By Sean Jobst
22 October 2024
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"It's a big club, and you ain't in it!": They all flirt with each other outside the political theater. For example here at the memorial just a day after the debate. |
My previous article exposed the media as ringleaders (albeit themselves mere stenographers of those actually in authority behind the shadows) of a political theater staged with two actors: A scapegoat Trump “persecuted” by an establishment with whom he enjoys a mutually-beneficial relationship and hires the same swamp creatures he has “drained”. A messiah Harris anointed by oligarchy via a “democratic” coronation ushering in a wave of superficial “joy” through cognitive dissonance. The Corporate uniparty spellbounds people behind either the narcissistic scapegoat who will “make America great again” by doing nothing to drain the Swamp or its critters who know how to direct him, or the sociopathic messiah who campaigns on “we’re not going back” while she is part and parcel of the current regime.
Sometimes even the
stage is literally the same: In her speech to the DNC in Chicago on
20 August, Harris spoke virtually from Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, the same venue where the RNC was held only a
month before. She spoke after the ceremonial roll call (itself a ritual of
subservience), with a speech filled with fear-based
psychological triggers,
revisionism about her childhood and career to harvest sympathy (and misdirect from her actual policies), and a Bush-esque
Neocon championing of America’s Imperial role in the world. This is the status
quo on steroids, using subtler means to wield the iron fist behind the silk glove
such that people cheerlead their servitude.
Her anointing via
internal party coup is symbolic of what certain cultural critics outside
the authority bubble have called a “corporate coup in slow motion”,
which has remained constant in Washington, D.C. for decades regardless of what
puppet is carried to “power” on the manufactured fears, hopes, and consent of
the public. This is what rules the roost over actual ideas (much less
principles). The same Managerial classes remain entrenched no matter if the
mirage is a clean break or superficial nostalgia. The winners in November will
be Wall Street, AIPAC, the Military-Industrial-Complex, Big Pharma, and Big
Tech – the losers will be the American people who cannot see beyond the
There is a shift back and forth between “the elites” (who don't owe their authority to merits or superior intelligence) and (controlled) “opposition”, with the Left and Right taking their rehearsed positions although those categories are obsolete in this time of bankrupt political ideas and unprincipled realignments. One side pushes two steps forward and the other moves one step back, but this is all part of the illusion. The Managerial State entrenches its authority each time through incrementalism, just as how bills are written and pushed through legislatures. A perceived power-struggle – and the “fight!” slogan coopted by both marionettes to keep the audience spellbound into the action – ensures the masses will remain on the loop through mindless political rituals that give them a fallacy of meaning or importance otherwise lacking from an atomized society that has lost its sense of initiation and personal myth.
Divorced from actual ideals and their nuances, and perhaps insulated as this country has largely been from the violent political transitions elsewhere, political rhetoric is increasingly dominated by a Fascist/Communist dialectic that obscures the reality of the Managerial State. Trump is not a “fascist” as he didn’t significantly grow the scope of government (nor did he decrease the State, but continued the same policies as his predecessors. He was so “authoritarian” that the yes-men who surrounded him – and the donors he turned tricks for – steered him in the directions they wanted. Nor does he represent the “nationalism” feared by his openly-internationalist opponents, for he enabled their Globalist institutions (not to mention his subservience to Israel, the two closely intersecting). Project 2025 is a boogeyman not representing his actual status quo agenda, little different from that of his loudest detractors.[1]
Harris is not a
“communist” for she is a stooge of Black Rock,
Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, and other
Corporatists who surround her campaign and the current regime. Banking
interests have always been behind Communist revolutions but are now more inclined
to skip that step and rule directly through corporatist puppets such as Harris
who were groomed due to their shameless drive for power at any cost. The
specter of her being “soft on “crime” is a boogeyman distracting from her true nature
as Police State authoritarian, as she showed throughout her tenure in California.[2] Fears about Fascism "coming" to America are meaningless in a system where State and Corporate power have long been combined; fears about Communism arising from below are meaningless in a Corporate/Statist system that has already instituted its authoritarianism.
The thesis
(Biden’s humiliation ritual) was quickly met with a dual antithesis (Trump’s
attempted assassinations and Harris’ coronation), which are resolved by a
synthesis that has been entrenching itself for several decades as I’ll
demonstrate later. That synthesis is one that coopts ideas from both
Fascism (via the merger of Big Government and Big Business) and Communism (via
the Trotskyites’ cultural Marxism and Woke cult), but solidifies the same
Corporatist economic policies, mass-surveillance authoritarianism, and
Warfare/Welfare State that dispenses with actual political dogma beyond their
own ruthless will to authority. Its time to think beyond obsolete categories of
"left" and "right", as indeed is arising organically from
the dissident left and right against the Establishment. Those categories pale
in comparison now to the simple question of who is and isn’t part of the
Managerial State.
I double down on my own Anarchism, on radical decentralism and that ultimately the solutions will not be political. But I do see encouraging milestones such as an authentic Populism that unites principled Left and Right dissidents, such as I saw with the Occupy movement before its coopting by Woke. I see encouraging trends with the growth of third parties (indicative of opting out of the electoral game by making a protest against both wings of the uniparty), countereconomics[3], and other flowerings of a parallel society where individual freedom and sovereignty are extolled; where rights and liberties are recognized as Natural and innate, not bestowed by political or other authorities. We should view it in terms of simple power dynamics and the nature of authority itself; a sober analysis founded on metapolitics, going beyond political dogmas. Its worth examining some useful theories and ideas that cut beyond the surface level distractions.
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- Eric Hoffer, The True Believer, 1951, p. 94. |
The Shadow and False Political Personas
In part 1, I described Trump in particular – and Obama before him, but applicable to other politicians – in Jungian terms as the Shadow: People projecting those parts they repress about themselves, onto the politician who becomes either their evil bogeyman or savior-messiah. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a symptom of society becoming politicized at all levels. The politician then reflects the Shadow back upon his polarized haters and worshippers. The "haters" often seize upon his tone or what he says (rather than what he does), revealing their own Shadow of not speaking their minds for fear of what others would think of them. The "worshippers" rally behind this “savior” because of their own powerlessness – him merely lashing out against the Deep State but not doing anything against it is sufficient for such people where (like the others) image becomes more important than reality. Just knowing one is being screwed over but not translating this into a consistent, broad-based analysis that penetrates into the causes. This is why each pole of the dialectic are easily distracted into rabbit-holes and dead-ends laid out for them by controlled opposition.
Trump was idolized and praised by the same media and celebrity establishment
now infected with TDS, up until his Pied Piper candidacy backfired on the Clintons in 2016. He internalized their own
celebrity worship so that he desperately seeks the celebrity support touted by
the Democrats. His campaign stupidly used AI to
claim the support of a notoriously leftist celebrity, known for her
continued teenage persona well into her thirties, then childishly saying he
"hated" her when she rejected him. This is the Shadow of celebrity worship that
proliferates across American society, remaining even when confronted with the
reality of their own distance from those celebrities and their orbit which they
covet as if they are empty shells without it. Trump’s fragile ego leads him
down inconsequential ramblings on crowd sizes, such as the bait he took at the
After the second
assassination attempt, Trump even expressed hesitancy to criticize Biden or
Harris, since they were "so nice to me" -
as if all their crimes against the nation and millions of people were now
irrelevant to his own feelings. This combined with his craving for attention
from opportunists who know how to massage his ego means Swamp creatures will
always have ready access around him, steering him however they want,
as was abundantly clear within his first administration. We saw it more
recently when Trump admitted he "gave" the Golan Heights as a
"gift" to Zionist mega-donors, the Adelsons, whom he boasted "would come into the
White House almost more than anyone outside people who worked there, and they
were always after something for Israel." His personality means his donors,
sycophants, and yes-men control him, contrary to the hysteria of
TDS fear-mongers about his "existential threat" (while those
paragons of "democracy" have no problem infringing upon the Bill of
Rights in the name of fighting "misinformation" etc.).
The vapid
"joy" cultivated by the Harris campaign reflects the Shadow of vain
superficiality and willful ignorance that arises naturally from those who even
refuse to acknowledge - much less integrate - their Shadow. The repression of
their Shadows under their litany of “virtues”, more concerned with how it makes
them “feel” (and appear before “polite” society), means they champion illiberal
actions and policies buried underneath their own “liberal” dogma. This
manifests through a cognitive dissonance that proclaims special
"virtue" by repressing issues that truly matter but are painful
to confront about oneself. One example was the shameless spectacle of DNC
attendees covering their ears and mocking protestors who read off the names
of dead Palestinian children in Gaza - a threat to their wallowing in joyful
ignorance. The actual policies and records of such politicians as Harris matter
nothing to people who only care about their own emotions and virtuous
image. They are herded into a collective exactly because the Managers know
the potent harvesting they can obtain from the aggregated energy field of
repressed Shadows.
As for Harris herself, the Shadow rears its ugly repression in her sociopathic desire for “vengeance” against those who dare stand in her way or challenge her climb to the top – not in actual injustices despite her recrafted biography. There are pathological elements here based on a reconstructed childhood and family background, founded on what appears to be a pathological hatred of her own father – coupled with a constant, lavish praise of her mother – that would stump even a seasoned Freudian. This along with her internal imbalance to the otherwise non-issue of her not being a biological mother, manifested in her sociopathic prosecution of (often single) parents for “truancy” as California Attorney General – because the government schools received more money based on attendance. These pathologies manifest in her attempts to rewrite her socio-economic status and racial identity (what she has claimed and evoked in the past). She has done so to make herself more socially relatable, with the media more than happy to comply.
Her personal
Shadow mirrors others on how their image within a collective becomes more
important than individual nuances within identity politics. This reflects the collective
Shadow of false personas adopted by those who for some reason or another, run
away from embracing an authentic personality with all their complexities. Such
political personifications of an individual and society’s repressed Shadows
take an understanding of innate tribal dynamics and invert it to where the
governed identify themselves with the politician. As noted by the British psychologist Frederic C. Bartlett, the relationship between a
tribe and their chief “does not depend mainly upon domination or assertion, but
on a ready susceptibility of the thoughts, feelings and actions of the members
of the group. The chief, that is, expresses the group, rather than impresses
it. This is a kind of relationship, entirely different, it seems to me, from
dominance and assertiveness” (Psychology and Primitive Culture, 1923).
Knowing – and seeing the parallels – means cutting through all the delusions of
modern society being “civilized” and “progressive”, which simply represses
those things integrated within openly-tribalistic societies.
I combined this
psychological analysis with a description of the four primary socio-economic
classes in modern American society (as expressed in John Michael Greer’s The King in Orange)
and placed it all in the context of James Burnham’s analysis of the Managerial
State that emerged out of the crisis within Capitalism. The Managerial
State marches on with whoever is (s)elected the next President, because
authority is vested in their institutions and not the figurehead.
The administrators and circus performers don’t even believe their own
professed ideas, as what truly matters to them is power. They think nothing of
shamelessly abandoning every campaign promise they make to get themselves
(s)elected, because those ideas aren’t their own – they are a mix of whatever
the Managerial donor class hands to them, combined with knowing how to
manufacture the consent of a gullible public.
The proles who believe there is a coherent, consistent ideology behind the blunt impulse to power, are gullible tools used to grant the Managerial State its “legitimacy”. One example is the privileged suburban and student lumpenactivists who virtue signal against “systemic” injustices with the same “woke” talking-points created for them within the Ivory Tower-Complex and endorsed by State-linked Corporations, which has become so prevalent that a term was even created for this phenomenon: “Woke Capitalism”, whose real agenda is different from the proles who imbibe the empty rhetoric. Identity Politics means that any politician who ticks certain boxes (or is "virtuous" enough) is beyond reproach from continuing the same authoritarian policies. Class and economics (including the War Machine) can simply be disregarded, with Wall Street firms and the Military-Industrial-Complex rehabilitating their "good" name by their commitment to "equity". So too the dead-end distractions of culture war issues (abortion, trans, etc.), which are mostly resolved at the local and state levels and not even relevant to federal government.
He promptly groveled at two events only a few days after the second assassination attempt: the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual leadership conference and the Israeli-American Council's National Summit. Despite all his rhetoric about the social and economic effects of unfettered mass-migration upon Americans, he essentially reduced it to the threat of "armies of jihadist sympathizers marching through the streets of our cities" to protest Israel. He made loyalty to this foreign country the litmus test to be allowed admittance into America: "If you want to eliminate Israel, we will throw you out of our country so rapidly." Rather than keeping the government out of schools, rolling back the Department of Education (contrary to leftist paranoia about the "Agenda 2025" boogeyman), consistently opposing censorship and all infringements upon Free Speech, and building an America-First foreign policy: "With your vote, we will reject anti-semitism in our schools, reject it in our foreign policy. We will reject it in our immigration system."[6]
Trump would merely shift State-funded “education” away from imposing Critical Theory and direct it on behalf of Israel and combating all dissent to AIPAC’s stranglehold over foreign policy as “anti-semitism”. In this way the Woke Right promotes their own “intersectionality” where Israeli interests are confused as one with those of America. Celebrating the anniversary of Israel’s founding upon the ruins of Al-Nakba on 14 May, Trump groveled before a meeting of Zionist donors in New York. He praised the Democrat city government for suppressing the free speech of pro-Palestine students at Columbia University: “It has to be stopped now.” He then begged his sugar daddies: “If you get me elected, and you should really be doing this….we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years.” Emphasis on “if you get me elected” – a Freudian slip about their Kingmaker status, as he is well-known for saying the quiet parts out-loud. The media is outraged not about what he does, but that he says openly what other politicians act out while never uttering publicly about the lobby.
In his interview by Zionist babbler Mark Levin on Fox News on 31 August, Trump admitted the power of AIPAC but lamented their alleged loss of influence since more Americans dare to oppose the influence these foreign agents have upon the system. He stupidly called Chuck Schumer – who has consistently voted for every legislation supporting Israel and is himself funded by AIPAC even now– a “Hamas agent” (and “become like a Palestinian” as if using that ethnic term is a slur). Trump pontificated about one of his last Executive Order that eroded the First Amendment regarding this foreign government in December 2019. He then lamented the federal government not “doing anything” against pro-Palestine protestors (as if the government has any business to suppress free speech); how it should “withhold funding” from universities that allow such protests. Oblivious to how lawfare has apparently been turned against him for political reasons (part of the scapegoat ritual and setting him up as a “savior”) – he champions policies that enable the very same Deep State of his opponents. We see this for example in Atlanta, where the RICO Act was simultaneously used against Trump and Leftists who opposed the Cop Cities.
So out of all the calumnies of these institutions – Critical Theory cultism and Woke cancel culture, revolving doors with the State and Corporations, vaccine mandates, college administrators driving up the bloated costs of tuition (despite being funded through “endowments” via those revolving doors), feeding into the debt machine, etc. – its only when they cross the red line of Israel that he would withhold government funding (itself stolen from the taxpayers). His running-mate, J.D. Vance, who has a long hawkish pro-Israel record that he has somehow reconciled with non-interventionism elsewhere, lamented the pro-Palestine protestors for turning “college campuses into garbage dumps.” So its not all the other protests around various Woke dogmas and trends, or the insane things promoted over the decades by many academics at the highest levels of those institutions that have turned them into "garbage dumps"? He reiterated his Zionist cuckery in an interview with Newsmax, where he used lawyer-speak to claim the protestors “violate the law” which he bizarrely claimed has nothing to do with the First Amendment. Vance represents the future face of the Republican Party - but with the same old Zionist packaging.
My own personal view about the protests is they're mostly driven by a strange alliance of Cultural Marxists and tribalistic Muslims (not averse to working with Zionists when it comes to mass-immigration) for their own ideological reasons, notwithstanding ethnic Palestinians and principled anti-Zionists among them. Many frame it in terms of decolonization, speaking out on such issues as the Israeli role in training militarized police (but oblivious to how they enable this with their own Statism - i.e. an expanded State as the inevitable monopoly and instrument of violence); and fail to come to terms with their own disconnect from Indigeny by making it about the other.[7] They make Zionism a distant battle to fight by ignoring issues within our own backyard as AIPAC’s stranglehold upon U.S. foreign policy, erosion of free speech spearheaded by ADL and other Zionist organizations, and the Israeli subversion of American hi-tech via Talpiot and Unit 8200. Such protests misdirect it to a slumbering Woke phantom of “white supremacy” – oblivious to the fact that more than half of Israelis are Mizrahi (including many of the most fanatical Zionists). Such people would rather twist it within their own Marxist lenses, blaming it on such nebulous shibboleths obscuring (and thus enabling) the actual Globalist character of Zionism.
On the other side, the Woke Right has been treacherously running cover for AIPAC by twisting the protests as “anti-American,” to such an extent that the “frat brothers” who lowered the Palestinian flag and replaced it with an American flag at Chapel Hill, NC, were waving Israeli flags en masse and whined that donations were spent on a party instead of being directed to the Israeli war machine. They included the abomination of one flag that combined the U.S. and Israeli as if to confuse the two countries as one. Such displays of subservience to a foreign nation over truly American interests were numerous at the RNC, waved by people whose “patriotism” goes only so far as how far America goes into funding and fighting for Israel. One motivation for many of them is the strange fetishization of anything Jewish (at least as defined by Zionism) by Christian Zionists. Not learning anything from his first administration, Trump surrounds himself even now with such Swamp creatures as Mike Pompeo, the Zionist fanatic who spearheaded many of Trump's global efforts against BDS, and evokes his own religious programming to speak of Trump as a “savior” due to Israel. The MAGA movement generally lines up with the rest of the Republican Party (and the Democrats) in criminalizing Americans’ right to speak against and boycott Israel.
Trump’s connections to Israel are notorious. I exposed them during the 2016 campaign when I documented his Zionist oligarchs while consistently calling out those same links of Sanders and Clinton. After his election I continued to expose his lapdog status to Netanyahu throughout his presidency, including an article about his connections (via Swamp Kingmaker Jared Kushner) to Chabad, the fanatical Jewish supremacist organization with its own connections to Netanyahu. Two of my articles are reprinted in a recent publication. (Incidentally, the Woke Right has recently canceled conservative activist Candace Owens for her heretical views on Israel, AIPAC, and criticisms of Chabad founder Rabbi Menachem Schneerson). I saw some positive trends at the very end of his presidency with Pentagon shakeups of Neocon/pro-Israel war-profiteers (who shouldn't have been hired to begin with, and allowing others like Pompeo to remain), but since then he has only doubled down on kowtowing to his Zionist donors. In his April 2024 interview with Time Magazine, he professed his agenda as anything but MAGA: “I have been very loyal to Israel, more loyal than any other president. I've done more for Israel than any other president. Yeah, I will protect Israel,” even if that meant war with Iran. That same month he gave his blessing to a bipartisan National Security Supplemental that gave $26 billion to Israel and also included the largest disbursement of money to Ukraine.[8] Since then he has called for Israel to use nuclear weapons against Iran.
All his subservience has been met by the Democrats with competition, even bizarrely claiming he was “inadequately pro-Israel". The current Israeli war against Gaza has been signed off Biden, who proclaimed “I am a Zionist” in 2007, and has a lifelong record as a hawkish supporter of Israel. The Biden/Harris administration has funded the entire Israeli war machine as admitted by Israeli General Yitzhak Brick. Herself a recipient of $5.4 million from AIPAC, Kamala Harris reiterated her own lock-and-step with Netanyahu in her DNC speech: “Let me be clear, I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself,” even if it meant “whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists.” Trump whined that “She hates Israel – Wouldn’t even show up to Congress for Netanyahu’s session!,” but she personally expressed her “unwavering commitment” when she simply met Netanyahu at a different venue on 25 July, issuing a statement as slavishly pro-Israel as Trump.
Despite this, the spineless “Uncommitted Movement” enables what they claim to oppose when they said their objective was to “stop Trump” and ruled out voting for a third party, even when the Green campaign of Jill Stein/Butch Ware have taken a resolute stand against the Israeli war machine and ending the State’s funding of the Gaza holocaust (from the stolen resources of American workers and taxpayers). Contrary to the principled Abandon Harris movement, “Uncommitted” was a psyop created to neuter pro-Palestine protests and ensure it loses steam as a Zionist takes the White House either way. From the beginning of her campaign, Harris has indicated she will maintain the status quo of funding and arming Netanyahu with everything he wants. Those who claim that Trump is “worse” are unable to demonstrate just how worse it can get than has already happened in Gaza. Harris clearly represents the status quo as Vice President and is the candidate of Blackrock, the murderous Wall Street firm with a Globalist reach which was named in a recent UN report as one of the international firms profiting from the Israeli war machine. Two of her primary economic advisors – who would be carried over into a Harris regime – are Blackrock alumni who serve in the current White House. Everyone who supports and votes for either Trump or Harris are complicit no matter whatever mental gymnastics they use.
Political Formulas
and the Uniparty Theater
Such appeals to
authority by partisan proles demonstrate what Italian political scientist
Gaetano Mosca (1858-1941) termed a Political formula. These are any
beliefs and doctrines used to legitimize the ruling class, both used as
propaganda by the ruling class and causes by the ruled to enable that authority.
He named such political formulas used historically as “racial myth”, the “divine
right” of kings, and – more recently – “the will of the people”. They all
follow the same unscientific rationale whether couched in supernatural or “rational”
terms. Only recently have these formulas even pretended to be “scientific”,
coinciding with the growth of materialism.
“The political
formula can hardly be the same in two or more different societies; and
fundamental or even notable similarities between two or more political formulas
appear only where the peoples professing them have the same type of
civilization....According to the level of civilization in the peoples among
whom they are current, the various political formulas may be based either upon
supernatural beliefs or upon concepts which, if they do not correspond to
positive realities, at least appear to be rational. We shall not say that they
correspond in either case to scientific truths. A conscientious observer would
be obliged to confess that, if no one has ever seen the authentic document by
which the Lord empowered certain privileged persons or families to rule his
people on his behalf, neither can it be maintained that a popular election,
however liberal the suffrage may be, is ordinarily the expression of the will
of a people, or even of the will of the majority of a people. And yet that does
not mean that political formulas are mere quackeries aptly invented to trick
the masses into obedience. Anyone who viewed them in that light would fall into
grave error. The truth is that they answer a real need in man’s social nature; and
this need, so universally felt, of governing and knowing that one is governed
not on the basis of mere material or intellectual force, but on the basis of a
moral principle, has beyond any doubt a practical and a real importance.”
(Mosca, The Ruling Class, 1939; third edition, 1965, pp. 70-71)
Mosca represents a group of philosophers who went beyond the details of a ruling ideology, into an analysis of power dynamics and the continuity of the ruling class. (In the next installment, I’ll examine the “Iron Law of Oligarchy” of his associate, Robert Michels)….Mosca was realistic in that stratification of society into rulers and ruled is a general fact of political life. Not good or bad in and of itself, although moral values should judge the specific expression of those formulas. The ruling class control and lead what he calls “social forces”: human activity with any significant social and political influence. These increase and often become more abstract as society grows. Mosca rejected a “monistic” view of there being only one cause of history, whether that is “racial”, “climatic” or “economic materialist”, as there are too many complexities and exceptions to the monistic rule. Rather, he proposes an “interdependence” theory of historical causation: societal changes are determined by multiple factors, none of them solely decisive, but interacting upon each other. (James Burnham, The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom, London: Lume Books, 2020, pp. 75-76, 84).
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Only because most confuse outer authority, with its tricks and sleights of hand, with their own inner power |
As an animist and polytheist, I instinctively know that “interdependence” manifests within history as it does in the cycles of all Nature and the human psyche. As Above, So Below. The ebb and flow of political formulas also seek to fulfill the loss of mythos and initiation – a recurring theme within my own work). Yet they speak to the same primal needs within human beings, only their outer form changing with the specific culture and time. Especially when these political formulas are internalized by the ruled as “giving” them the semblance of “freedom”, are the rulers able to force their will upon the ruled such that the latter identify with them in a way similar as my earlier Jungian analysis. Mosca consistently demonstrates the bankruptcy of “democracy” (the notion of “majority” rule) and its propaganda appeals to “the popular will” which is actually the will to authority of a select ruling class:
“In reality the
dominion of an organized minority, obeying a single impulse, over the
unorganized majority is inevitable. The power of any minority is irresistible
as against each single individual in the majority, who stands alone before the
totality of the organized minority. A hundred men acting uniformly in concert,
with a common understanding, will triumph over a thousand men who are not in
accord and can therefore be dealt with one by one. Meanwhile it will be easier
for the former to act in concert and have a mutual understanding simply because
they are a hundred and not a thousand. It follows that the larger the political
community, the smaller the will the proportion of the governing minority to the
governing majority will be, the more difficult will it be for the majority to
organize for reaction against the minority.” (Mosca, op. cit., p. 53)
“What happens in
other forms of government - namely, that an organized minority imposes its will
on the disorganized majority - happens also and to perfection, whatever the
appearances to the contrary, under the representative system. When we say that
the voters 'choose' their representative, we are using a language that is very
inexact. The truth is that the representative was himself elected by the
voters, and, if that phrase should seem too inflexible and too harsh to fit
some cases, we might qualify it by saying that his friends have him elected. In
elections, as in all other manifestations of social life, those who have the
will and, especially, the moral, intellectual and material means to force their
will upon others take the lead over the others and command them.” (ibid., p.
Circling this subject back to the current 2024 U.S. election, final word in this section goes to one of the few people in Congress with any integrity or principles since Ron Paul: Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie. Speaking about an upcoming bill that will become either an “omnibus” or “continuing resolution”, Massie called out the “political theater, posturing, fake fighting” as such a bill is always passed at the close of each fiscal year: “Why do we always spend at least as much as we did last year, and why do we never cut spending? It's because Democrats want to grow the Welfare State, and Republicans want to grow the Military-Industrial Complex.” “And both parties are just fine letting the bureaucrats do their thing” because they are beholden to the same lobbying groups whose money writes the laws and buys their souls.
In such a system
built upon greed and debt, combined with the constant “perfection” of more
perfidious and subtle means of propaganda to match the decentralized and free
access to information outside their overton windows, we can always fall back on
human nature itself. Their authority has only come from obscuring human nature –
and people’s innate powers. That is why they depend so much on mystique of a
power that appears to be outside of ourselves since its allegedly of a
different nature than what constitutes the human being, so can “only” be
invested in those with authority. Yet the reality is even the most ruthless
authoritarian – and the donors who back them – are ultimately subject to the
same human nature as the rest of us:
“Man neither
creates nor destroys any of the forces of nature, but he can study their manner
of acting and their interplay and turn them to his advantage. That is the
procedure in agriculture, in navigation, in mechanics. By following it modern
science has been able to achieve almost miraculous results in those fields of
activity. The method surely cannot be different when the social sciences are
involved, and in fact it is the very method that has already yielded fair
results in political economy. Yet we must not disguise the fact that in the
social sciences in general the difficulties to be overcome are enormously
greater. Not only does the greater complexity of psychological laws (or
constant tendencies) that are common to all human groups make it harder to
determine their operation, but it is easier to observe the things that go on
about us than it is to observe the things we ourselves do. Man can much more
easily study the phenomena of physics, chemistry or botany than he can his own
instincts and his own passions.” (The Ruling Class, pp. 40-41)
The outer
trappings of authority serve only to mask the pitiful inner weaknesses of their
power; it only apparently translates into the latter because the ruled
yield their own powers to them and play within the “rules” of State…. The
American social critic and writer Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945) described two
contesting forces: “Social power” and “State power”. The former is man’s power
over nature, his cooperative transformation of resources and insights into
nature’s laws, for the mutual benefit of all participating individuals. State
power is the parasitic seizure of this production for the benefit of
nonproductive rulers, authority over man. (Nock, Our Enemy the State,
Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1946; cited in Murray Rothbard, The
Anatomy of the State, 1974, pp. 53-54). Of course, I would amend it: not
power over nature but a co-creating power within nature which
includes each of us. Much freedom comes from the balancing of social forces, a
multiplicity that still contains within it an inner unity – and not the false “unity”
claimed by the State for itself:
“Even granted that such a world [the world of so many utopians,
where conflicts and rivalries among different forces will have ended] could be
realized, it does not seem to us a desirable sort of world. So far in history,
freedom to think, to observe, to judge men and things serenely and
dispassionately, has been possible – always, be it understood, for a few
individuals – only in those societies in which numbers of different religious
and political currents have been struggling for dominion. That same condition….is
almost indispensable for the attainment of what is commonly called ‘political
liberty’ – in other words, the highest possible degree of justice in the
relations between governors and governed that is compatible with our imperfect
human nature." (The Ruling Class, p. 196)
“History teaches
that whenever, in the course of the ages, a social organization has exerted
such an influence in a beneficial way, it has done so because the individual
and collective will of the men who have held power in their hands has been
curbed and balanced by other men, who have occupied positions of absolute
independence and have had no common interests with those whom they have had to
curb and balance. It has been necessary, nay indispensable, that there should
be a multiplicity of political forces, that there should be many different
roads by which social importance could be acquired.” (ibid., pp. 291-292)
[To be continued....Among the subjects of the next installment: Political realignments, Synthesis, and the Neocon/Democratic alliance; Managerial State's ongoing erosion of free speech; Patriot Act 2024?; and Oligarchy behind the Mask of "Democracy"...The series will continue even after the (s)election since the Managerial State will only grow its authority no matter its results. - SJ]
Footnotes and Source:
[1] The Media and
the Democratic hive-mind fear-mongers about Project 2025 for advocating that
government agencies be cut, especially those which ensure unfettered access to
abortion or the State education system. Yet they say absolutely nothing about
the Project's foreign policy prescriptions, as they agree with those parts. So the
Project calls for "ensuring Israel has both the military means and the
political support and flexibility to take what it deems to be appropriate
measures"; and "The United States must regain its role as the
'Arsenal of Democracy" via increased Pentagon arms-sales worldwide. Aside
from culture war distractions and its rhetoric (never actually carried out by
Republican administrations) of decreasing the size and scope of government, Project
2025 is really no different from the Democrats' own agenda. By maintaining the
flow of billions to Israel and ramping up the War Machine, the Project's
authors are liars in their claims to decreasing the Managerial State.
[2] The apparent
contradiction is resolved by the principle of "Anarcho-Tyranny",
coined by Sam Francis in 1993. Although I strongly disagree with equating
anarchy and "chaos" (or that anything used by the State has any
semblance to Anarchy "no rulers"), there's validity to the theory
itself: Authoritarians selectively apply or disregard their own laws and
regulations whenever it suits them. We see how in 2020, nearly all state
governments imposed arbitrary (and counter-Constitutional) lockdown orders
regulating all aspects of daily life with varying draconian degrees. Yet their
same orders (social distancing, mask mandates, etc.) were simply disregarded
whenever violated by the authoritarians in their own circles, or with
State-sanctioned riots that wrecked cities in the name of "social
justice", or public celebrations of Biden's (s)election. They are not
bound by their own laws and regulations, which are mere means to entrench their
own authority at the expense of the ruled.
Countereconomics is an anti-Statist strategy proposed by the Canadian-American
anarchist thinker Samuel Edward Konkin III. Founder of the philosophy of
Agorism - called so because all transactions would take place within the
agora "open market", free from coercion - his ideas emphasize such
strategies of direct action that make the State irrelevant by setting up
parallel transactions. For more on Countereconomics, see Konkin's books, New
Libertarian Manifesto and An Agorist Primer. Konkin's ideas inspired
those of Derrick Broze, who expresses countereconomics in his book, How to
Opt-Out of the Technocratic State….And National Anarchists are most notable
for their practical actions in building parallel societies under the banner of For
the Community, Against the State.
[4] I capture this term Woke-Right from its creators, who intended it for quite different purposes. They are some former liberals who ran afoul of leftist cancel culture and propose a "radical centrist" perspective known most for its outreach to the right. They coined this term against online figures who express dissident views on Israel and Churchill. Somehow they’re oblivious not only that they are the ones who seek to gatekeep thought, but that their own ideas are held as dogma by the liberal/conservative Establishment and indeed all sectors of the Managerial State. So they are the actual Woke Right, seeking to cancel all opposition to the Zionist/Interventionist consensus.
[5] The American
libertarian philosopher and economist Murray Rothbard, himself of Jewish
ancestry, evoked property and land rights in defense of the Palestinians, going
so far as to write "the State of Israel is uniquely pernicious, because
its entire existence rests and continues to rest on a massive expropriation of
property and expulsion from the land." See his article, "The
Massacre," The Libertarian Forum, Oct. 1982, republished online at At a
time when most Marxists still supported an Israel dominated by socialist
Labor-Zionism, it was the Libertarian Rothbard who exposed the founding myths
of Israel in his 1967 article, "War Guilt in the Middle East".
[6] Trump using
the interests of a foreign nation to determine American immigration policy
shows the same sort of economic considerations behind unfettered
mass-immigration as artificially driven by Globalist "NGOs": cheap
labor for Big Business, dependent voters for the State, and mercenary bodies
for the War Machine. Its all connected to the system of debt which he, along
with his predecessors and now with Biden, have all fed into.
[7] Marxist
narratives about decolonization ultimately de-indigenize the peoples by
reworking their native struggles within Marxist theory that is as much obsessed
with economic value as the Corporatists/Capitalists they claim to oppose. Many
who latch upon those resistance struggles are not due to honest solidarity -
for if so they wouldn't be transposing it within their own ideological lens -
but a fetishization meant to fill the void by their own disconnect from
Indigeny; for most, a denial that they too are descended from historical tribes
linked to a specific biosphere. Yet their ideology is part of the same
mind-virus that disconnected their tribes from Indigeny in the first place.
[8] By sending foreign aid simultaneously within the same bill, by their blind support for giving Israel billions Trump and "MAGA" Republicans are likewise enabling the war in Ukraine despite their objections to the contrary. Its part of the same political theater where one side pretends to oppose something they enable. As for Ukraine, its a proxy war about fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian - obviously wanting Ukrainians to bleed. The beneficiaries are Bill Gates, Blackrock, and other war-profiteers fueling the war and seizing Ukrainian land for themselves. Notice the stress on proxy war: Putin’s Russia is part of the same dialectic and their Managerial State benefits and profits from this war. My numerous writings about Putin and Dugin demonstrate my rejection of this Ukraine/Russia dialectic where only the Globalists and their local agents benefit, never the people of either nation.