her DNC speech. Its not that Trump is against their War Machine – he is just too much of a wild card whereas Harris fits more neatly into the mold of empty suit politician who will reliably dance to any tune they play.

On 26 August, more than 200 former Bush, McCain, and Romney staffers endorsed Harris. Their declaration cited the Jan. 6 psyop (“incited an insurrection”), yet admitted they had already endorsed Biden in 2020. These staffers who sold their souls to the architects of endless wars and the Patriot Act/NDAA, had the nerve to make empty platitudes about “our beloved democracy” and “our sacred institutions” as the reason to endorse the Harris/Walz campaign. Their professions of speaking for “everyday people” certainly didn’t exist when those willing idiots were complicit in the undeclared wars and government surveillance that were never voted upon by the people.

On 18 Sept., more than 100 former “National Security” officials from Republican administrations also endorsed Harris. Their declaration praised her as “a principled, serious, and steady leader who can advance and defend American security and values, strengthen our alliances, and protect our democracy.” This stands in stark contrast to Trump, who “betrayed our values, democracy, and this country’s founding documents” by “inciting the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

They praised Harris for her “commitment to upholding the ideals that define our nation,” specifically citing her DNC pledge to “ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world”, [ensuring continued profits for the War Profiteers]; to “always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself” and “to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists”, [championing the war against Iran those Israel-First Neocons have always advocated]; and spoken of a military hardline against Russia and China. They concluded fear-mongering about Trump’s “unpredictable nature” and how “in matters of national security, his demeanor invites equally erratic behavior from our adversaries, which irresponsibly threatens reckless and dangerous global consequences.”

This is shamelessly ironic with its signatories including CIA directors William Webster (under Reagan and Bush Sr.) and Michael Hayden (under Bush Jr. and Obama), who engineered or fueled coups and civil wars around the world with “dangerous global consequences” affecting millions. As NSA Director from 1999 to 2005, Hayden weaponized the Patriot Act against the American population (and further eroded the Bill of Rights), argued for the “constitutionality” of the warrantless electronic surveillance he was engineering for the regime, and openly denied that “probable cause” was required for searches or seizures despite as explicitly defined in the Fourth Amendment. Hayden went on to pursue a lucrative career in the revolving door between Big Business and the State: He served as principal of the Chertoff Group, founded and staffed by his comrades at the NSA and Homeland Security; and now serves on the advisory board of NewsGuard, to gatekeep what is “truth” or “disinformation” for the plebs – clearly using the same propaganda techniques from the CIA and NSA.

Hayden epitomizes the revolving door between Government, Big Business, and national “security” institutes, all devoted to feeding the War Machine and its foreign and domestic engines. His name-sake think-tank ensures cushy jobs for various “former” spooks and “experts” legitimizing the National Security State that subverts the nation and weaponizes it against the world. Other signatories include the first Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, “one of the architects of our blood-stained interventions in Latin America under President Reagan, now apparently loses sleep over Trump’s ‘contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior.’” Another is PNAC co-founder Eliot Cohen, who consistently lobbied for wars for Israeli interests even before 9/11. In a November 2001 op-ed, he called for the war on “terror” to be expanded into “World War IV” to include both Iraq and Iran. He was a member of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, which brought together chickenhawk Neocon civilians like himself and retired military officers with links to Corporate war-profiteers; and a counselor in the State Department from 2007 to 2009.

Foreign Policy, a magazine founded by "Clash of
Civilizations" theorist Samuel Huntington, putting
a "graceful" spin to Harris' foreign policy agenda.

On 20 Sept., the National Security Leaders for America, a collective of 741 agents of the War Machine, “proudly” endorsed Harris with all the same double-speak we’re accustomed to see from Neocons. “This election is a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness. It is a choice between democracy and authoritarianism.” While in the same breath invoking “democracy”, that Harris “would make an excellent Commander-in-Chief” stresses their singular militaristic focus on waging endless Imperial wars as the foremost duty of the U.S. President. Such a role “requires listening to those with expertise,” clearly referring to themselves as this unelected, permanent Imperial brain-trust and profiteer class. They decried Trump as insufficiently interventionist unlike Harris:

“Vice President Harris has proven she is an effective leader able to advance American national security interests. Her relentless diplomacy with allies around the globe preserved a united front in support of Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. She grasps the reality of American military deterrence, promising to preserve the American military’s status as the most ‘lethal’ force in the world. 

"The contrast with Mr. Trump is clear: where Vice President Harris is prepared and strategic, he is impulsive and ill-informed. He has heaped praise on adversarial dictators like China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, as well as the terrorist leaders of Hezbollah. Conversely, he has publicly and privately excoriated the leaders of our most steadfast allies, including the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, Canada, and Germany. He abandoned our Kurdish allies while ceding influence in the Middle East to Russia, Iran, and China.”

Their endorsement is testament to the insane fantasies this alliance of civilian chicken-hawks and profiteering military-men have of keeping the U.S. within this permanent war footing, with endless wars that are the health of the State. Their crocodile tears about “dictators” come from people who propped up dictators around the world and undermined any movement toward local sovereignty. They want involvement in the Syrian Civil War through “Kurdish allies” who are actually armed Communist fanatics building their own statist “utopia” over even Kurds who get in their way.(7) They made the bizarre claim that Adelson-puppet Trump has “excoriated” Netanyahu, which says more about their own fanatical Zionism that has no place even for a rhetorical “America-First” smokescreen.

The truth is that all their professions of “democracy” while engineering a world in blaze, speaks to their narrow worldview caring only about their own immediate surroundings - not even the vast regions of the United States directly affected by their draining the resources toward Empire. TDS is the refuge of the morally-bankrupt, excusing the architects of war, Wall Street bailouts, and the Police State as heroic because "Orange Man Bad". History is rewritten so that politics is recast as a bastion of sanity and honor before he came on the scene to disrupt it. Just to illustrate with one notable example: Those who have no outrage about the War Machine with its millions of corpses, will be selectively outraged by words like “suckers and losers”, whose source Jeffrey Goldberg happened to be a cheerleader of the Iraq War, who fabricated the spurious “Al-Qaida linksand is a warmongering chickenhawk – except he served as a prison guard in a foreign army: the Israeli. These are the type of scoundrels recycled through TDS. He writes for The Atlantic, a publication crawling with suspicious links (to put it mildly) at the top.(8) A South African law professor at Howard University makes some great observations:

Cheney’s endorsement of Harris, framed as a repudiation of Trump’s divisiveness, conveniently ignores his own role in eroding civil liberties in the US and across the world. One of Cheney’s signature policies, the ‘war on terror’, brought with it the expansion of executive power and a profound shift in the relationship between the American government and its citizens...The Patriot Act, passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, granted the US government sweeping surveillance powers, many of which were abused in the name of national security….And yet, those celebrating Cheney’s endorsement of Harris over Trump are now portraying him as a defender of democracy, as if the destabilising effects of his policies were somehow a lesser evil….

“The ripple effects of the Iraq War are still being felt today. The instability it created in the Middle East has made it fertile ground for extremist groups, leading to a proliferation of violence that has engulfed nations far beyond Iraq’s borders. The rise of ISIL, the ongoing Syrian civil war, and the refugee crisis that has strained Europe can all be traced back, at least in part, to the power vacuum created by the toppling of Hussein. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence of the war’s catastrophic consequences, Cheney has never fully reckoned with his role in bringing about this disaster. By endorsing Harris, he is attempting to paint himself as a responsible elder statesman, but his track record tells a different story – one of hubris, miscalculation and indifference to human suffering….

“What makes Cheney’s endorsement, and the Democratic Party’s embrace of it, particularly galling is the way in which they gloss over these past sins in order to paint him as a guardian of American values. While Trump’s rhetoric and policies may have caused harm within the US, Cheney’s decisions inflicted untold suffering on far more people all across the globe. The selective moral outrage they direct at Trump while embracing Cheney as a saviour of democracy, is a testament to the hypocrisy of the liberal political establishment in the country.”(9) 

Liberal Interventionists: Repressed "Humanitarian" Shadow of the Neocons - and the Soros Connection

Sadistic war pigs link their blood hands together, liberal interventionists as the repressed shadow of the Neocons. They couch their wars in terms of “alliances” and “global systems” but it’s the same narrow Corporate interests; the only difference is they place more focus on Globalist networks while Neocons are more tied to expansionist Likudists, but it’s a shared Zionist agenda. Their growth was simultaneous to that of the Neocons, drawing on many of the same ideological threads. The liberal interventionists found their messiah through Obama, who managed to win the Nobel “Peace” Prize even while expanding the Neocons’ wars. His “Hope and Change” was an illusion under which they should repress their Shadow to assuage their own feelings of guilt. The Neocons then streamed into the Clinton campaign (with a few hanging on to Trump) but have been fully grafted on to the Biden and Harris campaigns as their endorsements from 2020 and 2024 have shown.

Kamala Harris is Hillary Clinton 2.0 in more ways than one. Her embrace of the Neocons is no surprise since she’s been running on Clinton’s 2016 playbook: “And in fact, many of the same, she’s being consulted by Hillary Clinton, many of the same people are running it.” Indeed, there were signs even before the election that year. On 5 July 2014, Jacob Heilbrunn argued in a New York Times op-ed: “The neoconservative movement may be connecting with Hillary Clinton in a bid to return to the driver’s seat of American foreign policy.” Its not like their endless wars were somehow disrupted under Obama. On the contrary, Neocons Robert Kagan and Max Boot both praised Clinton’s State Department with its destructive proxy wars in Libya and Syria, and drone wars against multiple countries. “They’re devoted to a militarily activist role for America in the world, and they’re willing to support whichever party will advance that vision,” as Pennsylvania political science lecturer Damon Linker argued in Jan. 2015.

Their support wasn’t confined to the scribblings of Neocon (and fellow-traveler) screeds. After positions under Bush and as foreign policy advisor to McCain, from 2011 onward Kagan served on Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board at the State Department. His wife, Victoria Nuland, is a Neocon warmonger in her own right who served in every administration since Bill Clinton (except Trump), including Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, and more recently as Biden’s undersecretary of state. Their chameleon nature meant at times they hid under other names: Kagan began calling himself a “liberal” and “progressive” instead of Neocon.(10) Before Harris had her “National Security Leaders for America,” Kagan spearheaded “Foreign Policy Professionals for Hillary” and campaigned for her in 2016: “I would say that a majority of people in my circle will vote for Hillary.” These were among the 78 Republican interventionists who endorsed and joined her campaign. 

They were joined by their repressed Shadow, the liberal interventionists in the same coalition that later coalesced around Harris. Although at times the Neocons use such nebulous formulas as “spreading freedom and democracy” to justify their wars, they are more prone to be open about their intentions – theirs is an integrated Shadow that just openly reveals how vile and pernicious they are. But Neoliberal interventionists are their mirror: repressing their murderous selves under the false persona of “humanitarian” interventions and working through “alliances”. Operating through the phony archetype of Obama allowed them to be even more murderous: 

“Hillary Clinton ran the US State Department from 2009 to 2013. It is doubtful that any individual US official has ever done so much damage to the global community in such short a time. Clinton was backed by the same forces that now financially back Kamala Harris. She had a slew of staffers including Jared Cohen, Samantha Power, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Susan Rice.”(11) 

Jared Cohen, a CFR member and CEO of Jigsaw (formerly known as Google Ideas), served on Clinton’s Policy Planning Staff from 2006 to 2010, where he directed social media operations to destabilize targeted countries. Under her full direction, he contacted Twitter to help facilitate protests in Iran in 2009. That same year, Clinton dispatched the Neocon CIA spook John Negroponte to meet with the coup plotters against Manuel Zelaya in Honduras. Inspired by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Anne-Marie Slaughter’s project is “governance through global networks.” Her books openly call for destabilizing and overthrowing targeted governments to pave the way for “open governments, open societies, and an open international system.”(12) She served as director of policy planning at the State Department from 2009 to 2011, where she joined Cohen to destabilize various countries and engineer wars.

They used their connections with Big Tech oligarchs to manipulate “networked” media in fomenting “color” revolutions around the world. Their special project was the Arab Spring, culminating in the sadistic murder of Qadhafi in Libya and barbarous proxy “civil war” that continues to wage in Syria. The ultimate agenda is the same whether its couched by the Neocons in terms of destabilizing the region as part of the Oded Yinon Plan, which matches exactly what the Neocons proposed in their Clean Break strategy to Netanyahu in 1996 (and carried out against Iraq when those same traitors assumed positions within the Bush regime); or by the Neoliberals as part of billionaire war-profiteer George Soros’ “Open Society”, as his ilk have profited carnivorously from those wars and engineered chaos.

Slaughter openly reveals her mentors and donors in calling for a “networked world” to scramble the “chessboard” (a la Brzezinski and Kissinger) and forge an “Open Society”. Her target was any Populism both domestically and abroad, since those movements threaten “the open international system”. She openly proclaims herself among the “Globalists” opposed to the worldwide bogeyman she calls “Nationalists” – anyone who rejects authority invested in the transnational Globalist networks managed closely by consortiums of billionaires; anyone who clings to the Nation-State structure rather than ceding to even more centralization of authority in Globalist institutions.

After leaving government (which doesn’t mean their influence over the regime ends), she co-founded the New America think-tank, as a Neoliberal counterpart to the Neocon Project for a New American Century to feed into the two dialectics of the Empire. Corporate donors included Big Tech and various war-profiteers. Their Board of Directors were among the donors to both the Biden and Harris campaigns. She championed Harris’ original 2020 campaign on foreign policy grounds: “She should assemble her own foreign policy team, as Biden did when he was vice president, to complement the president’s advisers but also to develop her own ideas and trade on her unique strengths as the face of America abroad. The United States will need to play a very different global role in the 21st century than in the 20th; Harris can be a catalyst for much of that rethinking.” 

Tim Walz with hands folded inwardly, as 
obedient lapdog of Alex Soros, whose 
hands are glasped in a symbolic sign of 

More recently, Slaughter praised Harris’ DNC address: “What I came away with was strength, and freedom, and patriotism.” The co-chair of New America is none other than Jonathan Soros, who holds a leading position within his father’s network. He was a leading donor to Clinton’s campaign in 2016, but even before her embarrassing defeat, the Soros war-machine was hedging their bets on Kamala Harris. They financed her career as far back as when she was a prosecutor in San Francisco, when she pursued their objectives which included abetting the financial crimes of Steve Mnuchin's OneWest (later to provide a Sorosian link to the Trump dialectic) in the gutters of finance, while selectively weaponizing "law" against some and not others.

"Harris also has ties to billionaire Democratic Party donor George Soros, who was one of the two owners of OneWest Bank at the time. Coincidentally, before Harris passed on the opportunity to file action against OneWest Bank, Soros was pouring money into California criminal policy initiatives that Harris was pushing. In 2011, Harris’ former aide Lenore Anderson was hired as campaign manager for Californians for Safety and Justice, which was financed by Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Since 2012 Soros had led a four-year, $16 million campaign to change California attorney general. Lenore Anderson also led Vote Safe, another Soros funded organization.”(14)

After her own defeat, Clinton and her donors met with Harris at an exclusive meeting in the Hamptons in July 2017, grooming her as the “Great Freshman Hope” for the next election. “Her personality profile and career history seemed to match what they were looking for. The forces that seek to create an ‘open society’ at the cost of unlimited human lives have lined up behind Kamala Harris.”(15) George Soros’ other son, Alex Soros, who chairs Open Society Foundations, is not only engaged to Hillary Clinton’s former chief-of-staff, Huma Abedin, but joined this effort. A month before Biden officially dropped out, Harris took time out of a “busy” travel schedule to confer with Alex Soros and pose for selfies. The smiling billionaire later endorsed her and appeared as an honored guest at the DNC. On 24 Sept., he received Tim Walz in his New York high-rise as a master receives tribute from his obedient lapdog.

The leading vomiter of “humanitarian interventionism” is Samantha Power, who serves in the Biden/Harris administration as USAID administrator. In that position, she has frequently met with the Soros network in joint strategies. She has a long record in lobbying for wars within the think-tank/academia pipeline, constantly pontificating about America’s “responsibility to protect.” As Obama’s UN Ambassador, she advocated bombing and killing the people of Libya and Syria under the excuse of stopping their “genocide”. In fact, she was one of the crucial voices that swayed Obama to bomb Libya, although she has lamented that full-scale intervention wasn’t pursued in Syria. She vetoed any UN amendments against Israeli settlements, for which she earned the praise of Chabad fanatic Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (perversely lionized by the media as “America’s Rabbi”), who even called Obama’s appointment of her as “one of the most impressive actions of his presidency.” All the while lobbying for wars under the excuse of “stopping genocide”, this hypocrite has shilled for Israel regarding Gaza. In 2016, she was personally awarded by Kissinger, whom she has praised.

These Corporate and Soros links continues directly via Harris’ two primary national security advisors. Her National Security Advisor, Philip Gordon, is a CFR member and senior advisor at Albright Stonebridge Group, a global business strategy firm co-founded by Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton's psychopathic Secretary of State who famously greeted news of 500,000 Iraqi children dying from sanctions: “It was worth it,” without batting an eyelid. Gordon has retroactively criticized direct "regime change", preferring to operate “indirectly” through proxies. But even there, like all the Democrats who championed the Iraq War, their recasting it as a “mistake” as if an honest error allows them to continue to benefit from those policies beyond any public scrutiny. Her deputy national security advisor is Rebecca Friedman Lissner, another CFR member with various profitable “research fellowship” positions at high academia. She wrote the book, An Open World: How American Can Win the Contest for 21st Century Order, wherein she called the US “the only country that can guarantee an open system”, clearly placing her in the same orbit as Soros and Slaughter.

Anne Marie Slaughter with Ivanka Trump. Is the Swamp
really being drained when they have these connections?

The Empire tramples over even American lives,
liberties, and resources for Oligarchy. It matters not
whether its openly for Globalist interests, or MIGA
hiding under a phony "MAGA" mask (or hat) agenda. 

CNAS: Blood Conclave of Neoliberal Interventionists, Neocons, and Big Business

Harris’ first presidential campaign in 2019 was supported – one source even said “powered - by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a liberal interventionist think-tank that has “long pushed Democrats to embrace war and militarism.” CNAS was founded in 2007 by Michèle Flournoy, who went on to serve as second-in-command in Obama’s Defense Department, where she planned the escalation in Afghanistan and was involved in the decision to bomb Libya. After leaving the regime, she joined the Boston Consulting Group as senior advisor to its D.C.-based public sector practice, where she helped military contracts rise “from $1.6 million in 2013 to $32 million in 2016.” She was set to be Hillary Clinton’s defense secretary, advocating regime change in Syria. She is also a Zionist who staunchly supports continued U.S. aid to Israel without any questions.

CNAS joined together Neoliberals and Neocons in their common embrace of the War Machine. Its co-founder was Kurt Campbell, Biden’s deputy secretary of state and “China czar”, who was Kissinger Fellow at the McCain Institute, an interventionist think-tank specifically founded to promote McCain’s “legacy”. Neocon Victoria Nuland served as CNAS CEO until joining the Biden regime as undersecretary of state for political affairs, alongside ten other “CNAS Experts and Alumni”. Her successor as CEO was Richard Fontaine, who was foreign policy advisor to McCain. CNAS’ top donors include Open Society Foundations, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and the federal government.

“The defense industry, however, is far from the think tank’s only private sector donor. Other contributors include firms in finance (Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase), fossil fuels (Chevron and the BP), Big Tech (Amazon and Google), and telecommunications (Comcast and Cisco). In their most recent fiscal year alone, CNAS received major contributions from 18 of the 100 largest American corporations.”(16) 

Mark Milley, Archetype of the Grifting Wall Street General

A frequent guest at CNAS conferences is Ret. Gen. Mark Milley, a darling of the Corporate media for his denunciations of Trump as “Fascist” and “Hitler”. This is all the more ironic, if we take Mussolini’s own textbook definition of Fascism, then Milley advocates the merger of State and Corporate power combining with militarism. He was crucial in slipping in the Big Business/State-promoted critical race theory into military indoctrination, using the domestic bogeyman “white rage” for the same reason his ilk use bogeymen abroad: To grow the Managerial State Imperium. Milley is the archetypal corrupt general sold-out to Wall Street as called out by Marine Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler (“War Is A Racket”), or the Military Industrial Complex warned against in Eisenhower’s Farewell Address. He already represented these interests during his service, but he has gone further down those depths of hell as noted by journalist Ken Klippenstein: “Since retiring from his role as the U.S. military's top officer, Milley has found a new calling: sharing his 'strategic' expertise with those who can make him money.” He has “cashed in” and makes even more of a killing (pun intended) after leaving the military:

“Since retiring from the military last year, former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley has become a senior adviser to JPMorgan Chase bank, joined the faculties of Princeton and Georgetown, and embraced the lucrative paid speaking circuit. From military pay of $204,000 a year, Milley is sure to skyrocket to compensation in the millions, especially because he is represented by the same high-powered speakers’ agency as Hillary Clinton, who faced criticism in 2016 for her paid speeches to investment bank Goldman Sachs. Called ‘cashing in’ by military officers, transitioning from capped government salaries to defense industry, private consulting for global risk management, or work with venture capital brings in lavish paydays.”(17)

Milley knows his checks are written by Wall Street and the Military-Industrial-Complex, and that these interests (and AIPAC) direct a US foreign policy that creates wars his ilk can lead while his friends and him profit. Yet if gratitude is indeed a virtue, then at least we can say Milley has that going in his favor. So it was that on 28 Oct. 2024, Milley spoke to the American Bankers Association in New York. This is a lobbying firm on behalf of the banking industry, whose members have included leading officials of the Federal Reserve and Bank of International Settlements. Milley expressed his undying gratitude (since its others doing the dying) for bankers’ “service”:

"I know people thank all of us in uniform for our service, but I want to thank you and your service because the two key components of national security and the international scene is a strong military and a strong economy. … I know that the people in the crowd are controlling basically 24, 25 trillion of a 30 trillion economy. So, good on you for doing that.”

Presiding over the vast expansion of drone warfare championed by Neoliberal interventionists, with its murderous reduction of war to a simulacra (a process begun with the first Gulf War against Iraq as noted by Jean Baudrillard) – a boon to psychopaths and sociopaths who already reduce people to energy sources – Milley has fantasized about a robotic military by 2039. Toward this end was his 7 May appearance at an AI Expo in D.C. that was “a confab of military officials and weapons contractors, convened to threat-inflate and hawk their wares like garish barkers under the typically euphemistic banner of the ‘Special Competitive Studies Project’.” SCSP refers to “national security” in its mission, but is part of the broad network that facilitates the outsourcing of hi-tech and cybersecurity to Israel (see the research of Brendan O’Connell), and expresses allegiance to the WEF/Davos’ Agenda 2030, seeking leadership in “the techno-economic competition between now and 2030, the critical window for shaping the future.”

At the Expo, Milley’s panel discussion included deputy CIA director David Cohen, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and Palantir co-founder/CEO Alex Karp. The latter, who has openly called himself a staunch Zionist, whined against the “impossible standard” Israel is held to with Gaza, and ranted about the pro-Palestine protestors he bizarrely called “pagan”, “cancerous”, “You are an infection inside our society!” This unhinged warmonger who makes billions from war claimed the title of peace: “The peace activists are actually the war activists, and we’re the peace activists.” Milley agreed with him, claiming that Israel was beyond any reproach over civilian deaths in Gaza, with an incredible justification for a US General: Throwing his own military under the bus! He cited civilian deaths in Mosul and Raqqa during the Iraq and Syria wars, French civilians in Normandy, and bombings of Japanese cities during World War II. Obviously not wrong, but the point is he disparaged American veterans – including those who served under him in Iraq – to get his Israeli friends off the hook. At no other time before did Milley even acknowledge civilian deaths, except now to shame Americans who may be criticizing Israeli crimes in Gaza.

Milley with Palantir co-founder Alex Karp, a leading donor to
Democratic Party and Neoliberal causes as well as a Zionist....

....while Palantir's other co-founder is Peter Thiel, 
called Trump's "shadow president" at Silicon Valley
and J.D. Vance's handler. Thiel was crucial in bringing
Girard's "Scapegoat" into modern political discourse.

Palantir's War-Technocracy Controlling the Dialectic - and Connection with Big Pharma

The panel also spoke casually on how “technology, including artificial intelligence, could make war more precise and less brutal.” Emphasis on “more precise” which is an expansion of the “shock and awe” of Iraq into a Technik of terrorizing on a vaster scale, while “less brutal” is merely their using more “impersonal” technical means to reduce war to simulacra – dehumanizing the victim even more by making the weapons more robotic. Never mind there are always human hands and minds behind A.I. – perception is more important in the age of simulacra. So it goes much deeper than mere profits, we need only look at Palantir, which sits at the crossroads of Big Tech and the War Machine as noted by one analyst:

“Palantir is military-grade AI. Palantir can data assist, centralizing tons of different data analysis, compiling it, and being able to track targets and use that in targeting systems. So when you couple that with missile programs etc., they become much more accurate.”(18)  

Karp and Peter Thiel named their company after the magical palantiri “seeing-stones” of the Tolkien mythos: They view their AI, data analysis and surveillance software as all-powerful, all-seeing in its Big Brother capabilities. More data means more leverage and thus more control over their target. Various corporate clients use Palantir for data integration and analysis, while their US government clients include the CIA, DHS, NSA, FBI, and CDC. Or as Karp boasted in his 2022 Annual Letter: “We founded the company to build software for defense and intelligence agencies whose budgets were larger than the economies of some countries.” It has been increasingly clear that in the technological age, data analytics is a powerful tool of control(19) and that these are in the hands of a billionaire donor class that controls both sides of the dialectic as exemplified by Palantir: Karp was a donor to Biden and Harris, Thiel was a donor to Trump. He who funds you, runs you – and they are just two of an entire class of donors that ran the entire (s)election dialectic through their blood money.

Not surprising, given Thiel’s links to the oligarch network benefiting from Rona that I documented in March 2020, Palantir has a cozy relationship with Big Pharma. Their partnerships include Merck and Sanofi. In the UK, Palantir was awarded an “emergency” contract by the NHS, mining patient data and health databases under the repetitive excuse of “fighting the pandemic”. The NHS then secretly extended the contract into other areas, with expansive control over public health data. Here in the States, Palantir was involved at all levels of Operation Warp Speed. The Department of Health and Human Services chose Palantir in mid-2020 "to power Tiberius, the platform originally configured to support vaccine distribution." Then in Feb. 2022 came a $5.3 million contract by the CDC for Palantir to "integrate their data, decisions, and operations”, that was renewed that December to the tune of $443 million over five years. So Palantir was one of the Corporations that profited and grew its control through the massive transfer of wealth that occurred under the cover of “the pandemic”.

Karp (center) and Thiel (second from right) with Daniel Gold, head
of Israeli Directorate of Defense Research & Development. Posted
on the Palantir Technologies Inc. website.

There is a strange intersection between Big Pharma and the Israeli War-Machine. Karp joined Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to lobby US senators to send even more aid to Israel in July 2024, as CNBC reported. Of course, the increased aid – added to the billions already doled out annually with a bipartisan consensus – would be stolen from the people while their own profits would be protected. “In recent years, Palantir has become one of the most intriguing contractors of Israel’s security forces,” as noted by an Israeli source. In fact, one of their Norwegian investors even dumped Palantir over its funding of the Israeli military. On 11 Jan. 2024, Thiel and Karp met Israeli officials in Tel Aviv, agreeing on a “strategic partnership…to harness Palantir’s advanced technology in support of war-related missions.”

One of the officials they met was Daniel Gold, head of the Israeli Directorate of Defense Research & Development (R&D). As documented by Montreal-based freelance journalist Lital Khaikin, there is no “peaceful” R&D in Israel – its all directed towards war. Gold is most known for leading the team that developed the Iron Dome missile system, even skirting the military’s contracting regulations with direct funding from certain politicians. Not surprising given his own links to the oligarch networks, Trump has called for the US to adopt the Iron Dome – yet another example of the “MAGA” figurehead openly speaking of giving this Israeli system control over our domestic skies. But not to worry – American oligarchs will make plenty of profits while they can hide behind “national interests” even while handing more systems to the Israeli hi-tech sector that has Unit 8200 crawling all over it. Not surprising, Gold established a national technological center for “combatting the pandemic” in Israel, in collaboration with the defense industry, Mossad, and other agencies. As with oligarchs and authoritarians around the world, Gold viewed the Rona as a “game-changer” in the opportunities it presented.

Palantir was already a major contractor in Ukraine, where they turned that country into “an AI war lab”, profiting from that war just as has Blackrock and the various foreign companies seizing Ukrainian farmland with the complicity of Zelensky’s who wants to defend his country from Russia while selling out his country’s sovereignty to others. So it was a matter of time until Palantir expanded their operations into the Middle East as well. Israel uses its AI targeting program called “Lavender”, which despite its name smells foul and does anything but cleanse. Under the cover of its “surgical precision”, the Israeli commanders configured the algorithms to enable even more indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza. The simulacra pattern continues where the optics of making war more technological and therefore “cleaner”, actually makes it deadlier.(20)  Or as Netanyahu said at the 2019 Tel Aviv Cybertech: "Cyber is the real domain of power", as he boasted of Israel's cybersecurity and hi-tech sector. One of those who has heeded his message is Thiel, who admitted at the Cambridge Union on May 8, 2024: “My bias is to defer to Israel.” (Is it any coincidence he said it on “V-Day”?)

Posted on Netanyahu's official Twitter, 12 June 2017:
"Thoroughly enjoyed my stimulating conversation about
the future of technology with a great innovator, Peter Thiel" 
The map behind them more than just symbolic.

Sneak Peak of Trump's Swamp Picks

Much of this article was written before the election and intended to be finished before, but as things developed so too did its trajectory. The election itself calls for a separate article. I will just say that as one who takes a more metapolitical, broad spiritual view beyond the surface level, Natural Law called for Kamala Harris to be punished for her role in the genocide in Gaza; the Corporate media to be shown as irrelevant as no other time before; the desperate scrambling and meltdowns of that side of the dialectic to be celebrated as their consistent lying about everything from the economy to war to even the very perception of reality puts their previously-unchecked arrogance in place. At the same time, let this article be a testament that these forces will remain and rear their ugly head at other times in the future. 

Yet the consistent, principled realist within me has to bring the jubilation from the defeat of weaponized “joy”, back down to reality: The victory of Donald Trump is not a grassroots victory of the American people – just as it wouldn’t have been if Harris won. It’s a victory of the donor class that stands behind him. Indeed with his cabinet picks he has been giving more gifts to Miriam Adelson. Its significant that out of all his cabinet picks, the Corporate Media and Democratic Party have only been outraged at those like RFK, Tulsi Gabbard, and Matt Gaetz that give the appearance of “MAGA” – but have been silently complicit in his many Israel-First picks, as that is their agenda too whether the Swamp creatures pretend to play for Team Blue or Team Red

While its true the majority of Neocons have lined up behind the Democratic Party, its foolish and dangerously naïve to assume Trump is somehow free from the influence of other Neocons. That he threw a bone to placate those of the MAGA base who are opposed to the endless wars, by announcing Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley would not serve in his administration – never mind that Haley admitted she wasn’t even seeking a position – that base was distracted in their celebrations of “victory” while Trump promptly nominated a succession of Neocons and Israel-Firsters for leading foreign policy positions within his incoming administration.

Those Israel-First fanatics and frauds include Marco Rubio (Secretary of State), Pete Hegseth (Secretary of Defense), Mike Waltz (national security advisor), Brian Hook (head of the State Department’s transition team and hiring process), Elise Stefanik (UN Ambassador), Mike Huckabee (Ambassador to Israel), Howard Lutnick (Secretary of Commerce), and Kristi Noem (DHS Secretary). Many of these figures were Bush and Cheney staffers; many were even recent Never Trumpers – not surprising if we know how a dialectic operates. Their “opposition” – and the ritual of Trump as a “scapegoat” fighting the Establishment – was both a con and trolling of the masses. They align with the Woke Right in wanting to criminalize all criticism of Israel and subvert American sovereignty to this foreign nation.

Even while openly criticizing the Cheneys, Trump hires their staffer Mike Waltz (and conveniently glosses over that while praising his résumé). Another of his picks, Pete Hegseth, admits he was previously an advocate for the Iraq War but disavows it after the damage is already done – just as occurred with the entire Republican and Democratic Party Establishment and the Corporate media. False optics of “I made an honest mistake” is a refuge for them to hide their wicked deeds as the population is lulled to sleep – once again – not to make any demands of the politicians or call for accountability. Hegseth is a walking caricature and hard to take seriously, but he made a significant admission by calling himself “a recovering Neocon.”

The face of authority morphs with changing circumstances. They know how to play the game of optics because they have mastered the techniques of demoralization and psych-war. Some Neocons will retroactively disavow the regime change wars of the past, while emboldening the Likudnik and settler factions as they terrorize their way to a Greater Israel built on Palestinian and Lebanese lives – and American treasure and sovereignty. Just looking at the central role that people like Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken hold in this current administration, and the role of people like Kushner and Pompeo in Trump’s first term, illustrates just how much authority foreign policy picks and advisors hold over an Imperial Presidency, no matter if the figurehead is a senile (Biden), ignoramus (Harris),…or Narcissist who can be easily steered by anyone who massages his ego (Trump). I will document the various links and agendas of these cabinet picks within the upcoming weeks.

Footnotes and Sources:

(1) Although it can be argued that the changing face of the Republican Party into one embracing protectionism, outreach toward labor and working-class policies, and (at least rhetorical) opposition to interventionism – aside from towing the line on Israel – will continue in a post-Trump movement especially with incoming Vice President J.D. Vance as his apparent successor.

(2) The Neocons have three hierarchies to ensure their virus infects the widest. One is the political dynastic families (and their Corporate ties) such as the Cheneys, Bushes and McCains. These families are there as the public face, much as occurred with Dick Cheney in the Bush administration. Another tier are the “intellectuals” who infest their ideas through their media and think-tanks. The final tier are bureaucrats who come from the ranks of the second but are given positions within the Pentagon or State Department.

(3) “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century,” Report by The Project for the New American Century, Sept. 2000, p. 51. Online PDF (

(4) Perhaps even then she was being positioned as the War Machine’s anointed figurehead to replace the enfeebled Biden they would “sacrifice” at the calculated moment. Her career and especially how her initial presidential run in 2019 was the source of so much hope by the establishment, remedied by her being chosen as vice president, also indicates she was groomed for his position.

(5) As the son of a Vietnam War veteran who attended veterans gatherings at the height of the “War on Terror” and Iraq War, my eyes were opened to how many veterans are red-pilled at the Neocons being chicken-hawk “Fortunate Son(s)” who were involved in anti-Vietnam war protests from the safety of their universities, later going on to champion others to fight and die for Israel and Corporate war-profiteers. Not surprising given their own Trotskyite origins and shift to “the Right” due to the New Left’s anti-Zionism.

(6) I highly recommend the work of Christian Parenti, an economics professor at John Jay College in New York with a long background in journalism. His article “The Cargo Cult of Woke” (unfortunately available on a paywall details the Corporate/Banking interests on Woke, how these are utilized by the War Machine. His interviews about his work are freely available on many podcasts, including Jimmy Dore and Chris Hedges. Parenti represents the old-style class-based Left that has resisted the Trojan Horse of Wokeness which coopted most of the Left into the State’s ideological synthesis.

(7) My total of five months in Turkey, across three summers, including coming to know many ethnic Kurds, cured me of the previous naivete I had – like many Westerners – that it can be reduced to a simple fight for Kurdish “freedom” and sovereignty. Whereas its just one group of Statists seeking to replace the authority of a nation-state with their own min-state; all the characteristic Statist coercion is still present in their “Rojava”. Not that paternalistic Westerners projecting their own pet projects, or the agents of Empire who want to destabilize the region (a la Oded Yinon Plan), truly care about them.

(8) The Atlantic’s majority owner is Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Steve Jobs and billionaire in her own right from her time at Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs. Powell Jobs is on the CFR chairman's advisory board and is a founding member of the Climate Leadership Council. She funds various projects tied to the Democratic Party via her "philanthropic" Emerson Collective, XQ Institute, and ACRONYM. A donor to Hillary Clinton and a close personal friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, which would tie her to Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Maxwell – and all their links to the Mossad, Mega Group, and “scientific” research journals.

(9) Ziyad Motala, “Cheney’s policies as VP caused immense human suffering on a global scale,” Al-Jazeera, 12 Sept. 2024, <>.

(10) While also betraying his Trotskyite origins as a Neocon, such as when he lamented that less American interventionism emboldened Russia and China, “the two great revisionist powers.”  (See Kagan, “Backing Into World War III,” Foreign Policy, Feb. 2017, <>). This Marxist term implies that the US Empire serves the orthodoxy of “international revolution” (refashioned as “global war for democracy”) after those other nations went down the “revisionist” route of “socialism in one country”.

(11) Caleb T. Maupin. Kamala Harris & The Future of America: An Essay in Three Parts. Center for Political Innovation, 2020, p.89.

(12) ibid., pp. 91-94.

(13) As an Anarchist, I advocate more decentralization down to the smallest and most local levels. While seeing the Nation-State as a monopoly of coercion and authority, this is even more the case with Globalism which now proclaims Nation-States as obsolete since they have reached their next desired level of centralization.

(14) Michael Sainato, “Clinton Donors Have Picked Their 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee,” The Observer, July 17, 2017, <>.

(15) Maupin, op. cit., p. 102.

(16) Brett Heinz, "American primacy on the menu for big industry donors at CNAS," Feb. 22, 2021, <>.

(17) Ken Klippenstein, “Gen. Mark Milley’s Second Act: Multimillionaire,” The Intercept, March 11, 2024, <>.

(18) Jason Mironchuk, in his conversation with Academic Agent (Neema Parvini), “Top 5 Hidden Power Players Behind Donald Trump’s Rise to Power,” Nov. 13, 2024, <>.

(19) For a great summary of the role of data analytics in controlling the dialectic and its narratives, see the recent video by Brendon O’Connell, “Trump Election Victory – The Banker Dialectic Dance,” Nov. 16, 2024, <>.

(20) Much like Baudrillard observed about the First Gulf War in 1990-1991, the defining simulacra for Israel was the 2006 Lebanon War, which one Israeli writer described as “a witches brew of high tech fantasies and basic unpreparedness.” (“The Revolution in Military Affairs’ Shocks But Does Not Awe Israeli Commission,” CDI Center For Defense Information, Straus Military Reform Project, 11 June 2007, <>).